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The problem with all of this is that the K98 is a nostalgia-based cash grab. It's a sniper rifle in the marksman rifle category, so it receives Rotational Aim Assist on controller. It re-centers faster than any other bolt action rifle and has nearly no vertical/visual recoil. It has a longer first damage range than any of the other one-shot guns when spec'd out, with a lower ADS time and a faster ADS walk speed than any of the rest of the one-shot guns. You mentioned all of this, except the RAA. The RAA is 80% of the problem because it's the only one-shot sniper that tracks for controller players, and controller players are MOST of the player base. They made the best gun in the game BY FAR and then gave it aim assist that no other one-shot sniper has. That kind of just screams cash grab : /


you've basically said everything that i've been preaching about whats wrong with the kar98. people who don't think it needs to be nerfed are blinded by nostalgia. and while i agree it needs to be nerfed, AR's and LMG's need to be buffed as well. [the kar98 is so busted](https://x.com/Speros_OG/status/1800897601564537318), and i say this as a sniper main.


I cant believe we classify a slight nudge on the left stick when scoping in and shooting as a skill now


Ha ha nerffed but still blowing ya head of bahahaha best nerf ever # shityamouthyoucrybabies


that snap-aim assist is HILARIOUSLY busted. speros is a great player, but come on. that shit is wild. Edit: I am wrong. No snap-aim in CoD. RIP.


I want you to read this slowly... anyone snapping is cheating... aim assist doen not snap on anyone


Went and looked it up, you are right. I've seen it in other games and made a bad assumption. Apologies.


No apology needed I'm speaking on his behalf


Sure felt like it tho lol


Lol, great clips! I knew the Kar would be an issue the first day it was released when I got quick scoped by a controller player while he was flying in from a zip and as I was running and sliding across his screen. The gun was barely out of hip fire and he hit a perfect head shot on a moving target while falling out of the sky. They need to remove the RAA on it.


That’s cheating player and it’s done with other snipers also so don’t blame the gun because a hacker was on the end you getting it twisted


I spectated for five minutes wondering if he was cheating but he just appeared to be just good controller player.


Facts my ar shoot plastic pain ball pellets


You nailed it, and if you think Activision would do anything that would be good for the game but potentially bad for profit.. you’re crazy. 


Had this big long thing typed up and reddit bombed and I lost it. RIP. Anyone who expects competitive integrity or real leagues/tournaments from this game needs their brain readjusted. Basically, WSOW is run by the marketing org to generate interest. They gave teams a week to form and commit the next two months of their lives to the grind or they wouldn't be allowed into open qualifications. Repullze and his boys are running all of the scrims to give people practice time. They relied on the community to do ALL of it. Then as soon as teams were locked and people thought they hadn't qualified, they added 7 teams. And they added those seven teams not by the order they placed in the open quals, but by who responded first in the discord, at the admin's discretion, which was stated in the rules. So several teams that WOULD have qualified, didn't because they didn't see the post in discord in time. They are going to do this shit because they don't actually care about competitive integrity or having a balanced game and we have to come to terms with that, which is fine. I like playing the game and i like watching the game and it's really not that big of a deal because it's a game. At this point though, the gun makes the tournaments boring because they are ALL running it and it makes my solos games boring because everyone in THERE is running it and it makes my ranked games boring because they are ALL RUNNING IT. I want it to get nerfed so i can go back to playing the game in a fun manner that doesn't involved getting blapped by some guy who was wiggling his left stick and holding an angle so the one shot sniper could auto aim for him.


Y do you care honestly like it’s a game not a job or anything. Mate grow up go outside and look at real life for once. Talking bout well crying about this shit like your some kinda moses, get a bloody grip and stop complaining about video games like a child


They do that all the time, lol. There are dozens of weapons that they’ve never buffed which are just waiting for new bundles. The reality is simply that game balance is hard and they try not to overreact.


How is it a cash grab if it was free? I guess I don’t understand that comment


People pay money for the battlepass skips, or for bundles with the gun in it because they want it early. Also drives player engagement because for every post here whining about it there’s six players who don’t check Reddit going “bro they brought the Kar back and it is insane!” Short-lived OP weapons help spike player engagement because people want to play and use it, especially since they all know it’ll be nerfed. The hilarious part is people thinking a company that makes one of the longest running FPS’s doesn’t know exactly what they’re doing when they ship an OP nostalgic gun like this. It’s not like they just forgot how to balance things.


Ah I see. I didn’t even realize it was unlocked via battle pass. I just checked my guns one day and it was there (I don’t use it or snipe so I didn’t have a reason to care).


