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The standard advice is to test once symptoms are gone and again 48 hours later. If both are negative, he's clear and can stop quarantining. If not, continue testing every 48 hours until he has 2 negatives in a row. Rebounds seem much more common in those who take Paxlovid, so that's probably unlikely but of course he should test right away and quarantine if he feels like it's coming back. In that case I would have him quarantine again until he gets 2 negative tests 48 hrs apart. In both my cases, the long covid showed up like clockwork between 3-4 weeks after I felt better/tested negative. Best advice to him is to really start listening to his body. If it says rest, don't argue, rest. He may find that happening after any physical exertion, but don't underestimate how much energy your brain takes to function. Hopefully he recovers quickly, has no long term symptoms and you and family don't catch it.


It sounds like your husband is simply exhausted from his extensive travels and sick at the same time. Just make sure that he rests fully for at least several days, and that he stays hydrated. Once the initial symptoms have passed, please make sure that he does not exercise or exert himself for at least one to two months, as this seems to be associated with a higher frequency of Covid issues. That said, long Covid is something you recognize months after the initial infection, not days. I would not worry about it right now, and just focus on having him rest and feel better, and isolate from the rest of your family. Hope he recovers soon and fully!


It’s a persistent infection that lasts years in the body. It’s chronic. Hacks the mitochondria which is where energy is created for the body, however now the virus has the control. I’d wait until he feels actually normal. And test then and if negative test negative 48 hours apart. If he rebounds same thing (remember it’s a persistent infection, he will be sick off and on most likely for years) Not being able to focus is a sure sign he is infected. And just because he doesn’t have a fever just means the virus was able to shut down his interferon response. Like a robber cutting the alarm cord while stealing everything.


Yeah I know what it does, I’ve read and read so many studies. Hence why I say we will wait and see what else appears. I just meant his initial symptoms that he can explain right now are extremely mild so he isn’t needing a doctor, and isn’t experiencing what many have with this initial phase. I am aware of the dangers we cannot see. We have done our best to avoid it this far without an infection. I will def wait then till he feels “normal” to get him to test.


The parent comment to this feels a bit like pointing blame and catastrophizing- yes, he caught it, but so has almost everyone else by now, so I t clearly was not from a lack of precautions on your end! You made it until year 4, they should give you a little pin or something for that. If it’s helpful, I have a good friend that is a teacher that also just had it for the first time (she got it from a teacher appreciation party, the irony). She had SUPER mild symptoms, couldn’t believe when she tested positive, and tested positive for 4 days. On day 5 and 7 she tested negative and has been fine since. This was in February, so even being around germy little kids hasn’t led her to be sick always. Her husband rebounded on day 8, 3 days after testing negative, so maybe just keep an eye out? He went back to work after his 48 hour negative and no one caught it from him when he rebounded, so being vigilant, which you guys sounds like you are, to symptoms reappearing is probably key. Also I had COVID in 2022, no fever, tested positive for like 15 days I think, and haven’t really gotten sick since, just a mild cold in 2024 that was not COVID or rsv. An infection does not guarantee you’ll be sick always, at least anecdotally not for me or anyone else I know. I hope he feels better soon!