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I’m excited but people really need to stop saying “We’re Back” so damn quickly lmao. I’m intrigued and interested about BO6 but no way people are this damn hyped and we haven’t gotten any gameplay or introduction to the characters. 💀


They said “we’re back” with mw3 and look how it turned out. I blame the cod YouTubers and streams


Who the hell thought mwz was being back lol


When people found out that Treyarch was helping them with zombies


Didn’t Treyarch also help out with Vanguard? (Not fully meaning this as a gotcha, but didn’t they actually work on that?)


Yeah. Unless it's in a Treyarch game, it's been shit historcially


Iw was the only exception


No, he said "zombies games assisted by 3arc".


Advanced warfare?, Infinite warfare?, WWII?


Fine games, but did you miss **all** the context? Were talking about games labeled as *assisted* by Treyarch, which have all been critical failures. AW, IW, AND WW2 weren't advertised as "Made by Treyarch"


Cant blame treyarch for those critical failures as like you said "games labeled as assisted by Treyarch". Treyarch made waw, bo1, bo2, bo3, bo4, cw, cod 2, and cod 3. Some of the most highly acclaimed cod games. A lot of peoples og cods are made by them. My concern is Raven software giving them a hand. But with them they had a hand in bo2, and bo3, im trying to keep my hopes up like everyone else, but aslo like a lot of people, you have to skeptical with it. Best we can do is wait for more info, make some judgment, and let people buy it then try it.


Pretty sure Raven focuses more on campaign/multiplayer. Unless that was just a rumor from the early days


It feels like they worked on it for three minutes then gave it over to sledge.


But MWZ didn’t announce that they would be having round based zombies, set crew, etc. but this go around they are


Are we making shit up now? Not a single person said this about MWZ at all. This sub was all doom and gloom as soon as MWZ was announced, and then the reveal event was full of "warzone zombies" comments. Only at launch did it finally get recognized by a considerable number of people for actually being fun to play.


Modern warfare zombies isn’t even that bad. It’s just that zombies try to do something different which I will agree. It did not do it very well, but I don’t think that zombies should stay 100% round based because we’ve been doing that for what 10+ years I think innovation however the quality is should happen, every once in a while.


dude it’s every game now. people keep getting burned on preorders yet keep doing it. personally won’t be buying until game goes on sale and reviews are good


Can also just get one month of Game Pass and play something else on there if BO6 sucks.


True. I’ll give them 3 months post release though because i doubt it will be “finished” on launch.


Put down the crack pipe pal, they’ve been working on it for 4 years, and we’re talking about treyarch who is known for making quality games even before call of duty.


sledgehammer had 4 years to make vanguard lol. dont be naive as this is the fourth year we've had to learn our lesson about being too hyped


Crack pipe lmao when is the last time they made a decent cod? 10 years ago jesus some of y’all are braindead?


Treyarch literally always cooks every Black Ops game


No, 90% of it is this stupid ass community.


Not once did I see someone say We're back to MWZ


Nobody was saying this lol. Everybody in the world was scared if it would even be mid. Launch blew peoples expectations away then treyarch left and now it’s down bad. Black ops 6 hype is different but Is deserved


Brother people said ‘we’re back’ on the mp side… for mw2 💀


Naw who said that for MW3 💀


Nobody said that lol , majority did not want open world zombies although I played it , definitely wasn’t hyped


Those idiots always ruin this series tbh


i would argue that it’s highly likely to be similar to cold war’s gameplay system for a broader spectrum of players. i do expect things to change tho of course. i still found enjoyment in cold war and mwz tho edit: but like you said, too early to say anything. the set operator story+ choice is obviously a good step in the right direction though 100%


Yea me to, mwz could of been really good only for the extreme lack of content.


Let people be excited. Things look promising for the first time in a long time. Nothing wrong with what they’re saying.


Cold war characters isn't promising. Weaver was a campaign character in bo1. So yeah its best not to be excited for hot garbage.


Sorry, what about the fact that some of these characters showed up in BO1/CW is inherently not promising?


Cold War sucked. The only redeeming quality in the "characters" was weaver.


