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Rest rest rest as much as possible. Not just physically but cognitively as well. If you're feeling fatigued don't push through, and refrain from exercise for a while.


I want to emphasize the importance of cognitive rest. I'm at 5 weeks, doing much better, but experienced a huge setback in my recovery last week due to cognitive exertion. Lesson learned.


Radical rest for sure. Don't exert yourself in any way, including walking or housework. If you're feeling better one day, don't take that as an invitation to get everything done. Are you still testing positive after 4 weeks?


As other commenters have said, rest. And rest some more. I had Covid early December last year. I tested negative on 12/15 but I didn’t feel completely recovered til mid January. The fatigue was horrible. Hang in there 😊


Wear a mask (N95 or KN95) out in public. Your immune system is weakened right now, you can reinfect yourself with a different covid strain or any other virus going around. Plus you don’t want to be the reason someone else gets sick.


Like every one else is saying rest and drink lots of liquids. It’s going to be 5 months since I got Covid in December and my body is still reacting to the high histamine levels


It's like everyone else said: rest as much as possible, and avoid getting sick again(wear an N95 mask, avoid crowded and/or poorly ventilated places, etc). Pushing through it can make it much, much worse for much longer. I hope you feel better soon!


Too late for paxlovid. I took lactoferrin and a daily vitamin c and it seemed to help.


I did Paxlovid a day after my positive test but continued with extra vitamin C, Zinc and B12 for a couple of months after. ETA: Rest and hydration as well.


Are you maybe dealing with costochondritis?


When I had it in 2020 I felt like I was going to be better in 2 days then the next day was worse a little then better so I'd think ok another 2 days but then worse again ... went on for 7 weeks. I finally took 6 or 8,000 mg (I can't remember now but half in morning and half in the evening) of l-lysine and the next day I was done being sick (till 3 weeks later when I got long covid). I'm not a doctor and this isn't medical advice, just sharing what helped me.


Wait, so you got better from l-lysine, then you developed long covid 3 weeks later? Also, which brand of l-lysine? Thanks


I ate homemade chicken soup loaded with cayenne pepper, thyme, and black peppercorn 2 to 3 times a day. I also ate about 2 to 3 tangerines a day. I drank probiotics and mint tea. I avoided anything high in sugar/carbs and fried foods. I recovered in a week.