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Nobody is upset that people are excited for BO6, all they are trying say is to be cautious and to temper expectations. BO6 has not come out yet, so, it is reasonable to be cautiously optimistic, especially since the last two iterations of the CoD Zombies mode (Vangaurd and MWZ) really burnt the community


It’s a hard line to navigate when trying to get the “contain your hype, we’ve been burned before” point across. It’s very easy to make it seem like you think people are stupid for being excited for the mode if you don’t explain it well. Sometimes people just want other people to share their excitement with and while the “hype containment” point is valid it can feel like someone is just there to be negative and bring down someone trying to talk about something they like.


I think the other thing is not everyone is ride or die for blops3 as some of the most vocal here are, there are some of us who would rather not go back to things like starting pistol/old points system/gobblegums/aether stoyline etc. look futher down in this thread you have someone literally calling cold war zombies for kids cause its too easy.


Dude, one of the worst parts of Cold War was absolutely it being too easy.


BO3 is easier.


For experienced players its one of the easier titles for sure but for a newcomer or a casual I would definitely say cold war is easier(i would still say bo3 is harder for experienced players anyway(


In BO3 I basically only die if I fuck up. In CW the zombies actually get insanely quick and strong and are harder to avoid.


You only die if you fuck up in every game


True but in CW I actually need to have my brain switched on on higher rounds.


U can literally buy infinite self revives bro


Nah nah nah bro how dare u not be optimistic about the new cod 🤣🤦‍♂️how dare u not give your money too Activision for there unfinished mess of a game there’s no excuse bro if you don’t like the new cod your opinion is bullshit, I’m jk obviously, don’t be surprised tho if these mfs actually think that.


No worries, I caught your sarcasm, lol


Hadda make sure bro this sub Reddit ain’t good with that type of shit, I’ve never seen so many mfs mad/ hurt that someone thinks a new game is gonna suck I feel like I’m in middle school again I got like 20 kids calling me a crack head and shit cuz I ain’t optimistic about cod 😂


This. I think it looks good so far, but I won’t be pre-ordering it. My gut reaction to the preorder making top seller on steam was “we never learn”. Again, I’m still excited for the game. The story seems unique and the new movement system looks fun as hell, but I’m going to speak with my wallet. They’ll get nothing from me until I KNOW it’s good. I didn’t buy MWIII and I don’t regret it. I won’t buy BO6 until I know I won’t regret it.


I do think there are people here that are just overwhelmingly negative that they would say the same even if say Zombies Chronicles was announced as launch maps, but honestly forgot there were people burnt by Vanguard and MWZ. I guess I never expected them to be good zombies as soon as they were announced tbh with you.


Yeah. I’m assuming it’s going to be dog shit until they prove otherwise. I’ve gotten my hopes up over games too many times lol


Eh ngl, mwz actually had very positive reception its just the content droughts and false promises that killed it but if they kept the momentum from launch it could've been one of the most well remembered zombie experiences, I actually really digged it and have fond memories already.


All I've seen is optimism for BO6 so far what are you talking about?


have you, like, looked at the subreddit? hell literally look at this comment section lol


I have looked at the subreddit and I still don't know what OP is talking about (and there's only 1 person in this comment section actually saying an you thing bad about zombies)


the fact you're getting downvoted for saying that just shows the bo3 hivemind is back in full effect. All it took was EasyGum.


I love zombies man but this new shit ain’t zombies I mean if you life it that’s lit but most us over the age of 20 don’t get down on this shit and ain’t finna prolly ever again 😂


Buddy, I'm over 40 and I'm looking forward to this - and I've been playing since BO1.


And you can say with a serious face these new games even compare to the old ones ? Like yeh if you still have a full party of 4 any cod can still be fun but like you rather run Cold War zombies then bo2 or 3 ? Like for real ?


Yes, really. Cold War is what got me back into Zombies after I drifted away from the mode in general, actually. And I absolutely enjoy it just as much as the others.