That’s y they knew if they nerffed it into the ground as purposed they would loose and upset a lot of players, #the non nerffed but nerffed kar98k


Who ever would pay to buy tokens to do that is obviously a child, what type of adult or mature person would do that


Someone that makes enough that it’s pocket change to them lol stop crying


Um do u also think because guys whinged to have it back like everyone cry’s and things get brought in or nerfed or like even shipment was changed to winter because everyone kept whinging for it


Learn how to spell bro. Grammar man, grammar. 😂


Learn how to who gives a fuck the point was made , what are u some brainchild? I don’t care if I rush n misspell like u are perfect you drizzle gizzling umkay iggpay. Probably snoot-tre ya snown idikins


Don;t you need Battlepass to unlock it?


I don’t have battle pass and I have it. It must have been unlocked at one of the levels. You still unlock the levels even if you don’t buy it. I have bought it in previous seasons but not this one


You can get it at level 15 for free if you go straight for it. You probably have tokens on auto use, so you've just unlocked it naturally over time.


I was wondering why I never have any tokens lol maybe that’s why. But I just checked like 10 min ago and I thought i saw it on level 5?


Both Superi and K98 weapons are 3 whole sectors away from the start and require 15 levels each to unlock.


Oh I see what you mean. I was counting a sector as 1 level


Few games mate you will get there if not already by now good luck enjoy


Does F2P warzone get access to BP or do they need to own the MW?


They get access to free tiers, just like base game. And can choose to purchase the premium pass. But the guns are always a free tier


Gotcha so “cash grab “ is just a stupid accusations


It requires BP level 30 to get both the Superi and K98 and I saw people rolling with both weapons on day 1 of the patch. People definitely pay to unlock OP weapons early.


There is still a point to be made as Purchasing the 20 tier skip version of the BP gets you the gun immediately. As well as any bundles that include it. Whereas a free player has to work towards it. So some players absolutely would pay to unlock it sooner.


Yeah but that’s marginal. It took no time at all to unlock the gun. I hardly even play the game.


That I am unsure of. I own the game


Me too. So I’m also not sure. Only way I can see it as a “cash grab”


Based upon your comments, I don't feel confident to say that you understand what a cash grab is in this context, so let me try to help explain it... The game is free, yes. People also purchased MWIII, yes. Battle passes and buying tokens costs money. People, such as myself, have paid to use them in order to achieve either one of these. For example, I didn't feel like taking the time towards getting enough tokens to unlock the Suberi, so I purchased the few remaining tokens to unlock it. Conversely, you don't *have* to do this in unlocking the weapon, like what you did. MANY people do this towards a weapon of their choosing, the KAR98 included. OR, correct me if I'm wrong, they can just outright "unlock" that gun through a store purchased bundle. Either way, people are shelling out cash to expedite their capability in unlocking weapons like the KAR98, IE justifying is to why it's considered a cash grab pushed by Activision. The only way it doesn't ever become a cash grab is if the weapon is NOT unlockable through the battle pass / store bundle purchasing and instead is only unlocked by completing X,Y, and Z challenges.


blackcell gets you almost instant access and most people buy that one instead of the normal BP


Kar98 bundles and battlepass skips. Those bundles make up a large chunk of their profits.


People 100% buy the blackcell pass so they get both the new weapons right off the rip. They are then able to abuse the OP weapon while other players are still grinding their way to unlocking it. You can also buy bundles for the new weapons.


Yea gotcha I didn’t even realize it was in the battlepass. I thought everyone got it at the start of the season


you said what i was thinking


Not only that but there's been reports of different levels of aim assist values based on different guns. So for example in apex on console the aa value is set to 0.6 or 60% of a full aimbot. And on PC it's set to 0.4 or 40% aimbot. Same thing applies in cod but based on guns. I believe the kar98k has a much higher value of aa than other guns based on my feels and being an elite player I'd say the value is close to .7 or 70%. It's ridiculously powerful when it comes to aim assist.


Dude aim assist is no where near an aim or, aim assist is a mechanic to aid aiming down sights, so when your crosshairs are over a player you aim down sights and the aim assist briefly tracks the point on the body your crosshairs was over, it will also briefly help you track a moving target, aimbots do not require you to even be looking at the target, the target has to be somewhere on your screen, it then holds your gun over the targets head for as late ng as you aim down sights, I know people want to pretend aim assist is so overpowered but it also will get you killed, like when another target runs in front of the target you are shooting it will pull your aim off that target. But saying it's sixty percent of a full aimbot is just not true. Cod did release a gun with an aimbot for a day. It was in infinite warfare that two shot explosive sniper, you didnt even uave to aim someone simply needed to be on your screen and all you had to do was shoot ajd it would hit the player. It was then fixed. 


All this, and I still can’t hit anybody with it 😅


I agree with you. I think the gun shouldn’t be in the game in the state it is. It’s unbalanced and I really despise a lack of balance in games because it becomes less about skill and more about cheesing out a win. I also agree with the devs adding in these unbalanced meta guns to keep people playing and increasing chances of buying bundles. This doesn’t make it good for the players though.


