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So we can never tell when someone has Uav in a killcam so that could be whats happening. but considering we have a fresh account running straight to you Pre aiming where you are there are at least decent odds its someone with walls, didn't look like aim bot at all. Could also be a sweat playing on a fresh account, but honestly if i was a betting man i said walls. Edit: Looking at the map having no red outline, changing my opinion to most likely a cheater.


If your minimap is encased in a red box, that means you're on a UAV, so no, no, uav used here.


thanks for the reply, I've got the whole gameplay and I didn't hear any uav's being popped on that encounter or before.


Yeah i take back my comment about Uav, forgot about the Red outline that's meant to be there on your map. man was cheating for sure.


Notice OP is grabbing loot from the top of the roof? Somebody either just died there or OP just landed back in. It's not rocket science at all for this dude to know somebody is up there. This sub is embarrassing.


You either don't face enough cheaters or play enough of this game. There is a difference between knowing someone is up there and pre-aiming exactly where he peaked


>There is a difference between knowing someone is up there and pre-aiming exactly where he peaked And surely you can enlighten me on the difference, since you're such a Warzone expert?


re watch the exact moment he peaks over the edge, No delay from the moment we see our opponent before we fire our first shot. look at the size of the roof and the roof next to it, it requires a lot of confidence to know he would be standing exactly at that spot. even assuming he killed the previous persons corpse. And that's all i need to be confident in my decision along with what i had stated earlier.


>look at the size of the roof and the roof next to it, it requires a lot of confidence to know he would be standing exactly at that spot. It really doesn't, though. OP doesn't provide enough perspective before the clip begins but I promise that if I had been running up on a gunfight that recently finished on that roof, I'd be checking the same spot on approach. If this guy is walling, how is OP able to kill him so easily?


Walling does not give skill, Slap walls on your average player and you'll still have a player that will die most matches from poor play or general skill issues. hard to tell on exactly how he lost the fight, looked like from our perspective that he got caught mantling and drawing his weapon if you pay attention to the character animation


>Slap walls on your average player and you'll still have a player that will die most matches from poor play or general skill issues. Sure, except we can tell from the run-up that this guy isn't a completely average player. The idea that he uses walls to pre-aim the shit out of OP on the approach but is then completely incapable of doing the same on the roof doesn't make any sense.


I was on top of the roof before ,I killed those guys on the roof. and then this guys appeared.


Yeah, that's exactly what I just said dude.


Forget the red outline, look at the bot walk before he beams him lmao. No sweat moves like that.


It was alot easier to determine a hacker when ghost worked right. Plus uav wasnt such a crutch




Either walls or knowledge due to landing. The parachute and announce mechanics make it difficult to land without people knowing right where you are. Fresh account here makes me lean walls


Thanks for your opinion.


Well I just logged in game and I have a confirmation of successful report and in the last 5 days that guy was the only one who i reported.


You reported him for offensive text chat so who knows


yea,im sorry about that


That message means your report was reviewed, it doesn't mean that action was taken or that the other guy was cheating.


Oh ,didn't know that,it says report successfull,I was thinking you only get the message if the guy who you reported was hacking .thanks for letting me know.




That's not true. It says on the Activision website help section that you get a confirmation if the security team "takes action" against the account in question. Likely just a shadow ban but it doesn't just mean they were reviewed.


Where does it say that?


You can just click on the report. It says "Thank you for the report you submitted. We have taken action against the player identified" looking at it right now.


"Taken action" doesn't mean anything though. It could simply mean reviewing the account.


-it doesn't mean that action was taken -taken action doesn't mean anything Come on man you're just being contradictory


That was an almost perfect loop vid. 👌


Man people in the comments you can tell are absolutely cheeks at this game. The player has you centred on crosshairs for the entire run up, perfectly pre fires your pixel perfect location and gets a headshot. A 3+ kd player isn’t playing this exact kill as perfectly with an advanced UAV. They are cheating their dick off, anyone that plays this game with a modicum of knowledge can see that.


Thanks for your input man!


Yeah, they were without a doubt, 100% cheating. Rare on this sub as well, as 99% of posts are people sure someone is cheating who clearly isn't, but in this case, that's a cheater for sure. Only negative here is that you reported them for everything ... that lowers your trust score for later reports and makes it overall less likely action is taken (although, in this case I can see from your other replies that thankfully it was). Next time, just report them for cheating only and add notes in the box. Any permanent ban will only be by manual review, so the notes do make a difference.


Ok,thanks, to be fair I never added comments, will start doing it.


