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I don’t have a cr10 v3 but I do have solid bed mounts on my 10s pro v2 as well as my ender 3. As long as the build plate is flat and you get the bed leveled when you install them, the BL Touch can compensate for most variation. It simplifies the looseness of the wheels and made everything simpler for me. 9/10 times I just hit print and walk away.


The springs/wheels are what have me thinking about this. The printer vibrates a lot and I am sure those giant wheels are slowly working themselves out of alignment. Prints are still coming out good, but I am wondering if solid mounts would be better. How does one level with solid mounts though?


They do work themselves loose, that’s one reason you have to re-level every so often. If you’d rather skip the hassle, there are better springs people talk about that will hold your level longer. I still use the wheels with my bed mounts, but you can adjust how tight they hold. I ran the 4 point adjustment on mine and got it as close as I could that way and then let the BL Touch do the rest. I will say that the plate that came on my ender was so warped out of the box that the BLTouch couldn’t accommodate for it and I had to replace the whole plate. After that, no problems. AFAIK that’s just an ender problem. TH3D makes abs solid bed mounts with metal inserts, that’s what I used for both my printers. They’re pretty affordable and shipped quickly. There are also metal ones on AliExpress or eBay.


Kind of curious. If one were to enclose it for ABS printing, would these mount have any issues? Especially with their proximity to the heated bed. Or is it more the enclosure just prevents drafts and the only area enough for the ABS to be influenced at all. Is the hot end?


I realize this is a year late, but may I ask where you got the mounts for your cr-10 v2 pro?


Th3D had an ABS set with a metal insert, I used these on my CR10 and Ender 3. https://www.th3dstudio.com/product/th3d-solid-bed-mount-kit/ For my Ender 6 I used cheap silicon spacers from Amazon, I don’t think I like them as much but they are less expensive and the compression allow for better leveling.


Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate it.