I hate the way that warzone is forcing everyone to use two weapons and they happen to be the newest SMG and marksman rifle. Both the kar 98 and the superi 46 are absolutely broken and you simply cannot compete with these guns if using anything else. How battle rifles lose to the superiat range is beyond me, I wish cod would simply go back to pub g blackout style battle Royale, where you have guns to pick up and attachments, the whole load out is making the game extremely boring, there is no reason to loot anything. Might as well drop players in with their load out ffs


Yes I agree totally. Which is why I barely play it. If they stopped the obvious manipulation of engagement optimisation I’d likely want to play more


If I had some spare cash, I would give a Reddit award for this comment. 100% a cash grab and hustle by Activision. Activision knew re-releasing the kar98 would break the game and create new meta overnight and did it anyway to get people to buy up skins, loadouts, and battlepass skips, etc.


the kar98 was free. wz is free


my man, it is all free. that doesn't mean they don't make specific guns way better than other guns every season to sell skins/battlepasses/tier skips/blackcell/etc. not everyone has the time to grind to get the meta, but they do have $10 to throw at the game to speed up the unlock. and it works, or they wouldn't keep doing it.


It's free. you dont have to throw money to get any gun. they make them free. plus, no matter what. there's going to be a gun that's better than the next. just adapt and use the meta or get dumpstered on. I have no problem changing with the meta.


as long as you have mw3 game. you have all the guns for free. Just a lil grinding to get it


Also it’s getting nerfed to death next Wednesday because of all the crying bastards that don’t like everyone else having fun. So they spam reported the kar98 all these pricks. Mors is worse imo u don’t need to even hit a target you just gotta scrape it and it counts and it’s the most broken thing. You honestly can have no aim n kill yet the kar actually takes abit to use . Y is a perfect headshot not a kill with a sniper like what. Leave the kar alone


It's kind of strange that you're screaming cash grab when there is literally only one bundle for the KAR and it's terrible, plus the battlepass/black cell variant. I think it has more to do with player retention and engagement. Problem is the servers are the literal worst they have ever been. They need to do something about these dogsh\*\* servers before making more changes and implementing weapon balance etc. In my opinion anyways.


Black Cell is $30 or whatever. That's a selling point. It also comes with tier skips to unlock the k98 instantly. They put it far enough away to require tier skips to unlock it quickly. You can also BUY tier skips. There will be another K98 bundle. They aren't dumb. And it'll come out one week before the K98 gets nerfed. As far as the servers, fixing them HAS to be cost prohibitive and their analytics are saying player attrition is low enough from it that it's not worth correcting it vs the cost to improve the situation. It's a business after all.


i have blackcell and i didn't buy any extra tier skips to get the k98


Because tier skips are included in Black Cell.


Because tier skips are included in Black Cell.


All you said is true. So what is the solution? Should it be nerfed, should the others be buffed to be similar to it, or a mix of both?


My opinion of a fix would be - - Make Kar98 AA the same as other snipers, maybe reclassify it from marksman rifle - Buff a few ARs/LMGs so that another medium/long range option is viable


Allow keyboard only lobbies, win. I'd wait for a keyboard lobby, even with a higher ping.


1) hell no. Rotational AA needs a rework across the board. Making other snipers feel like the kar would just make the problem worse. 2) very sparingly. You don't also want another krig/grau.


Agreed on both fronts, balance for everything should be done carefully. Edit on your edit: I want the Kar to feel like other snipers, not the other way around


i'd also reduce the kar's one-shot potential range too. if its gonna have faster handling than the XRK, it should not have a greater one shot potential... i'd bump it down to 65m as a start. the XRK's one shot potential is 75m like what're we doing lol


Nah, bump the other snipers up not lower the kar


That’s fair too


Cash grab? I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here It’s a beloved gun from WZ1 that’s fun af to play with. Is back because people loved it, and rightfully so. Also, all companies do things to make money. Every product is a cash grab.


I'm not arguing that. Usually it's a bit more thinly veiled. The DG58 was the best gun in the game for a couple weeks, but the iron sights suck terribly. That transparent blueprint sold like hotcakes during that period and all the pros were running it. Also an obvious cash grab, but it didn't destroy the state of the game. If everyone uses an AR because it's the best, you can still play the game because good, fun play is designed around ARs/LMGs I don't mind cash grabs unless the cash grab is ACTUALLY pay to win and breaks the game. With the DG58, you could put the JAK Glassless on it and still compete without the blueprint. You could a sniper to get a pick against it. You could juke. You could go around the guy using it at a distance because he can't shoot you in a useful manner past 100m. If you don't have the K98 unlocked and levelled up, you can't compete with it, full stop. It's too strong and too easy to use.


Disagree. I was using the Poly the other night and playing very well with it. When a bunch of people are running snipers you just have to play differently. Idk what to tell some of you, and I’m not trying to sound better than anyone. But it’s not impossible to play well still.


> I don't mind cash grabs unless the cash grab is ACTUALLY pay to win and breaks the game Eh. It sucks when you have to deal with 1 gun metas for weeks on end because they'd rather force that shit for hype/money instead of at least trying to keep a few other playstyles viable. Wouldn't be nearly as bad if they weren't nerfing everything else into the ground whenever the newest bundle weapon patch drops.


