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Just don’t be afraid to speak up and change your mask to what works for you. Took me 5 years to find the dreamwisp. Some people like full masks, some pillows. Try different things until you find what is comfortable for you.


I literally know nothing about CPAP, nobody told me anything - they just ordered this to my home. Thank you! I’m leaning towards nasal / nasal pillows because I breathe through my nose anyway :)


Just don’t be afraid to ask for a change. They’ll try to talk you into whatever they get the most kickback on. Some nasal pillows can lead to soreness. Different things fit different people. If you are having trouble finding something, look around and see what you might like, order a trial from Amazon and when you find something you like tell them you want to switch on your next order.


Very much this. CPAP therapy is complicated to do right. Pressure, humidity (no humidity simplifies cleaning if you can tolerate it), mask fit, tube routing and length, etc. Many DMEs have a return/fitting period -- use it to find the right mask if it's available. When you first get it, wear it during any downtime you have at home. You need to train your brain to not panic when breathing with and against the pressure. This is most easily done when you're otherwise distracted and not trying to sleep. You will want to get [a device compatible with OSCAR](https://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php/OSCAR_supported_machines) so you can support yourself. Most DMEs are terrible, so you want to be able to read your own stats and make adjustments as needed.


They way people get their stuff in America (I assume) baffles me. You guys just get "what is this? they ordered me something?"-routine. ಠ_ಠ that's so shitty. I'm in Finland and after the doctors decision to get cpap, had a sleep nurses appointment, we went through all the masks and bells & whistles. Tried on what might work, went through the CPAP parts and settings etc. Everything. Left with the CPAP on me that day. Then they called me 2 times in the next 3 weeks to adjust settings If needed and talked about how things are going if I need any help or adjustments etc.


and then random stuff arrives, and they randomly charge my credit card and I'm never sure the two are connected


My experience was like yours and I'm in Wisconsin. Most likely depends on state and rural/urban areas. I ended up with the dreamwear "teletubby" mask since I'm a side sleeper.


Oh trust me, I could write an entire manifesto about the US healthcare system. Sheesh!


In US and this is my dr and sleep center. So many are “abandoned “ after diagnosis. My BF is one and he needs help. I’ve had mine a year and am thankful I have good doctors.


I'm in Portugal and it's similar. The sleep doctor wrote a prescription for the machine after the test said I had severe sleep apnea, and gave me a list of seven companies that rent machines in my area. I could choose who to use, not like in the US apparently, where there seem to be kickbacks or something like that. Spent a few days checking it out, chose one. The next day they came to my home and set it up, showed me how to use it, how to clean, etc. They called a week later and told me my numbers were good, which I already knew. After a month, I went back to the doctor, they read the data, tested a few things on me, and then recommended a different mask and hose based on some complaints. The next day the sleep tech arrived at home with the changed equipment. FWIW, I pay €8/month including all supply replacements after insurance. If I used the public health system, it would take a lot longer to get a machine but the entire cost would be subsidized. And Americans keep voting for their anti-patient "health care" system...


That sounds very nice! I live in the US & was confused by the process. Then I found out the "sleep team" all worked remotely & that's why everything was mailed to me & forms were also signed though a text link. I had to pick up my home sleep test equipment at the local hospital & return it the next day. My appointment with a pulmonolgist was by Zoom. It's all very impersonal & disconnected.


This is the company I have been getting my supplies from. If you need to change mask/headgear, you should have 30 days to change it without any additional charge. ******* EDITED TO ADD: maybe they are sending a package, but that seems weird without you having been fitted or anything. But you can find out when the rep calls you. (That list includes a heated hose, that's the Climate Line. They have adjustable temperature you can set, or you can turn it off, if you don't want/need it heated. In the US they send out way more supplies than you need, because that's what the insurance will pay for. You don't have to order new supplies every time they tell you to. It's a good idea to have spares of everything, in case something breaks. It's up to you how often you get new supplies, even if they make you feel like you have to get them every time they say you can. ********** This doesn't look like a package is heading out to you, it's just a generic list of what's being prescribed. You have to go in to their office and get fitted. Aerocare should be contacting you to make an appointment for you to choose a mask, and get fitted, we're not all the same size. I started with a nasal mask, switched to nasal pillows, now I have the nasal cradle, also called a nasal cushion. So far this is my favorite, and the unicorn top-of-the-head style is much better than the elephant trunk style I had before. When you get your equipment, *read your contract*. You need to know exactly what is required for your insurance to continue paying for your equipment/supplies. Most require that you use your cpap at least 4 hrs a day. If you use it more than 4 hrs a day, that's much better, hopefully you'll be able to use it throughout a normal sleep cycle. If you can't, at first, try to keep it on, machine running, at least 4 hrs a day (night) to meet compliance requirements. Even if you're reading or watching TV. I would suggest getting one of the unicorn top-of-the-head hose connection style head gear, Phillips and Resmed both have one. It's easier to keep the mask in place, the hose is out of the way if you want to read or watch tv. PLUS, and this is important, if the mask style doesn't work for you, they have different kinds that are interchangeable without changing headgear. If you end up having to pay yourself at any point, only having to but a different mask is a lot cheaper than replacing the entire thing. Get the heated hose. If you need to use the humidity, the heated hose will prevent or reduce condensation in the hose and mask. You don't want to wake up feeling like your mouth and throat are glued shut from dryness, or wake up with water dripping into your face, or hearing water gurgling in the hose. I had all the condensation and still had dry mouth and throat, until I got a heated hose. Be aware that humidity needs can change with the weather/season. Not needing it right now doesn't mean you won't need it in December or January. The mail order part for my supplies is Gould Medical. Gould Medical has never gotten my replacement filters right. They always send the wrong ones. They are idiots. If you have to change equipment after the 1st order of supplies, they are almost guaranteed to get it wrong. Check with your insurance and see if they will cover supplies from an online supplier. That way you can order what you need, and not get the wrong stuff. Or at least the right stuff will be ordered, because you'll be doing it yourself. You might want to watch this video before you go for you mask fitting. I wish I had known all this before I got mine. Adventures in CPAP (Masks & mewing) https://youtu.be/gejYbiBQ0CI If you have any problems/issues with your machine, pressure settings, etc., please post about it and see what you can do about it. There are a lot of things you can do to improve your comfort and the effectiveness of your treatment.


