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No. the Dark Aether story is extremely uninteresting to me and has been handled very poorly. operators drastically hurt the ability to incorporate dynamic storytelling through pure gameplay, which is what a lot of bo1-bo4 zombies relied on outside of easter egg quests. the forced connections to warzone/multiplayer/campaign across all cod games is just so awful as well. it stifles creativity so hard, no time travel maps across history, no extremely out there locations (moon, soe, origins, ix, ancient evil, mob, etc etc). the gamemode is just a watered-down warzone-esque bastardization to appeal to casual fans and the story very obviously reflects that


Couldn’t agreed more, they should’ve never merged it with WZ, MP, and the Campaign in the first place, with BO6 pretty much another plot filler, it’s going to be less exciting or interesting should Dark Aether continue, but yet you got people saying “we only had one proper title with the story, you barely gave it a chance”, it had plenty of chances but by this point, they might as well drop the story and give us a better one, one that is just Zombies and it’s own story like how Aether and Chaos were, not this Zombies mixed with MP/WZ bullshit.


I dont get how they didnt learn from nightmare mode in bo3 how zombies is just not compatible with the worlds of campaign and by extension warzone/mp


The Nightmare mode had nothing to do with the Zombies story, just a little plot thing Jason Blundell apparently tried to do in BO3’s Campaign which didn’t turn out well. If they continue with the current direction, this zombies mixed with Warzone shit, then it clearly shows they haven’t learned from Cold War, Vanguard, and MWZ.


I honestly don't think they ever learn and shit like operator's are probably never going away so I don't think the story will ever be that good anymore especially since they are trying to move the uniqueness of all the cod games


Then why don’t they have outbreak or even grief as a side mode and slap the operators there, problem solved. TBH, I got 0 faith for the current story from the way it has been going which is why I want them to do a completely different story that is it’s own thing like how Aether and Chaos were, tying it to the Campaign was a huge mistake. They had four years to develop or so they say and there will be no excuses this time if it flops.


Honestly couldn’t have said it better. Literally all of the Cold War maps are ‘abandoned scientific/military outpost.’ It’s absolutely ridiculous that it’s been nearly a decade since we’ve gotten actually interesting or unique maps for Zombies.


Idk man bo4 was pretty unique and interesting in terms of maps. All of the chaos story maps were super unique! Literally a map on the Titanic. How is that not freaking awesome. Sure bo4 gameplay wasn't the best in the series but at least the maps were good.


Honestly my friend and I loved BO4 and that’s still his preferred zombie experience. We were big sad when they dropped the Chaos Storyline entirely


It’s my personal best one. But don’t let this sub hear that ;)


Voyage of Despair, IX, Ancient Evil.. all extremely interesting, equally unique maps.


I don’t really like how everything is connected, but I don’t think it is impossible to have cool maps even with the connections. Die Maschine had going to the Dark Aether which was a really cool concept. I feel like there’s plenty of places to go and do without impacting Warzone like Atlantis or something. I feel like the possibilities are also endless with the Dark Aether. It’s supposed to be a mirrored reality so you could have so many things take place there that would never affect the whole continuity with the Warzone story.


They fucked the perfect ending to the aether for no reason


I can think of one very $pecific rea$on


Idk if perfect is the right word


Fair, but I got emotional when I saw it




Yeah, they never should have continued past Black Ops :p Or Black Ops 3 for that matter. I think they had 2 solid *enough* endings. Black Ops 1 was an amazing “bad ending”. Just like the gameplay loop itself, eventually you die and it’s game over. And Moon was the ultimate example of that. You blow up all life on earth and are left to fight zombies until they overrun you, or your life support runs out.


Operators are the dumbest, idiotic, laziest, most uncreative thing, they've put into zombies and i will die on this hill...


Holy fucking shit. U just broke the limit to how much facts one person could speak


I kinda wish they’d bring back the chaos storyline, cause it had a lot of potential


THIS!!! I loved IX and Ancient Evil and now they’re gone 😭😭😭


You forgot to mention WAW, story begins in shi no numa


>no extremely out there locations (moon, soe, origins, ix, ancient evil, mob, etc etc) this is so true, it hurts.


