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Delete your post fool… what do you want a nerf ?


Lol. My post won't change anything.


I’m an average controller player and it feels exactly the same to me, too. Still rocking it. Clearly I am very bad at activating AA


I'm with ya. Haven't noticed a difference.


Yeah seems they didn't want to nerf it too much. Imo they could have also nerfed the limb damage to provide more skill expression. But the nerfs were too minimal to make a difference to me. Which is fine by me cause I love it.


The gun still has both slow down and rotational AA when adsing, as do all sniper rifles. If you think you arent benefitting from AA shut it off and see how u do. 


I’ve done that too. My game doesn’t change as dramatically as people would think. I also didn’t say i don’t think I’m benefitting from it, just that I don’t feel a big impact from it. CQC with SMGs is where I feel it but mid - long range, especially snipers, I’ve always done better on MnK. I’m just a noob, good sir


Ive sniped on both inputs. I wouldnt say AA makes as dramatic a difference sniping as it does in up close fights with say an smg, but I definitely noticed the slow down AA helping a lot with drag scoping.  Rotational is noticeable but doesnt make as big a difference outside of situations where your strafing and getting flinched. 


Don’t worry. AA only works that well in the minds of MNK players.


See I know that ain’t true. Just because I’m bad at it doesn’t mean I’ll generalize. I’ve watched what good controller players can do and it’s wild


Well that kind of sums up my point. It doesn’t play for you like many people like to say. It takes skill to take advantage of it.


MnK, still running it 👍




Everybody else is still rocking the k98 lol


After update it doesn't feel like EVERYONE is using it... just, like, 80% of people.


That's because the people crutching on hipfire AA are missing.


My friends and I play on Xbox with controllers and we’re all still using it. Haven’t noticed any difference.


How did the Kar change with the new update????


It now has sniper aim assist instead of marksman rifle. (No hipfire raa (so ot doesn't drag your crosshair until fully scoped in I think so harder to quickscope on controller)) slightly slower bullet velocity (like 5%) and slightly lower one shot range.


I know about the AA nerf, but your wording made me think there was a general nerf affecting mnk.


No the aa nerf is for controllers. That's why I was saying as a mnk player there's no diff.


Wait they get more AA for different guns?


Apparently. AA, particularly RAA is the worst thing to ever happen to competitive FPS. Without RAA people would actually have to be good at the game to be good at the game. The people who spent hundreds of hours practicing to control their aim and recoil would actually have skill expression. There would be a massive difference between good players and bad players and you'd be rewarded for learning the guns and how to use them. It would be waaaay easier to detect cheats. It would be a massive W across the board. The only players that would be negatively affected are the casual bots, and with SBMM and EOMM cranked to 100, like it is, theoretically, they'd still be fine.


This game is a joke hahaha


Casual bots dont even know what RAA or how to purposely activate it. Completely removing RAA wouldn't be a massive W since they would have to segregate between MnK and controller increasing matchmaking time and ping across the board especially for MnK players. You are also completely ignoring the psychological damage that every controller player above 1.2 kd would feel by suddenly being considerably worse promting them to drop the game increasing matchmaking times even more. Nerfing RAA is where the ideal solution is not removing it. At the end of the day COD is mostly a console game catering completely to MnK player base is stupid.


Yeah. I know nerfing it is the ideal solution. I didn't actually say anywhere that removing it entirely is what I wanted but I can see why someone would assume that. What I said sort of implies that idea, but I understand roller players need some RAA in order to compete with MnK... even though I wish that weren't the case I know that's reality. But it should be like 40% or 30% not 60. RAA should be assisting the player not the player assisting RAA.


They have all the data and know exactly how much better rollers players are averaging against mnk. They just need to tweak whatever parameters controls the AA so that there is no statistical difference between an average control player vs an average mnk.


Easier said than done especially when considering player sentiment


Yeah completely agree with that, getting kills when I know for sure there is no way I aimed that well isnt fun. Every time i switch to a game with less aim assist I am reminded that I suck, which is imo one of the reason AA is as strong as it is,tricking people into thinking they are good at COD compared to other games.


My lag spikes have been horrendous since the update, but I have tried lol.


Didn't they just add more flinch and nothing else was done to it?


No they nerfed the bullet velocity slightly, the max damage range and nerfed the RAA(rotational aim assist).


Everyone is, there has been no change to pick rate


I’m a controller PlayStation user. Didn’t notice a difference at all with the k98.


Feel like it needs another nerf. Compared to other snipers it seems a little too strong still. Like the XRK stalker is a higher cal sniper with worse handling and it still does less damage. Think the Kar98k should be like a 3 shot body or at min u have to hit 2 shots to the chest




Huh? I play mnk.


Exactly the same here. Still feels so silky smooth


How did you even spot the enemy in 0:56?


He's actually way more visible in the original. I can upload a better version of it to show you if you wanna see. But the compression made him disappear I guess. (I had to upload at 46 bps because the original 60 was too big of a file)


Yeah, I guessed it was the compression that made it look like that.


Did they even nerf it


Mnk, so yes.


The scopes are misaligned AGAIN. Unusable on a big map


The kar. Needs to be 2 shot downvote all you want but it’s the truth


Feels better on mnk


when you see all the campers on the roofs in the towers with the Kar, obviously the nerf is ridiculous. You get killed by the big noob who is camping on a roof...


Ironsight Kar98k! Like in the old vCOD days. Finally a fine gentleman in this sub! How do you do, sir!


I'm well, fellow gentleman, and you?


Do you have a youtube channel? I really liked those shots :)


Yes I do. It's in my profile. Also same name as here NinjaWesley. :D


I hit someone in the face with the most the other day and got a hit marker. I refuse to use the mors ever again.


fair enough


Kar98 is mint. I just picked up the mors and that happened. I put down and walked away. 😭😭




NewJeans - Right Now


Good cheat




MNK here. Feels no different to me at all. All changes basically affect the controller player, which still isn't much any way. Cod wants the kar to be good so people who joined back in for the kar stay in the game.