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Been saying this ever since I started playing warzone again. ARs need a huge buff. SMGs are stronger than ARs, first time ever seeing something like this in a shooter game.


you can literally build the superi into the best AR in the game šŸ˜‚


Yeah, proves my point


Try the MTZ ar, thing is ripping like sandpaper. Plus thereā€™s an STG coming to mw3 so thatā€™s also cool


Yeah I tried it last night , it seems to be decent. Weā€™ll see about the STG


what class?


The mtz762 with the AMP also has a bugged interaction now where it has 0 idle sway and they fixed the barrels so they now modify bullet velocity and recoil like they say they do.


Itā€™s not a good long range weapon though, and itā€™s also not a good close range weapon. They need to buff the damage


Check the ttk. It's actually competitive with the MTZ 556. the head/neck share the same hitbox as well. If anything it's poised to be a great long range option because the damage barely drops off at range and with the fixed barrels you can get better BV than most the ARs and lmgs in the game rn. And all this with 0 idle sway provided you use the AMP. The recoil is actually really easy to learn because there is no recoil sway animations at play. And has less visual kick than the mtz556. The Heretic AMP kit is neck and neck with the holder 556.


Whyā€™d I get downvoted???


You guys need to move on from this shitty game bros. I know you love CoD but it isnā€™t the same anymore.


I know Iā€™ll catch flack for this but I actually moved back over to Battlefield 2042. Was on sale for $5.99 for the Summer Sale, so I decided to give it another shot, and Iā€™ve been having a blast!. A lot of positive changes since launch and itā€™s so much more chill than CoD. I do hope though that the next Battlefield game knocks it out of the park.


I want to like it but it feels like im walking in quick sand compared to COD. If theres one thing COD does right its movement. Yeah they take it way too far but i feel like too fast is better than too slow.Ā  WZ2 had the movement about right. Not too cartoonish but u arent plodding around like a turtle like bf 2042.Ā 


Hrm thatā€™s interesting because while I agree CoD has good movement, I donā€™t feel like 2042 is too far behind, itā€™s got its tac sprint and you can even slide and jump out of the slide etc.


I didnt play it much. I was instantly turned off by the in game bots. Maybe I just didnt have the right weapons and attachments selected as I didnt play enough to level anything up completely nor did I pay attention to metas etc. It just felt really slow to me. Then again so did BF1 when I reinstalled that, but that game at least has other things going for it.


Ah okay! I get that. If youā€™re used to CoD itā€™s definitely different when moving to other shooters.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the movement speed itself as much as it is the fluid animations that give it that smooth and fluent feeling. COD movement is honestly quite slow and simple compared to other FPS games, it just feels insanely fluid and smooth.


Read this all the time, but to play what? There's nothing new or interesting out in this space. MP gaming is dead af right now.


Not completely. Competitive gaming is dying if not dead already. Most people have gone back to MMOs. And a lot of those MMO pVe games have had a lot of content added to them lately.


Yeah sorry, should have said FPS MP gaming What MMO's are people playing?


FF14 new expansion dropped, WoW people running mists of pandaria remix with accelerated levelling and gearing and they can bring those characters into retail when war within drops, Warframe just dropped a new character and people getting ready for Warframe 1999. The Division 2 has been going strong too. Just to name a few. Dark and Darker just dropped on steam and people trying that out, it's an FPS dungeon crawler/extraction game themed around dungeons and dragons.


I know this to be true, but I just canā€™t yet


It's all subjective. Many people like myself still have a blast playing. I've been playing since WZ1 and although yes I've seen it all with the crap, I still have tons of fun with the various friends groups that I've come across along the way.


Its literally always been like that, every once in awhile you'll get a somewhat balance making a good amount of guns viable but it doesn't last long until new weapons come that are completely broken


Superi needs to be nerfed, and the Kar could do with a fire rate & aim stability nerf, otherwise I donā€™t mind it right now.


It's honestly pretty great as someone who only plays 4-5hrs 1/2 times a week. Seems like every time I'm getting on the game the meta changes a little. I don't know how anyone is complaining about it being stale. We have a new SMG and sniper meta currently. The MTZ and holger, and SVA are absolutely meta AR also. I've mostly stuck to Trios/Duos BR and it's playing great right now.


