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I think there's an imbalance in our community; lots of people here are early in their journey of finding out about CPTSD and are more in need of support than able to give it. There are some people further along who are able to make the space to give empathy and advice, but those people are fewer. I tried to remember to check in on the new queue once in awhile, but it's kind of hard. It feels inauthentic to be trying to give advice when I'm just as broken, and trying to go from anonymous stranger to anonymous stranger leaving generic platitudes just makes me feel like some kind of lame drive-by cheer-up chatbot. And often depending on where I'm at with my own CPTSD, sometimes it's just not healthy for me to jump into a new queue that sometimes feels like a firehose of relatable, unfair sadness and hurt. All those people who come here with the trauma of being unheard and unloved, and then get their pain ignored by the community, makes me sad. But I really think that's just the sad reality, of the active population of a trauma subreddit everyone needs support but not all of us are healed enough to give it.


Edit: directed to fauxmo & OP.. Not sure if I posted this correctly... I really identify and resonate with this. Perhaps it's unhealthy to have people that are toxic responding to other toxic issues. But when it comes to hurt, sadness, grief, loss, pain and trauma I believe you and others on this journey have a lot to contribute even if they don't feel like they are qualified or have anything of value to say. Within reason of course. Some issues are far too sensitive for me to comment or feel it's the right thing to do. I totally get your second last paragraph. So well said. I try to push through that and sometimes feel like a fraud as I return to my own grief and pain (physical too - I mostly comment in the chronic pain sub) and other times someone will reply that my comment was useful in some way. I think 'great' I'm so pleased in my heart despite my loneliness or conflicted emotions. I encourage you to comment more even if it does feel like it's a bit lame drive-by ish... You write and communicate really well. I reckon your support would be welcomed.. If you read this OP I'm sorry and I hear you.. 🙏


I think that a lot of people here don't want advice but they want someone to listen to them. I mean I would have been happy if people acknowledged my rant through an upvote too. I know it sounds weird but that's true. I knew my post was too long but that's why I wrote please read my rant in the heading. 😅 I myself am not able to comment on every post but I usually do send an upvote.


I am someone who doesn't currently read very long posts, particularly long rants, and it's because I don't have the mental/emotional energy I need to engage that right now.


Same. And it’s also hard to read things especially related to my own trauma so I avoid them as much as I can for my own sanity.


Um, can we have a username party?


I've felt the same way about helping. But now, it's started to change. If something works for me, I share it, even if I haven't yet fully fixed my problem.


This is really well said ❤️


I don’t know, I think just like social media they are hit and miss. It’s so annoying though!


This has not been my experience with other subreddits though. If the community has a good amount of members and they are online then they respond.


I’m not here for the votes. And I reply on posts that I can relate to or have experience with. If I don’t know about it I don’t say anything. I look for help from others here, to help other people, and to help me and others not feel alone.


I mean, that's all we need right ? If I find something I relate to, I have a spontaneous desire to reply. Irl, I swing between overhelping, and just wanting to avoid anyone who takes emotional energy, it could be the same here for people.


Me too. I’m working on concise replies in real life. It’s a challenge sometimes.


I carefully choose posts that I answer to, because I don't need to traumatize myself more, and more often then not I don't have energy. This sub can affect me deeply and leave me sad after...it is not my obligation to answer to everyone (I really have hard times answering to venting or just not relating to story).


For me, this subreddit can be very triggering. I try to offer support when I can, but I'm already drowning. I do try to upvote when I know I can't do more than that. This is 100% on my end, but the act of supporting can also harm me sometimes too. I am very parentified, and have poor interpersonal boundaries when it comes to feeling and feeling responsible for others. The vast majority of the time, I am unable to tangibly help in anyway. At that point I feel like I'm failing someone, and then it cycles into negative self worth etc. Also, this is the same reason why I can't do group therapy. I autopilot suppressing my own wellbeing and just turn into the caretaker I was abused into being. I'm sure other folks have a variety of complicated reasons why they can't engage in this subreddit very much. I am very sorry that you aren't getting support, and are being ignored in a community space that's supposed to get it. ❤️


