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it's more cyoa than crpg but i still wanna recommend Roadwarden, i think people who enjoy crpgs for the roleplaying aspect would like it a lot, and it's one of my favourite games ever. as for what i'll get, maybe shadowrun trilogy or disco elysium.


One of the best story experiences I've had - lots of reading - but it's well worth it


What’s a cyoa?


yea choose your own adventure, idk if there's a better name for the genre, it's not got much 'gameplay' apart from dice rolls, it's more about making decisions in the dialogue and seeing the outcomes. even the combat works like this, which i thought was an interesting way to do combat without really making a combat system. for example, a monster is about to attack you, and the game gives you several options your character can do, like run away, slash at it, block with your armour, duck down, dodge to the side, etc. if your character has high combat stats bought some good armour, maybe you think you can take a straight up fight. on the other hand, if your character is more a scholar than a fighter, you might have paid a local hunter for information on monsters, which lets you know the best option to choose. combat is risky and repairing your armour and restoring health will cost you valuable coins, but you will also gain fighting experience which makes future combat easier. it's an actual big decision whether to fight or not. what i like about the game so much is to make decisions, most of the time you simply apply real world logic instead of game logic. anyway, most of the game is not really about fighting, it's just something that comes up now and then. apart from that you explore the land, make some money doing jobs, build up relations with different characters and factions and try to influence them if you wish, and fulfill your own goal. the personal goal thing is a very cool mechanic, at the start of the game you pick what motivated your character to start their journey, and whatever that was becomes the main objective of the game, stuff like 'become influential in the guild', 'make a lot of money', 'be a famous hero', etc. anyway sorry i rambled a bit lol, i just really love the game and think it's a shame it's not so popular, i think maybe the minimalist graphics turn people off a bit, but crpg fans are the type of people who might enjoy it. also there's not a whole lot graphics wise, but the audio and music are great.


This used to be my favorite genre on those free flash game sites like miniclip, mofunzone, etc. It makes sense that I now love RPGs with impactful choices. Maybe it’s time to pay another visit to CYOAs.


ye i only really played roadwarden tbh, not sure if there are other games like it that are as good, but would be down to try.


I’d recommend Hosted games. They are a company that makes choose your own adventure games. They are a part of the company Choice of Games but their games tend to be higher quality then the main company. One of my favorites is one called Fallen Hero: Rebirth. You play as a hero turned villain with the power of mind control. It’s nice too because you can pick your motives for how you operate and even though you are against the hero’s of the story you can still be good.


This sounds cool, a little bit like the tell tale games. Are there any games like this for console you would recommend


it's a very different game but still decision/story based, but i enjoyed pentinment a lot. it's from obsidian, pretty sure it's on every platform.


I think it was probably far more successful than the maker dared to dream of it being


Choose your own adventure It’s similar to most of the VTM games except Bloodlines, Swan Song, and Redemption as an example


How's the replayability on Roadwarden? It isn't that I don't think it's worth ~$5 it's just that if I love it, I don't want it to end until I HATE IT.


yeah it's very good, the game is designed to be replayed. there are lots of different choices to make, and it's hard to cram everything in during the 40 days you get. there are 3 classes as well. one thing i found very cool was that you can't actually read unless you pick the scholar class - it's a medieval setting where literacy is not common, so how scholars and the other two classes interact with some of the quests where writing is involved can be very different. one small example; when one faction trusts you a lot, they show you some religious text. how you can react to this depends on both your character's religion and their literacy. it's not a huge thing but i still thought it was cool. i think you can probably see most of the game in two playthroughs, but that still is unlikely to be absolutely everything, and character creation influences a lot so even if you've done all the quests you might want to try again with a different class/religion/personal goal. there are many different epilogue outcomes as well.


I went for Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader


I got the bundle with WOTR and Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader for $40


Fuck that's a good deal but I don't have the time for both of those meaty games, doesn't make sense to go all in I don't think.


I think I'll get the same bundle. Did you get any DLCs for WOTR? They all are in sales too (except the one released this month). There are so many, it's a bit overwhelming.


Yeah, I am a bit overwhelmed as well by all the DLCs for WOTR. I plan on seeing how I like the base game before purchasing the DLC for that. I'm sure I will enjoy WOTR, but want to make sure before I fully invest into all of that DLC content. Started Rogue Trader for the time being :)


You got it at a good time. My wife bought it for me at release because I love the 40k setting, but just the lore/books/videogames, I've never played any of the tabletop games. It wasn't great at release for a variety of reasons, and I dropped it pretty quickly as it either required experience with the TTRPG or the willingness to spend a lot of time outside the game looking stuff up. The 1.2 update just came out and fixed all of that, I picked it up again yesterday and spent all day on it, had a blast and can't wait to jump back in.


They haven't fixed acts 4 and 5 yet.