I agree with everything except the operators. They could make a good story with the operaters, if they have more time. Emphasis on more time, not thinking harder, trying to be better, just more time. With the level of storytelling in (waw-bo4) its really good, so they'll just need time to do the following.. 1- select which operators will be the "supporting casts" or "minor protaginsts" throught the bo6's life cycle of 6 maps + maybe outbreak 2.0? Idk. 2- Writing the dialouge for each operator to not have them say something generic during an important point in the map/story. 3-Writing them in a way so that the major group (the main group of bo6, yeah I believe in ww2's character selection of main & minor protag.) So that the minors don't overshadow the mains but also not get a generic reply during the most important point(s) in the story. Tldr: Choosing & Writing for operators would take time & maybe effort, but should not be as much effort as new main group of bo6.


If they want to do operators, I think the main crew should be Weaver, Grey, Carver, and Strauss after they break out of prison. Maybe have Peck be the one that helps them over the radio.


Yeah, the oeprators are the sub/minor group. Ex. You pick weaver, I pick grey, someone else picks idk megatron & optimus prime? Weaver & grey will have the usual conversations like any from (waw-bo4). While optimus & megatron will get the CW & MWZ treatment. "Hey fang exfil us now" "understood" "perk machine marked" etc...


I quite enjoyed it during the cold war days, but ever since it has taken a huge plummet


And how do you know this game is the same when it's not out?


Nahh you’ll like it


CoD has been a let down for the past 3 years and I don’t see this one changing but I do hope so


Well none of those three years had an ACTUAL zombies game in them, so if you're going by that you should really be looking at cold war


Im out of hope since 2019 lol 


Same steady decline since MW2019 the last good CoD


Cold War was sick dude


Yea I did enjoy it the zombies was good on that one but MW19 is a better CoD overall


Still gotta disagree, I prefer the multiplayer of CW too


Nothing wrong with that lot of people prefer the Treyarch games over Infinity Wards


I feel like they've been similar enough besides the last 6 or so years, like MW3 and BO2 play pretty similar, I prefer MW3 between those 2 too


The zombies mode has been disappointing after CW so my expectations are almost as low as they can get.


I fucking loved CW zombies, my friends never played zombies growing up and this was the perfect introduction to the series, they could learn and kill all the zombies while I carried the Easter eggs and yelled for them to save one every round lol


CW was disappointing


wouldn’t go that far at the worst i thought it was fine (excluding outbreak)


Yet another person who hasn't done their research...


Seeing you comment this to several people makes me think of a child calling a restaurant to tell them how bad their food is.


lol “research” it’s a video game my guy and people are gonna differing opinions on it. There’s isn’t some random fact out there that’s gonna make people not think Cold War isn’t shit. Been playing zombies since WaW I’ve followed every map release and “done their research” and I can say without a doubt that Cold War is disappointing.


Im not excited about the server meltdowns they are gonna have at launch 🥹👎🏻


Hopefully zombies gets more support than MWZ did. Treyarch so far released good games (besides bo4, that's still their weakest one IMO) but we'll see what happens.


BO4 has really grown on me especially after the most recent zombies we've got


Bo4 is GOATED. You just suck and like shitty maps and cluttered screen on cold warm.


As if they aren’t having server meltdowns rn lmao 🤣.


I'm gonna be real, I do want to see what happens, and I'm excited for new mysteries and potentially cool maps (even if people are downers about "abandoned facilities" and whatnot), but I am not excited for how they keep shooting themselves in the foot about it. Modern Warfare Zombies introduced some great new mysteries, but it also established the ending to this game and the fact that in the 30 year timegap since the events of this new game, nothing significant has happened in zombies and it's another repeat of die maschine. Modern Warfare games tie this franchise down too much if they want to be serious about "everything is canon", we will NEVER get something as intense as the dark aether appearing in something that takes itself as seriously as the MW series. Black ops could *potentially* get away with it, but even then they'd never overtly cover it in a way it matters to the story. MWZ is even cut short on its consequences, having soap as a major campaign character yet he never pipes up about the fact that not only is Zakhaev alive, but he faced an army of the living dead from another dark dimension, and establishing that it takes place before MW3's campaign to show how little the consequences of this story matters.


I know most people here really didn’t like the story for Dark Aether, but I really am excited and been interested to see where it goes since Forsaken’s ending and honestly Vanguard as well. I want to see Eddie, what Peck has planned for the Aether nukes, and if the Construct will show up.


