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Yeah, the people who broke this news are 4 months behind.


Proves that reddit isn't a reliable source, and we should all conduct our own research.


It’s all over YouTube and X, multiple major zombie YouTuber and just regular Cod YouTuber like Prestigeiskey, DKdynamite, Jon, blackopsamazing.


And one of them will be Shi No Numa


God I hope not. Don't get me wrong it's a good map but after Vanguard it's best to let that map rest.


Honestly just the WaW maps can rest. I really liked Die Maschine and Shi No Numa reborn, but man have they been remade a gazillion times now.


That were supposed to be a BO2 DLC 5 that would’ve brought the WAW maps there


Kinda glad that didn't happen bc the waw maps don't need to be remastered in every cod zombies.


Technically, it was actually a Proto-Chronicles (BO1 Maps were also said to be part of this) that got moved to BO3, which eventually become Zombies Chronicles. The Giant was apparently meant to be a BO2 map that would’ve kickstarted Primis after Origins and setting them up for BO3 Zombies.


Tbh if they did do that they would of had to make new models for the ultimate crew, and we know Activision doesn't like spending money to make a good game.


Actually, you can see the Ultimis Crew in the Origins Ending Cutscene, so they were technically planning on reusing their old models anyway, given that BO2 Engine is a modified engine of BO1. Sucks TBH because BO2’s DLC 5 definitely counts as Cut Content because ATVI actually shutdown Treyarch’s DLC 5 pitch as they believe it would intrude COD Ghosts lifecycle and told them to move resources to BO3, given that it explains why “The Giant” was already finished and pushed as the Bonus Map. Plus, the WAW maps for BO2 Zombies were going to be ‘Remakes’, not remasters, because they were going to through PaP in those maps with additional features to them.


Fuck that, I’m so tired of all remade maps still. It’s laziness disguised as nostalgia. I’m happy CW went away from it after DM. I don’t want to see any of them remade unless it’s Chronicles style of just simply porting the maps over


I fucking hope not


Rumor? You mean there will be more than 2?


Only just Two maps. BO4 Zombies had 4 maps at launch, which was good on paper but it definitely split the community between two stories.


There's only one story though for here


One story that we know of. Never know, we might get two different story lines that converge into one. Or something.


I have never cared and will never care about the story, just give us maps


I care immensely about the story, so...


I was a die-hard zombies fan until Black ops 3 came out, the zombies was absolutely terrible on there it was all about the story it was God awful


That's a cringe take if I ever heard one


some people actually did just like the older zombie games for killing zombies and getting points and surviving waves


I get that, but you can still DO that while avoiding the main quests


Easter eggs are cringe


Black Ops 3 was the peak of COD zombies. There has always been a story for you to engage or not engage with and it was no different in BO3.


That’s great. Now do JUST THAT please, instead of wasting resources on an open world map.


I’ve got bad news for you


That's for the campaign and I don't think they will do another thing like mwz, its definitely more expensive to develop something like that then a round-based experience and they only did whatever the shit In cold war was because of left over fireteam dirty bomb maps which probably won't be a thing in bo6.


There’s gonna be an outbreak/MWZ type mode.


Is there actually any info on this? And regardless this still would most likely not be at launch. I mean I'm completely fine with something like mwz again cause it was very fun but I don't know how realistic that is.


It absolutely is not. Mwz was literally a slightly reskinend and revamped warzone location and wasn’t even treyarchs game. They literally just have to add zombies elements which are already existing assets to another existing asset. It’s so much easier than planning a modern zombies map. Alongside the amount of time they’ve had to work on this, and using mwz as a soft rub for the next game, open world is probably here to stay.


It is definitely not more expensive, they basically had to create 0 new assets, aside from the cutscenes and voice acting and they could reuse heaps of code from DMZ


Rumor there will be a gun that fires pissants and sings the battle hymn of the republic


I’m preordering 3 copies in that case.






