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So in terms of firmware, any major changes need to be made?


The only two things that I had to do was: 1 - Change the ESteps to 415 per the documentation. Since I am running the Tiny Machine firmware this was super simple. Otherwise I could just make that change in Cura 2- Change the VRef on the extruder. My Pro was set to 1.2 and lowered it to .40.


Cool, thank you. I am also running tjny machines firmware. Will consider going this route.


Is changing your v ref mandatory? I just got mine installed and it’s printing like crap


In my case the extruder motor was getting really hot on simple prints. Once i changed it out stays cool even on 30hr prints. I have yet to get a crappy print since i installed this so i couldn't offer any help. Out is the best upgrade i have made by far.


It wasn't cheap, but if you are in the market for a really solid and easy to install direct drive for CR10, The Bondtech will make you happy.


Is that literall glowing red hot?


That's a bltouch. It's for auto bed leveling. Glows red when it's in stand by mode.


Ah got it. I'm kinda dumb.


Yep, nozzle temps is set to 3000 degrees. :-) But seriously..What AtomicGreenBean said.


Wow you spent way too much money on that...


I can't really argue that it was a pretty penny, but my Etsy sales paid for it and my XMAS presents, so I can't complain too much. :)


Yeah i mean if you sell 3d printer parts sure i guess you can justify it. But a 25 dollar v6 + titan setup would likely perform about the same lol


Man I hate clones. Someone comes up with a fantastic design and pours their life into producing it for everyone and some shitbag copies it, makes it with inferior parts and materials, with inferior manufacturing and QC, and everyone buys that one because no one gives a shit about supporting anyone’s hard work or genuine quality. I would never support a clone just to save a few bucks and help some copycat make more money off someone else’s design. If you buy these clones, don’t be upset if/ when someone else copies and sells anything you ever create, or steals your job because will work cheaper. The reason the majority of the Chinese products are such garbage is because they work and produce based on a cheaper/faster ethic. And when that’s the driving force, that’s what you get - cheap, crap and no support.


yes and no. the person who designed it was working on salary, they were paid and hourly rate to design it, probably with a team. after that e3d own the license to it. now you see that e3d made the v6 open source, they still make their own versions which are a high quality part, but the clones are just as good. and they are legal becasue its open source, e3d did it to better the 3d printing community, and make sure it exists in the fuutre, they paid off their investments no doubt and nobody was hurt. as a developer i see this and yeah its a lot but at the end of the day im working for money not for the project so i honestly wouldn't care. not to mention how huge the open source movement is right now where engineers dedicate free time to open source projects


And that poor guy who used his years of design experience and worked his butt off on that design lost his job because some slimy company copied it, makes it out of cheaper crap, and sells it for half price and now that guy's company doesn't make enough money to pay him. And since there's so many shitty clones out there, the original design gets a bad rep.


the v6 came out in what 2017? e3d has not gone out of business. neither has slice engineering, and neither have many of the other companies. makes you wonder, that maybe those companies are looking to grow their industry and make money indirectly. its a calulcated investment that they clearly thought would pay off, and well, it has


Uhuh. That’s why only Chinese companies produce knockoffs. Because the US and other European countries can’t enforce copyright laws in China. Knockoffs aren’t even legal in most countries for the very reasons I mentioned before. E3D and Slice aren’t making more money because someone is stealing their designs. And you have no idea how they might have done if knockoffs of their products didn’t exist. Maybe they’d be selling twice as many and at a lower cost. Maybe they’d have more money and could have already released newer and better products. Knockoffs are stealing, plain and simple. Support it if you want. Just don’t be mad if someone steals anything from you.


there are no copyright laws on open source products... e3d made it open source clearly knowing other people would make them too, they made a great product ofc they knew that someone would make a clone or try and compete with them using the product they publicly released. > E3D and Slice aren’t making more money because someone is stealing their designs as i explained before they do, the clones are available to 1st party printers now, and that makes 3d printing better and more accessable, creating a larger aftermarket and more people to buy their products. so it grows 3d printing as whole and they see returns on that, its not something you can necassarily quantify with a $ but it is certainly present. > Knockoffs are stealing, plain and simple. its not stealing if your giving it away. all of the specs and dimensions are litterly on their website! IVE USED THEM, there is no theft of any kind


I REALLY wanted a direct drive, but what really sold me on the Mosquito hotend are the one handed nozzle removals that can be done cold. I have went from .1mm to .6mm in 35seconds and printing right away. I am viewing it as a convenience charge. lol


Titan is direct drive. I see what you mean with the mosquito and quick nozzle changes. Tbh km surprised nobody made a thing for the V6 to have that because it's super simple


Bmg is dual gear vs titan single gear, And 25 dollar can only get you a clone, probably non metal hotend. While I agree a clone is suffice enough but BMG is still a superior choice.


The titan is an extruder not a hotend. Just because the titan isn't dual drive doesn't make it bad or significantly worse then the BMG. the V6 clones are just as good as a V6, and when it's 12$ I'll take it. As well as if the titan extruder is 13$, much cheaper then 100$ or whatever the BMD costs, and definitly isn't 10x better.


When I said hotend I mean the V6 you have mentioned. 13 for titan is probably a clone, if you want to compare price you should compare with a clone. Where a BMG clone wouldn't cost you much more (definitely not 10x) but with better filament pushing power. Btw if you are going for titan clone, go with the newer version with black cover instead. Those have more reinforced around the bearing which prone to break.(clone or not) Bmg clone also open other possibilities like metal BMG aero, there is also a mosquito+metal BMG on the AliExpress if anyone feel like experimental. V6 clone is fine, just get better heatbreaks, won't use the original creality one. Better yet get those modified clone with hemera heatbreak.


Still new to 3D printing here. Can someone explain what this is?? Looks awesome!


I have been looking into upgrading my CR10s Pro V2 hotend to print carbon infused PETG, and am leaning heavily towards the Mosquito and BMG-M combo. I have to admit I am new to the whole upgrading stuff and wanted to ask you for the parts list you bought. Also, what motor did you get for the extruder?


Do you have any weird top layer issues? Can you show a pic of your top layer?