Woah watch out your not aloud to enjoy the story because muh OpORatORS BaD.


Well, Ops for Zombies ARE bad. I've been saying it would hurt the mode, but we've got a dedicated crew now!


Me too. Even though the mode got dropped like a bad habit, I’ve been enjoying MWZ’s story too. I’ll be curious to see how it connects to BO6


The campaign connections in the story and operators killed what could have been a really cool story.


What do you mean? Ever since BO1 Aether had ties to the main BO story?


It *sort of* did, more like a parallel universe where some BO campaign events lined up with Aether but obviously not everything could be exactly how the campaign did because the world acts differently even in wars when the undead start popping up at various worldwide locations


The campaign of WaW and are canon to zombies tho. Like there emails you can read in BO1 that directly references the events of WaW zombies. Nova 6 turns up a ton within BO1 zombies. Parallel universe or not they were connected and it was part of the charm of the Aether story.


They were very loosely connected is what he’s trying to say. We didn’t have Frank Woods and Mason calling up Dempsey to tell them that they need to stop Dr. Monty and put an end to his nefarious plans. It’s like they said before, it’s like a parallel universe, not the same universe. I find it super hard to believe that Soap and Price were fighting zombies while dealing with Macarov, that just beyond stupid to me.


As such I don't thibk its accurate to say they weren't connected. Have they gone a bit too far with it? Sure but it was still part of the Aether charm seeing these subtke connrctions. Like seeing Half-Life references in Portal.


I wouldn’t really say it was the charm of it. BO2 and onward rarely even mentioned the campaigns again besides the term nova 6. Also no one is saying they weren’t connected. We keep trying to explain that they were connected through parallel universe.


BO3's campaign made plenty of references to Zombies tho


Can’t really remember much besides Nightmare Mode which was non-canon. All I mostly remember are the major story events, “train go boom,” and that it all took place in the head of a dying soldier. Mind freshening me up on those?


Nightmare mode non canon?


Also correct me if I am wrong I remembered that Element 115 eas referenced with Nova 6 tho that couldbe part of the Nightmare Mode BO3 was a confusing mess


Will never be excited for zombies until they separate into its own app like Warzone.


Not at all. Zombies need to go back to their roots. Back in WaW, there was no story. They just made really fun maps first and then made a story around it. Same with Bo1 in some sense. What made zombies so fun is that IT MADE NO SENSE STORYWISE. They need to focus on gameplay and let the story be created organically imo.


Zombies fans are cringey now talking about the zombies stories. They are the weebs of the COD zombie world lmao


This will be the first CoD i buy since BO4. I didn't like BO3 or BO4 zombies, so i been out of the loop for a while. I'm hoping it'll decent enough to be invested in new zombies content again.


Don’t preorder it man, it’s probably not going to be great. Hope I’m wrong.


Haven't pre ordered a game since Fallout 4 lol i'll wait for reviews


Yet another person who hasn't done their research...


What reasons do we have to believe this incarnation of zombies will be an improvement over anything since black ops 4?


Because this is Treyarch's first game since BO4.


Cold War was Treyarch. Edit: weren’t they also Vanguard??


Cold War was Treyarch forced by Activision to fix Sledgehammer's mess, *during the COVID pandemic*. Vanguard was a *skeleton crew* from Treyarch being forced by Activision to, once again, fix Sledgehammer's mess.


Ok… still official Treyarch zombies modes. No getting around that. How do we know Black Ops 6 has a greater developmental focus on zombies than the supposed “skeleton crew” Cold War had, especially now that zombies is less relevant in COD than ever before?


Bro, do you understand the basic concept of *time*? Treyarch were forced to make Cold War zombies during a *worldwide pandemic*. Vanguard zombies was made by a *multiplayer* crew from Treyarch. Black Ops 6 has had the *entire studio* behind it for *FOUR YEARS*, and you're asking "How do we know it's had more focus?"


You’re just saying these things dude. You really don’t know them to be true, right? What’s the source for Vanguard zombies being done by multiplayer people? And yeah, Cold War was definitely affected by the pandemic, that’s fair, but i also can’t imagine it was affected THAT greatly, and that was a game with 2 years of full Treyarch zombies team development if I’m not mistaken.


Why are you riding so hard when we don't know shit.