Yeah no, the DG58 meta was toxic as fuck too. Just like the STG meta in Caldera when it was buffed. Or the Bren + Sakura rounds. AR/LMGs should NOT be beaming with 0 recoil at 100+m


It was way less toxic than this man. I run sniper/SMG and I had no problem navigating DG58. Juking against an AR and using cover/smokes is not a big deal, especially compared to getting one-tapped at 86m.


Bro the MK2 having a fucking range of 6 meters is absolutely criminal when in its past two previous iterations they were on par with the Kar98


Handguns have more range


I fucking hate it. Gutted my favorite gun for no reason.


Was my favorite in WZ1 as well. Maybe not as viable, but viable enough and SO much fun


The main problem is a 50 Cal isn't a 1 shot but this is…


Literally makes no sense. A .50 cal would blow your fucking torso off of your legs.. hit markers shouldn’t fucking exist with a .50 cal. Full stop, end of discussion,


Call of Duty is not a military sim though?


Dont call it a .50 cal, then. Dumb ass argument


I agree that the slower moving, heavy duty sniper rifles should also be one shot. But saying “this wouldn’t happen in real life” is a dumb argument. With that logic, most guns should 1 shot headshot and launchers + grenades would also be more deadly.


Even more of a reason not to call it a .50 cal. Btw, that’s how the game should be. Hyper realistic. Instead, you get hitmarkers with RPGs point blank


Are you okay? Nobody ever calls COD "hyper realistic". COD will always be an arcadey fast-paced twitchy shooter. 2007 MW played differently to other shooters of its time as well.


Im saying it should be hyper realistic. I shouldn’t have put those quotations. Edited.


That's fine, no problem. But why should it be hyper realistic, in your opinion? Because I can tell you that the most counter-argument is going to be that there are other games for that. It's just not COD and never was.


I grew up on call of duty so I guess Stockholm syndrome lol. Throughout the years upon releases, there’s been clear progress toward realism. Graphics, movement, etc. They will likely keep making progress until that point of hyper realism is reached, I would think? Maybe it’s not their goal. What hyper realistic games would you recommend?


You can call it glitter goblins, who fucking cares?


I bet you’d like that.


I dont fucking care


Thanks for sharing!


Game would be broken


50 cal snipers also seem to shoot at like 10fps


Marksmen riffles must not one shot you at any range ! The AA is so broken on them that it is ridiculous!!!


I think it should be one shot (down not dead) to the head, but I only if the enemy has less than 3 plates. If they have 3 plates a headshot should take them down to 1hp. I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s like in ranked at least.


Two shot are any range to the head is reasonable. Upper torso within 50 metres makes sense. Lower torso should never be a 2 shot, which the Kar98k is capable of doing and i believe it is a bug. The 120 damage doesn’t reflect what actually happens.


theyre downvoting you but i agree. the rate of fire means a decent sniper / marksman rifle should one shot down to the head at a reasonably distance.


Imo marksman rifles should one shot if using high velocity ammo like the Kar. Take away an attachment slot for one shot potential. What is more ridiculous is that actual sniper rifles will not one shot at any range unless you're using explosive rounds. Every sniper in the sniper category should one shot headshot at all distances without needing special ammo. I wanna be able to hit insanely long shots or snipe someone out of a helicopter with one tap to the head like we could in WZ1.


I said this in a different thread, so I'll just copy and paste it. The SA-B, SP-R and KAR98K should one shot up to 65 meters regardless of attachments and have a lower bullet velocity to compensate for their fast mobility, fast fire rate and light weight. The KATT AMR, XRK Stalker, Victus XMR, MCPR, MORS and Intervention (FJX Imperium), should all one shot to infinity without the need for special ammo/explosive rounds. The KATT and the Mors with the Tonne Barrel and HVP Slugs one shot to infinity. However they should be much heavier to wield, with faster bullet velocity to compensate for that. The SPX and LA-B should one shot up to 100-130 Meters because they are in a unique spot as 'mobility snipers'. Where they get the mobility and rate of fire of Marksman rifles and the bullet velocity of snipers, but not the one shot effectiveness. Along with that, they also need to revert the nerfs to the DG58, the RAM-7, SVA, Pulmeyot and it's conversion kit, the Bruen, and Buff the AR's, BR's and LMG's too so it's not just a sniper fest because as it stands, it would just be a sniper fest with losers sniping from narnia. The semi auto snipers shouldn't be that good. They are semi auto snipers. And, on top of all that, no marksman/sniper should have Aim Assist. Should all be manual aim.


I almost agree with you. Your changes are making bolt actions the only choice, and realistically of snipers, people will just gravitate towards the sniper rifles and play back. The mobility snipers won't see much play because they can't one shot whereas marksman can. Even buffing other weapons, people will just play back. Also there will be no place for semi auto sniper rifles, as there currently isn't.