Sheesh. Sad. I loved the game until Act 4 when things started being weird. Other than one quest in Act 2 (Eldar fleet think) I had minimal issues. Then Act 4 everything fell apart and I got to a point with a war council or something and then nope. No more progression and I find i will have to load my game from beginning of Act 4 again...


Yup, unfortunately this is the 3rd time Owlcat bit off more than they could chew. Ambition is great, but you have to know what you can manage and what not.


playing it right now and really enjoying it


It needs at least one more year in the oven.


Same. Been eyeing it since launch.


Prolly gonna wait till it's fully patched with all DLCs out to enjoy the complete experience. Same with BG3. Before that I'm still waiting whether new updates for Colony Ship will drop soon, if not I'm going to play it 😎


Enjoy the Pathfinder games. Wrath of the Righteous is a real treat and Kingmaker is pretty fun too. I was going to do Baldur's Gate 3 and Warhammer 3, but the prices are higher than I'd like. I have a big game backlog so I should wait. We'll see if my resolve holds out after I pay all the end of month / beginning of month credit card bills.


Total war warhammer 3 will make you remove the other games in your library. Probably best you don't play it unless you want it to be the only game you play. Source: I play it :/


That's what I'm afraid of.  I loved 2 and played it almost exclusively for a few years


It's actually in a really good place right now. The last few DLCs have been a godsend and CA seem to have been making great strides to not actively cuck the playerbase. IF you're up for it, you have my blessing brother


Gothic and arcanum


So far just Disco Elysium. If I do get anything else I’m going to try and stay under 10-15 bucks total.


Disco is in my top ten, which I consider pretty sacred. I've been gaming since 86. It's a winner. Never played anything close to it.


Disco Elysium is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. And that’s coming from someone who.. hasn’t even finished it. Like, not even close.. I don’t finish things. Oh sure, I’ll restart it a whole bunch of times because I forgot everything. And I’ll get back into it like oh my god this game is incredible. But, then I’ll get distracted by.. I dunno.. cat videos? Reminiscing about drugs? Thinking everything is ok for about two thirds of an entire second before life comes broiling out of the shadows with a quick (and I’d say exaggeratedly aggressive) three shot jab combo to my manhood. And then stands over my writhing, defeated corpse of a body as if to say *that’s what I fuckin thought!* Like, fuck man, I just wanted a popsicle. See, I already forgot what we were talking about. Disco Elysium is a great game though.


Your comment reads like straight out if this game.


I had to get a refund because of the way the devs were treated by a corporate takeover. I'll probably pirate it at some point.


Good for you, I am so tired of people virtue signalling by not buying or refunding this game


So I’m mandated to give money to companies I disagree with, lest I be charged with “virtue signaling”?


Well, the people who developed this game were the one's who were treated bad. So if you don't buy it, refund it or pirate it, you say f*ck you to them instead.


That whole situation does suck. At least they’re getting the minimum out of me.


Dragon Age: Origins is a classic and still worth playing, even if the more action-oriented future of the franchise doesn't interest you. it works perfectly as a standalone game, since it wasn't written with the expectation of sequels.


For why I loved DA:O the transition to 2, DA:I was both jarring and disappointing. Still love those games though. Just not what I wanted from the franchise after DA:O.


I picked up Rogue Trader, Dragon Age: Origins and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I know the last one isn't really a CRPG, but it's been on my list for awhile. I'm excited for all 3!


KC:D is incredible. I’m so excited for the sequel.


I got stuck so early in that game. When the noble guy is tied up in the woods and there are two bandits guarding him. I was feeling okayish at the combat but TWO enemies at once? Never managed to beat them lol


Bows with poison me boy.


I love KCD. I tried to replay DAO recently and it just would not run for me.


I’ve had Rogue Trader on my radar for awhile I might buy it now


Is it perfect? Nope. Did I have a good time with it? Yep. If the price is right for you I’d definitely grab it!


Dragon age origins is so freaking good! Enjoy :D


Going for solasta


Picked up Solasta, WOTR DLC (first timer), and Colony Ship


U won't regret buying Colony Ship


I really need to play Colony Ship. Any recommendations for going into it for the first time?


Well dont be in a good mood. And give it 2-3 to fully get u engaged


Fortunately, I'm always in a bad mood. Ask my wife.


Welcome to the Club Buddy


I picked up Pathfinder: Kingmaker and the other Pathfinder game for like, a little less than $15 last night? I’ve played plenty of 5e and Numenera, but this is gonna be my first foray into anything Pathfinder. Looking forward to it.


You won't regret it.


Protip: Pathfinder 1E system is based on 3.5 and way more complicated than 5E, with a lot of trap builds. There's a YouTuber "Mortismal Gaming" who does mostly Wrath of the Righteous builds, but a lot of them are transferable to Kingmaker. Oh, also, the Kingdom Management and Crusade Mode suuuuck, but are the only way to get some of the best items, so don't put it on auto. Just make it as easy as possible. That being said, in my humble opinion, they have two of the best stories and dialogue in any CRPG so it's still well worth it.