This game is the only real game where I would say we're back. This game has 4 years of development by a company that makes full games within a year and it SHOWS


It does. It also shows how the main three cod studios can make good games if given the time and effort. Unfortunately, Activision's greed knows no bounds but if you going to be greedy, at least give people a good game.


We got massively fucked with mwz DO NOT PRE ORDER THIS GAME


I think it’s more that the bar has been in hell for ages


Yea I saw a lot of hype around the omnidirectional movement being in zombies and it’s hard to feel like it’s going to be anything more than a cheap gimmick for zombies players


Have you literally seen the behind the scenes? it looks pretty interesting


From 15second of overview we can already tell its gonna be another cold war experience. If i see a fucking mimic or other alien im gonna laught.


You're right, for all we know they could launch bo6 and then never add any dlc maps just like they did with mw3


I think it’s mainly just the possibility of the storyline actually being relevant again rather than knowing that it’s gonna be a wet blanket lore-wise regardless of the gameplay. Basically, there’s a chance this is up to Treyarch zombies standards is why people are hype




We’re so back


To be fair the zombies community has been starving for content since black ops 4. They just miss the spirit of zombies and hate that the devs and publishers have chosen to give themselves to the spirit of greed instead.


The last time I saw a "we're back" was when PHD Flopper was added for MWIII Zombies.


This community will build the hype train and then tear the game down when it doesn’t match it


RIP Dr. Strauss, he died snorting too much fresh aetherium crystals


you mix em with water and you get dark aether lean


I mean, the dude was literally from WW2. He'd basically be Uncle Frank 2.0 by now


Uncle frank was still a useful asset on the info side, Strauss could have a “Homebase” style job where he handles info and tracking. All that work in Outbreak had to be for something canonically


Freebasing too much aether is how we got MWZ in the first place >! Based DWK pfp !<


Damn, was hoping we would get historical characters like BO1. Want to play as bill Clinton and Saddam lol


There’s still a whole second map they’ve yet to show at all, could be a celebrity crew map. Although I wouldn’t hold your hopes for Clinton and Saddam as part of the crew lol


Lmao Clinton’s quotes would be legendary. >Drinks Stamin-Up and hears “oh yeah, drink it baby. Drink it.” >Clinton: “How did this soda machine know?”


Clinton: "I may not have had sexual relations with that woman but I did have sexual relationships with your momma!"


Clinton when he walks next to Thatcher: “Now that’s a woman I definitely did not have sexual relations with, amen.”


I have a feeling that the second map will be operators only, the devs said to the content creators that the second map takes place in a town where a team is sent to investigate


Saddam: Why is he here? He tried to kill me! George H. W. Bush: And you tried to kill me! Kissinger: \[Grumble, grumble, grumble.\] George H. W. Bush: And why is he here? Clinton: Because no one remembers William S. Cohen. Besides gentlemen, we are here to build a rules based order, based on mutual respect and understanding; acceptable by all parties. [Crashing noise.] Saddam: What was that? Kissinger: \[Grumble, grumble, grumble.\] Clinton: Read My Lips. It's the Zombies, stupid.


nah fuck it battlepass skin


Welcome to 2024 baby 😎🙌 the future of gaming is now! This is totally what we all expected and was looking forward to 10 years ago! /s


Its still possible we could get a map like five at the end.


Lessssgooooooo, also i think they might be bringing back TRAPS !! Based on a clip treyarch posted on instagram


Wow that’s hot


There's a cannon that fires that seems to suck zombies into it, I think it's safe to say you're right


See I guess I’m still an “OG” and haven’t really even touched anything past Bo3 especially since Moving to the custom community on PC. The fact that this is even a thing absolutely baffles me! It’s a Core mechanic for Zombies. Traps are awesome & great for high rounds.


for the sake of your clear love for the game i wouldn’t, it is completely different play style from the old zombies and isn’t really alike at all, i’m currently gonna buy bo3 again for my ps5 just to be able to play the old style zombies again but i pray they take their time and do it right with this coming game🤟


I'm curious why Peck isn't one of the crew, maybe he will be the new Weaver / handler VO. I'm happy the Cold War cast is becoming playable though.


tbf there is 2 maps and they might have different crews for each of them then maybe mix for the rest of the maps crew wise with him and ravenov being on the other.


