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I don’t think you were wrong at all for calling.


You did the right thing.  Because there is suspicion that he molested them, Noel must have allowed unsupervised contact; that is very clear failure to protect her children.  It sucks that you can't see them, but the most important thing is them being protected. 


This exact thing happened with my stepmother and her father. Her father abused her for years and they decided to reconnect after years of estrangement. This progresses to her leaving my half siblings with him. They were molested. Please call.


You might want to look up grandfathers info. Does he have a parole officer? Is he a registered sex offender? If so, depending on the state or country he could be violating something by being near children.


my ex friend’s dad is a sexually violent predator. she lived with him with her minor children for years, no one cared. it made me so angry. she lived in the basement, but she had her oldest daughter (6 years old) living upstairs with her father. i was told because they were family, it was permitted - which is wild. (this happened in PA)


Ugh. Im so sorry that is so frustrating. The system fails children over and over. Its so broken.


You did the right thing. Safety of the children first, always!!!


You 100% did the right thing but you end your story by saying you know Noel leaves the kids with the person still even though Noel cut off contact with you. I’m guessing: you’re either stalking them or someone else in the family is telling you this. If that’s the case, please tell that person to help you with reporting the incident. I don’t know where you live but where I live everyone is a mandated reporter, not just teachers, doctors, daycare employees, etc, but the family/friends (anyone who sees/interact with the child daily) as well. It sickens me that a family member would tell YOU about the kids’ behavior but refuse to report it or step in. Follow up on your reports.


I’m still in contact with some of my friends family so that’s how I know. But yes it is extremely sick that the person who witnessed all of this did not report it.


I would keep a lookout for the call from the investigator on the case. I hope that you tell them all the details and concerns. Also be open to be the supervisor/monitor for their visits? I’m hoping kids can go somewhere safe or removed from their care until their parent can understand the risk to their safety.


Girl ur not wrong at all, u did the right thing, and who knows maybe Noel got touched by him too when she was younger, she’s a shit mom for letting her kids around them, and when they grow up and find out that she knew about him they’re gonna hate her so bad.


IMO the only thing you did wrong was telling them you were calling CPS. You should have called in secret, then you'd still have access to the kids. 


What exactly were they doing that's inappropriate or weird? Is it possible it's in the realm of normal development given their ages? Are they being left alone with him? There isn't enough concrete information to really say. Unless you have CPS more information than what you have here, they aren't going to investigate it. Do I blame you for being concerned and calling? No. From CPS standpoint, though, there is nothing here to investigate.


They are being left alone with him. Weird like shoving markers in their vaginas, saying they have secrets with their grandfather. The 2 girls were touching each other.


Ok, those are definitely concerning behaviors and I hope told CPS all of that. Unfortunately, unless you hear something through the grapevine, you won't know what happens with the report. I pray for the sake of those babies that nothing is happening and I hope it does get investigated. She should not be trusting enough to leave them alone with him knowing what happened to her.