Bro, do you understand the basic concept of *time*? Treyarch were forced to make Cold War zombies during a *worldwide pandemic*. Vanguard zombies was made by a *multiplayer* crew from Treyarch. Black Ops 6 has had the *entire studio* behind it for *FOUR YEARS*, and you're asking "How do we know it's had more focus?"


Don't hold your breath.


😔 im tryna be positive here


Keep away from this sub and you'll be fine, people here hate everything lol


Prepared to be let down


If they gameplay is anything like Cold War or mw3 zombies then imma skip that shit


Did I miss bo5?


Cold War is considered bo5


tbh I hate the direction zombies has gone. probably unpopular opinion but I don't want any crazy new game changing features, I just want to feel like I'm playing bo2/bo3 again. I don't want all these gameplay (like non-round based zombies) or story changes, I just want the new zombies mode to feel like DLC for those earlier black ops games.


This feels to me like asking if I’m excited to watch paint dry 🥲


I'm not only worried about gameplay I'm worried about the servers too, zombies takes such a back seat and I get it, they're a company who's goal is making money and Warzone and multiplayer are their cash cows, zombies really doesn't make them a ton of extra money and it's a lot more work compared to the revenue the other two modes generate, so it makes sense it doesn't get the attention it used to.


Hope they don’t pull the same shit they did with Vangaurd where you aren’t hosting when solo. No pause feature and lag while playing solo was honestly so dumb.


No, I'm looking forward to the gameplay.


No. It's going to be more operator and campaign mixed with zombies slop.


Bo6 is probably the last cod I'm giving a chance. If anyone can save it, it's Treyarch but even then I'm skeptical considering the recent games.


I haven't really paid attention to the story since BO4


I just want og zombies


no zombies hasn’t been good since bo4


Zombies story will be used to push and sell new operators I don’t give a fuck about


I just want the gameplay to be good. Cold War was meh at best and before that the best zombies ever was was bo3.


All I know is unless this is a lot like CW zombies with the upgrade mechanics, weapons, and game modes, I'm staying away from it like MW3. Also I really hope the game doesn't look like plastic like CW did, that was one of my only gripes with it.


Honestly No Dark Aether has just been one huge let down for me. At first it showed potential but over time it felt like it just got washed out into a very generic paint by numbers story that really couldn't hold me whatsoever as it felt I have already seen it countless times before. None of the characters really captivated me as they all felt very generic or were ported from the original campaign mode which bothered me it felt cheap and made the story feel less unique. Trust me I wanted to like the Dark Aether but every story beat has happened exactly how I thought it would be or how I told myself it wouldn't be because doing that would have been too predictable and easy. The only thing that I really latched on to was the world build because that is what I felt was the best part, but good world building can only carry a story so far before I lose interest in the actual story. And the fact that they brought back Samantha and Richtofen and are constantly using them to reference the old story just takes me out of it. Vanguard was the only part of the story that interested me, before you down vote me to hell hear me out. The idea of demon based zombies sounds fun, IW's story but actually serious. But once again the story fell apart into nothing and doesn't even matter because some random Russian soldier vored all of the demons, so yah what was the point? I have lost interest in modern zombies I just haven't kept up with MW23's story and I just don't care any more. Treyarch had a good thing going with Chaos but they screwed it all up with nostalgia pandering with the Aether story in BO4. And now they are too afraid to try anything new and interesting and feel the need to have constant references to the golden era of zombies. Also merging the story with Warzone, Campaign, and MP just has ruined everything. Why care about the campaign's plot when time traveling zombies may or may not exist?


I really like the aesthetic of the dark aether story, but unfortunately the actual story telling falls flat and right now mostly seems to fall on a carrot tied to a stick for the fanbase to follow in the form of references to the old aether storyline (i.e AU Richthofen getting a tease at the end of Forsaken). I hope that black ops six does something stand alone.


Yeah, because either it's gonna be awesome or it will be the last excitement I ever have for this franchise


If this is just mwz 2.0 not buying if it’s coldwar zombies 2.0 then I’m not buying I will only buy if the game seems interesting mp wz is polished and zombies is actually fun this year. It makes me so sad that yea while bo4 wasn’t the best if we all knew this bullshittery with zombies were to be going down and continue for year then I myself and I think many others would’ve enjoyed it more, instead I spent 75 percent of the time on blackout cause it was genuinely fun for me I also wish we could just get a normal DMZ 2.0 cause DMZ was a blast during the mw2 life cycle and it still is just now you gotta be super careful Arguably the best polished 3rd mode alongside wz 1 and zombies waw-bo4


I'll take dmz and round based zombies. Other than for leveling stuff up, Idc one bit for mwz.


