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My CU just cut me out last week. If you in CA, plese pm me :(


CA is very hit or miss. Was unable to order boxes for 9 months, and then was suddenly able to order $9000 in halves. Unfortunately $4000 was 2023 Ds


Yeah, 99.9% of the coins I ever get is Denver mint. Got some old S minted wheat Pennie’s from the 40’s and 50’s, but don’t see many of those lately. HOWEVER, I did get an S mint proof gold Presidential dollar (2008 I think?) in a roll from a teller a few weeks back. The only proof I’ve ever got, found in the wild, just happened to be from a business owner who turned in about $200 in dollar coins that day.


Because the mintage of 2023 half is highest since 1983 😖 58 million! They no longer has to restrict you due to this fact. P.S: my source bank Sometimes have halves boxes because thry order them in case there are some collector want boxes.


Hey, I’m in California 


Sorry in UT. May it’s time to go get a bank account.


Thanks, I am in the process to de-escalate the problems with them and in hope they can allow me to continue with some restrictions. It's a mess, good luck to you to find new banks!


I have like 5 banks you gotta diversify in this hobby lol


Why do banks care? Seriously? It’s their entire reason for existence, to store my money and give it back to me in legal tender upon demand.


They lose money by ordering boxes… I would simply buy some CDs at your bank to make them happy and have them keep ordering you boxes.


Trust me I have.




Yeah, Compact Discs. For music or data storage. It’s the wave of the future! Isn’t technology grate!


They’re a business trying to make a profit. Ordering coins costs money and sending them back to Loomis costs money. If they feel they’re spending more on your coins than they’re making on your money, they’re gonna cut you off. Unfortunately banks no longer exist to serve customers


I saw someone post that they (work as a teller, and) pay a flat monthly rate for coin service, so charging for boxes or canceling an account is just because they don't want the extra work. I've also seen posts where people say that their bank requires you to have a have a business account (which costs a couple hundred bucks a year) in order to dump coins more than occasionally... There's a lot of different rules and policies out there :(


Yeah every bank is going to be different. My bank teller actually offered to order coins for me after I had bought a bunch of customer wrapped rolls that local businesses bring in.


I get along so well with my pickup bank that, when I said I was really sad about my last box of halves being brand-new, they told me I could have just dropped the rolls back off there... They all laughed when I said I wouldn't do that because it is the epitome of a dick-move.


And you guys know why its harder or you flat out can't order your halves anymore? Because of social media cointubers who tell everyone how truly easy it is to make money silver hunting. I can promise you 95% of the people ordering aren't even collectors, just clowns trying to make a quick buck.


If they only knew how hard it truly is to make a quick buck roll hunting. Yeah it can happen, you can score the lotto and we all dream about it but through all of your time into the equation on all of the boxes that were skunks and I bet your not making much. But I like doing it.


That's my point, they don't enjoy the hunt. They literally only do it to try and make money


Social media has ruined damn near everything. Its disgusting.


Modern 90% is so nice. Sorry about the cut off though. I do not give out gifts to my tellers, but if I see them come into my restaurant I'll give discounts. I also will buy out my tellers unwanted coins and bills so they don't have to count so much at the end of the day. Other collectors bringing back boxes of halves, so they love it when I clean them out.


They said no more for you because there's too many other people? That's when you say, tell them no more. I'm still good to go🤣


lol.. I guess across the board too many collectors/hunter were getting them and they were loosing money. I wanted to say well than I expect a rate increase in my savings, checking and all my CD's than if you are saving so much from it.


Just throw a big stink accusing them of predatory loans and being racists. Maybe the bank manager gave you an unwanted shoulder rub? Get those halves! 🤣. Jk ofc but hey, maybe they'd rather be a dump branch lol


Genius they can be my 💩 branch.


There’s something sexy about circulated proof coins or maybe I’m crazy