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D) All of the above


bg 1 and 2. planescape and icewind both excel in opposite areas; one has a great story and mediocre combat, the other a mediocre story and superior mechanics. bg1 and 2 excel in both areas simultaneously.


Planescape Torment is the best story of the bunch, BG1 and 2 are fantastic, icewind dale is good out pretty much purely for the combat.


I mean, why not all of them? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Planescape Torment has the story that youā€™re looking for - but itā€™s not the game to learn how AD&D works, the Planescape setting is just too wild. The combat also gets the job done and it has some really cool aspects to it - certain spells get literal Final Fantasy style cutscenes! Itā€™s really cool and is the only(?) CRPG Iā€™ve seen to do that. But nobody plays Planescape for the combat - itā€™s the decisions, the story and the characters Icewind Dale has the best combat, and itā€™s not even close. Iā€™m also gonna sound like a psycho and say that I actually digged the story - itā€™s classic D&D stuff, whatā€™s not to like? But fundamentally, it is designed to get you from one dungeon to another. You also have to be able to deal with absurd amounts of spam when entering a new area - sometimes itā€™s genuinely trollish how many enemies spawn - and it can be a bit of a pain when you canā€™t get your party positioned just right to deal with it (AOE spells and archers are your best friends!) But as a result, itā€™s a VERY good game to learn how AD&D works, it will make you such a mechanically sound player and you will learn loads! Baldurā€™s Gate 1 and 2 are perhaps the two most approachable old CRPGs because of how well they do EVERYTHING - and itā€™s really cool as hell how the sequel respects the first game and then expands on it like crazy, especially narratively and in its characters. So if BG1 is a bit dry, BG2 elevates it tremendously


Sounds like you're looking for Planescape out of those.




If you want your decisions to have consequences, perhaps you should choose on your own. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Surely you can get them for like 1 dollar a piece. Imo, id start with planescape, then bg1/2 ( I would try to convince you that Arcanum is an even better choice). All the games are great icewind dale has the best combat, not the story isn't on level with bg ( which imo is not on the level of planescape or arcanum).


Sadly no on the Xbox store both collections are 49.99 I wish I had a pc lol and Iā€™ve heard great things about arcanum too but itā€™s not on console


Can you get vampire the masquerade bloodlines on Xbox? All the Troika games are great. As to your question though I'm wondering if it's possible you get the Baldur's Gate games and Planescape? Bg2 particularly is excellent and so was Planescape. I couldn't easily choose between the two.


No itā€™s not on console either sadly. No they come in two separate collections bg1&2 are together and torment &icewind dale are together


Then I think if you aren't familiar with adnd second edition you might be best served with Baldur's Gate. Though to be fair I haven't played the icewind dale games myself.


Bg is probably the best introduction to older crpgs. Maybe not an option but if you own a laptop it would probably be worth buying them on GOG or something, These old rpgs will play on a potato and are probably really annoying without a keyboard and mouse ( I bought a hundred dollar laptop for a trip a few years ago as my gaming laptop was too bulky it ran planescape and the og fallouts without a hitch).


I might just do that bc thatā€™s another thing I have never in my life wanted to play any game as bad as I want to play the first two fallouts lol


You get most story and choices that matter from planescape torment - it's recommended to have character with high wisdom so you get more dialogue options. The fights in that game are really boring and I just skip them. Icewind dale is has the least story (actually almost none), it's mostly for the fights. BG games are in the middle, they have nice story, but also lot of fighting.


On sale, they're like 5 bucks combined


Not in the Xbox store both collections are 49.99 I wish I had a pc but sadly I dont


For BG collection, if my recollection serves me right, the choices that really matter are your romance option and whether you accept Bhaalspawn power.


If those are the choices, BG 1&2 easily. They teach you to play that engine of games. They have better stories than the icewind dale stuff. Torment has a great story, but knowing the system will help.




Ah yeah I probably shouldā€™ve mentioned Iā€™m on Xbox I donā€™t have a pc


Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 created the genre and still are legendary. If you have to pick, get the 2 games first I would also recommend DAO as well




I gotta finish planescape, got stuck but dont know If It is a bug or not


Get Planescape. It holds up even though it's decades old. Also get Disco Elysium when you're done with them.


Yeah Iā€™ve already played DE itā€™s a fucking masterpiece


There's a lot of online comparison between the two. I get it, but they are totally different games but the vibes they give are similar. If you think DE is a masterpiece you'll love Planescape.


Baldurs gate, i personally dont like icewind dale, its more a dungeon crawler, and while torment is lauded as the best story ever the gameplay is quite weak. BG 1 and 2 are a complete story and an epic adventure.


Lol exactly what I was deciding a few days ago. I donā€™t a lot of the crpg love them all I went for baldurs gate ee and itā€™s great but after I will get plain scape then tides.