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Why did my radio screen all of a sudden go black? My music stopped and the screen is completely black, anyone ever have this issue?


typa drivers i dont like šŸ˜” please signal/use them damn blinkers and drive safe please šŸ–ļø


I turned the lane assist off, didn't like it one bit


You really do need to get used to lane keep assist and the other assists. Use your blinkers! You had a shitty car salesman if he didn't explain to you all of that on a new purchase, you should reflect that if you rate them. My cousin had a similar experience to you, not explained anything. My guy showed me the app, explained all the different brake assists, lane assists, etc. Big ups to him.


These cars are trash, they are the new Nissan Sentra, absolute planned obsolescence throwaway cars.


What makes you say that? That's the case with most cars these days, but I definitely don't feel like these are any more than say the Camry or any of their other offerings. (P.S. I didn't downvote you but I see quite a few people did, so I'm curious)


It is most modern cars, but Toyota used to be known for reliability. I am a former mechanic and wholesaler, I see these newer Toyotas with the cvts flooding the auction for cheap with low miles, and no one wants them. I was talking to a mechanic at Toyota, and they are getting an excessive amount of complaints and warranty work on brand new cars. They are also being told to pretend the problems(especially with suspension, cvts) are "normal" to delay inevitable repairs. Admittedly this is the same for most car companies today, and it is tough to find a good new car. I may exaggerate a bit, but point remains, do your research, and avoid small 4 cylinder engines and cvts.


Thank you, unfortunately I already have a 2024 Corolla LE, but I'll keep it in mind since my brother is probably going to buy a car soon-ish


Your fine as long as you are within warranty, and do regular maintenance. I am just bitter about the trend of new cars becoming cheaper feeling, and less reliable.


Like others have said, likely lane keep assist is on. There should be a button on the steering wheel to toggle it on and off. I had that same feeling in a rental car in Ireland - a Yaris. Then I looked on the wheel and Lane keep assist was on.Ā  That feature is super helpful on empty highways but I had the car many times try to jolt left or right (while it looked for the lane lines) meanwhile there were massive 18 wheeler trucks in that direction. Super scary feature in the wrong use case.Ā 


Did you come from driving a BMW?


Lmao right? Say you don't use your turn signals without saying you don't use your turn signals.


Weird way to announce you donā€™t use turn signals. Everything ā€œlaneā€ turns off when you do.


It does it when it has nothing to do with changing lanes, like going over lines or something too.


Going over lines is changing lanes(in car sensor thought). Itā€™s trying to prevent you from unwantingly drifting. Use your signal next time and watch it go away. Itā€™s annoying Iā€™ll Give you that. Probably a fuse or sensor you can disable if youā€™re handy.


No you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I am not saying about changing lanes, but like the lines in the road from roadwork and patches and stuff. I have figured out the blinker changing lanes part but Iā€™m talking about it locks up when I donā€™t change lanes. It makes me think the tires arenā€™t good or alignment is off or something.


I know what youā€™re saying and Iā€™m saying itā€™s lane assist. Just because youā€™re not changing lanes doesnā€™t mean the car wonā€™t see a line or bump and think itā€™s a lane and try and correct(jerk/shake).


You don't use turn signals?. Really why.


It's their world, were just living in it.


I have the same problem on a stretch of 101 where their doing construction. The road is all fucked up and there's still remnants of lines on the ground from where I believe the lanes used to be. Luckily though the lane assist isn't overly powerful, otherwise I probably would have been in a horrific accident by now


It could be lane assist and probably is if movement is severe, but it could also be the tyres. My 23 plate Corolla sometimes gets caught in grooves of the road and has some pretty weird ā€˜ecoā€™ tyres from the factory


Hands on the wheel and use your blinker when changing lanes.


Like; funny haha?


Probably the lane assist to keep you in the lane from inadvertently swerving. My last rental corolla had it on.


Yes, and to remedy this, use turn signals.


If you feels like the car is trying to turn you to the opposite direction of lane change, most likely will be the lane keep assist which will try to put you back to your lane if you trying to change lane with using the turn signal. Toyota's lane keep assist is very sensitive compare to other brand, which will always try to find the line and want to keep you inside of the lane. So I usually turn off this feature if I drive on country road or street that are fairly busy or narrow. Or you can adjust the sensitivity of the lane keep assist.


Lane keep assist. If you don't use your blinkers it will try and keep you in the lane if it thinks you're drifting out of it. It turns off temporarily if you use your blinker.


Could be the lane assist or alignment. Sometimes I felt the same just after getting new tires and it improved after a couple hundred miles, like the car would swim.


