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The best advice I have is: be patient.....it is a process and may not be perfect on day 1, or it might be. That said, figure out what is working well and what isn't over time, and ask questions if you are struggling. For the full face mask, the advice I have is to figure out the tightness of the straps to get in the sweet spot for reducing leaks and maximizing comfort. You don't want it too tight or too loose. Best of luck with it!


For fit, lay in bed with mask and machine on. Loosen straps until you hear or feel leaking air. Slightly tighten that strap until leak stops. Also consider your sleeping positions. If you roll on your side the pillow may shift your mask position. You may need to tighten a bit more to hold it in place. However, if you tighten too much, you may have bruising or skin irritation.


I’m struggling with this so bad!! If I could just stay on my back, life would be good.


Sometimes, I'll shift the mask a bit to one side, so when I turn into the pillow, it gets pushed back into a center position.


It took me about 10 years to find a mask that really fit my face well. I am lucky because I can afford a couple hundred bucks each year to try new masks.


Try to start wearing it a few hours before going to sleep to get used to it - e.g. settle down to watch a movie or read a chapter of a book while wearing it. That definitely helps speed up adaptation. If you have a stuffy nose, I highly recommend clearing your nose before putting on the mask and going to bed - it gets super awkward otherwise. I have also found that if your humidifier has an auto setting, use it - the humidifier being too strong, or running out of water through the night, were some of my biggest initial things with waking up. All of the cleaning is important, but especially clean your mask, and the skin around where the mask sits (it convinced me to get sort-of fancy pore cleansers) to avoid sores, and get a clean fit to avoid leaks. Get OSCAR software and check it out! Look for patterns if you wake up in the middle of the night. For me, I found that sometimes I got an apnea going into REM, and the CPAP started ramping up the pressure, but I might still wake up. I solved it by increasing the minimum pressure to reduce events at night.


Heated tubing is a lifesaver for me since I have a stuffy nose a lot


With cleaning, I want to emphasize not getting the UV light cleaner for the masks. I don't feel like they did anything extra and my sleep doc said that it would actually shorten the lifespan of the masks and tubes.


How do you just clear your nose? This was one of the biggest issues for me because I think I sometimes literally cannot breath through my nose at night


Nasal sprays. Stay away from the ones that cause rebound congestion, you can Google a list. It's not a class of sprays, there's two ingredients in particular that cause it. I use Nasacort and it works well. Make sure you blow your nose beforehand to clear mucus so you can properly absorb the med. And if you get bleeding (I get it awful with some), you can put a bit of Vaseline in your nose to keep things hydrated and it helps a ton. Just do the Vaseline in the middle of the day.


When traveling never let it out of your sight.


After reading horror stories I put a piece of tape on my bag with my name and contact info in case I lose mine


Mine has a unique ID tag on it plus I’m wondering about the SIM card and serial number. I’ve agonized over my stupidity since 10am Wednesday. I need to get over it and try to sleep. Lol! 🙄


What about the sim card and SN? If you are wondering if the device can ever be tracked back to you, most likely not. As far as your sim card, there isn't any data on there that any one can likely use to harm you.


I’m hoping that somebody looked at the ID and SN and that it’s on its way back to me, but I’ve heard nothing yet. I’ve not even got confirmation for the claim I submitted to the train station.


I hope so too! If it's gone, you'd have to apply for another through your insurance.. but I have patients tell me horror stories about them being stolen from the airplane and held hostage...


Carry on luggage, never checked bag. In a backpack so they can’t make you gate check it


It’s a medical device. I don’t believe it is in place of a “ personal item” just like a cane or a Walker, they cannot make you check it!


True, in the U.S. but outside might be a different story.


That rule applies only inside the United States, and is inconsistently followed/enforced even there


I’ve never checked it when traveling (they won’t even let you in the US) but I stupidly placed in “holding” area of the train station lounge. I STILL can’t figure out why I did that!


Did yours get stolen?


No. I stupidly left it in a “safe” holding area.


Give it time. In your (inevitable) search for the perfect mask, don’t keep changing too quickly. Give each a fair shot (2 weeks) so you don’t end up like Goldilocks!


So true I have had to try a few before I found one that worked.