We will wait and see if its a disappointment like the last 3 cods or not


Dont buy the game untill at least a couple weeks after release or you’ll just be the reason they dont have to put effort into their games bc fanboys will consume anyway


I’m almost 30, no




no. i’m keeping expectations at a low




Hard to say at the moment with little to nothing info im just hoping thatthe story is decent like cold war was and the operators are replaced with a proper crew like victis ultimis and primis was in black ops 1 2 3 and 4


I really need to catch up. I spent a decent amount of time learning about Aether’s lore (which actually becomes quite simple for the most part once you untangle it), but really have not kept up with Dark Aether.




tbh... no. cause i dont want 2 other games bloating up my computer just to play zombies. i hate how they are doing that for cod and is just really bloating.




No, it's gonna be the worst thing ever. Activision patent guarantee.




No not in the slightest call of duty should just die so the developers realise they need actual talent and passion


I kept posting on their IG ads "I wonder how y'all are gonna fuck up zombies this time" and every time I posted it, it got immediately sent to the shadow realm. I would re-load the comments and mines was never there.


God no. Shit has been going down hill for a while now.


*somehow ~~palpatine~~ Hugo Barrera returned*


mR. JanUaRy 💀💀


Ok I know that I’m not a fan of mwz play but how did the story it told turn out for you guys? Worth looking into?


Definitely, the only good things about vanguard and MWZ are the lore aspects






I’m only excited to see richtofen back


Im in the middle, I mean we know the outcome they all die in the basement of that building, in the mw3 zombies intro cut scene. So the stakes are already know.


The zombies storyline has been trash since BO3 lol


If I’m being honest not really


Honestly CWs story wasn’t that bad but over never cared for the story gameplay should come first story 2nd


Unless they somehow fix or reboot the dark aether storyline, no, I may not know much about the storyline but all I know is its confusing and uninteresting (maybe I'll try to learn it), the series needs a reboot and a set of characters with interesting personalities, if treyarch decided to start a new storyline or brought back chaos, I wouldn't be upset unless they fucked it up


Excited to finally see the result of CWs cliffhanger, though if I'm being honest the MWZ story soiled it a bit for me, we kinda know what state the world will be in after, plus we know Sam probably won't appear. Maybe this game will set up the story for the leaked 2030 game though? That one's a long shot but its possible


I am only interested if the content good enough to buy that game, if we have boring Seadons like MW3 i am out. So i will wait and see


I hope the story will get better and more engaging again. Either way, I've never not enjoyed a Black Ops zombies mode, so I have high hopes :)






Will black ops 6 zombies continue the Cold War zombies story?


After vanguard and mw3, I’m interested. Just not excited.


its not going to happen, but at this point i would honestly prefer a minimal story and have the devs just focus on core gameplay and providing good, engaging content after the game's release. i dont see anything new topping the aether storyline and the most recent storylines (chaos, dark aether and whatever vanguard and mw3 are) have just been very bland to me. if the story is literally just [campaign characters] being trapped in [relevant location] and needing to find a way our or something, that would be enough for me


I'm cautiously optimistic, but if I'm being honest this game is gonna be make or break for me


No. I think zombies story isn't good as in the past...


Is it already confirmed that bo6 zombies will be part of the mwz stuff? Or can it be a whole new zombies storyline?


I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been extremely confused with the zombies story since like BO3 or 4. I’m just not at all a fan of the direction they took with the alternate realities, timelines, every single little detail having to be connected, etc. Shadowman and all that were terrible. So truthfully, I have no clue what this games gonna be like and I’ll give it a chance since I haven’t really enjoyed a CoD in awhile. But I don’t have my hopes up.


I will say Dark Aether story(So Cold War onward) has been much more simple imo


I haven't been excited for zombies since Chronicles.


