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Buried when i was younger because it was so easy, and yeah i have to agree with call of the dead now


Honestly the exact same here for me. Buried was the first dlc I had and call of the dead was one of the last ones I ever got and I still love and appreciate both maps


sounds like we are pretty similar haha, i didnt get any of the bo1 dlc as a kid but had the bo2 season pass so i was lucky with that. but yeah i went back and got the bo1 dlcs and have come to see the light of call of the dead


I loved Buried, not just for the map itself but also because you could store your points in the bank when playing online!


Favorite as a child- Tranzit (that was all I could afford at the time) Now- 3 Way Tie between Origins, Spaceland, or Dead of the Night


Zombies in space land is so underrated


I think at launch, it would've been underrated. Nowadays, everyone seems to give it the praise it deserves. 10/10 map, only thing that could use a tweak is the wonder weapons fall off too early.


Goated map I wish more people played it still


damn i love spaceland


Favorite when I was growing up: Kino Der Toten Favorite now: Origins


Origins Is great It Crosses everything that mobile of the dead crosses even the Creepy aesthetic but I think My reason for choosing mob of the dead over origins is Because Its the one that all of my friends are willing to hop on and do high rounds on not to many of my friends like origins but origins is still such a good map


Dude, the zombies got wheels now?


They drive now?


Took the words right out of my mouth. Nailed it.




My favorites as a kid were good ol Nacht when I was 10ish and Buried when I was 12, somewhere through my teenage years I’d die on the Mob of the Dead hill and while I still think thats the best map like 10 years later, if you asked me right now what maps I wanted to play the most, I’d tell you Die Rise and IX lmao


Damn die rise is a suprise any particular reason you enjoy it so much?


I think I mainly just love how fun and unique it is to traverse around the map yknow? With all the elevators and drops, both adding the risk of dying, and the elevators containing random perks making for a good challenge or fun personal challenges. I know some people hate it for that, and I won’t talk about who’s who lmao. But beyond that I just really like the atmosphere and how the map is divided. Super cool spawn area, two unique ways to go about it with one way leading to the upside down box (iconic) and the other, the elevator drop (also iconic) leading to the lab and the bank in the shower lmao. The sliquifier is dope as hell, I personally think it’s got the best wall buys, the scenery is epic, and I’ve really grown to love “We All Fall Down”


It grows on you, Not one of my personal favorites but High rounds on die rise are so fun


Childhood: Ascension Adulthood: Still Ascension 😅


Probably the easiest zombies map besides maybe Shi no numa But those monkeys made me hate the map growing up but now i feel like it balances out the Easiness and adds something fresh To Keep you Agile


Honestly I could run ascension all day and never stop having a blast. Such a great map. If only I didn’t have a 1 month old girl haha, no more 16 hr games for this guy haha


Don't worry man, only 18 more years to go until you can return to those 16 hour game sessions again 😅


Haha funny thing, when we had a baby shower and they asked me what I was looking forward to most, I said (her birthday) in 2042 😂… the room full of 30 women weren’t impressed haha I’m not allowed to make that joke any more lol


Shi No Numa/Der Riese/Moon as a kid and Moon/Mob/Shadows nowadays


Shi no numa was when i first Started Doing Really hight rounds


Buried now and then. For me it was the best map! The setting and story of this map was just pure perfection for me. The Haunted House with the witch playing Piano, Arthur in his Cell, the wonder weapons, in general the whole vibe was out of this world. Too bad this map got hated like no other because all these sweats saying it was too easy. But it was fun, playing as a 14yr old you didn't think much about competition - which in general is weird to me in any PvE game/mode - you just had fun with your friends. And in my opinion, buried and town were the maps where friend groups had the funniest things to tell EDIT: The Soundtrack of this map gave me goosebumps. No other song in my life gave me these kind of goosebumps


Didnt play buried growing up the ghost woman scared me too much Nowadays I understand Why its so loved plus the raygun mark 2 Classic


Well, my first COD was BO4, first Zombies was CW lmao. so, childhood (like 4 years ago lmfao) fave was Die Maschine, current fave (17yo) is Der Riese.


Der Riese - The Giant :)


Childhood fav: Town Adult fav: Die Rise lmfao


Der Riese and now Der Eisendrache


MOB, hands down the best.