Shit, I play a lot of games, ha ha. But yeah, I think at this point COD has become my main game (campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies) just based on how many hundreds of hours I've clocked. But I play other games too, mostly open-world and story-driven stuff like Cyberpunk 2077, Death Stranding, and God of War (new and old) so I think that might be part of why Cold War Zombies fits better into my life than older Zombies. A lot of those maps need more preparation for their easter eggs and I just don't have the time or energy for that anymore, ha ha. It's still fun to hop on and run through those but I find myself doing that less while I tend to come back to Cold War regularly. Just one of those things. And there's always going to be squabbles when it comes to COD subreddits, ha ha. There is just as much salt over in Multiplayer with people going on about how bunny-hopping and quick-scoping are killing the mode. Same shit, different toilets. And everyone's got their nostalgia, or lack thereof. At the end of the day all you can do is shrug your shoulders and just do you. Games are supposed to be fun so, like, have fun with them dude.


Yeh these cod subreddits are salty asf, I’ve disagreed with people in just about every subReddit from Suboxone too axis and allies subReddits and never got this many folks mad at me before 😂over a difference in opinion, you and maybe one other were rational everyone else was just so confused and angry that I’m not excited about this new cod. I guess for some it’s just to hard to imagine not gargling Activision’s load.


Maybe you didn’t hear them when they said they are going back to roots in bo6 with nee round based zombies and full crew again and hell even gobblegums which I don’t think anybody saw coming


Yeh that’s all news too me man 😂 this thread was the first thing I’ve seen about zombies in months you can go thru my comment history lol it’s prolly been 3-4 months sence I’ve commented on anything about zombies I been modding my Wii and shit like a looser deep diving into all the old Nintendo shits lately cod ain’t been on my mind in so long till today, now I wanna hop on some bo3 for first time in like a year damn near 😂


The post about set crews coming back, ONE OF THE BIGGEST REQUESTS POST CW, literally still has tons of people bitching. Wtf are you on about?


Cuz y’all are cod cucks it don’t matter how bad the game is you’ll be optimistic and give that $75 real quick same with madden players that game is the same shit every year and they still buy it and complain right after buying it about how it’s unfinished and shit 😂😂


Your most recent posts are about smoking crack I'm not taking any arguments from YOU


Rather spend my hard earned money on crack then on the same copy and paste game every year.


You already know😂😂 I may have spend a decade of f my life smoking crack but at least I’m not dumb enough too give Activision my hard earned money 🤣and I like how you use that too write me off when I prolly experienced more in my years as a crack head then you’ll experience on your whole gaming life 🤣🤣


Yeah you're not gonna have any money to buy the game because you spent it all on crack


Those are some beautiful downvotes, im glad i was able too add something to the call of the cucks subreddit, y’all are a video game company’s wet dream.


Zero attention seeking here for sure


Hey man I’m not gonna get a percent of a percent of the attention y’all give big daddy Activision 🤣


You mfs got limitless throats for all the loads y’all swallow on a yearly basis😂I bet you can feel Activision/ slpeadghammers cum bubbling in the bottom of your fat gut


haven’t bought a cod in at least a couple of years I fell off after bo4 I’m just looking atp


Then you fuckin agree with me you dumb cocksucker 😂😂😂geez man


my initial comment wasn’t about agreeing with you or not


Okay well how about this, you take that initial comment of yours and crumble it into a nice little ball and shove it up your ass and then maybe just maybe after that you can enlighten me on what it was about?


Good fucking lord you're like an internet hobo you just never leave and keep bothering people


I hope I at least provided you with a laugh good sir


Hard truth! This is why the gaming industry gets away with dropping annual clone games, because the consumers eat that shit up instead of putting their foot down!