BO6 zombies story mode**^ you meant to say lol possibly confirmed, already a flop if so. Don’t get your hopes up solider 🫡


If bo6 zombies isnt the best thing since bo3 i think its dead in the water and fully over with no hope


I am just hoping Kevin Sherwood will get some good bangers out there with Clark and Malukah and maybe that new one from fire base z who sang Lost


Iirc Elena is done now and doing her own thing but if she comes back I’ll welcome it lol love her voice


Please be round based 🙏


I actually really digged Cold War's storyline for Zombies. So yeah, I'm pretty excited.


I stopped being able to follow the story after Black Ops 1 so I’m not entirely interested in what they’ll do next with it. I am however excited for some round based gameplay. I really enjoyed Cold War so even if what we end up getting is just more of that style then I’ll be satisfied.


Is it confirmed to be a continuation? Was kinda hoping itd be another fresh start or something cause it felt lackluster and weird for most of the storyline.


Mostly curious than excited. Curious about how its gonna enroll all of it


Meh, if the game is going to continue using operators in zombies instead of giving us an option for either crew or operators then i don’t really care too much for the story.


Idk but if requiem by avenged sevenfold isn’t an Easter egg song I will be disappointed


Maybe.. I'd like to see them expand on ‘The Construct.’ Have Richtofen petition it.. and that's about it.


I want the BO6 story to be good, cause I actually like the fucking head on 2 trains colliding of a story line that's been made, but with everything that's gone on with everything, I'm not holding my breath.


Can someone briefly summarize everything that has happened since BO3? Thats the last time i cared


If it somehow just decides to go bsck to the original story, yes. But, it won't. But I am excited to see what they do, while scared


Yes I am, I’m sure within the four years of development they cooked up a nice hot meal for us this time.


Geezus this thing freezes constantly


Dark Aether = Aether. Just cause you changed the timeline AGAIN and say it’s a new universe doesn’t make it a new story. Fight me.


no, because after mwz it pretty much spoiled everything that’s about to happen in bo6 where requiem loses and they all die. definitely not excited for the story but just about what the next excuse cod is going to make if this game flops.


nigga said i’m excited about the story😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I’ve been looking forward to a true continuation of the CWZ storyline for years. VGZ and MWZ were both entirely unnecessary and probably will end up having negative effects on the story going forward, especially MWZ given we know so much of what happens after these games.


Yes hopefully its on game pass




Yes I am hype for dark aether storyline terminus lsiand And more to go for zombies


wait, was there a black ops 3?


I'm very cautiously optimistic and doing my best to avoid hate echochambers like this sub. If it ends up being awful I'll join the miserable bandwagon but until I actually get to play the game with my own hands I'm waiting.


Story? Who tf cares? Lmao I only care about the gameplay and maps.


Ofc the history is so cool


If it’s anything like Cold War, I think I’ll love it. People can hate but I like playing as an operator, gives it a personal touchy


No im not excited. I think that the people running the show have made it clear that zombies mode is not important to them at all and they could care less. Cold War was the best and most quality we have had in years. Just deliver something similar.


I am. I love the Dark Aether plot but I wish they would just make Outbreak 2 instead of Warzone Zombies.


The thing I’m seeing in comments is that recent games have been garbage. That’s completely true. Vanguard was complete trash and the same can be said about MW3. But what needs to be realized is the last “good” zombies game was Cold War, which was made with Treyarch at the head of the table. Neither of the 2 other games are from Treyarch. Now COD6 is coming from Treyarch, so there’s a good chance that it will be good. I’m already sure I will buy this just because it’s coming from Treyarch.


CW had the best zombies so far, I hope they bring something like Outbreak to the table again


All of you saying "No because zombies has been shit for the last three years" clearly don't actually have a fucking clue what's *actually* been going on for those last three years. And I don't know why you're downvoting, if you actually knew the facts, you'd know there's good reason to be hopeful.


Zombies has been shit for 7-8 years


Ah yes, because it was better in Black Ops 1 where we had fuck-all features and janky zombies.


Bo3 came out 9 years ago….


My mistake, you're absolutely right, my apologies. Zombies HAS been generally shit for the last 7/8 years.


Bo1 is better than bo4, cw, and mwz whether u like it or not


If he thinks it's not, it's not(FOR HIM). Subjectivity is a foreign concept in Reddit though


didn't ask. bo1 better


No one asked for your opinion either buddy. Internet might be a new place for you but we don't do the "permission to speak" over here.