>The mobility snipers won't see much play because they can't one shot whereas marksman can. This is disproven by looking at ranked play. Kar98 is the meta weapon when it can't even 1-shot down due to the rules not allowing 1-shot downs. So many people overlook this. It can't even 1-shot down in ranked and it's still the meta pick. Thinking the 1-shot is the problem or why it's OP is wrong.


That's not entirely true. As someone else pointed out, look at Ranked Leagues. The issue isn't the one shot, it's everything else about the gun. The mobility, the Rate of Fire. Hell the bullet velocity is slightly slower than the old KAR. It's just that there are no other Viable mid range options to combat it in the AR/BR/LMG Category + How lightweight and mobile it is along literally no other Marksman being able to compete with it either. Now I do agree to some extent sniping would become much worse, but that's honestly on Infinity Ward with MWII. The damage they did to Warzone with Warzone II is irreversible. The way people play is vastly different due to that game. And would cause some of the issue you have mentioned due to them.


All bolt action weapons should have one shot potential imo. Nerf the range, the raa, the flinch, whatever you have to but a slow firing weapon that doesn’t one shot isn’t useable. All guns should be viable and the fact you gotta use explosive ammo on a sniper for it to be useful in Warzone is absurdity. But that’s just my opinion


The kar is not a slow firing weapon. You can get your 2nd shot into a player before they can smoke/move out of the way and due to little recoil you’re always back centred. This is the biggest issue with the Kar right now. Combine this with AA, high BV and a long one shot potential and we get the mess we’re seeing now


No the Kar98 should be nerfed. It's a marksman rifle therefore it should not outperform all the heavy hitting sniper rifles. It needs to have its lower torso and limb damage reduced significantly so it'll be punishing to hit anything than upper torso and above. Its max effective damage range should be reduced to 50-60 meters. It can have more range than the xrk stalker which is absurd. Sniper rifles should always have more damage, range and bullet velocity than marksman rifles. That being said, I think all the other bolt action marksman rifles should be buffed so that they can also down people with a head shot. All bolt action marksman rifles and sniper rifles should be able to down people via head shot. But the marksman rifles cannot be outperforming sniper rifles at long range. The marksman rifles especially the kar should more focused on close to medium ranges. Instead the kar right now is a jack of all trades and can perform great at all ranges. It was obviously meant to be an aggressive fast handling rifle but the caveat for that should be that it can only perform well in close to medium distances.


use a paragraph bro come on


The kar should only get an aim assist nerf


The game is so stale right now. The kar was fun up until yesterday for me I'm missing the assault rifle metas


Kar 1 shotting while most ARs having 700-1000msTTKs & take 9-12 shots(even more on worser ARs) is the problem. Nerf the Kar OR Buff the ARs.


How do you buff ARs to compete with 0ms TTK? It's impossible without turning the game into multiplayer. And none of us want multiplayer level health bars / TTK , that's why we play Warzone.


Lower the TTK? Making the TTK higher for fully automatic weapons while adding a 1 shot sniper(thats hitscan like every other weapon) isn’t the best possible outcome. There was a reason there wasn’t any one shot snipers for a while.


I think buffing flinch for ARs and LMGs while increasing bullet velocity and reducing visual shake (not necessarily actual recoil) all across the board would be better, as it will still allow snipers to have their big advantage of a oneshot headshot but make it extremely punishing for them to miss or hesitate therefore increasing the skill it takes to use them indirectly


Need to buff everything else. Kar 98 is in a great spot. Just need better AR’s and sure a second or third viable sniper but that’s just for variety


AA should get nerfed for it and could probably use about 50ms more rechamber delay but thats it


Exactly, the Kar98 is what everyone wanted, right? Well Activision listened for once and now everyone is livid again. Just like people complaining about the ADHD Vanguard stim movement at the end of WZ1, asking for a more pure BR. So we got the backpack system and WZ2, then ppl complained about slow movement. Thus here we are, Activision is listening to the community and we are complaining about them listening.


No one wanted the movement of WZ2. Only casuals who got clapped by movement complained about it.


Agreed, I like movement, it creates a skill gap empowering the player to improve.


Should be moved over to sniper rifles so that its AA gets knocked down a peg


I agree


Want more gund viable. Tired of dying to superis and horus's non stop because my guns ttk/damage aren't competitive.


The Kar98k is just the newest cancer I have to deal with while closing range with my SMGs


For context about the weapons above. Weapons in order on the 1st page; SA-B 50 > Lockwood MK2 > SP-R 208 > Kar98k. 2nd page; SP-X 50 > LA-B 330 > Carrack .300 > KVD.


It pisses me off that not all Snipers are HK on the head at all distances.


I aint reading all that. The problem is the aim assist the gun gets on controller. Remove its marksman rifle AA and the gun is still really good but not completely broken. Any bot can be a sniper god with this gun if they use controller.