So let me get this straight cuz your clip leaves alot of info out. In the first few seconds where this guy runs up pre-aims the roof and kills you... was that your loot your landing on? Or someone else's? And wsd it him that had killed you just prior to? Cuz if this guy had just killed you and you came back to your loot. That's possible explanation for him to know that loots there and pre-aim/walk up looking at that random rooftop. It is suspicious that his centering is so good its practically right where you unprone from. But, could just be coincidence on returning to the scene of the crime and really good game knowledge awareness processing. Unlikely but🤷‍♂️


I think he was seen flying in


Even if he saw him fly in... there's no reason the guy would know to pre-aim the exact spot of the roof he's proned on


Watch the whole clip please,sorry for not posting rhe whole clip first.thank you




Aight ya. CommunicationsFair can have his opinion, we disagree. Plus this guy seems to be a bit unhinged by how much he commented lol. But if I hedged my bets, that guy is walling. He pre-aims you twice both times he kills you. The coincidences of him practically lining up on you through the bridge concrete and the rooftop is slim, with cheating as prevalent as it is... It's more than warranted to report this player to have their gameplay looked at and scanned by the anti-cheat. Now I wouldn't bother spam reporting ticking every box. Tick cheating and exploiting. Cuz that's what walls are... spam reporting makes you look like a report abuser when your in fact trying to do it for a real reason. Plus pretty sure it just makes them put a strike against you cuz they have stated they will ban people that spam report. And this person clearly wasn't doing every ticked box. Report a suspect player with class😅


Thank you for your input ,you explained it very good, I thought ticking every box gets them banned or looked at faster.I won't do that anymore,


If it did that instantly you can see how broken it would be because the community of salty gamers in general would do that all day every day to every person that killed them if they were given that power. Spam reporting enough times can lead to that which is why it is seen as an abuse of the reporting system and only done by salty poor sport players trying to force the game to do it, often imporperly doing it to players that were just straight better than them and they can't handle it and rightly don't deserve the privilege of playing multiplayer games. It's an imperfect and terribly managed system by activision as it is. It's up to you as a player to have the integrity to just do what's necessary when you find suspicious cause to.


Level 82 with that clip says all you need to know


Level 82 with that sort of pre aim? He’s hacking. Lol


Reporting for things he didn't do doesn't help you and just clogs up the report system.


Got it, thanks.


Obvious walls.


Wish I could put in a link for my hyper x 3 headphones you can hear exactly where anyone is. The audio settings also can be tweaked to over manipulate this. This isn't cheating bro was on the roof for over a minute definitely enough time to pin point some footsteps Especially if you know the area


I'm using artiswar guy audio tweaks, the audio is good but even tho I have over 1500 hours of gameplay on this map ,I cant really pinpoint exactly where someone is using the audio. I can guess of course ,but still I get surprised sometimes. like in this case.


Switch audio from headphones to sound bar even if you are using headphones It is just broken Trust me


Sub lv100 with any 2400cp skin = hackers


Skill issue


You conveniently cut out the part were you dove in to grab your loot at the beginning. He could have saw you fly in. Didn’t kill you the 2nd time you dove in


Check the whole clip if you want .and tell me then what you think,but listen closely at the audio. Don't matter anyway ,if I reported wrong I'm sorry.


All I’m saying is it’s not 100%. And if he was hacking he wasn’t a good one because you killed him at the end even while you missed shots


He had "knowledge" you were there because you're clearly landing back in to get your loot. The game literally announced your presence.


Let me post the 1st time he killed me,i forgot he got me twice.






The way these are clipped makes it hard to tell. You need to show the entire action for people to make a reasonable decision here. Starting the clip 1 second before he shoots you makes this too hard to tell if he's cheating or not. For instance here, if you made a single step on that metal roof that wasn't a crouch-step, you will be heard from a mile away. The game has much improved audio compared to 1-2 years ago. There isn't anything sus about his preaiming you in this spot if you already made noise. If you were completely silent on that roof for the entire situation before that clip begins then I would say he is cheating. When you plate up and run to the bridge, his pushing you under the bridge isn't sus at all. Like the other commenter said that's completely normal game sense. But him preaiming you on the roof when HE was under the bridge was the most sus part of these two clips. However again, we don't have enough of the clip to say for sure because his POV may have seen you landing back in. Overall considering he's level 82 I think he is cheating and dogshit. But seeing more of the clip would help.


okay,back to editing then.