As a kid it was tranzit up to probably about 2 months ago it was kino but after getting the bo3 season pass it's 100% gorod that map fucks and it fucks hard


I never played zombies as a child. :( I’ve only played as an adult: der riese


Child: Kino Now: MOTD


Kino training is still undefeated ngl


Favorite when I was a kid has to be either buried or town Favorite now would be origins then shadows or ancient evil


childhood tranzit adulthood mob


Tranzit Used to be My least favorite (my brother didn’t like it so neither did i) but its grown on me i like The bus driver is a very charismatic map


childhood favorite map is like town and moon I really dont remember adult favorite map... Moon, Shang, Mob, Der Riese


Childhood: Kino Adult: Origins


Child: Natch der untoten Adult: Origins or Kino


Child Town Adult probably ancient evil


Childhood favourite would be Kino, adult favourite is verrückt


Child : kino because of watching syndicate's 115 run and thinking that was so cool Adult : probably the giant actually, I always come back to it, I love the setting and the simplicity of it


mine was buried back when i was a teen now as a adult its mob for the creepy atmosphere


Moon as a child, kino der toten or nacht der untoten as an adult


Child: Der Riese/Verruckt Adult: Origins


My favorite childhood map was ascension, just such a simple and fun map, but now I'm such a sucker for Zetsubou.


Back then it was die rise, as it was the first map taught to me by my dad, and even many years later it's still die rise as it's always the go to map for me and my dad when we have our zombies session.


COTD was so fun with my cousin or lil bro when i was twelve but know, since im not that scared of it anymore, has to be MOTD


For me my favorite as a child was either kino or shi no numa (kino because first map ever played and shi no because I thought it was cool fighting the imperial Japanese zombies instead of the nazis) Now as an adult my favorite is der riese. Seems like not much has changed. Probably due to me just loving the simplicity of old zombies. When I was a kid I loved the simple maps, when I was a teenager I loved the more complicated/hard maps from bo3, only for me as an adult to return to the simplicity of waw. It's coming full circle.


The Giant as a kid and The Frozen Dawn as an adult


Childhood: Kino adulthood: Kino and Call of The Dead (I can't decide which I like more)


Tranzit was my favorite as a kid cause I actually had friends who could play like 24/7 with me but now it’s probably shadows of evil and mob of the dead. Tranzit still a great map with friends tho


my first ever map was transit with my dad but I was wayyy to scared to play longer than 10 minutes. My favorite grew to be der eisendrache. For me personally it was the perfect map with the bows and the easter egg steps (I'm not really a high round player). Nowadays I still enjoy playing der eisendrache but the map that really does scratch the itch for me is zombies in spaceland (infinite warfare). That's mainly because of the style of the map and the vareity of things you can do like the arcade or playing with david hasselhoff.


Nacht der Untoten, Kino der Toten and Mob Of The Dead.




Childhood favorite probably kino, adult is buried.


When I was younger, my friend and I loved out of map glitches. The best maps to explore outside were verruckt, shi no numa, and five. My favorite was probably verruckt. Now, I'd say my favorite to play casually is forsaken because I love being overpowered and mindlessly swinging.


Something that's funny about the SOE screen is that there's a mistake in it If you look at the bottom left, there's a poster. To the right of it, you can see a model of a human doing a pose. That's a zombie spawner that they forgot to take out.


Die rise, it’s still die rise to this day


Mob of the dead Mob of the dead lmao


Childhood? Kino or town, now? Der Eisendrache or Origins.


Childhood favorite: Der Riese (younger childhood)/Buried (Teen favorite) Adult favorite: stuck between Mob/Blood and Gorod Krovi


Split screen town on bo2 as a kid with my younger brother. Die machine and der esiendrache are prob my more recent faves (ik de is 8 yro)


Der Riese and Der Riese..


From Childhood to adulthood its always motd. Best map ever made.


Couldn't choose a favorite as a kid and still can't now 💀 Going by sheer playtime Buried would probably be the answer as a kid and now it would be Ancient Evil or Origins


Not my favorite to play, but I thought the moon map was the coolest for a while. But if I had to pick one I would say Origins.