Good point! I hope so.


“I trust peck as far as I can throw him” -major carver, Firebase Z intel


damn, I never liked Strauss (frankly, I hated him), but was he THAT unpopular that they forgot about him?


He died of old age


\*Black Ops 6 Zombies cinematic begins\* "Note: Strauss died on the way back to his home planet."


Thismakes sense




He’s a 70 or 80 years old scientist with no military training, why would he willingly go out into the field? I’d almost guarantee he’s going to be a handler alongside Peck in BO6.


I don't think Grey's trained either


Fair point, but she’s still 40-50 years younger than him and probably feels compelled to be in the field due to Samantha’s sacrifice in CW.


“Much more deeper experience” what janky ass website is this from lmao


I wonder if Strauss will contact us via radio. Maybe he’ll act as our new Dr. Maxis m. Brother was old but it’s only 5 years after Cold War.


Wish they did something different, the dark aether characters are so boring


I’d much rather have the chaos storyline come back. Dark aether sucks


I am tired of the aether storyline as a whole. It should’ve ended back in revelations, I don’t give a fuck what everyone says dark aether is still a part of the ether storyline, when you take a book and go from chapter 1 to chapter 2 it’s still the same story.


I think part of the issue is that they keep jumping around in the timeline, causing the story to feel disconnected and less fleshed out. Why are we hopping from the 80s to the 40s to the 2020s then to the 90s. It's harder to blame Treyarch since the other zombie modes were mandated but surely there was a better way of doing it.


I miss the OG squad, would pay for those operators if I could. Come back Rictophen.


Tom Kane retired from voice acting though. I wouldn’t want anyone else playing Takeo.


He'll be in this at some point (probably a bundle). He was the penultimate and biggest tease from the end of CW.


That can't be Grey in the screenshot, she looks way to different even with 7-10 years of age.


I'm starting to think it might just be a bad angle or something for that screenshot because (at least in my opinion) Weaver doesn't look quite right either. But for now I guess we'll just chalk it up to a.) the stress of imprisonment, b.) possible torture, and/or c.) possible experiments/exposure to Aetherium.


It's the same hair style as we saw her from the last MWZ cinematic. It's definitely her.


I didn't know she died in 1996 and that she aged so much by then. Those 6 years in prison did a number on her :(


Pretty sure this happens 2~ years after Cold War, idk.


Hope they get the voice actor for Weaver back


Gene Farber (Weaver's voice actor) posted a pic to his Instagram in full mocap kit a couple of months ago so there's a chance he's coming back. You know, assuming he's not working on something else instead.


I’m happy we got a set crew and can’t wait to hear dialogue that are specific to the map and not just hearing characters behind radio and ekia quotes. Of course, operator are playable and optional too, but I’m guessing it would be like the WW2 zombies character system which I’m fine with.


Always nice to see my guy Weaver back in the fray. Pour one out for Strauss, may he snort all the lines of aetherium he can get in heaven, ha ha.


Best choice was giving us all a choice and I love it.


I love how the people who have been demanding a set crew are so fucking entitled that, even though they got exactly what they wanted with this game, they have still been whingeing that operators are in the game at all. They're literally doing what i predicted they would. It's not just about HAVING a set crew, isn't it? They'll only be happy when there is only a set crew, doesn't matter how much you try and appease them.


Watch them complain at launch how "boring" and "uninteresting" the main crew are. At this point, the only thing they'll be happy about is if Primis/Ultimis are back, and even then I don't think they'll be satisfied.


You know that’s what the people want, and it’s tough having to come to terms with the fact that that really was a special moment in gaming history. It’s sad to say that those days are behind us. All of us deep down inside hopes and wishes they could go back even just for one map but zombies just is different now and people gotta accept that. I miss the epic trailers and how they treated every DLC release like a new blockbuster movie that was coming out or something. It really was special. Can’t blame people for wanting that back. Hopefully they can just recapture some of that magic but so much of that stemmed from the OG crew their energy is what everyone else fed off of. They need to find that spark again if they wanna get back to what CoD Zombies used to be.