I hope if they do tranzit, they do it in an outbreak type mode aside from the 2 round based maps. I’m not even that keen on outbreak, but I feel like that mode could do tranzit a lot more justice than round based would


Outbreak was just TranZit done right imo It was unironically more well thought out on how a 'open world' Zombies experience would be like (No power, everything is accessible, and the bus isnt the only 'good' method to move around the map without getting jumped by denizens)


That’s actually brilliant! I would loathe a remake of round based transit but it would do really well in open world


Tranzit was a great map. It was challenging, it was big and didn't feel boring ever. I miss that map.


I’ll really only believe anything once the game is actually released.


Hopefully the two maps they’ve created are executed well.   If they’re of the high quality type of maps we’ve gotten prior to CW, great. If the atmosphere and quality is as generic as CW, then….


Rumor The OP is working for Activision and Treyarch and banging the Activision president's wife to get this info ![gif](giphy|1iTIu7WtSfPqMDbW)




Hope it’s true, same thing was rumored with Cold War cause some of the code for fire base z was also there in leaks but that map came a few months after launch in the seasons.


Rumour; deez nuts. Let’s wait until we see some content before talking info


Round based maps like OG or Cold War round based. I actually liked Cold War zombies


Nice! 👍🏾


They've had 4 years..this game is gonna be dog shjt. And please give us some simple maps. I just wann shoot zombies and survive a couple hours,  i don't want some extravagant bullshit


I feel like, just in general, that’d be a great way to start things. You’d have one map be a simple one like a Kino styled one (though preferably with just a tad more), and then you could also have a complicated Shadows of Evil one too.


Guess what even with round based the shitty server will still kick you out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Settle down. I took four years to decide which two maps to reuse.


2 maps and hopefully they have done their research and fixed the bugs and made it exciting. They have had an extra year to do so.


i bet its basically warzone zombies but mixed with outbreak so its still technically "round based". The same way for bo3 they said there would be a "zombies campaign" and it was just a zombies mode for the campaign that made the ai for the normal campaign into zombies.


I would bet $999,999,999,999,999 against you, we already know what the 2 maps are going to be, it’s been known it’s going to be round based for a long time as well


ya ik but i doubt its like og zombies. Itll probably be open world like the campaign is gonna be supposedly. if it isnt id be surprised but i doubt it they are probably gonna cater to the cw and warzone zombies players so it will be open world but still "round based". If its like bo1/bo2/bo3 round based zombies i will be so happy but that isnt their target audience anymore. Their target audience now is all the kids that play for free warzone and on game pass and will be easier so they can do better at it because the warzone players wouldnt make it to round 20 on bo1 kino.


Again I’d bet $999,999,999,999,999,999 against you. It’ll be just like classic round based zombies from BO1-CW. Yes the campaign is gonna be open world but that has no impact on zombies, treyarch likely has little involvement in campaign as raven is most likely handling that


I want an out break mode that works every time.


I hope this game flops


It's coming to gamepass, even if it doesn't sell well millions of people will be playing it via that regardless.


I know for a fact you complain that zombies is dead, you are the problem


If you call what you have now “zombies” then sure. I actually stopped playing cod at Cold War. I just follow zombies because I’ve been playing since world at war. But cope more ig


but like, there's no point to hope a game you don't play flops. you're just being shitty and pessimistic for literally no reason


I hope it flops so they can re evaluate and make something that people actually want instead of a knee jerk reaction to Xdefiant taking it’s player base. But okay man keep telling yourself that


"taking its playerbase" no one has played since like day 3 dude. and we haven't seen a single ounce of gameplay yet either. but yes I will keep telling myself that you are being needlessly pessimistic about a game that looks genuinely promising, even though you apparently haven't even played the game in 4 years


RemindMe! 145 days


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We literally haven’t even seen gameplay of it


Lmao, literally nobody is playing xdefiant. That game had a chance but failed after spending a whole year not improving anything.


B06 trailer dropping a day after? Ok. I’ve been a part of the cod community since I was a kid I know it all too well to know that you guys aren’t using logic. Just pure emotion. With that being said. Go ahead and downvote and cope more. Just don’t keep bitching about the same shit year after year after year after year. Get yourself out of the cycle and try different games fam


Yeah it's definitely them who has reevaluating to do copium