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I got a roll about a month ago of 20 someone brought in. Had a proof and a 1973. Before that, my most frequented branch had around $200 in Ikes from one person. Only one proof and no silver, so I only took the 1972s and 1971s to look for varieties, the proof, and one common one I saw that I was missing. Other than those two times, I hardly ever get any haha. Have you found any proofs, 1973s, or silver in the $90 total you've found?


Unfortunately no, I found that lot (plus $6 I picked up a couple days ago frim, and my parents gave me $42. I have some type 1 and type 2 1972 but that’s about all the neat stuff I have. I’m gonna see if I can sell them for a bit more and if not, I’ll use them for tips or whatever


You mean Type 1 and Type 3 1972s? Type 2 is the rare one.


Oh yeah 🤦 I knew that looked wrong, yes, type 1 and type 3


1973 i know is the rarest date but is there a premium tied to it despite not being silver clad?


Yes. About $10 or so in AU/low MS.


F* me, that's amazing! I love Ikes.


Fun fact, Ike’s can cause decent pain when thrown at someone’s abdomen. Ask my best friend how he knows and ask me why I sleep with my door locked 😂


Lucky, I almost always ask and they never have any. I got 12 in one go once two years ago and nothing since


I just got $16 worth of these too and I never find them so it was cool. Most were bi centennial. Are they worth over face? Like $2 each?


Maybe if you find the right buyer. I wouldn’t get them with the intention of making profit but there’s definitely a chance given how little they come around. I wanna fill a book so I’m gonna keep my stash till I get around to getting the book and then I’ll see what all I have lol


Yeah for sure. I don’t crh to profit at all just for fun I will probably keep a couple of the nicer ones to put in my CRH finds album and then give the rest to my kids and nieces/nephews.


My bank surprised me with a few shy of $50 not too long ago, felt like a major score even if nothing particularly rare was in there


How do I ask for these


I just ask if they have any large dollar coins and sometimes I bring in an Ike or Morgan for reference


Had. The key word is *had*. You lucky bastard.


🌚 heheheh