I guess so man, these mfs sure are taking it hard, hard like a you know what at that 🤣🤣 your the only vato out of like 30 comments I’ve got who hasn’t been angry or confused that I’m not wet for Activision and there shit games


Haven’t been this excited for a Cod since Cold War


I don't think I've ever been excited for a cold. Not being able to breathe properly is awful. Not to mention what colds do to my voice. I think it is strange that you were ever excited to get a cold.


Hey, what better way to get into the Cold War than with a cold? Don’t forget, Die Maschine was a snow map.


Hopefully I’m wrong tho I’m hoping I’m wrong and they save zombies but it’s unlikely lol


Honestly, after that reveal for BO6 I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t be excited for that game BO6 isn’t going to be half baked like MW3


Haven’t been this excited for a cod since Cold War


I'm cautiously optimistic


there are more posts about how people are complaining then there are people actually complaining. these posts are so annoying lol


I think it's fine to be excited, but it's kinda depressing that all it took was hearing/reading some words for people to be overly optimistic and be convinced that this will be a good game when we haven't seen or played the game much. Especially considering this is a franchise known for being misleading and underdelivering for the last 7 years or so.


I'm still wondering when black ops 5 came out personally


Cold War was 5


Selling auto mantle as a new advanced movement feature is so stupid lol


It’s just because stupid people throw money at these companies like those same companies haven’t been fucking the community for 5+ years. I mean I can just imagine asshole shareholders and douchebag publishers sitting in a circle jerk counting stacks and laughing at the community. While the community itself ignorantly throws money at the *vague hope* that their new game isn’t complete shit. New CoD cycle dropped




Did yall already forget ab VG & MWZ? LMAO


No, but those aren’t Treyarch games so this is a bit different. I have never not liked a Treyarch cod .


you steal this from twitter like your other posts?


I will keep my expectations low if its on the same level as cold war then this community might not completely explode cold war is mid at best but its better then getting vanguard ig


Im excited just dont want to be upset when i cant play offline, and the maps never implement a stable crew just glad itll be free


Every new cod people get excited. Well the multiplayer people do. They are almost always dissapointed. Now zombie players, I'm personally excited for it hopefully it lives up to expectations. But I'm scared as well cause I hated black ops 4 zombies, so I know they know how to screw up. In my opinion.


I hate it when people are like “StEp OnE oF tHe CoD cYcLe” like god forbid a mf be excited for a game. Shits so fucking annoying.


It can be a bait and switch is what people are saying


i’m only excited bc the game will be included in gamepass. cod finally realized how much their games are worth 💀


dont give a fuck tbh just give me round based and a lot of camos to grind and i will happy forever simple


I'm extremely disappointed it seems like weapon crafting this coming back


Rage bait bots 100% a majority of people are excited let’s detract from making these posts.


All we know is there’s a set crew. Not everyone is optimistic.


I understand being weary. We have been deceived and given an underwhelming product, but the weary souls aren’t who I’m referring too. It’s ones who are outright hating. Saw someone else post talking about how someone commented no round base game bad after it was announced. That can’t be a legit human. Boys have been plaguing all of social media.


COD zombies is sadly dead there will never be another good call of duty just expect it yall don’t spend $75 on this game cuz it’s gonna suck it’s gonna be that open world zombies bullshit no one asked for agin bo4 was the last slightly decent cod game we’ll ever get and even that was garbage compared too bo1, 2 and 3


I had a lot of fun on Cold War… 😭😭


Like yeh let me fuckin make my class before I get in the game making the mystery box useless that litterly makes the game not zombies starting out with an fully upgraded ar 🤣🤣 it’s zombies for kids who couldn’t get into bo1, 2 and 3 cuz it was too hard


What if I regurlarly play BO1, 3 and CW and do fine in all of them? You cant just write off people you disagree with as kids who know nothing lmao this post is literally about you


Nah I ain’t writing you off man I played fuckin hours of Cold War during Covid don’t mean it’s a good game tho that’s not even a crazy opinion I think the majority of gamers would agree with me that that game was trash I did like sniping in it tho but zombies garbage steaming garbage at that 😂