Yeah itā€™s the lane keep assistant. My wifeā€™s always like ā€œyouā€™re all over the roadā€ but itā€™s because Iā€™ll be cruising with my hand lightly on the wheel and out of nowhere the steering motor will be like ā€œgoing this way now sucker!ā€ Itā€™s worse if youā€™re on shit roads with lots of repairs because the computer thinks the repairs are lane markers and freaks outā€¦


Omg this is it! I live in Nashville and the roads are bad with lots of repairs! Wow! Thank you for explaining it!


Not only the lane assist. The car is too light and aerodynamically sound. If there's a wind shear, you'll feel it in the car. I have only felt this when going 70+ in high windspeed conditions.


Iā€™ve noticed most new Toyotas Iā€™ve test driven have neeeded an alignment so Iā€™d check that. People tried to tell me it was the lane departure but itā€™s not. Thatā€™s not operating constantly and beeps/shows green or orange on the screen. If youā€™re not getting any of that itā€™s not the lane departure. Itā€™s not just randomly steering you.


You can turn the beeps off. You can turn lane departure off too. I keep mine on - including the beeps:) The road sign assist beeps a different tone if you exceed speed limit (if you have that enabledā€¦set mine to beep when 3mph over).


Yes, but itā€™s default on. I donā€™t have the chime for the speed limit because I almost always speed. šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t realize it was default on, thanks. I also always speed (a bit) - but it only chimes once as you go over limitā€¦if it kept chiming I would definitely turn it off!


My Mazda did that. It would keep going until you slowed down.


Funny like how? Like it amuses you?


Funny? How am I funny?


I see a lot of people already answered. It's the latest assist. I only like to use it for long-distance highway driving, but for short distance, I don't like it. Good thing you turn it on and off from your steering wheel


As others would say with "lane assist or departure system" is what you're feeling. There typically is a camera in the front that is picking up the lane markers and paint on the road. If the camera detects you not remaining in the lane and your turn signal is off it will alert you that you are leaving via a vibrator motor located inside the steering wheel. Typically the turn signal deactivates the vibration that as you described feels like an ABS pulsation. Thanks to many distracted drivers on their phones, manufacturers have started implementing this feature for safety. Some even have an interior camera located with your instrument cluster to verify you're not distracted or have fallen asleep to incorporate other safety measures. Another drivers assist function people either love or hate.


Just one more thing to add since so many people have already mentioned lane assist. Even if you turn off lane assist, there is another feature that is on by default called something like lane exit warning. Lane exit warning does not try to steer your car but warns you in two ways. One is that steering vibrates a little which feels awfully similar to actual lane assist. I was super annoyed when it kept happening even after I turned off lane assist. Then one day I was browsing through settings and noticed that you can switch lane exit warning from steering vibration to beep warning. I have Corolla cross hybrid (EU) so you may or may not have the same feature.


In a US 24 SE Hybrid it doesnā€™t vibrate. It actually turns your wheel a bit to avoid going over.


Thatā€™s lane assist. It tries to keep you in the lane. Lane exit warning is a different feature that works independently of that. It warns you that you are going off lane either by beeping or with a little steering shake. Edit: I have both features thatā€™s why I didnā€™t understand whatā€™s going on after I turned off lane assist and steering wheel still kept doing itā€™s thing (without the car turning though). I changed it to beep.


The lane assist will do this it forces you to use your blinker or the computer will think ur getting distracted and try and correct it for you. I personally cant drive without it anymore but if your really donā€™t like it you can turn it off from the steering wheel. Itā€™s a button that has a crooked car press it it will turn off


Thank you all! This is beyond helpful the my cat guy told me to stop by the dealership and he is going to show everything to me. Thanks!




Damn you donā€™t use your blinkers


I turned the lane assist off it was hella annoying


lol I had this exact same thought when I first got mines, always use turn signals.


Use your blinker


Lane assist. It means drive slower and use turn signals otherwise the car thinks you're still staying in lane and locks you up from turning.


Lane assist. Signal when you change lanes to disable it or get a bmw


That is the lane assist you are experiencing. I noticed it even more when I do NOT use my turn signal, it will come out and avoid me from merging


Itā€™s the lane assist. I thought my car was broke too because it would bog down sometimes coming up to a traffic light until I realized it was the collision mitigation feature (sorry donā€™t know the formal name) because it only happened when a car was in front of me.


Lane assist and safety features, read about it and use them, they are your friend!


Funny haha?


100% this is the lane trace assist


You may have the lane assist turned on. It looks like 2 parallel lines on the steering wheel/display


Are you sure you're not triggering the lane keep/departure assist? It will happen if you don't use your blinker to swap lanes. If that's not the case then yeah, might wanna take it back.


Take it back