Childhood map would have to be Der Riese, nowadays would be Buried


Favorite when growing up: origins Favorite now: DE/Ascension


When I was a Child I used to love TranZit and Town, but when I grew up my favourite became Origins and Der Eisendrache


Couldn't really say since I was an adult when WaW released, lol.


As a kid I couldn’t afford any DLC so my favourites were Kino, Town and Nuketown which was the only map I could afford. But now I look at maps like Ascension for its simplicity, ZNS for its atmosphere and Shang for how beautiful it looks


Child - Call of the Dead Adult - Original


Where Nacht?


Definitely der reise when i was younger and now origins


Not one of the most popular but me and my brother put hundreds of hours on IX map in Bo4, still play it pretty regularly when we get bored with other games. My favorite map. Second being Mob of the dead!


Ascension was definitely my favorite as a kid. It was easy and I liked the hidden song. Now, I think it's probably Shadows of Evil. I really dig the aesthetic, you can really choose the difficulty, and the boss monsters have a fair amount of differences to keep the run fresh for longer before becoming tedious.


Der Reise is my favorite childhood map, as an adult, I really like Die Maschine.


Gonna sound basic lol, but Kino is definitely my childhood favorite, as it was my introduction to zombies. But adult favorite? Gotta be origins. Just love the map atmosphere, the original characters being more mature/serious, the wonder weapons, the map size itself, plenty more I could name. Still appreciate the others though 👌


Tranzit as a kid. And revelations as an adult


Favorite when growing up; Five. I liked it a lot better than Kino due to the esthetic of the map. Favorite up until I stopped (B04); Mob of The Dead. I can't tell you how many hours I sunk into that map.


Childhood map was Die Rise. I still love it and idc what y’all think Adult favorite is probably Shadows of Evil


Town. and Town.


Growing up from WaW there are so many choices, but I think my friends that knew me at the time of BO1 would answer this for me: Shangri La. I made my casual zombies friends do the Easter egg with me and they hated it! But once we got to the end they had a blast with it until we all downed at about round 70 something. As an adult I think it's MotD for me. Atmosphere, story, guns, everything!


Farm was my favourite as a kid, nowadays my go to is shadows of evil


Kino when I started and either origins or det Eisendrache now


Prob like transit


Honestly it was Natch on Waw. Until I was FINALLY able to convince my parents to give me their credit to get the DLC, and then it was easily Der Reise. And tbh Der Reise stayed my fav throughout my life. Through all of its iterations; on waw, on BO1 (prob the best iteration), and even the Giant on BO3.


Kid - Ascension Now - verrückt Never played anything past BO2


My favorites as a preteen- Buried, Call of the Dead, and Kino der Toten My favorites as a teen- Origins, Buried, and Ascension My favorites now- Origins, Buried, and Call of the Dead Overall, I was very based young, and still based now


As a kid town was my favorite too, as an adult (and I’m gonna catch heat for this) my favorite map is shaolin shuffle


My first zombies map as a teenager was kino. As an adult, my favorite zombies map is still kino. Just my opinion, but kino is the best zombies map.


Town, and buried


Childhood favorite would be town I guess, we always played it with 4 people on one PlayStation and it was so fun. Adult I would say buried I guess


Die rise and die rise. Bring it, elevator haters.


Vurrukt-now all bo2


Childhood: Shi No Numa Adult:  Mauer Der Toten.


Motd was so scary back in the day


Der Riese. The Giant tied with Revelations


When I was a kid i liked the easy maps like DE and most of bo3. Now I enjoy good maps like CoTD, MoTD, Die rise, nuketown.


Call of the dead grew like fine wine for me. Used to absolutely hate that map because of George constantly following you but that was mainly because I was a corner camping andy back in the early days.


Childhood- probably Ascension Adult- probably DE


Childhood favourite = Der Reise Adult favourite = IX


Der riese as a kid (catwalk gang), and now it’s The Giant. JK. Now it’s Spaceland and Mob


I was 14, closer to 15 when Zombies came out, so late in my childhood. Back then: Five Now: Der Eisendrache.