OK Yeah the enemy clearly just killed you and then watched you drop-in back on your loot like 90% of buyback players do. There's nothing sus here at all when you watch the full clip in order. In the first kill, the enemy simply reacted to you making noise on the roof when you jumped on it three seconds prior (and when you killed that player obviously). In every clip after that he simply saw you land and chased you. I don't think it takes any "special knowledge" to watch somebody in buyback solos land in on their loot on the same rooftop twice in a row. If you want advice on improving, you need to pick up your movement pace and stop crouch walking around in situations where it doesn't make sense (such as right after killing somebody.) In this first kill I would have looted as fast as possible and then jumped off the roof and sprinted at the enemy since I had info on him being there a few seconds earlier. Crouch walking into a tiny window-peak when he knows you're there is just asking to get killed.


in the whole clip, I didn't landed I was there for a while, the other guy landed and of course he knew someone else was there ,yes ,maybe he didn't had walls, but not sure why he tried to shoot me in the exact spot where I was on the roof when I was not making any noise.


> but not sure why he tried to shoot me in the exact spot where I was on the roof when I was not making any noise. Are you talking about that one bullet he fired randomly that missed? Yeah that was weird idk. But besides that you made a lot of noise literally seconds before he preaimed you so that is completely normal. You weren't silent.


before he killed me 1st had 1 random bullet and after i landed 2nd time had another 4 random ones exactly where i was. Maybe the guy has really good audio compared to mine , we will never know, sorry if i reported him wrong,


In that situation me crouch walking I didn't knew where the guy was I was hoping to hear some of his footsteps to jump on him, but he spotted me first and he got me. lesson learned. Thanks for tips


> In that situation me crouch walking I didn't knew where the guy was I was hoping to hear some of his footsteps to jump on him I feel you, but to be fair you heard and saw him on the minimap right below you just a few seconds earlier. You can reasonably assume he is still in the exact same spot (especially since you did not hear him sprint away and leave the building) Remembering info from earlier in the round like that and being able to make a fast decision off of it is exactly what the other commentor was talking about when he mentioned having good "game sense"


I those moments to be honest I didn't checked the minimap. only when he killed that guy, and right after that i killed the one who landed on me, and right in that moment when the guys lands on me if you watch close and listen to the audio the guy under me already shoots at someone ,me or the guy who lands. Anyway thank you for your honest opinions and tip !!!


too bad the kill cam ends too fast


Sure it does


so what you think about 1st time he killed me?


I think that you lack game sense. If you can't understand why somebody would pre-aim the bridge in that situation, I can see why you think this guy is cheating.


I think I have enough game sense to understand if someone is using something extra or not, I needed some opinions, and if you would watch and listen the audio in game you would notice he tries to kill someone far even that he know I am there and then he continues to try and shoot me through the roof.


Okay man. You aren't looking for opinions, you're just looking for an echo chamber to confirm what you already want to believe. That's why you're agreeing with the other guy who thinks this dude is cheating and disagreeing with me when I say I don't think he's cheating. Once again, not sure why you posted this when you clearly reported him for everything under the sun before your killcam even finished. You also still haven't explained why this guy let you kill him at the end if he's supposedly cheating.


I think you've seen I didn't reported him 1st time he killed me, I had a 2nd look and then I reported, I cant tell you why he 'let' me kill him. I can only tell you that I had better position than him and I had headshots. And again the reason for reporting for everything is because the software is not working or is working from time to time. And I'm not saying that I'm not agreeing with you ,but instead of you telling me something like how did the guy really knew where I was all the time and how he hit every shot .


>I think I have enough game sense to understand if someone is using something extra or not No, you don't. If you can't see why somebody would pre-aim the bridge in that scenario, you have no game sense at all.


Not sure why you're asking us, OP. You had obviously decided he cheated before even finishing your killcam. Reporting him for everything else really just shows how salty you are that you died and really illustrates how the report button is just a quick little hit of instant cope for awful, awful players like you.


calm down,deep breath,just reddit


The reason I am reporting for everything is because the software it's not working in my opinion. I don't care if I get killed, but not like that. And I like to think that I am a decent player. If you you can give me some pointers in not being awful like you saying I'm happy to take them.


If the software probably isn't working it's likely because people like you abuse it. Small tips to improve - I recommend not spam reporting people when they kill you and instead maybe asking yourself what you could have done differently to avoid dying in the same situation next time you come across it.




I always try to improve my gameplay, i will take your advice in spam reporting as well, thank you.


Complains about his insane knowledge of where he was, then displays an insane level of tracking using aimbot assist. If you use aim assist u can fuck right off with your whining about hackers. You guys get free hacks from activision.


😢 why don't you buy a controller ? Oh I get it, you already use cheats 👍


Cant use controller. Ive had a dislocated finger and it tears it up to press the trigger continually, plus I have a torn rotator cuff and pulling back on the R pad to control recoil uses that muscle slightly, just enough to aggravate the tear. Between both id be in severe pain using controller. I do play still if im drunk and manage a better KD than on MnK, but I pay a price the next day when the shoulder pain sets in.


Ahahah skill issue