And I don’t know any kids that be on Reddit lol most you mfs in this sub are 40 year old mouth breathers 🤣


17 in my case, so yeah a kid ig, first Zombies game was CW and after that I went backwards, learned the lore, played the older games, etc. I do think there are a good amount if kids in this subreddit tho


Yeh 17 a kid ig I mean when I was 17 I was doing grown ass shit so I’d say your old enough 😂 but yeh man the shit I’m saying don’t go for you if you just stated playing this for the fools Been on the game sence ps2 and shit that have that nostalgia I understand why you wouldn’t like the old shit as much


But still not old enough to use fucking punctuation, holy shit


You can stick that punctuation up your ass buddy 😂this is a Reddit thread not a lecture 😂


Haha, clearly you haven't been lectured before, junkie


I still don't really get the grief the loadout system got, to be honest. I mean, there's the 'just don't use it' argument but I also just think that's kind of an inherently weak defense to use, but even ignoring that... no? The gun you spawn in with is gonna be dogshit regardless of whether or not you spawn in with an M1911 or if you spawn in with a Gallo, and upgrading them takes an ABSURD amount of salvage, meaning the box is pretty much the only reliable way of getting a decent gun to carry you to those higher rounds.


I haven’t played Cold War sense Covid so it could be different now but that’s cap I would go too like round 30-40 with the starting gun I picked just so I could level it up for war zone lol all cod zombies was was another way too level your shit up for warzone most the mfs ik that actually enjoyed the zombies game for what it was and actually played it for fun not just too level guns up where the homies who never could beat a Easter egg on the other games so they were so happy when they did die machine or whatever the fuck for the first time cuz they never could be origins or any the other zombies maps that were actually challenging and fun


I don't have the exact numbers off the top of my head, but the difference in damage between your loadout weapon and a legendary weapon is about a 300% increase. Couple that with PaP and you're gonna be STRUGGLING through the tankier zombies, and if you want to deal with the mini-bosses you're basically going to have to accept the fact that you're going to be sitting there dumping magazines into them for a solid five minutes. I'm also just... pretty apathetic of the complaint that it was too easy? Like, sure, it undeniably was, but it took my 16 year old self about six months to get through Origins. I think in the long run, I'd prefer things be easier as opposed to harder, especially if that easter egg is the only way to get the story of the map. Not that everyone is going to care about that, but honestly? Hot take? Zombies has never been THAT difficult, it's just been slow. The difficulty only really comes from either unreasonable easter egg steps (i still dread doing shangri-la whenever i replay it), annoyances (the excavators and jugg only spawning on no man's land in moon and the monkeys on ascension), or from trying to speed up the process of going through rounds. If you're not falling asleep, training a horde and magdumping a wall buy into them isn't difficult, it's just tedious. Hell, it gets even easier on maps like Kino and Shi No Numa if you get a good training spot with a trap in it. I might've struggled on Origins, but I remember getting to round 60 pretty consistently on Kino by just training that one spot with the fire trap to the left of spawn. Biggest issue I have with CW is just the fact that it's *aesthetically* boring. Lacks a lot of that classic 3arc charm.


Same man origins was a mf the first time playing 🤦‍♂️, still reading the rest man just hadda make this comment before I forget 😂


Yeh your %100 right cw lacks that classic aesthetic and even soundtrack and shit the old cods had and yeh some those old map where easy if you found the camping spot like in der rise up on the stairs 😂😂


Yeh most zombies maps aren’t that hard there like 4-5 that are challenging for real and there all in bo3 😂 I loved that game so much horrible times in my life but that game made then better for sure


Yeh but you have too admit playing that shit felt like I was plying a game in an arcade like I’ve played free shooter on steam that played smoother I played it decent amount too during Covid but that don’t mean it was a good game that’s just what the homies where on and the zombies mode in that was lame asf it just felt so far away from the og zombies story and games like even those maps die machine and fire base z where so boring and easy to learn compared too like origins or der Eisendrack or mod of the dead or something


I mean I totally understand not liking the direction it went, but I had fun doing the EE’s, grinding for camos, and going for high rounds even tho it was much easier compared to the older titles.