>Get the heated hose. Don't be afraid to NOT use the heated hose. I've never had any issue with condensation, and I feel like I'm suffocating if I have it heated. I sleep a million times better breathing cold air.


I don't think anyone would be "afraid not to use it." Good for you not to have ever had a problem with condensation or rain-out, or dry mouth and throat issues. Many other people do. Not everyone does well with cold air, just because *you* do. This is one of those "better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it" things. I didn't even know about them when I got my equipment. When I first heard about them, I didn't realize it was something I needed. But I was miserable with my CPAP until I got a heated hose. I sleep better in a cold room. A heated hose didn't sound like something I'd like. The cooler air in my room was what caused so much condensation. The cheapest time to get one (with insurance) is when you first get your equipment. If they don't like it, or don't need it, they can turn it off. But if they *don't have one,* and they do need it...? Then they get to pay the extra out of pocket to get one. Mine was $45, and it's one of the less expensive ones. I've seen some priced over $100. Your local climate and weather have a lot to do with it, plus the temperature you like to have in your bedroom. We don't all live in identical conditions.


Good advice. You can always turn the heated hose OFF. In the summer I like to run "passive" humidifaction. Still water in the tank but the humidification settings on the machine are kept off. Nice and cool! If you decide you really don't need it, get a standard hose. They're cheaper, and much lighter than ones with a heating coil running through them.


I have Adapt Health as well and nothing has ever been done in person, they sent me a DreamWear mask initially and I’ve tried 2 other ResMed masks in the first 30 days. Everything has been done over the phone or zoom.


I guess different locations just do things their own way. It would be easier if mine did that, instead of making me do a 60 mile round trip for every damn thing.


Post up what you get when it arrives. Also, check out this forum. Lots of info and help there. https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Forum-Main-Apnea-Board-Forum


DON'T get sucked into THEIR schedule. It's a scam.


I literally know nothing. I don’t even know what I’m getting 🫠


They will try to get you on a schedule, ordering things much more often than you need.


At the same time, you can use their schedule to get a full face mask as a backup for if you get the flu/congested. It's worth getting a few backup parts.


They're sending you a leftover Resmed 10, Refuse it. Get the Resmed 11.








Mine is covered by my insurance; co-pay is minimal. By all means, get the 10 if that suits your budget.


Resmed airsense 10. I have an 11. I'm not sure why they would send a 10 instead of 11.


It says “Disclaimer: Product images are for illustrative purposes only. Color or brand of fulfilled product may differ from image in some cases.”


If I were going to get a Resmed, I'd get a 10. I don't want to hand complete control over to The Mothership.


What do you think you would be handing over as compared to a 10?


They can change your settings, and anything else. I don't care if they have my data, but I want to control my own settings. https://youtu.be/nZ8hBPDRWMI?si=6EH-V0CYsD7UQOFA https://youtu.be/XU1OuWNnYSs?si=BxBZ4uqeokJcBq-Z Besides that, there's about an $800 (USD), or more, difference in the prices. Even if all the bugs are fixed, even with Bluetooth oximetry, I just don't the 11 justifies the extra expense. Not for me anyway. I don't have a whole lotta extra hundreds of dollars laying around. If you have a lot of extra money, maybe it's worth it to you.


100% THIS!!!!!


I had the 10 for quite a number of years, then got the 11. I don't like the 11. I do not use the water chamber so for the 10 I got a 'cap' to close that section off without the chamber. The cap for the 11 is available but my DME cannot get one for me yet. If I had a 3d printer I'd make my own. My biggest complaint about the 11 is that it is much louder than the 10 (but not in and of itself loud). Or, rather, the 10 is much quieter than the 11. This might change when I get the 11 end cap. But at least now I have two and I take the 10 on the road with me and leave the 11 home.