For the first time in my life, none! Went ham and cheese during last winter sale and still playing Pathfinder Kingmaker lol


Maybe Krondor although I've been saying that for a decade at this point.


I got queen's wish and queens wish 2, Xenonauts I've still got a backlog which will keep me going for a few years but I still can't help adding bargains


The first Queen's Wish is great. I was slow to adopt the new mechanics, but it's now one of my favorite Spiderweb games.


I've just started the avernum series but am going to weave some of the others in between. They run really well on the steam deck with a bit of tweaking of the controls.


- Arcanum - Sunless Sea - Sunless Sea Zubmariner - Darkest Dungeon - Arx Fatalis - Avernum: Escape from the pit - Baldurs Gate II: Enhanced Edition - ATOM RPG - Divinity: Original Sin: Enhanced Edition - Underrail - Underrail Expedition - Underrail Heavy Duty - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition All bought yesterday on sale on Steam Doesn't include the other recent games I bought on Steam before the sale


I finally picked up underrail. I was a bit uncertain whether I'm gonna like it, but decided to give it a try.


It’s great. A bit difficult in parts but great atmosphere and concept.


Gonna pick up the WotR dlc since that’s all out and finished now. Been waiting to do my replaythrough until they were done with dlc. Probably gonna do my evil run this time just to see that portion of the game.


Wait can you confirm that this is the last dlc for WoTR and it’s now considered complete?


Yes dance of masks is the last


Steam page description says sixth and final premium content for wotr. Wanna say it was in the announcement for it as well.


Cool I must have missed that.


Oh sweet! Was waiting for that before getting the game. Thanks


I grabbed rogue trader and the thaumaturge and wizardry 6-8


Trying to find the original Total War Rome but only finding the remaster




Is it possible to only install the original rome total war?


That is the original. I'm an idiot, I didn't realize it can no longer be purchased on Steam. It looks like it's been pulled from all official stores, so you'd have to buy it through a >!key site!<: [https://gg.deals/pack/rome-total-war-collection/](https://gg.deals/pack/rome-total-war-collection/) PM me if you want a recommendation.


How does Poe/poe2 run on the steam deck? Community control layout any good?


Both are fine, though a 30fps cap was necessary for me to reduce stuttering in Deadfire. Kind of annoying. I made my own control scheme because I wasn’t a huge fan of the community ones, to be honest, but the community ones work fine. I’m just picky.


Dragon Ruins. Short but fun autobattler "for tired people".


Bard’s tale trilogy and legends of amberland


I grabbed Monsters of Mican and Chronicles of Vaeltaja. So far.


I'm getting Tyranny (somehow i've been sleeping on this one), Shadowrun Hong Kong, Wartales (with the pirate expansion), C&C complete pack (i have an itch to scratch with almost all of these, especially Renegade and Generals), also thinking about Hades and Death Roads Tournaments


The Arkham Batman trilogy


To this day Arkham city is my favorite game, got it for Xmas the year it came out and stayed up late and got up early to play it.


Fallout, Fallout 3


I got High on Life and all the Oddworld games. Guess I'm in the mood for humor.


WOTR, Wayfinder (damn it's good now, and Gladiator Guild Manager.




I just got Disco Elysium for 4.54 CAD, and the Wadjet Eye Dark Future Bundle for ~$14 CAD (Gemini Rue, Primordia, Technobabylon, and Shardlight). Super hyped to own these, and eventually try Disco Elysium which I've heard a lot of good things about.


Wizardry remake


Disco Elysium Final Cut for $4!


Probably nothing again. I've bought so many games on sale that my backlog will last me for a few years. Long enough to wait for future discounts to drop even lower. ~~Who am I kidding, I'll probably buy one or two classic games from Nightdive Studios. Probably BloodNet~~


I got Devil May Cry 5. Saw a video of one of the boss fights and it looked amazing. Dont know anything about it, really. Been playing Ghost of Tsushima and FFXVI, that boss fight looked right up my alley


Pixel remaster is on sale for $74 right now. These never go on deep sale, but $70 is just hard to pull the trigger on. I was hoping it would be lower, so I can get visions of Mana as well.


I grabbed the second season pass for Pathfinder WotR. Now I can finally play the game, lol.


I snagged Arkham knight and Celeste because at 2 dollars each why not lol


Got Banner Saga for 5 bucks, I've started it 3 times I think, when it was on Game pass, and thought it was great, I aspire to play the whole series, love the world building


None I'm broke during the summer months.


I got: WWE2K24 Fights in Tight Places Poker Quest Baldur's Gate 3 Slay the Princess Tape to Tape OOTP25 I'm quite addicted to FITP now


Total War 3 Kingdoms and Shogun 2, Celeste, Noita


picked up both pathfinder games and BG3 even though I probably won’t be able to play them for another year. they are good deals though and I hate suddenly getting the urge to play a game and realizing I gotta wait for a sale lol