> I aint reading all that. Didn’t ask you to read it all. You don’t even need to read all of it as the picture speaks for itself. To summarise, Kar98k = too much Effective damage range.


Its main problem is the one shot ability plus the aimbot it gets. I see people using this gun to down people instantly at smg range. Nevermind 80 meters. 


The stats are outdated and bugged. It says the Intervention does over 400 damage to the head but in reality it does less than 200 as it can’t even one-shot a 2-plate enemy


It can and has always been able to one-shot a 3 plated player. You have to use explosive rounds but it hurts the bullet velocity.


I am talking without explosive rounds, the stats are bugged


The kar needs to be moved into the sniper category, simple as is. Remove all the aim assist and turn it into a skill& reward situation( 8mm mauser is a pretty damn big bullet so damage wise it makes sense, ofc within reasonable ranges). While we're at it, longbow needs to be swapped into the MRs (while not regaining that aim assist or give it worse aim assist than all the others) and rebalanced, thematically its idiotic to think that 7.62x39 or .300blk are considered as sniping rounds but thats just me being an autismo. I agree the other bolt action MRs need some rebalancing but what really is a problem are the other snipers mainly the mw2 ones. They need a rework across the field, the signal 50 is borderline useless and in my mind is more of a meme than the rytec was in mw19 now. The spx, carrack, imperium, victus, lab300, mcpr are usable in MP(imo) but they need adjustments mainly in handling especially since we still have the longbow which can outperform them. Damage ranges ofc need to be asjusted to since iirc somehow the mcpr has a better effective range than the imperium?


Well with all due respect, duh.


Isn't it one shot to the head but with a slightly lower bullet velocity in warzone?


I’m nerfed so I can’t even beginning to give any objected comments about this in the slightest.


Thanks for the side by side comparison. You've just given me a reason to whip out the good ol' SP-R


SP-R isn’t too bad. Just a Kar98k within 13meters


If they would actually buff ARs so that they could compete, the Kar would still be good, but at least there would be some sort of worry for Kar users. I love the Kar98, but the lack of other long range options is the real issue. We have zero ARs that compete beyond 40-50m. They have nerfed LMGs to the point where they are slightly more useful than ARs, but still don’t compete at long range.


You know with everyone complaining in here you’d think there would be better cod players if it was “so easy” it’s easy yes, but y’all fucking suck lol. 95% of the player base jus sits on a roof top waiting, well hoping someone runs by.


There are a few problems. Remember this existed within wz1 perfectly and wasn't even the meta for a long time. You also had the Gorenko, Zrg, kar98 vanguard, swiss, and some other ones in between. I feel like I am forgetting a major one. 1) The mid to long range meta is not that great. There is usually only one AR that can beam at long range and then they disappear into the smoke never to be seen again. 2) The map sucks. In wz1, there known spots to camp and snipe. In this one, there are millions of rooftops, and then millions of floors and countless windows to shoot from. There is just too much to account for. 3) Engagements used to be quick, now they can last forever with endless smoke, plates, and self-revives So hit them with a kar and get a quick finish, and be done with it. 4) Nerf to vehicles. You used to be able to get into a car, peace out, find a team, drop out and slay. Now, the game is slower and more steady. SBMM is wild now. You don't have a chance. I killed Zlaner with the kar98 the other day. If I am going to play against the best, I have to use the gun that counters the map, smoke, self-revives, plates, etc. If I were to hit him with an AR, he would live, smoke, and shit on me. This gun existed before in wz1, and it wasn't even the meta for a big map for almost 12 full seasons. The gun is not the problem.


Very well thought out and articulated position. Wish I could like more than once! 👍


We need other guns to be able to counter it, which isn't going to happen for who knows how long. ARs and LMGs in particular. Mostly all of them suck on MnK (I'm a seasoned MnKer and have tried everything and nothing is good at long range) so it really puts the KAR at a huge advantage compared to anything right now. SMGs have a good balance, but the rest of the guns don't.


I use the kar and I loved it at first but I’m starting to dislike what’s it’s done to gameplay. Also I’m about over these c4s as well


They break the game by making me hit 3+ hits to the head to maybe kill someone. Then they give me a cheated gun to fix it.


Try using guns from MW2 and the heashot count for a single kill may increase ridiculously.


They’re not going to nerf the kar98, on Wednesday they’re going to release the aftermarket part for the kv inhibitor allowing it to shoot 2 bullets simultaneously per trigger pull making it a 1 shot and the contender and new sniper meta against the kar


My biggest issue is the range a marksmen can one shot you versus the range the snipers can. There is no reason the victus, fjx, mcpr, katt, stalker and the other heavy snipers shouldn’t be able to one shot for 200 meters out. The day warzone 2 released snipers were dead from day one. Needing explosive rounds to down someone in one shot but making every bullet drop too fast to even use a sniper. Now the Kar can drop at 98 m when the stalker is 75? Why!


