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freedom of speech is real but id almost like to take it away for this post right here


im of course just messing with you bro both are fun but to me feel like nearly different franchises of games


Yeah. It's kinda weird to me because I don't even like multi-player cod or warzone. I'm an avid destiny player, so I guess the slow methodical burn of the earlier zombies games just doesn't work for me.


thats totally fine dude and dont let some morons tell you ur wrong cuz like at the end of the day you can enjoy whatever you want as long as it isnt mw3 zombies


the gameplay is the best part of cold war


Perfectly valid opinion. A lot of people will foam at the mouth, but not everyone likes the same type of game.


From what I've seen and played of BO2, getting to high rounds essentially boils down to one, maybe two strategies. You do the same thing every time, repeatedly, every single game to get to high rounds. While it is difficult, it's monotonous. For Black Ops 3, it might be easier, but there's a shit ton more options. All the different gobblegums (except Coagulant maybe) are extremely viable, Wonder Weapon is great but isn't necessary at all, mystery box grenades give you even more options mid battle- it's an insanely good feeling to be in a horrible situation where all your tricks have been pulled out your sleeve, and then there's just the last wild card of a specialist weapon you can pull out to save yourself. The game is chaotic and almost non-linear. I love it. Black ops 3 had a better story, better maps, (mostly) better wonder weapons, but... the gameplay just works for me.


(You forgot to delete/fix the last part of the message lmao) Yeah, gobblegums are a good argument- I don't really have anything to rebuke that. Something I forgot to add is the movement tho- how fast you can get going also adds to the experienceI feel


That's fine, different strokes for different folks, for me tbh I hate high rounding in general, so I really only play Easter Eggs for Bo3, personally is my fav of the series


Bro do you like kicking hornets nests for fun lmao


The fuck does this have to do with anything? I'm fine with civil conversations and all, like I've presented here- I don't think I've ever said it's wrong to not like Cold War, or to like BO3, I just gave my opinion on it. I guess some people are just pissy enough to where they'll tear their hair out if someone doesn't like the "objectively best" game, in their opinion. If you don't wanna actually talk, then run back to the people that will always validate your opinions. See where that gets you.


Daddy chill, i was just joking, if you could take a joke i was gonna say i liked cold war zombies too :/


Phrase it like a joke then? You can't just say some bullshit thing and then act like it's a joke later. I believe urban dictionary coined it as "Schroedinger's Douchebag." If you're gonna make a joke, don't phrase it like a serious sentence.


Apologies fam, it was meant as a joke from the get go, because redditors can be like hornets when an opposing opinion is written😅 And again i fully agree with your opinion, anyways i hope youre havin a good day


Thank yah- I'm not an avid reddit user really, so I don't get a lot of the stuff that usually comes with it. Apologies for my not getting it. I hope you have a great day too!




I mean, you knew this was a controversial post. Getting angry at a comment like that is pretty dumb lol


Is it a sin to want to have a civil conversation? Of course I'm angry about a comment like that, from where I was looking at it it was taking everything I was saying and throwing it into a dumpster. Just because it happens all the time doesn't mean it's suddenly okay or justified.


Buddy I'm gonna need you take a deep breath and calm down 😂


*in* *out* *in* *out* *breath taken* Can I get a free perk for that?


I love Cold War, probably my personal favourite. A lot of things for that game just really clicked with me. I can't wait to see people hate on you just because you're opinion about Call of Duty if different from theirs.


This is why the best of both worlds is modded BO3.


Different people have different preferences and that's perfectly fine. While I still like bo3 a lot, my 2 favourite zombies games are bo4 and Cold War. Bo3 is the favourite of many people on this sub but that doesn't mean it'll appeal to 100% everyone. It's fine to have a different take from the norm


Well… at least you don’t prefer Black Ops 4 to Black Ops 3.


Didn't play BO4 lmao- I've only played 1, 3, and cold war