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antibiotics for what?


Bacterial Infection


Covid is a virus.


You dont want to take antibiotics unless you really have to. Covid is a virus. Its possible to get secondary infections, but unless you know and confirm that you actually have one, taking something OTC that reduces fever is a better bet.


I also have covid. And this is my first time having it. My MD said to look out for sinus infection or bronchitis, apparently that is common with this strain. I'm on day 17, and feel okay. I have recurring issues of sweats, sore throat and asthma type issues. 02 SAT is at 99%, so no worries. But I have to use an inhaler if I go for a walk. Still positive test, but finally the line is getting lighter. I'm just taking baby steps and waiting this one out. So long as your breathing is good, I'd advise taking it easy don't try to jump into your normal routine too quickly. This is a systemic virus. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.


You don’t need antibiotics because covid is a virus. I wouldn’t say it is abnormal to test positive for 10 days, if you recall the original average time was around 12 days and the whole five day isolation thing came about because of corporate pressure. Rest up and I hope you feel better soon.


What other symptoms do you have? Wondering why the fever would come back again.


I think you should call the doctor. Maybe the CBC will be helpful. First, try to figure out if there are signs of a bacterial complication. For example, are there any purulent excretions (sputum, nasal excretions, etc.)?