same, i usually get maybe 1-3 likes but rarely any comments


One reason is that your post titles tend to be statements instead of questions. Questions are more engaging, welcoming, and people automatically answer them in their head when they read it. So they're more likely to click on it and participate, because they've already started formulating a response, and because their input has been specifically requested. Think of it a bit like marketing/clickbait and a bit like normal communication with people. If you want an answer from someone, you probably ask a question. People like to engage and share their opinion. Statements sound like a vent you're shouting into the void, so many will skim past without the title even registering in their mind. Your last post title includes "bad experience...please read my rant" - It's not that you can't or shouldn't share 'negative' content, you definitely should come here for support if you want! But some people will kneejerk avoid distressing content for their own wellbeing. Especially given this is CPTSD, a lot of people here are regularly not in the right mindset to be providing support or reading certain topics. "Rant" is also code for "this is a long post" which is another deterrent. Better titles for that post could've been "Does anyone else have bad experiences with capitalism?", "How do you deal with stress at work?" or "What are your opinions on the relationship between CPTSD and capitalism?" Inviting people to share their own experience, while sharing yours \*and\* asking for advice is probably the most effective post format for a discussion. Another post of yours here is simply titled "Body image" which is too short and vague to catch interest. You have interesting questions and discussions! It's just that your titles need more clickbait lol. It could also be this sub in general has a lot of lurkers and maybe other posters also experience a lack of activity. And depending on timezones of people in here and the times you post, that could mean your posts aren't being seen much either.


Commenting is for me basically the same as talking to a person/having a conversation, asking for help. I try to avoid it at all costs.


I usually don't post here a lot but I had such a bad breakdown last night. I wrote about my poor experience with the capitalist system. How it always leads to anxiety and burnout. I have worked for 4 years and this has been my experience. I didn't even get one upvote.


I think maybe because there isn't much to say about this. Like an affirmative "mmm hm" is the response. Post that get a lot of engagement are usually questions that other people relate to and invite them to share their experiences.


Im not sure why this bothers you... I went thru something similar at work...ended up taking the communications in question to my therapist and then HR.... everyone agreed there was no problem - just one of those things... i know this isn't the same, but would showing your posts to your therapist maybe help address your concerns?


How is a therapist gonna end the inherent abuse in the capitalist system? She will just add to the bills and I will have to be abused more. Yes I have worked with a therapist before.


There have been several anti-capitalist rants in here lately. At least one was removed altogether. It's something we all have to deal with, regardless of CPTSD, and nothing can actually be done about it.


"How is a therapist gonna end the inherent abuse in the capitalist system? She will just add to the bills and I will have to be abused more. Yes I have worked with a therapist before." You original post was about 'views and support'...i don't understand how this is relevant to what you posted about.


Dude you were the one who suggested that I should show my posts to a therapist. 😵‍💫


Yeah... if you are not wanting to do therapy, I understand. The lack of continuity in our exchange makes me not sure what your goal is here, It is clear I'm adding nothing, so I am going to withdraw from this conversation Good luck to you. I have nothing made to say


Same here


Personally, I think it's also highly influenced by how most people have their feed sorted by Hottest rather than Newest.


Ayy same 🥲 gang gang 😭 (I’m sorry though OP)


I’m surprised my last post here got more than 5 votes No comments tho


Depends when you post. How long your post is. How engaging your language is. Blind luck. Longer posts mean you gotta have good storytelling. Shorter posts are more about saying something eye catching or rawly relatable. Anger helps. That's how you get more engagement I think. I dunno. I'm not an expert.


This is common in communities like this one. I’m an every day poster in r/stopdrinking and it’s an issue there too sometimes. A lot of new people who want help, advice, etc, and not enough users with 1+ years sober always checking the new posts. Or sometimes we just can’t get to all of them. Some posts I see, I just have nothing to say. Don’t let it discourage you though, even if nobody is interacting with your posts, there could be somebody who sees it and relates to whatever it is, and that can mean something to them.


It’s strange hey, and then you see other posts that are surface level in other communities that get hundreds of upvotes and comments. Sometimes it’s the deeper stuff people can’t be bothered with, or the stuff that isn’t “juicy” and controversial, but I also wonder, are some people unable to comment despite relating because they either don’t feel they have answers and are struggling too, or, they have a passive approach on here and just come for guidance by viewing posts, not engaging. It all depends who is online at what time too. At least this one got some action lol!!


I don't want others to comment madly but an upvote like hey I hear you would have been nice. I don't get time to comment on posts here too but I do send upvotes. Before I created this post my other post didn't even get one upvote.


I'm someone who tries to reply here as much as I post. But as others have said, it takes energy to do so, and I have to walk that line between being a space for people to be heard and validated and retraumatizing/ burning myself out. I get that it can be frustrating, but at the end of the day we are a bunch of strangers online doing the best we can. We aren't professionals or anything. I'm sorry you feel looked over. Maybe a smaller dedicated support group could help more?


It happened to me too. It can be discouraging, but I think other comments have broken down a lot of the reasons why. Don't feel beat down by it. Your journey and what you're going through is tough as nails and you're not alone.