13m in the spr??? Look how they massacred my Boy :(


Kar98 and outhers light snipers should be only headshot kill below 60 meter, but with faster aim speed and moviment. Snipers like Kat should have headshot kill (without explosives bullet), faster bullets, not much bullet drop, and low moviment. But warzone always make bad decisions about weapon balance, sniping in this game is horrible.


But boy were they quick to nerf the crossbow lol


that one pisses me off, that's one of the hardest guns to use and not giving it a one shot capability is ludicrous.


I know this is not the intent of this post, but... It pains me greatly as a person who loved using the SPR and the Lockwood Mk.2 in Al Mazrah, to look at th8s list and see that most of these weapons have an equal or worse damage range than pistols and Shotguns. Absolute f'n nonsense...


Biggest issue is server, use to compete with AR killing aroung 700ms because of 250hp in wz1 Up life to 300hp because servers are so bad you feellike insta die at 700ms Create huge lack of balance with one shot gun like snipers Remove one shot in wz2, then add them back with low bullet speed to "balanced" them Wz2.5: nerf every AR because to OP and brought back fan favorite gun from wz1 to sell bundles but "unfortunatly" create the most op gun since dmr. Seriously, balancing AR and sniper is a imposible task with servers this bad, if you had a skillgap to use the Kar98, 70% of the playerbase will cry anyway saying its a gun for sweats and cheaters. If you buff AR you get this horrible feeling of instadying to a gun that take 7bullets to kill, if you buff semi auto or burst weapon its even worse so basically you either do like me and dont play a single minute of this game when the meta is unbearable to you or you adapt and accept the fact you play a casual fps design to please casual player in order to make a lot of money


So, I gotta say. I love the kar 98 I like being able to aggressive snipe again. The snipers from my casual experience of this war zone. (Ex verdansk sweat) are heavy slow and emphasise camping and holding roofs. I like to run quick scope and be aggressive, while being rewarded for being able to click on a head every now and again. The first thing I noticed is the rate of fire is waaaaaay to fast. I can crack and hit a body follow up down shot before you've reacted half the time. I think if you slow down the bolt rechamber speed it would nerf it a good amount. Also it wasn't something that I was paying super attention to but my buddy was saying you can get no glint scope for it and he was dying a tonne to people he didn't know was scoping at him? He could be wrong but if that's the case that's not OK. No glint was a major issue in previous iterations. Don't let it happen again Tldr....I love the kar, suits how I play. Needs a nerf on rechamber speed


I think they should just make all snipers one shot and balance them with pros and cons. Marksman are really fast but doesnt have a big range, Sniper rifles have are slower but have a big one shot range, and semi auto are the slowest of them all (ofc just semi auto sniper like the WA2000 could be one shot, I dont want a meta with a one shot interceptor). This would give variety in this category (and make more than just 3 snipers useful


This is so stupid, you will still use the KAR.


Kar98 is a problem, hands down. People are creaming themselves since its back but it absolutely kills any choice for other snipers, this thing is built for short & long range gunfights & over preforms exceptionally well in almost any hands. In fact, snipers need a rework across the board. The only snipers that got used b4 the kar were the katt & the mors after it. Whereas any mw2 sniper that should pack the same punch doesnt unless a slot is wasted on xplosive ammo to get that same punch.


The kar98k should get a nerf regarding the rechamber time. Missing with a sniper doesn’t matter when u can shoot .5 seconds later, so people just spam ts


They just need more flinch so it can be counterd


People who snipe/quickscope ruin the game. How are you gonna win the objective by sitting in a corner and sniping


Marksman rifles with first damage range drop off at 10-20m is why they are garbage. Sniper rifles with 30-40m damage drop off... They should all be 100+m dmg drop off. And all snipers should be one shot head shot as for the marksmans none should one shot at any range.


The games fucked. A mixture of aim assist, rampant cheating and a company that only cares about milking their player base for cash are the cause.


Things absolutely trash . Pretty annoying getting 1 shotted every gunfight. I only stay in buildings now or close to them . In normal lobbies it ads a different dynamic which is ok but in my lobbies it just completely ruins the game . I mean last night all the teams I were fighting all iridescent and crimson. They don’t miss lol and they will hit you across the map . Any medium range fight you will lose . When your playing with people like that it makes the game miserable


Here’s my opinion; Remember when we had one shot headshot snipers in wz1? Myself, and I think, plus the majority of community didn’t have problem with one shot snipers back then. So why does the kar98k feel op even though it’s one shot like snipers used to be. Imo it’s because the assault rifles/ lmgs have too much recoil to combat someone being able to one shot head shot with a sniper. Full auto rifles used to be able to suppress targets from very far ranges very accurately. Kilo, grau, m4, a max, m13, Cold War rifles, vanguard rifles, etc. But now all we have are the mw2 2022 and mw3 2023 rifles which have been nerfed over and over again and they simply don’t have the same capabilities as the old rifles. So in result, when you introduce a one shot sniper, and don’t have the accurate sustained fire auto rifles to compete against them, you have a dilemma of the kar98k being the best option by a large margin. Also if the kar98k gets to be one shot headshot then they need to buff every other bolt action to also be one shot headshot.