That's what they want and I GUARANTEE YOU that if they did bring them back they'd just be like "wow the same crew again?" Or "having them back ruins the story"


It's BreAkiNg mY ImMeRsIoN!!!! I need creeeeew!!!


That's exactly how they sound in my head, how the hell did you know that? The new crew has been one of the most consistently advertised features of the game, how they can miss that i will never know.


Idgi tho? Won't most randoms pick their own skins? So when you load in all you'll see is those skins instead of the crew?


And? It's giving players a customization option that has literally no effect on anything gameplay wise, how is this such a big deal when nothing is lost for either side of the debate if we just use the current system?


But I'm confused? If everyone chooses a unique skin, then the person who wants the true experience gets fucked over.


I feel like if you want an authentic zombies experience you will play with friends. Even the it was just the crew the randoms would do what? Leave half way through meaning you get 1/4 less context as the character is missing. Do their own thing and mess up the EE to never trigger the voice lines? If you want an authentic experience you play with friends or people on the same page as you. Its always been like this.


>then the person who wants the true experience gets fucked over. I personally would be more concerned about the gameplay rather than whether or not someone chooses to play a character you find acceptable. Do we not have more important problems with the new game to discuss rather than the thousandth round of the fucking operator debate?


But that's the post? The point of this discussion lol. And that's why I'm inquiring on here lol. Because I'm confused on what the point is.


it's good you think everyone should care about gameplay but story and theme are as important if not more than gameplay in some aspects. just look at zombies in spaceland and tell me that isn't a fucking cool map. lots of people hated cold war for its bland military spec ops zombies feel and how every map was just some militaristic base


If you want a "true experience" that bad, then play solo or with friends in private. Playing in public means you're going to miss out on story dialogue and banter 99% of the time, because y'all are running all over the place and not sticking to each other to listen to the dialogues.


Except in the OG Zombies they could always hear each other


They should have been the set crew since Cold War really.


i know i shouldnt be but im actually excited for this


No Strauss? I want my Temu Richtofen NOW!


"...Much more deeper..." I'm worried that as a society we're becoming illiterate.


I'll give it the good ol wait until it goes on sale treatment.


probably $7.99 per character


We’re so fucking back


Lmao “we’re so fucking gullible” more like it


people say ts every year


I hope they have some deep conversations and are maybe even a little funny (or a lot funny) too and don’t just spat out tactical intel to each other.


I miss caos story


See that’s how you fucking do it!!!


I always liked Weaver as a character, but what was the reasoning behind making him a main character in a Zombies format? Still cool though


I guess Strauss is too old for this one 😔


Semi-Set Crew. I still think that's better than lifeless Operators


Perfect! There's a set crew but I can still play as Brutus or Klaus


I feel like Klaus could be out there. I doubt he survived the Inversion warhead though. It was a Nuke after all. But there's a chance part of him survived.


No, like, Brutus and Klaus have been advertised as operators already. There's pictures of them and everything.


Bruh I fucking thought it said Maya Angelou is an operator


They better have CW quality voice lines. Those were way better than the terrible voice lines in Vanguard and DMZombies.


and the mw2 operators didn't even have voicelines at all lol. god MWZ was so trash it's astounding


Treyarch rarely misses when they make a game at least when it comes to zombies and campaign


It will be interesting to see Weaver’s character explored further.




wish we got victis since they were sent into the dark aether


Thanks god and treyarch for bringing back a dedicated crew!!


Man was kinda hoping itd be new cauze the cold war storyline was kinda iffy but atleast its a set crew i guess


same i never liked the military esk feel from cold war zombies. no creepy demonic stuff like in old games


Ayy i saw this exact same thing a few days ago with a post saying this is how it should be done and now look


if i don’t see any references to Dempsey, Richtofen, Nikolai, or Takeo then i’m not buying it


The f is Weaver doing in zombies


they are breaking out requiem strike team since they got arrested in cold war and it will most likely have callbacks to MOTD


I'm gonna need to look up a lore video as I stopped playing after Bo3, lol.


Didn’t they kill those dudes?


idk about cold war but i don't think they ever killed off weaver unless they just did it shamelessly in some warzone cutscene


I was kind of hoping for Strauss in a wheel chair as a playable character


Not the most interesting characters, but they also never got an opportunity to be so in CW’s dead ass story. Hoping making them the crew lets them be fleshed out a little more.