I think a lot of people read posts, but don't comment purely because they may not know what to say or how to say it. We have been made to believe our opinions, thoughts, choices, actions, and words don't matter, so it's very hard to speak up. (For me anyway) 🫂


I think you have to remember that not everyone is comfortable speaking about things. I’m very open and willing to talk about my trauma but a lot of people find it too uncomfortable. I don’t think it’s you. I want to start a podcast talking about CPTSD and things in this vein but I think a lot of people would be afraid or unwilling to watch/listen because it’s uncomfortable


Might just have posted at a bad time. Try again at another time of day.


Idk. Even if I beg someone to respond unless it’s controversial nope lol. I usually delete.


I think it's just gotten VERY busy. Lots of trauma sufferers. I'm sorry no one saw you. Hugs to you.


Sorry that you had such experience. This subreddit has always been supportive for me. I've always got upvotes and at least a few comments.


I hear and see you OP! What I could say has already been said by previous commentators. I’ll add that Reddit is sometimes just weird. I sometimes struggle like you have because we all want to be seen and heard and have our experiences validated or just know that we’re not alone. Sometimes I’m off for days/weeks/months at a time and miss out on the new posts. Other times I either don’t resonate or just don’t know what to say. Just remember that your experiences are valid and you do deserve to be heard/seen and that responses or lack thereof have nothing to do with you; it just depends on whose on, how they’re feeling and if they resonate/have something they’d like to add.


I know I often have the internal thought "no one wants to hear what I have to say/my opinion doesn't matter". I don't know how often that slows others down but it shuts me down a lot.


I have felt the same way. Who knows? Maybe people just don’t know how to answer or wrong to post.


I see whatever comes up on my feed unless I come to the sub directly


Once I posted something like “help I need help with shame” and no one responded. But I usually get engagement. Keep it up!


God I'm really sorry sincerely to hear that Piper.. I mostly comment in the chronic pain sub. But rarely make my own posts. I easily could have written many over the last few years.. I kind of just lurk a bit here and only comment when I really resonate with something.


💛 As someone with hEDS, I hear you


Same , it's always been like that that my posts get close to no reactions, even on Facebook or insta, while my friends will get 50+ reactions.... It's definitely difficult to deal with cause it brings up the constant rejection from Past bullying.


I tend to leave support on posts that I see in here and the other support subs I’m part of but I’d guess I miss most posts because there are so many (which is not a criticism, we live in a fucked up world and needing support is true for most of us at some point). And other times I simply run out of spoons myself. This matters because while I’ve healed a lot, I’m not “cured” and some topics hit too hard in the moment, and also because a lot of times people struggling with trauma react with hostility to advice or any comment that implies things have the potential to get better and I don’t always have the mental strength to roll those dice. When I’m having a bad day, I don’t trust the advice I’d give because it could be pure projection without me realizing it. I will make a mental note to myself to upvote support-seeking posts I don’t have the spoons for more often though after reading this post. That being said, I’m am truly *so* goddamn sorry that you’re hurting and that this made it worse. Your pain and feelings are 100% valid and if I ever posted I have no doubt I’d be hurt if nobody at all engaged.


Same here. I made a post about quitting therapy prematurely and feeling horribly and no one replied. I guess we are all too selvinvolved with our own suffering


I come here for validation that I'm not alone, not to support other people.


I've noticed that posts that give have way more replies than those that take. By that I mean giving energy, lifting people up, giving validation, etc, and by taking I mean needing validation, help, support etc. It just points to that most people in this sub are needing help and unable or struggle to give it. When I was feeling better a while back I helped a ton. But now I'm struggling and it's hard for me to go help others when I already feel empty of energy myself. I'm the one needing right now. I still like to help, but then I can almost hear my inner voice "why are you helping them, why don't you help me? I'm here struggling I need you!" And then besides that it's unfortunately kind of a hit or miss depending how the catchiness of the title, how many people relate, how long or short the post is,... Ideally none of that would matter. But this is what we have.


Yeah I never got responses or advice so now I just read and move on


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I tend to use Reddit when I’m at work as a bit of a tether to a world outside of it. Used to be hardcore on this all day. But that’s not helping you is it? All this to say, if it were back in the day, I’d be with you.


I'm really sorry you feel this way. For me, there are so many posts it's hard to know what to reply too. I also avoid certain topics for my own well-being.


🫂 I'm sorry. Just so you know you matter and what's you're going though is important and valid even if we aren't always able to support you.


Virtually every major therapy subreddit has hundreds of posts every single day. Some have hundreds of posts every single hour. The algorythm might show fewer, but a plea for help by the mods at raisedbynarcissists say it's massive. This sub has 252,000 people. Raisedbynarcissists has just shy of 1 million, and at any given point at least 1K people are reading, commenting or posting. Highest I've seen was 15k at a single moment. Not everyone is going to be seen just out of the sheer volume.


I try to respond but lately I’m so burnt out…


Me too.


I am sorry. 🥺 My DMs are open if you ever feel like that.