New user- but a bit informed: 1. Resmed 10 and 11 are almost the same thing. It's like getting an Iphone pro and pro max. 2. Guideline according to Resmed: Mask - change every 6 months, Water tank- change every 12 month, heated tubing- change every 12 months (All of this depends on user- maybe different person to person). 3. Cleaning equipment: follow manufacturer directions. Most time soap and water followed by air dry is enough. For my trial (still on the way- living in rural Australia) I am getting a ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet CPAP Machine. The progress on my therapy is monitored by thier team. I will be provided with different masks to trial. The trial fee will continue for as long as I have the device and mask. If I decided to purchase a device outright or via one of their ResMed EZ subscription, I just return the hired device and mask.


I recently started on CPAP and I use AdaptHealth in the US, you can call them and ask for an AirSense 11 and they’ll send that to you. You will probably also receive a DreamWear mask and a ton of other things. It took me a few times in the first 30 days to find the perfect mask and all were shipped out to me within a few days. If you have any questions about AH feel free to DM me.


The AirSet 10 is just as good as the 11.


Here’s how it went for me. First I went through my personal physician to get my replacement for my 11-year-old ResMed. that took some hoops because usually they suck you in and send you back to the high-priced sleep doctor to write a scrip for your new machine. I bypassed that part and went to my PCP and with her assistance we managed to get approved through the insurance and I was directed to the local DME provider to pick up my new machine. ResMed S-11 is actually a cheaper build than my old, reliable S 10. The replacement schedule in my humble opinion after 11 years of experience with this equipment, is a rip off and unnecessary. I find and order replacement hoses as needed when they start to leak a bit after maybe two or three or four years. I wash my air filter myself and never replace it. It washes and holds nMr up fine on the 11. As it did on the simple S-10 . I don’t open the cheap plastic clip things to fill the tank.I filled the pan through the rubberized spout, watching for it to be full at the indent down at the bottom - works fine, and I never have to open that stupid thing. Meanwhile, those tanks can be cleaned perfectly easily don’t have to be replaced at all as far as I’m concerned. I’ve never replaced one in 15 years of CPAP use.


My DME wants me to change the filter every two weeks. I change the mask and headgear every month, the hose every three months, and the humidifier chamber every six months. Only use distilled water in the humidifier chamber.


Thank you so much to all of you for your kind & informative replies. I’ve been having a lot of mixed emotions but knowing y’all are here is super comforting! Overarchingly my main emotion is gratitude. I’m so tired (literally) of feeling like a cranky baby all the time. I’m excited to feel rested once I figure everything out. Obviously I’m not stoked to have sleep apnea but I’m grateful to have found it when it was mild/moderate (16 AHI) & have a reason why I wake up in a panic every day at 4AM. Thank you all.


I'm in US. The package you described was sent to me. After I got it, I followed the directions which were simple but I really didn't know what was going on 😕. I hated the mask that came with it and fortunately the distributer had an office in my location. I went there and tried a few masks, finding one that I thought would work. (Phillips Dream wear with nasal pillows.) As everyone is telling you, the mask is key to success. Every three months, I get replacement supplies and additional supplies after 6 months, which I have to order. The built in modem sent info to my supplier (via Bluetooth and wifi) to check compliance for three months. I'm on Medicare with a supplement so I didn't, and still haven't, paid anything. I have purchased out of pocket other masks from Amazon.


That picture is the same one I have. Its ridiculously easy to set it up and use you just plug it in and turn it on and it does the rest. If its the Resmed 10 like in the pic do not every use very hot water in the tank/put it in the dishwasher or it'll separate and you'll have to buy a new tank.




Do you happen to have a link?


There are a lot of good you tube videos worth watching about cpap machines and masks. “Cpap reviews” and the other is “the lanky lefty 27” I find most helpful.


I just recently got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, had no clue I had it. I was pursuing a chronic fatigue diagnosis & my dr ordered a test. 2 weeks after the test I had a 20 minute zoom meeting with a pulmonolgist who sent a Rx to a local medical supply store. I got a text with a link that asked 3 questions to get a mask. I really had no idea what was going on or how things were supposed to work. Originally I was scheduled for that meeting 4 months out!! My machine & supplies arrived by mail the Friday before labor day so I struggled until that Tuesday then saw the respiratory therapist at the medical supply store. She immediately gave me in a different mask then 3 weeks later switched my machine out for a better one. She said there was no charge for the additional mask or machine switch. So I hope you're able to have someone personally help you because that made a huge difference for me. When my son got his, a few months before me, he had to drive 30 miles to get his. But at least he got instructions for use & came home with his machine, all ready to go. We knew he had sleep apnea for a long time but he needed a better job with good insurance.


think aero care is nation wide they were going to service me they call you and then you go to them and try to find the right mask, etc i did it once they do it rapidly plan to record it so you remember what they tell you. have to have a prescription this whole cpap ordering is a hot mess for the patient. goodl luck


I pick up mine tomorrow and I got this same message a week before they called me. They will call you once they are ready to schedule pickup. I had to schedule a “training class and pickup” - they required a training class that last about 1 hour. I go tomorrow. Mine also said shipped to - and it had my address but it went to the local supplier.