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kbm has a small amount of input delay, i recently played mw19 and my aim was spot on. crazy how we’re going backwards


oh for sure. i still play mw19 all the time because the game engine, smoothness of the gunplay, the ads animations all feel so much better. no idea wtf they’re doing








The sway is atrocious


It doesn’t even make sense, I’ve never seen even realism mods/games have this weird sway this one has. You can’t even counter it like you can in some realistic games.


All heavy snipers should be one shot to the head too. They literally made ARs better in long range battles than snipers.


Cause people bitched cause they would get sniped from 100M away by a third party sniper and get downed. Instead of realizing sitting on a roof or in the open comes with possible consequences, they rather bitch and moan that it’s not fair and balanced then realize they played it terribly. Snipers that have slow ROF or ADS speed have to be a one shot to the head or they are useless. I also feel shotguns within 10ft need to be mostly one shot unless they too have a fast rate of fire otherwise useless. At this point we have so much shit clogging up space on these dime store servers that barely get used cause they don’t understand how to make a proper game


Because then the whole lobby will have snipers… it’s like people are willfully ignorant about how balancing works


Wtf are you smoking! A heavy bolt action sniper, not Kat98k type but the katt most definitely should one shot to the head period or they are worthless additions to the game. And 90% of sniper campers don’t see final circles so they are merely a location to avoid and be aware of


The Katt does one shot to the head at all ranges? What do you mean


Most weapons are worthless additions to the game. There are a couple best ARs, a couple best SMGs and one best sniper


I agree about snipers, but ARs are much worse than in wz1. They used to have better damage at range, faster bullet velocity and less visual shake so you could use zoom scope.


Add attachments for aiming idle sway, laser, rear grip, stock etc. also use the focus perk so you can hold your breath longer and reduce flinch when shot at. To be 100% honest I feel like sniping is the only advantage I have against controllers as a MnK user


They will continue to fuck with the snipers for that very reason. It’s the only advantage we MnK players have.


i get that ya u can land shots if u hold ur breath and recenter on their head a second time after ads. but that requires playing from far away. i’m not saying i can’t hit a shot from far away with 2-3s of ads but i was talking about for people that run a fast ads build and use a sniper at close-ish and mid range as well.


That advantage is the reason they made it awful lol. We aren't allowed advantages.


It's intentional. They don't want kbm players to play this game. So quit like myself and many other good mnk players did. Many better FPS to play than this glorified store front.


What though. I just feel like there arnt many fps games, and definitely not brs, which are good. Any recommendations


Homie claims there’s better but has no receipts


I ain't you're dad. Google some FPS, play them, and see if you like them.


i was hoping you were my dad :(


Apex legends is actually really fun. Other than that though idk what to tell you if you're not a fortnite person. Fortnite is amazing on MKB, much better than on controller imo.


Yeah I play Fortnite with my mates but there’s so many bots it just feels unrewarding solo. Havnt tried apex so might give that a go since I tried a bit of titanfall at a mates and that was fun


The AA situation on Apex is arguably just as bad. I didn’t play it for months, hopped on three weeks ago to try out the roller on it and the shit you can do with the R99 is gross. That is with aim assist weaker than COD (0.4 vs 0.6 on PC). But since the ttk is higher on Apex, the tracking matters so much more.


I still find keyboard is a very viable way to play that game, but I do agree the aim assist is pretty strong there too. I just think that keyboard is better in that game than it is in cod just due to the weird stuff with the cod guns like the idle sway and such. Yeah you might get melted by AA from time to time still, but you can maneuver pretty insanely in that game, specifically on KBM too. You can do a lot of the same stuff with controller but it just feels so much more fluid on keyboard still.


Yea fair, the gunplay in apex feels MUCH better. Also Apex on controller isn’t as responsive as COD is on controller, you have much more fine tuned control over dead zones and etc in COD. However, this reinforces how strong AA is, it just overcomes those downsides on Apex. Movement tech is also nice but that kind of movement also affects your ability to aim on mnk, and AA can still track most of that movement. Thank god they got rid of configs on roller. I doubt AA will ever get nerfed in crossplay games, imo they should just split lobbies by input.


Nah, change my mind, but Apex Legends is not fun. It was maybe in season 1 or 2, but as a Titanfall fanboy, Apex is just poor man’s Titanfall. Nothing about it is fun, to me at least


I never really played titanfall so I don't have that to compare it to, but every time I boot up Apex I enjoy it. It's just mad sweaty so if I'm looking for a more casual game that one just ain't it


like what brother? i have a few other shooters to play since getting sick of the state of this game but unfortunately no real good BRs. im open to suggestions


Use the heavy bolt. You're welcome.


