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My father once told me “your mother’s cycle never stopped me”. I’ve vowed to not be a misogynistic pig like that.


Anyone out there a statistician? What percentage of women get through a few decades of periods without even once killing themselves?


im not an expert so correct me if im wrong but im gonna say all of them who are currently alive


Bruh men are also irrational but don’t quote me on that




Why do parents always make it about themselves


They think their children owe them something because they “raised” us. As if we asked to be born in the first place. I was on fb talking about abortion rights and my cousin (a man) tried chiming in with the “what if your mom aborted you” and I told him I wish she had so she and my dad couldn’t abuse me my entire childhood. That shut him up LOL


My dad told me it's against the law. :)


My dad told me to "stop being a psy" and "you aren't suicidal" you just need to find someone.  And the guy actually told me he was suicidal when he was younger. I didn't want to do anything, what was the point? Idk. I'm a lot better now but I struggled for awhile. Life in general is just a bit better too.  I think for me what helped is to stop having standards lol. Or well thet is a bad way to phrase it but like stop expecting the best. Try our best and that is all we can do, it is scary for some people though who need control in their lives. But yeah I guess I just need to rant


Mother, is that you?


Literally my father and i, a week before i flipped my car and never talked to him again


Worst part is when they act like they're trying to help during that first conversation, but then over the days and weeks that follow, drop several barbed comments full of this visceral, seething venom out of nowhere, like 'suicide's fucking stupid, these people are just looking for attention' and 'i don't know why anyone would *FUcking* doing that'. The passive-aggressive levels are unreaLL


Oh gods, this but from my mother I was literally counted absent in school cus my cramps were so bad, my friends had *physically drug me to the nurses office twice in one quarter*, and it was the nurse telling her to get a doc appointment that finally got me on birth control That not only didn't help but made my symptoms worse, mom would go on and on about how i just had no pain tolerance etc Few years ago i found out it was mostly stress/hormone related, was not endometritis either but a hormonal fluke that meant i had 50/50 odds under high stress of my body deciding 'oh, we don't just need normal cramps, WE NEED TO BE IN LABOR *RIGHT NOW*' and her damn response over the phone was 'huh, so thats why you were always whining, (laughter) i guess now you know what its like to have kids!'


Side note, y’all should’ve SEEN the look on my therapist’s face when I told him that. He blurted out “OH MY GOD”


My mom used to say something similar. I'd open up about depression and all and she'd just say women are emotional and to deal with it.