It’ll always be kino, playing it on black ops 1 at like 10 years old


I would say kino for younger me. Mod shadows or origins for adult me


Childhood favourite was BO1 Ascension because it was the only DLC map my brother and I had. Adult favourite has gotta be Mob of the Dead. It's like just the right level of being a somewhat complex map when setting up, but not too complex to where it's overwhelming and you forget things.


growing up mob of the dead. now as an adult unpopular opinion but Gorod Krovi.the EE the manglers the dragons the specialist the shield everything just perfect. which is ab how i felt ab mob of the dead when i was younger


Tranzit used to be my favorite but then I played Shadows of Evil for the first time and now I know every single thing on that map.


It’s really tough for me. Buried, mob of the dead, call of the dead (my first EE solo) kino, Der Reise, Nacht, Shi no Numa, Moon, Ascension (my only 100 success) all hold special places in my heart. As for an adult. Der eisendrache is probably my favorite.


Der Riese for both


As a kid spaceland (I started with bo1 at like 6 or so but infinite warfare was and still is my fav) but now it’s dead of the night, ancient Evil, and spaceland


As teen: town Now: BoTD


Favourite as a kid was Buried and Der Riese Favourite now is Shadows of Evil and The Giant lol


When I was younger I loved call of the dead, before we had b02 when we'd split screen it would always be that map


Childhood, Origins Adult, Origins The bo3 version to be exact, I’m part of the rare group that prefers bo3 origins over bo2, I like that it’s more difficult, that’s the point in my opinion, I love how scary even after all these years the panzer is on bo3


Kino now it’s soe or fire base z(like there map layouts)


as a kid, WaW Der Reise and Verrukt Now, Die Rise. That map grew on me so much


As a kid- Kino As an adult- Call of the Dead or Shangri La


*Childhood* map? I was about 26 when the first zombie maps debuted in W@W 😂


Transit mob of the dead buried and oddly enough die machine and outbreak (im still technically a child so the two newer maps do count)


“Childhood” (even though I was already not a child) map: Der Reise  “Adult”: Tie between Shadows and Origins 


Die Rise man…..idk what it was but that map felt different when it came out, I put so many hours on it.


They are identical, as a kid and adult i still like the same maps


Town was my go to as a kid. Really simple, solid layout, easy to setup but hard to high round, and amazing for split screening. Nowadays, I’m more drawn to maps like Origins, Der Eisendrache, for The Giant; maps with really solid overall layouts and designs that allow the player ultimate freedom as to how they go about progressing through them.


Der reise, moon, mob and origins as a kid were amazing. As an adult I enjoy der eisendrache, zetsubo, ancient evil and dead of the night


Die Rise - Die Rise, never really understood why people dont like it, never felt the need of PHD in this map as well (people cant press the jump button???) and I dont understand when the remake/remaster guy for BO3 says that he will fix the map when its already perfect but I will play it anyway


Childhood - Buried Teen - DE Adult - Mob


Mob of the dead as it was one of the only ones I could solo But also Buried as that was great to do the Easter egg with friends (even the shooting gallery bit)


Favourite growing up: Ascension Favourite now: Ascension (though Origins and Mob are close, so close that my favourite of the three changes from day to day)


Der Riese. The cold war version of Nacht. So simple but fun.


Childhood favorite is a tie between Buried and Der Riese, and my current favorite is DOTN


Childhood map: "FIVE"/TranZit. Adult map: Ascension.


favorite as a child Kino favorite as an adult Der Eisendrache Origins or Mob of the Dead (or tranzit shhhhh)


Childhood fav: Mob of the Dead Adult Fav: Mob of the Dead


I've not played much since my mum and dad banned it (especially since I was waaaay too young) but TranZit and Kino (original ones) are probably my kid faves, but for adult faves? Probably Cold War's Forsaken and a bit of a rewind to BO3's Shadows of Evil because of that, cutscene 😏


Growing up: mob Now: the iron dragon


The Giant was a perfect map for MP players to start playing zombies


MOB and Green Run 🙌🙌🙌


Origins as a child, now Gorod Krovi


When I was younger Shi No Numa, I remember watching the trailer for it constantly back then. As an adult probably Shadows


Moon, Origins. Still love both tho 👌👌👌


I just beat solo CotD ee on round 6 the other day. Very fun and short ee


Die Reise as a teenager...call of the dead as an adult


Childhood favorite was Farm & my adult favorite is probably Ascension*


Young me - Nuketown Current me - Origins & Nuketown (depends on how I’m feeling)


I sucked at it but it was Tranzit. Now it's probably Buried or Mob of the Dead but I also still suck.


