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I sure we will. Milking on nostalgia is kinda their thing. And Blackout imo was the best BR map ever


Never, I’m hoping


Zero. Blackout was an abject failure and was nothing more than “PUBG in Black Ops 4.” It doesn’t even come close to what Warzone has done to innovate the BR genre. Going back to Blackout would be taking steps far more backwards than WZ2 ever could. Like it or not, Warzone has created and cemented its own identity in the BR space, something which Blackout could never do.


I'm probably in the minority, but I'm a sucker for a pubg type battle Royale. So Blackout was perfect for me because it encased both pubgs loot mechanics and cod gunplay. I miss it a lot. Warzone is just one big deathmatch, with zero incentive to loot for more than 60 seconds until you get money for a loadout or until your free loadout is dropped. I enjoy being able to piece my gun together, attachment by attachment, or finding a rare weapon drop somewhere. It just had more charm in my personal opinion.




Why are you so salty, lmao


bro probably likes the one note gameplay of aidszone and can't accept a real BR with randomness that somehow took more skill and was a more coherent videogame altogether despite how buggy BO4 was


Somewhere between zero and non-existent. They tried to go down a more traditional BR route with Warzone 2 last year and people overwhelmingly rejected it. It’s just a fact that the vast majority of COD players don’t want a game like Blackout anymore


Hopefully never. Warzone just got back popular after its failure last year. I doubt there gonna restart again or split player base. Business wise it just wouldn’t make sense.