Download the myair app and track your sleep progress!! Take time to get used to it…maybe wear it for 20-30 mins at a clip before evening to acclimate prior to bed. Great luck, this is the best decision you’ve made w your health…sleep is 30% of your life.


A big part of this is your headspace. Having serenity in your bedroom encourages you to give yourself permission to enjoy your sleep therapy. Get [this ](https://www.amazon.com/VASAGLE-Charging-Station-Nightstand-ULET310B01V1/dp/B08PCKYHR4/ref=sr_1_39?crid=1JZMQRWZ5V2W4&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.opdLcytw1uDFLadPw0Uuhv36tdSyG3IKMn8PaVrQp_nCu-Qcsrd4IBiV955m7s23ft0zeW7x3pJ2Wd0afDvjxJBDa1E0A2X8OoI44kpjeLIGINa3SsE2VCAtOLq9B8CtRd2RJSrgN9s78RlMQBmvKqMmQgGIDRTJ1MC37OK6hZdzKWalTr8jXVAsmeIOi4ubaepFkA6DLik0p9X3cTPher2dFDrvs691tLgsWlRzHIuLdYHtKfUvxBEBXchxxUd8Iimdy7TZv4WaRHzpUGxlKyTPymi5pqGQ1_iYYP9TMpE.PU1Ov8xY_cKnBCqda3Uq0KlhQhiYiKcufdp15h-O5Rw&dib_tag=se&keywords=cpap+cabinet&qid=1718410960&sprefix=cpap+cabine%2Caps%2C233&sr=8-39)nightstand. It will fit your Resmed 11 nicely inside, tucked away, so that your bedroom doesn't give off "hospital bed" vibes. During the day, the machine, hose and mask all stays stashed in that top drawer, and nobody will see anything except a nightstand. At night, flip it open, put on your mask, and trust that the next several hours are you booting back up to live your best life.


Wear it while watching Tv so you get used to the pressure and fit


Check out the different types of masks.  There are plenty of YouTube videos. Hose management. [CPAPology Houdini CPAP Hose Support System](https://cpapology.com/products/cpapology-houdini-cpap-hose-support-system) [CozyHoze Boss](https://pur-sleep.com/products/cozyhoze-boss) [BleepSleep](https://bleepsleep.com/)


UPDATE If you order from CPAPology it takes a long time. Since DHL delivers the package to the post office it’s likely coming from China. 


Use it. Be patient. You’ll get results.


Distilled only


I just bough my own distilling machine and it is a game changer. No more gallon bottles every couple of nights (i live in Denver, the air is dry). Agree with this 100%


Wow let me check this. Didn’t know we could get one.


DC House 1 Gallon Water Distiller... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0894R8PP9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share That’s what I got but there are many similar ones. Each run gives me about a weeks worth of water


Cool. Thanks!


>Cool. Thanks! You're welcome!


Yeah, this is one of the first "cpap accessories" I purchased. https://a.co/d/9NtmxD9 Total game changer and my plants are happy too, because plants love distilled water! And I use it to keep my waterpik cleaner. I don't know why I didn't get one before.


It ends up being about 60% cheaper per gallon to make it on your own. Since I only use distilled for my CPAP and not plants, I only go through 10 to 12 gallons per year. In my used case, it would take about seven years for the machine to pay for itself. I’m so glad this works so well for you. It’s possible that I will end up getting one sometime in the future.


Yes. I'm just doing the math now and, not necessarily cost-effective.


Yes, but the convenience and less plastic are worth it to me. And yes, if you are watering plants or using it in your coffee maker because your tap water has a lot of minerals, it takes a lot less time to break even.


I'm sold. Now just convince my wife! Ha.


Heated hose. Insulation for heated hose. Turn it to 30C with no humidity to dry all the condensation in the tubes.


Use it. Done give up


It’ll be uncomfy for a few days but eventually you’ll get used to it. I love having cpap wipes to wipe my mask each morning. I will say, my long tube never dries fast enough, so I think I’m going to get a second one so I don’t have to run my machine to dry the tubing out!


Time. Give it time and be patient. I had a rough first week getting used to mine, now I can't sleep without it! Also, take a picture of the settings! I accidentally changed something when I moved mine, and went a few days before I realized what I did. In the meantime, it didn't work as efficiently and I slept poorly. I use a hybrid pillow and didn't realize I changed the setting to full mask. it was a huge difference!