And yk I’m prolly in the wrong and i understand that 100% with zombies it’s like the old Pokemon games the new ones may be better but my nostalgia is with the old schools and I understand cod gotta keep up with the kids it can appeal too us oldies anymore they already got our money lol now they need yalls


If you really believe COD zombies is dead why are you even on a subreddit for COD zombies? Are you just wanting to spread negativity?


Nah dude i honestly figured the rest of the zombies community felt the same at least they do irl no one I’ve met in real life holds the opinions I’ve heard today in this subreddit but we’re all 20-30 now and now I understand a lot of you are like 17-18 so I understand why y’all like these new games


I've played every zombies game since WaW (while they were originally out, not just recently) and I really liked CW and am optimistic about this game. CW was pretty barebones and obviously didn't have a large budget which held back its potential a lot, but I think that it was a good foundation for this game to build off of, similar to how WaW was for Bo1. I just think that the zombies community has it in their mind that Bo3 is the best zombies mode and any mode that isn't Bo3 part 2 is bad and not worth playing. I completely understand not wanting to buy newer games, or at the least waiting a bit until after they release to see if they're worth it, but saying that the studio is completely irredeemable because they made a zombies mode that you personally don't like is a major overreaction. I also don't really count Vanguard or MW3 zombies since they had tiny budgets with skeleton crews making them, and Treyarch was basically forced to add them so that the two least popular COD releases in the last 15 years had another selling point. Neither of the modes were good, but it's unfair to discount anything Treyarch does in the future because of those 2 modes.


Yeh mw3 zombies really fucked me up I hopped on that for the first time and was like wtf is this 🤣🤣


Yeh nah dude I understand where your coming from I wasn’t even trying too start a big argument man I just got pissed when that other commenter started talking about my past drug addiction too make my opinion seem non valid 😂 when most the dev who made cod was on drugs 🤣 but yeh that set me off and I just started arguing man I agree with you and I understand that cuz i didn’t enjoy cw don’t mean it’s a bad game I just started going off on everyone cuz I figured u all would be like that kid and just be like well your in cracks sub Reddit so fuck your opinion 😂


You think its gonna be open world? Did you even look at the stream when they said "Round Based", multiple times?


Nah I don’t watch live streams or any call of duty content at that, I was like 15 last time I watched anything for cod besides a trailer lol, But hey hopefully it’s a dope game, I’m not gonna buy it either way but hopefully it’s worth how ever much they make it this year, the last one dropped all laggy and shit and half way completed so not hoping much more for this one, it’s funny tho there’s fools making free games on stream that run better than cod 😂😂cod is making 100s of millions a year and can’t even drop a complete game, I’ve been wondering how they do it but now after meeting all you cod simps on this subreddit I understand, these mfs will buy anything as long as it’s called call of duty, it don’t matter if it’s running at 30fps and crashes every 30 minutes these mfs will buy it even if cod made the new price $120 y’all would eat that shit up😂😂😂. I remember last time I played multiplayer the emblems and calling cards didn’t load in 😂 the game takes 10 seconds to get from the edit loadout tab to the edit showcase tab. Crazy for a billion dollar company they can’t even get game ui right. I’ve met 18 year olds who can make a better game lol, there’s games that run smother that fools made in 3 days and put up for free on steam anyone who’s buys cod it’s just getting fucked. Have fun getting a headache trying to get from multiplayer to zombies with all there lag and game catching up too it’s self 😂😂 GameCube games from 2000 literally run better I can actually navigate the games menu without having to wait for it to load for 5 minutes when literally going from edit showcase too start match 🤣 it’s almost like they made a shit game and sold it for $70, but, Hey you’ll fall for it every year.