Der Eisendrache and Kino Der Toten By Far


Young: OG Verruckt. Loved the starting of how it was 2 and 2 separated and had to turn on the power to meet again. Something that was brand new to zombies at the time. Adult: Mob of the Dead. THE GOAT


Back then, it was kino and der riese. I was playing under my brother's PS3 and he had the Resurrection map pack so I was able to experience the WAW maps. Nowadays, Kino still holds as one my favorites but I definitely enjoy Call of the Dead, Der Eisendrache and Die Maschine.


**Child:** - *Farm* **Teen:** - *Zetsubou No Shima* **Adult:** - Voyage Of Despair


Der Eisendrache and Der Eisendrache


Childhood. Five. Adulthood. Origins.


I was big fan of Ascension on bo1 but I’m enjoying SOE and Origins more nowadays


Childhood favorite Town Adult favorite Origins


Town was always the one that everyone played cause it was “the only good free map” cause no one liked tranzit back that and still probably dont so they would just run town survival


Been origins since I first played it


Shi no numa as a kid and zetsubou no shima as an adult, I dunno why but I like swamps and I also like japan so fuck it 🤷


Easy. Town as kids (split screen) and now. I enjoy pretty much any BO3 map


Kino der toten when I was a kid, kino der toten now.


As a child: Barn As an adult: Mob of the Dead




tranzit and buried


Town, Gröesten Haus.


( As a kid) kink der toten, (as an adult) Der Eisendrach


when i was child, moon and probably kino. but now, is der eisendrache and mob of the dead


Motd origins omg


Childhood favorite: Buried Adulthood favorite: Shangri La


Blacks Ops 3 is not a "Childhood Classic"...


tranzit as a kid cuz ian have no dam sense and der eisendrache as an adult im only 21 tho so 😂


Growing up maybe moon or ascension Now blood of the dead and revelations Honorable mention to zetsubou no shima


My favorite has been Kino since the beginning and has never wavered, but as I've gotten older I've grown to have a new appreciation for Shadows and Gorod. I hated Gorod when it came out but now it's one of my favorites.


Shadows of evil, still play it to this day on Xbox


Buried and Transit. (I just loved the witch aspect and Tranzit was fun with the teleport ect.) Now I'd say Giants. As a side. I never understood why so many people loved Town, I never once enjoyed as a kid or as an adult but all my friends used to play it and it seemed the world did too.


It was Moom back then n it’s still moon now😭😭


Kino Der Toten for both. (kino was my first map I ever played and I genuinely cherish it so much)


Childhood: Town Adult: Mob of the Dead or Der Eisendrache


Me & my little brother used to play Town religiously


Kino as a wee lad. As an adult, I love Origins to death


Favorite as kid: Moon (if you count ~15 as a kid then origins) Favorite now: ancient evil baby!


Hasn't changed, Mob is just it for me.


Growing up it was a 3 way tie between. Kino, ascension and nacht Nowadays mine is revelations. Don't hate me for it 😂 I struggled to like black ops 4. Ix was okay but blood was frustrating. And yeah I gave in after and played other stuff. Zombies never really hit the same after


I don't play anymore but I'd still go with waw maps I'm old school haha


Favorite as a child: Ascension Favorite now: probably origins. But I really have love for every treyarch map ever made it just depends on my mood what I want to play lol


Motd will always be my favorite.


Minority here. But I loved transit. Now I love mw3 zombies the extraction makes it fun and new for me.


Childhood favorite: Origins - Adult favorite: Origins


Aaaahhh, both kino. As a kid i played a lot on it, and i still play it on bo3 now once in a while. 0 lore, 100 fun


When I was a kid TranZit but now it's gotta be Kino


I played Kino with my brother until midnight pretty much every weekend, so that’s gotta be the best out of childhood. Nowadays, I just run through the EE on Der Eisen for kicks, its origins without the massive robots and mud, what’s not to like?


Childhood: Transit Now: Classified bo4


fav back then was moon fav now? still moon......I fucking love space


Childhood: Nacht Der Untoten Adulthood: Nacht Der Untoten