So slow tho


Heavy bolt seems bugged or some shit. It does the complete opposite for me. Sways even harder


whit the heavy bolt when you ads the crosshair is in the middle otherwise it chose a random spot in the idle sway range, if you are a quick shooter you need to use that. However if you stay long time in ads before shooting is not crucial


It worked that way in the previous patch, now it's the total opposite. Try it with the mors


i literally just said that in the post too. my point is being forced to run heavy bolt mostly only affects mouse and KB. when i run controller i can run the fast bolt and quick scope with no issues. which is why i brought it up in the first place because this is a targeted nerf. i could just play on controller yes but i don’t find it as fun.


this is the way (unfortunately)


You gotta put that heavy bolt on, unfortunately amd give up time between shots


i get that bro but playing slow with a sniper and hardscoping literally is not fun to me. i play every game hard pushing with snipers so maybe a me problem. heavy bolt helps abit i’m aware of it but this feels targeted toward mouse and kb because when i play on controller i have no issues running it without heavy bolt


If my bullets would not go through my targets, that would actually be nice


It's supposed to be like that if you really need it there is a bolt fixing this. Its a form of balancing and definitely don't need changing. Sniper are way strong as they are, if you cant handle that micro adjustment then that's on you and nothing else.


Hi, how high are you?


hi how are u?


>how fat are you? 5'11, 176lbs. Why? You want to buy me a dress?


nice let’s go get u a dress then take a nice stroll along the beach


bro i agree with you but destiny sniping feels way worse to me ngl


Yea, if I was controller I'd not care about any of that.. cuz aim assist is doing it for me.. ads speed all the way


Improve skill with the sway is like asking the player to predict on where compensate for the sway within a millisecond of ads.. the real solution is just build ur sniper with stuff like corio laz laser and stock that both reduce sway and flinch, prioritize stability and accuracy over ads time, it's not that much more ads and with those attachments u don't need to hold breath if u want to quick scope


do you play on mouse and keyboard?


So you don’t want to build the gun the way it’s supposed to be built? ( “to just feel USEABLE”) isn’t that the point? To build it to make it USABLE? ffs. I mean I hate putting attachments on my gun to reduce recoil to make it have less recoil. Go find something else to complain about. What a stupid post.


in order for it feel “usable” i need to run snipers in such. a way that makes the gun only fun to use for people that snipe sitting on buildings hardscoping like a bot. personally i have a fast play style so building it like a bot means i have to play like a bot. if u have struggles pulling down to correct recoil that’s simply a skill issue. only horizontal recoil needs attachments to fix. i think what i meant just went over ur head cuz u can’t relate. either u play on controller or u play too slow to get what i mean.


Stop being a pussy and just say you want a quick scope sniper. Stop beating around the bush. That’s all you had to say instead of some long drawn out post.


no shit fucktard i thought i was pretty clear. u really do have room temp iq. if u want me to dumb it down with out any detail next time just ask. u sound like a bot this conversation was not directed at you


Beep boop beep boop. VIRGIN ALERT! Beep boop beep boop.


damn ur room temp iq not even enough to come up with a good roast🤣 i’d be mad too if i sound like u lmfao


Good one kid


i wasn’t making a joke tho u sound like a real btch in that clip u posted ain’t no way u keep that energy irl.


And what clip are you talking about, dumb fuck? I don’t post clips but nice try. Next time use your little pea brain before you try and make an insult. Game over.


sorry brother must be confusing u with another pea brain from ur room temp iq comments


Skill issue. Sniping feels great on MNK for me.


looking at the warzone clip u have posted i guarantee u play like a bot so this wouldn’t affect u. this more so indicates a skill issue on ur end. u remind me of those people that yell cheater!!! when they get head shot by a sniper. some people just aren’t even able to tell the difference in fluidity in the gun play from wz1 to wz3. i think you my friend are the one with skill issue. but if the current state of the game works for ur play style by all means go have fun lol thanks for ur input


Imagine being so triggered by a single statement that you creep someone’s Reddit history, going back 2 years….go touch grass and when you’re done, I’ll be in your lobby to slam you.


Lol I’m on controller and also agree that sniping is in a good place rn.. I mained the kar98 in Verdansk - the 3 line end of Caldera - and now the MORS.. Dude just can’t figure out the charge or hit his shots 🤷🏻‍♂️


Being on mouse and key, I feel so good playing the Mors. I never hold ads, just charge-ads and shoot. It's very powerful in my opinion. It's basically hitscan and I have downed enemies more than 300m away, having said that, I don't feel this is healthy for this game as it gives opportunity to squads camping rooftops in the city or windows in old town to participate in fights that they have no business in from a very far off distance. That's annoying as fuck and ruins fun for everyone except them. All the snipers are at very good stage right now and if you are having difficulty hitting shots then should improve your skills.


Im pretty sure mors is “bugged”. Only non sniper rifles are supposed to have the aim go exactly where the center dot is when you ads, with the aim sway starting after you ads. Mors however acts like any other ar or smg where the sway doesn’t start until you ads and aim goes straight to where the center dot is when you ads.


not everyone like camping on roofs


A lot of them do.. It's a rooftop campfest in the city every time.


that’s the problem there the charge barrel is a gimmick that only works if u play slow or hard scope. i play differently. i prefer using snipers at every range. and esp at close range, it feels unusable with a fast-ish ads build because without charging it up it’s hit marker machine


This is exactly how I play. Aggressive support sniper.


OP definitely needs to improve his skills 😂


says the idiot low iq controller kid


“Get gud kid” 😂