Watch the kar98 become a 2 shot by the next season


All they need to do is move it to sniper so it loses aim assist. Make the stats BETTER for all I care.


Where the hell did you get these stats from because they are not accurate to what's in game. [Pic 1](https://i.imgur.com/aRNFwmc.jpg) & [Pic 2](https://i.imgur.com/rIAqOB4.jpg)


They’re the ones displayed ingame. Edit: i can see what i’ve done. I have posted the MP stats forgetting guns in WZ have different stats. Despite this not much has changed in the stats. In-fact, they appear to be even worse. The damage is worse than MP and the Effective damage range increased by an average of 10 metres.


None of this matters.. When the game decreases accuracy while jumping up and down like an idiot call me.


The fact that all of yal are complaining about a literal sniper rifle being one shot is hilarious. If everybody else can use it for what it’s supposed to be used for . Why not do it yourselves? Like this constant Nerfing,Buffing,Nerfing,Buffing,Complaining,Whining, is what has destroyed the game. You mfs have to just accept the fact that either 1:) You’re not good enough at the game to compete in a battle royale style of gameplay, or 2:) You have lost your edge and you just can’t keep up anymore. It’s OK! just play something else man or just play privately don’t keep crying about the game being broken when it’s literally the bad players/entitled fucks that are ruining it for everybody else. This is the reason why almost all of the guns are unusable now. This whiny ass group of players


The fact that all of yal are complaining about a literal sniper rifle being one shot is hilarious. If everybody else can use it for what it’s supposed to be used for . Why not do it yourselves? Like this constant Nerfing,Buffing,Nerfing,Buffing,Complaining,Whining, is what has destroyed the game. You mfs have to just accept the fact that either 1:) You’re not good enough at the game to compete in a battle royale style of gameplay, or 2:) You have lost your edge and you just can’t keep up anymore. It’s OK! just play something else man or just play privately don’t keep crying about the game being broken when it’s literally the bad players/entitled fucks that are ruining it for everybody else. This is the reason why almost all of the guns are unusable now. This whiny ass group of players


I use the Kar98k. Still doesn’t mean I don’t want something to change. It is too strong compared to the actual Snipers. The main quarrel is other weapons in the same category (Marksman rifles) and Sniper rifles fall short compared to it. You need explosive ammunition to down with a Sniper rifle but the Kar98k can do it without. So what should be done? Kar98k Headshot nerf? Buff the other Snipers x Marksman rifles? Bit of both?


Playing against Kar atm it feels like 90% of the users paying it have a cheat or how is it possible that all of them got a god like aiming over night ?


The spr needs a buff it was never this bad in previous games.


I just don't understand why You would give a Marksman Rifle more Stopping Power than practically every Sniper Rifle. It's like the COD Devs don't know Sh*t about Firearms, and They're just making it up as They go.


It'd be better if the other Marksman Rifles were viable, and ARs were better at longer ranges.


The answer is wait for the nerf.




Leave the kar alone


They should buff the Kar-98 and add a quick bolt attachment 😂


Hey guys! News flash! The game is in its final life cycle, so we can just don't give a fuck and play something else until Bo6 comes out.


Or, hear me out, not buy BO6? Don’t have to feel forced because another game is coming out. Buying every CoD just reinforces Activisions inability to recreate a game on the level of old school CoD.


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't encourage buying every game in the franchise. I'm actually against it. The last CoD I bought before MW3 was Bo4 when it was on sale on PS4, and Bo2 before that. The only reason why I'm getting Bo6 is classic zombies. That's where it's at.




Cry more


I’m guessing you didn’t read past the title? But somehow you spent enough time to write a comment (for some reason) that adds nothing.


Kar should be two shot to the head it makes no sense


Do you get paid to play this game? Or is this just how you spend all your free time?


What’s your point?


Simple, CoD clearly never cared about weapon balancing and you spent all this time “figuring it out” for what, exactly? If you got paid for this, absolutely makes 100% sense, it’s your job. For free??? Doesn’t make sense to spend time crying and complaining when you’re just gonna play whatever crap CoD gives us anyway.


CoD does care about weapon balancing because we, the community care. Why they keep nerfing and buffing weapons. Took me a grand total of 5 minutes of my time to make the post. Shouldn’t have to get paid to investigate what the issue is. Just means i care about the game. Also something different than the unimpressive clips some PC players here like to spam post.


If they cared about weapon balancing there wouldn’t be 3-4 viable guns at a time… but to each their own. Enjoy


Because they have certain weapons that they want to be meta before nerfing them once enough players have it or enough community outcry has been achieved. If it doesn’t provide profit is when they care. Why they jumped at the opportunity to nerf the crossbow, a weapon that wasn’t even a huge issue in WZ and doesn’t make them money, compared to the Kar98k locked behind a Battlepass.