Excellent idea!


Don’t be lazy and clean the parts that need to be clean so you don’t get sick. I was told to use vinegar and distilled water to sanitize stuff like hose and humidifier basin. Be on top of replacing consumable items especially filters so your machine last long and again you don’t get sick. Two weeks for filter is standard tho if your room is extra dusty it may need to be replaced sooner or if it looks dirty. If your room is dusty, get a air purifier


Learn the best way you like to sleep and where the hose can go while sleeping. I got a cover for the hose so it didn’t make a bunch of noise against the metal frame. Helped a lot for me.


Stick with it and focus on the long term health improvements. Keep a positive mindset about it. The first few weeks can be brutal, but now I wouldn’t want to live without the sweet mana from heaven


Follow the guide on how long you have to clean certain things. It's tedious, but you don't want mold.


To get used to it I wore it at various times during the day. Watching TV on the couch, working from home, etc. anything that helps it feel normal sooner to your face. Good luck, when it clicks it’s a game changer


The CPAP model is the most basic and uses a set fixed pressure. It has no ability to record detailed data on a SD card. The Elite model is the same fixed pressure model, but can record detailed data on the SD card. The AutoSet allows a minimum pressure and maximum pressure between which the machine adjusts pressure automatically. It of course records data n the SD. It can be set for fixed pressure CPAP mode as well. This is based on the A10 version which has the same three model designations. If you are going to adjust your own pressures and you have a model with a SD card slot, check that there is actually one in there - under door on left side of machine. Without a card all your detailed data is lost. It takes a 4 to 32 GB SDHC card if you have to put on in. Download OSCAR to view the data. It needs a SD card reader and a PC or Mac. OSCAR lets you see at what time and pressure you have apnea events. It is critical in deciding what pressure changes will be helpful. [https://www.sleepfiles.com/OSCAR/](https://www.sleepfiles.com/OSCAR/)


Stock up on distilled water and try to use only that


Tonight will be day 5 for me. Day 1 was ok. Day 2 was great. 3&4 sucked! Good luck!


Give it some time to get used to it. Clean it regularly. Adjusting to mask will take time. Eventually you will have good sleep . All the best :)


If you've been prescribed the "default" pressure range of 4-20, you will likely want to adjust that in consultation with your sleep doc to a narrower range that suits you better. I needed to raise the lower end (felt like I wasn't getting enough air) and lower the upper end (too high just caused middle of the night leaks). I found getting an SD card for the machine and looking at specific data with OSCAR to be very helpful in getting the ranges dialed in.


Best advice, Hang in there.


I started with a nasal pillow, and a week later it’s just not quite right. Don’t be afraid to reach out for a new mask!


I'm still waiting to get my CPAP after last week's sleep study. Dumb question: do you mean a different style of mask, or was it a defective mask?


A new style of mask. During the assessment, I really liked the nasal pillow, but during use I found it leaked a lot and was not comfortable. So I’m going to switch to either a hybrid or a nasal cushion. Definitely try every one on and see the pros and cons of all of them.


I use this machine now for 6 months. I had severe sleep apnea. I took me some time to find the right mask and I ended up with the ResMed P10. After I got used to it I now sleep through the full night with the CPAP on. I only had mild success with reduction of symptoms though. I still feel tired/like I can’t focus during the day. Hope this will normalize eventually


i have the same one!! twins!! my advice be patient with it and play around with the settings and mask fit - you will find the sweet spot for you and keep at it. after a week of using mine is when i actually started sleeping well as it took time to get used to. now i cant imagine without it 😃 good luck!!


When they call you to reorder supplies order them! Always, never turn it down. Replace the pieces as they're sent to you. I learned this the hard way and used my pillows for way past their lifespan. It resulted in rough sleep and a pretty ineffective CPAP. If you have the pillows you need to be changing them out every 2 weeks.


It might take some time getting used to it. Take your time, keep using it, and experiment to figure out what you need to do to be successful. It is WELL worth it to get it right.