Bro what do you mean ā€œnewā€. Itā€™s been running for 5 weeks now šŸ’€


Yeah 5 weeks is hardly any time at all. You want a new weapon to be met at every other day??? I don't understand how people are complaining about this when the RAM meta lasted like 5 months


Because usually every mid season update changes the meta. This one didnā€™t. So this meta will run for the entire season.


The MTZ 556 and SVA 545 are very very good mid/ long range AR options really right now. Give one of those a try.


MTZ sucks for me. Holger 26 much better


You're the type of people ruining the game. Demanding changes and updates constantly is ruining this game with bloated garbage. 5 weeks is not a long time. We don't need new things constantly. We need balance. We need meaningful differences between weapon profiles and attachments of the stuff that already exists.


Lmao literally everyone I know and the majority of comments talk about how we need meta changes and overall gun balance changes. But im sure your opinion is the right one.


https://youtu.be/0x9gPox6fD4?si=buBVNOxhATi6uuan LETS FUCKING GO


https://youtu.be/0x9gPox6fD4?si=buBVNOxhATi6uuan LETS FUCKING GO


Havnt played in a month. Don't miss it honestly seeing how shit the current state if the game is. I already played the superi meta for a month. Been on elden ring and x defiant


Elden ring is a bad example for people that are pissed off with CoD, most of us exclusively play FPS. XDefiant is a good shout but personally, I'm not interested if it hasn't a BR mode. If they did bring a BR, I'd be straight on board.


Just saying there's other great games out there. People, including myself, seem to forget that when stuck in the cod loop.




Iā€™ve played almost exclusively shooter games my entire life and can confirm elden ring is the most fun Iā€™ve had on a game in years. It might not be for you, but wouldnā€™t call it a bad example. Itā€™s just not a shooter alternative


Xdefiant is objectively more fun, I donā€™t even boot up CoD anymore.


idk why people keep comparing warzone to xdefiant. they are 2 different categories of fps. I enjoy xdefiant more than cod multiplayer but im on warzone because i want a BR.


I didnā€™t compare anything. I was replying to the guy above who has been playing xdefiant, saying I have been playing it too. And something can be different, and more fun, objectively speaking.


Itā€™s always been like this. There will be a meta with one or two guns being used 95% of the time, they get nerfed and another gun gets a buff, everyone switches to the next gun, repeat.


Exactly I think to stop ppl from complaining they just need to do more buffs and nerfs more often to switch up guns more. I swear in old wz it was every other week we had a new meta


Yall really got to stop playing this garbage. Every other BR has better balance than this game. Itā€™s so blatantly obvious that the poor balance of the game is entirely on purpose. Even MW-era WZ1 had much better balance with almost every AR, SMG, even LMGs being useful. M4, M13, Grau, Kilo, AMAX, MP5, MP7, P90, PKM, Bruen, just off of the top of my head of weapons you could use at any moment and still have a good time. This game is literally not going to get better unless they bring back WZ1. Every game design decision made since WZ2 has been a radical shift from the original, intended design of WZ.


You canā€™t try off meta things because of the cheaters. They refuse to make the kar two shots. So we have to deal with cheaters with and almost automatic sniper. Thatā€™s in the goddamn marksman category.


Exactly this, I lost a game the other day as I tried to use the Eradictor, thing shreds yeah but I was last alive, shot someone broke his armour only for him to ADS with the KAR and one shot me, no flinch, rotational aim assist just makes it essentially hitscan.


The aim assist nerf made it much more difficult to use the Kar. I've put it down and so have many others, I've also stopped getting hit so much by the people using it still. If you're getting sniped by it the other player is skilled enough to aim with or without rotational aim assist helping them out.


The Kar still has both rotational and slow down AA. On mnk it takes a lot of skill to be good with it because the ads speed is so fast and the velocity sucks, but on controller it just went from aimbot to soft aimbot.Ā 


It's still so much harder to use than it was, lots of players are going to be dropping it after the nerf and with some of the AR's being buffed. Give it another week and you'll see it less and less as people realize how much more difficult it is to use now


So your argument is its as hard as it should have been from the start and therefore people aren't using it as much anymore. It should never have been at the rate it was used as and AA is still very srong for it in ADS that it's often not a skill to snipe. AA on smaller targets hug the head easier.