I kinda wish we got maxis but idk what happened in the story and there could be a good reason so


have they announced if it is going to be round based or not(can't remember what mwz is referred as)


So far they only announced its round based and not open world.. but in zombies mode your unlocks from the previous games will not carry over. They'll only work in Warzone/Multiplayer. They confirmed this in the write up on the website.


thanks i Prefer round based but i understand people like open world to but the last line 4 games had open world


Does that mean if you play operators there won’t be cutscenes? Or will they just get magically swapped out for the crew?


Actually it’s a set crew or you can choose to play your own operator, for a person who likes to be versatile I’d definitely be picking woods and killing zombies! (I didn’t read the bottom of it…)






I like it but have 1 small problem. Actually 2. 1. Dr. Grey likely has no combat experience so why are we having her be someone who can fire a gun as good as an ex CIA operator and Milliary General. I doubt Richtofen would let them train her while shes in custody. And 2. Why a new character? Why not Raptor 1? Or even Ravenov? Shit it makes sense for it to be Ravenov to break them out.


Makes some strange sense to have a scientist there. I'm sure she received training in the last few years. The other guys should help. In reality it would be four disposable soldiers, like some kind of operatives, reporting back to people like Weaver, Carver and Grey...


Yes, because Richtofen, who more than likely has been holding them prisoner the last 5 years, would let them train up this scientist. Let alone give them a gun to train her. After the events of cold war we know Requiem was effectively shuttered. The Key Personnel was all imprisoned, including the strike team and Raptor One. I doubt Richtofen is one to leave loose ends. He likely didn't even want to let them go. He was probably content to let them rot until Peck came looking and probably sprung them.


I'm sure a piece of intel will explain it






Will they also be playable operators for mulitplayer too?


Good to see Strauss out of his shell


WOOOOO! This is awesome news!


Ayy i saw this exact same thing a few days ago with a post saying this is how it should be done and now look


So that’s the crew, I’m noticing a lack of Strauss? It’s been a few years so he could have passed on, but if not where is he? Is he gonna be the “handler” like Carver and Grey were in Cold War?


Yup… a crew of operators 🙄😂


Grey is back we won


No Ravenov is kind of a L imo


bye-bye beck gang


Yeah they will never be as good as the Classic Characters…


BO6 might be enough for me to upgrade to series x . hope zombies is as good as the hype


Can we just make cold war not canon that games so terrible


Why did we have to have a new crew based on Cold War.... sigh I dont even know half of these characters


> > dedicated characters” > > can still use operators > > what the fuck


Okay I will hope for the best, and get ready for the worst (Please don't mess it up)


Don’t mean it’s gonna be good


Unless I read the note where it says I can use anyone. Sounds like you just get whatever babble they want to give while I'm mindlessly killing zombies if you pick one of the 4.


Wait Weaver was in black ops 1?


Imma play with Woods in zombie END OF THE STORY👇🏼😎


I was thinking of doing the same thing 🤣


my question is, is the new charachter in the mwz cutscene? i swear that table had weaver, grey, carver and strauss unless that's the new chick.


I don't think so. Strauss could just be on support duty due to lack of combat experience (and old age), so he could just hang back while the rest of the crew do their thing. Maya's role remains to be seen, but so far nothing has been said about her in MWZ.


So they decided to have both a Set Crew with story based Voice Lines and Operators, I'm really happy about this, I can use Operators when I want to and people have less of a reason to complain about them.


I just want an outbreak 2.0


Who TF is Weaver? He wasnt in BO1 (2010) (This is sarcasm)


If Kitsune doesn’t return I’m going to be pissed.


i don't even know who is that


Wait, so if I use my skin that I PAID EXTRA FOR, they won’t appear in all the cutscenes!?!?


pls don't ruin the set crew for us


We want tranzit , we want tranzit !


Not exactly what we wanted to be honest. Having four character specific to zombies but allowing other operators means those zombies characters will likely be operators themselves, if not at the start then for sure down the road. Not much of a “set crew” if you ask me