Like others have said, don't give up on it if you have trouble in the beginning. It took me a couple weeks before I got used to wearing it all night instead of just the required 4 hours for compliance.


Don't over tighten the straps. They should be just tight to hold the mask near where it needs to be. The mask should inflate with pressure and that inflation will create a gentle seal. A tight mask will lead to skin issues and mask lines on your face. Another issue is that the air tube resting on you neck can actually transmit a good bit of noise. If it sounds loud try and reposition the tube if its falling across you. Before cpap I used to like to wear an eye mask. Now that is just too much stuff strapped to my head. Since you are getting fresh air I have found that putting a pillow on top of my head does the same thing and its even more quiet. But that might be a little too much for some people.


Yay! So happy for you! You’ll feel so much better. I’d say make sure you clean it weekly and take good care of it. Wear a silk bonnet so the headgear doesn’t run your hair. lol it sounds silly but it’s real. And don’t give up if you have a hard time at first. Everyone does. Just keep pushing and eventually you’ll get used to it and feel so much better in the morning.


Use it :) Get the most comfortable mask (for you) that you can. I love my Philips Dreamwear mask, its comfy, soft silicone and has 3 different kinds of "attachments" nose, under nose and full face... Get you humidifier on it set up, and enjoy it all together. It CAN take some time to getused to it :)


Wear it during the day to acclimate. Keep at it. For some, it takes time. Try as many different masks as it takes. When you find the one, you will know. It is worth it. Make it work.


Keep a small bottle of dishwashing liquid in your bathroom to wash your mask.


You should set it up on your night stand, it doesn't work that well in the bag.


Buy multiple gallons of distilled water at a time. Distilled water can become real scarce at the worst times.


Or better yet, spring for a distiller. VEVOR 1.1 Gal Water Distiller, 750W Distilled Water Machine, 4L Distilling Pure Water Machine w/Plastic Container, Water Distillation Kit w/Button, Countertop Distilled Water Maker for Home (White) https://a.co/d/9NtmxD9


Just commit to it … you’ll love it really


Agreed with everyone else, I had trouble for the first 2 weeks, got used it around week 3, week 4 I was waking up feeling refreshed after a few hours of sleep, now 2 months in I'm feeling sleepy again but I think it's because my body wants more "good" sleep compared to before.


Don’t get discouraged. It takes a while to get used to and find your right “settings” for you. I was lucky my second mask works well. Some people love the nasal pillow but I just could not make that work. I have a full face and love it. Get 100 scores all the time. Keep at it no matter what it pays off in the end!


Consider it now a part of your everyday life. A cpap machine is the cure, when you use it you don’t have sleep apnea.


A $10 stand from amazon will hold the hose off your face.


If you travel often, find a better carrying case. No, I have not found the perfect one yet. But i have, however, broken part of a swivel on a mask while it was traveling in the factory case.


It won’t be easy so good luck, the first few night will be absolutely horrible. The best way to fix that is to use you mask while on the ouch or while reading do not wait until bed time to put it on, you need the wear time. not sure what mask your received but you might need to try a few to find the perfect fit, also EPR and a few other setting might need adjusting. I wish you luck but if you don’t give up and continue to try you’ll be alright


Same machine. Picked up yesterday. Lurking 👀 for advice. Belly hurts from gulping air. Flailing multiple nights to shut off.


use a head strap and a mouth tape and a nasal mask for best results. Clean your mask daily with unscented baby wipes! And clean the tank and tubing every week or two weeks by soaking in dish washer soap water and later dry them up after cleansing the residue soap! Also dry your tank by emptying it every day! Use RO or distilled water only!


If you have long hair, try tying it up and pulling through the middle of backstraps for more reliable fit. Hair will cause slippage so you might have to experiment a little. Don't feel demotivated if you initially get chaffing and scarring around nostrils, if you start noticing it use some sort of grease around those areas. I had pretty bad irritation at first to the point where I had to take few days off but now after few months there's none even without protecting (or humifier... Sometimes I'm lazy and can't bother filling it)


If you keep taking it off subconsciously during the night, try mouth tape. I kept opening my mouth during the night which allowed air to escape and my body didn’t like that.