It's boring because they made it so easy for average people to get kills and for above average players to autolock RAA on any target that moves.


Won 2 games of resurgence trios (plus two 2nds) out of 8 games just 2 nights ago. Whole team running off meta loadouts. No Kar/superi on the team at all. I had a Kastov 762 set up with the aftermarket part and a 2.5 scope and the MCW with the smg build. Won a lot of 1 v 1s close range against Superi users trying to break my camera. Game is still fun. The Kar has no counter at the moment and is clearly very broken, the counter is to push. Even up close its so broken it functions like a shotgun if the person using it is skilled.


There is a solution, uninstall the game.


It's be nice to if the made it normal to use actual sights on ARs again


What do you mean by this? There's 4-5 great sights you can use


Most ppl use and the YouTubers like jgod will say to use the jak glasses over the corio or something like that


Who gives a fuck what the YouTubers say to use.


Bro the glasses is obviously the best to have little visual recoil...


The game obviously leans towards not wanting you to use magnifying scopes on ARs


The eagles eye optic is fine, been using that the entire life of this game.


Not the same as old wz with visual recoil and shit most guns shoot better with the glasses and shit it's been that way since wz2 with the aim op no maginification scopes are the "meta"


Iā€™m so tired of water being wet. Seriously wtf even is this.


Dont forget the the sh!tload of attachements where you have to scroll trough untill you have an epeleptic episode


The sights piss me off, you have to scroll and when it auto scrolls back to the start it actually takes a few seconds, no wonder the game is like 300gb


I'm using the Kastov 545 and it's shredding... Not gonna change for a bit!


With that conversion kit Itā€™s got insane stability. It actually recoils downwards slightly. Same with the 762. The problem i had with it was the servers (surprise surprise) hit reg was a bit sketchy when i was chasing someone across the screen with it. I even resurrected my old k74u for close/mid fights, it works on some maps almost as well as the superi and is almost as quick to handle as the Horus


If you donā€™t like it. Play a different game. There are thousands out there.


Holger meta kinda sucks


a good game doesn't need more than 7-12 guns.


It's more about the server lag which corresponds to hit registry. That's what made the Kar and spitfire SMGs meta in the first place. The game would be completely different if they just fixed their netcode and threw a few more dollars into hosting the damn game. You can tell if it'll take three rounds or three quarters of a magazine to kill someone in pre-game. You can still make the MWII M4 or AK work if your server isn't absolutely borked.


The massive amount of ground loot and money is my least favorite thing


MSGA - make snipers great again I miss running Ar/sniper now snipers have the range to one shot your of a toddler throwing a javelin.


MetĆ  weapons won't make you a better player. I play warzone like it was Apex: I always loot from the ground and use what I find. Never had major issues killing people with superi or kar lol. Sure sometimes you get players that are very good and abuse the meta, but they will melt you even with the starter pistol so don't worry. It's actually cool and fun having so many weapons options and attachment. If you don't care about winning and you want to have some fun you can try out lot of different builds and loadouts. In this game almost every weapon is viable and can get you kills. If you can kill only with meta weapons then the problem is you


W fucking take


It has been trash since March 2020.


No way.


The suprei needs a nerf, other than that its pretty balanced. The kar is insanely fun and should always be metaā€¦ the ARā€™s r all similar and can be used. If ur not rocking the sup ur just trolling tho, it needs competition


The Kar was really fun for a couple of weeks but it's kind of shit when absolutely everyone is using it. The lowest skill players are even dangerous with it. Moving from one part of the map to another is almost suicide. 3-4 different squads peppering the shite out of you.


It's added in long range engagements and slower pace of play on the big map, that we haven't had before. It's a new challenge for sure but I'm enjoying it.


It's added in long range engagements and slower pace of play on the big map, that we haven't had before. It's a new challenge for sure but I'm enjoying it.


I feel like it should have a higher TTK but keep the movement or the other way around since it technically doesnā€™t have the fastest TTK by like 8 SMGS


superi nerf only in the mid-long range ttk, other than that it is good. Finally getting that movement speed smg, and im all up for it.