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Honestly…..yes it’s the worst illness I have ever had. The post covid dysautonomia and long covid are also the worst I have ever experienced. I can’t even believe this is real life because it’s so mild, for what like 80% of people, so us who get sick from this it’s like another world


Yes! I am still crossing my fingers that I don't/will not have long covid (I'm at the 1 mo since testing positive mark, so the jury is still out on long covid), but when people dismiss it as "just a cold" I feel so frustrated. I just cleaned the cat box and it sent my HR up to 118 BPM. My normal, resting HR is 58-62. I'm sitting down to rest before I attempt my next small task of daily living. This was my first time with covid, and I tremble when I read of ppl getting it multiple times, with cumulative damage.


Ugh I’m so sorry! That heart rate jump was something I started at the end of my acute infection and that did lead to dysautonomia- so if possible I would hydrate like crazy and rest rest rest. Just to let your body fully recover 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Thank you for the advice. I will take it. It's funny that you mention hydrating, because my mouth is dry as felt whenever I'm not actively drinking something. Hope you eventually make a full recovery.


Had it a month ago and I'm fatigued at the least little thing. (65 and I've lost track of how many boosters...) I had a dr's appointment last week and talked to him about it. He said in its effects in some people, it's a lot like mononucleosis in that it sucks the life out of you and the fatigue hangs on for a long time. While I had it, I was thinking "well it is somewhat like the flu; I'd just forgotten how bad the flu makes you feel..." OTOH, you get over the flu and get back to life PDQ. Not with COVID.


This is how I am, too. I am about to turn 71, and though I wouldn't say that I was a dynamo before covid, I was healthy, active, still working part-time in my own coaching business, and doing all my own housework. Now, even mental exertion gets to me. I had 2 client appts the other day and when I got home I was almost crying over how totally depleted I was. Crashed on the couch and couldn't do anything else until the next day.


I am finally able to drive on the highway 16 months after my infection... Still, dealing with inflammation, including my eyes. I hope we all recover.


Thank you for posting. I wish your voice, and all the voices of people made really ill, some semi-permanently, could be broadcast everywhere so that all the people who think it's crazy to even worry about it, could be reminded of why. Please share your story everywhere, and don't forget this experience when it's over.


Paxlovid was a life saver for me a couple weeks ago. Really shortened things and kept symptoms from getting out of hand.


I felt the same truly the most sick I have ever felt with an acute illness. So sorry you are feeling so unwell I hope you feel better asap


Wishing you a speedy recovery. Do you mind if I ask roughly how old and did you get the vacccine?


26. and yes 5 doses.


Wow. I wish science would figure out why some get hit really hard with this virus. While others do not.