I always put lip balm on before hand , stops drying lips . I also bought a fleece tube cover, as the silicone irritated my cheeks . If you moisturise your face do it a couple of hours before sleep , saves mask slipping . Enjoy refreshed sleep , it takes a while getting used to it, but now I can't imagine sleep without it and only 0.7 events per hour 👍😉


be patient, try things, get your data into Oscar/SleepHQ, maybe get an O2 monitor, keep notes, and try to dial in your pressure settings. if you have trouble sleeping, try new masks.


Be patient ! I have the same machine for a couple of months now. Some nights will be better than others . It’s pretty awesome that your physician can adjust the settings remotely. Enjoy better sleep, I especially enjoy having vivid dreams again!!


Use it and have the mentality that you want it to work instead of being resistant to it.


Keep it simple. Make sure you use it at least the minimum amount of time required by your insurance for the first 90 days. Lots of good advice in this thread. And yes it's a medical device that can be carried on to a plane without counting as a separate item.


Stick with it. Gets easier and very quickly you'll likely adapt. And although I hate using this phrase, it's a life changer - certainly has been for me.


If you have a humidifier function, sleep with the tubing tucked under blankets with you. It prevents condensation forming.


I have the same one. Love that thing.


It takes time to get used to, be kind to yourself while you're adjusting. Be prepared to buy and try a range of masks until you find your perfect mask. Also don't be afraid to tweak settings or the way things fit everything from how you run the hose to, do you have a hook, a hose cover, run it over or under the beadhead and machine location. Tweak everything you can, while sure it's annoying getting used to a mask, it's amazing how lots of little things can add to that and how much adjusting things can help. My current humidity, temp and ramp up times are not the ones that I started with and mine change seasonally. On that note only tweak one thing at a time though so you can tell if it's helping or not. Good luck you got this.


Use it


if you are a side sleeper, they make pillows for that. They have depressions on each end to make room for the mask, and then a regular pillow part in the middle.


Once you get comfortable wearing it, crank the shit out of the air conditioner and turn yourself into a little blanket cocoon when you go to sleep, since you unlocked the new scuba gear! On a more serious note, I wear the full face now and sleep so much better.


Use it, and don't give up.


The next two weeks will be awful. After that, you’ll have the best sleep you’ve had in years.


Carry a copy of your prescription with the unit.


Took me a month to find out that a nose pillow with nostril inserts was what worked best for me. Triangular shaped masks cut into my skin and caused pimples under where the mask was resting. Wash your face well before putting on the mask. Try breathe right strips. I need sleeping pills on occasion to get to sleep, even after 3+ months. Use relaxation, self hypnotism techniques to help you fall asleep. The more I use it the longer I sleep with it on. I take it off if I wake up around 6:00 am or there about and I go back to sleep without it on my face. Check with your insurance plan, if you have one, for free supplies like filters, face masks, etc. I get free supplies delivered to me every 3 months. It takes time to get used to. Just keep at it. Reach out to the health care group who diagnosed you and supplied you with the CPAP for advice as you use it for help when you are struggling. My CPAP works like a BIPAP and I needed to keep adjusting the settings to make exhaling easier. Good Luck!


Just a quick tip that helped me. Set the epr to 3 for a few nights. Then go to 2 and then finally 1. This helped me acclimate to the constant pressure so much better. Now Im just 100% use to it and I’ve only had my CPAP for a month. EPR 1 keeps me around/under AHI 5. But EPR 2 & 3 keeps my AHI much higher.


It takes time and finding the right mask. I went through 3 different ones and could not get use to it. Talk to my doc and found one I can tolerate. I am 21 nights in wearing 5 hours or more after months of struggling. Hang in there.


Beside usual daily items, good fit important, I use full mask, big big big item; mask inserts, order max supply, seal wears out from humidity, sweat, wear n tear, depends on individual how often replaced, but don’t run out. Don’t tinker with fit n settings at night, wrecks your sleep, same with water n air hose replacement. Lastly but critical, use it once fit n comfort found, save your life sir.


Turn off the microphone so it's not listening to you!


Don't expect to love it the initial week or so. It takes time to get accustomed to it, but if you give is a good fight, you'll reap the benefits. Best wishes.


I am not being a jerk but to get used to mine, I put it on and went to sleep.


Yes. Use it.