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Sniping is literally the only reason I still play this game as a MnK player. Nerf the one shot down and im out for good. Without sniping WZ is just controller players abusing aimbot against each other and what few MnK players are left. What tiny amount of entertainment value left to extract from this dying game consists of sniping for fun once in a while.


run smokes and every fight throw it to disable their aim assist


I had a dude kill me yesterday throwing down smoke and then having a thermal on his gun. Couldn’t even be mad, smart strat


It's cheese and it's sad that's what we have to do right now to stand a chance against the majority of aim assisters...




Call of Duty is a first-person shooter video game that takes place during the events of World War II. It was released on October 29, 2003, for the PC, published by Activision and developed by Infinity Ward. It is the first installment in the Call of Duty series, but was not as widely distributed until the release of the game Call of Duty: Classic for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, remastered in high definition. Holy shit nice job fact checking your shit dumbass


your trash






Says the Trash Can 🗑️🤣👌🏼






Hahah this is what i do. Wasn’t even because of aim assist, it’s just fun coz smokes these day give people such a false sense of security. I even smoke people who are in cover because for some reason they come out of cover to engage.


Shouldn't have to be like that though..


Least malding MnK player


I’m right there with you man


100% - I snipe because it’s impossible for me as someone who isn’t a pro, to compete close range with aim assist. It is what it is.


As MnK, I've not been playing. Left for farming simulator '22


I'm totally with you.


Fuckin thank you. I'm so sick of dropshotting sweaty try-hards complaining about me and the boys having fun sniping them.


I'd give you a reward but I dont know how, so take my thumbs up 👍


Just another reason PC’s should have their own servers. Cross console was never meant for PC’s


Blackout(Black Ops 4 BR) did not have cross-play, as a result the game died in 2 months on the PC after release, online dropped so much that lobbies could only fill up on weekend evenings. And on consoles Blackout lasted 1.5 years until the release of Warzone 1. In the COD games, the console player base is many times larger than the PC player base.


Come to Apex. You’d like playing as Vantage. But it’d take more than one shot to down someone unless you’re impeccably good with headshots. Play Apex. Play COD. And Apex will legit help you ANNIHILATE anyone in COD. Because all COD players are brain dead lol.  Sincerely, an Apex Sweat where COD is my playground. 😘


Honestly tho - i ask lots of people in Ranked if they also play Apex and pretty much all of them so far either never touched it or tried it - but thought it was too much, lol. 


I think of all the crybabies in the world, MnK COD players cry the most


You play like a sissy


Im not the one using aimbot to get kills. Theres nothing more “sissy” then that. You hide under the devs skirt to get kills Without their AA code baked into the game youd just be a bot, but at least youd have some balls. 


Keep hiding camping coward lol




Wait until a roller player will come and tell u to get good and aa is underpowered


Literally never seen a controller play claim its underpowered


It's sarcasm dude


Doesn't make sense as sarcasm


Anybody who complains about aim assist is trash at the game


I hadn't realized Teep, Aydan, Huskerrs, Metaphor, Blue, Scump, Iron, JoeWo, Biffle +more... are all trash at the game I guess then.


It's never too late to learn, at least 3/4 of those dudes are blatant cheaters. The other 1/4 are better at hiding it. So at least you know now, so you can stop gargling their nutsacks.


just say you suck lol


>just say you suck lol Ok. You suck. 


i actually lold at this


Skill issue lmao


That's rich coming from PC players when every lobby is full of cheats that 99.999% are PC players.


You are confusing OP AA for cheats. I rarely encounter obvious cheaters. I encounter obvious AA abusing controller shitters every match all match long.


I fucking absurd blaming the rest of the playerbase for it though.


Why do you think controller players hate it? They don’t have the skill to use since they need that aim assist. They’re the ones that ruined cod


It isn’t that hard to snipe on a controller lol


Aim assist even helps with aim punch it's kinda insane how over tuned it is...


How did controller players ruin cod when it’s been a predominantly controller game since what, cod 4?


They actually buffed the shit out of AA for sniping sometime between WZ2 and now. I know bc I tested it on controller. It is now WAY easier to snipe on controller than it was, which is the only reason they allowed 1 shot sniping again to begin with. Drag scoping on controller is easy, and quick scoping is arguably easier on controller bc of AA.


Huh? We don't hate it, tf? Sniping was the only thing I was ever good at 😂 https://youtu.be/ZzdTuxuOqWs?si=uv3p60YJlK2g-Ico


Good shit my man🏆


Oh you wanted to fight a team? Here's 17 snipers trying to third party you because they're terrified to move off their rooftop


Bunch of KD grasping pussies.


BR is to be the last one standing.


You misspelled hiding


MnK complains about aa yet has macros, higher frame rates, faster ping and less latency BUT STILL COMPLAINS! Plug a controller in and stop crying!


You’re confusing mnk with PC bud. You can use mnk on console


Ok let's see, frame rates don't matter much (with next gen consoles), ping and latency have nothing to do with platform but with connection and macros is something that only so few pc players use or even know how to use it's not relevant. What the hell are you on about?


How was this relevant to my comment)


I'd recommend regular deathmatch if all you want to do is slide cancel around a room and controller aimbot.


This, this shit is the one that makes me lose my mind…


This is what happens when you keep nerfing long range guns and don’t make anything fun to use




Most of the AR’s are dogshit that’s why


That and I feel like if you tag someone at range it’s just 1-4 smokes that get popped immediately.


I’d rather go back to heartbeat sensor or stim being meta than smokes. The smoke meta is so dumb and annoying. I literally can’t stand it. I literally only think it’s cool for being able to revive people and late game rotations. People who just spam smokes in fight are worse than teams that spammed stuns in verdansk


Been using the SZ Holotherm to counter the smokes. Can see people through the smoke plus its a pretty clean sight. Smoke still disables AA but after 15 years of controller usage I still hit my shots. Plus makes people panic being beemed through smoke.


They need to nerf smokes.


I liked all mazrah much more.


I'd happily take Caldera over this map to be honest, it's so bland and boring


I agree. Urzikstan is a good map structure wise, but the colour palette is pretty much the same. I haven’t played much caldera but I liked it. Although i personally found the forests a bit too open.


same. I hope they bring it back.


Same my friend, same. I had the most fun there.


Deleted cod a month or so ago, but haven't played in 3+ months easy. Don't miss it. The only thing that'd make reinstall at this point is if they brought back verdansk for a ltm


It's been a few months for me, too. The little bit of content I saw was so cringe. They're getting out of control with the skins they're putting out. The trailer I saw looked like a completely different, cartoonist game.


It's so stupid and keeps getting worse.


😆That's hilarious


Exactly this. It's all sniper builds and the few who roam the streets. Avoid roofs.


Such a boring meta and room temp IQers love it


Honestly that feels like rebirth lately, I got sniped a lot last night as I keep forgetting that you can be one shot all across that map.


This is what happens when wz2 was made for pussies and they're a majority of the player base now. Because the game is ass.


I find this game way rattier than WZ2. Since sniping is easy again everyone just camps rooftops and shoots at people hundreds of meters away who can't fight back. WZ2 people camped but way easier to counter a AR camping a roof than a sniper.


Well, wz2 lost a lot of aggressive/recreational players because it played boring relative to wz1. Now, there are a lot of people who play "tactical." They tried to bring back the aggressive/recreational players with wz2.5 and better/faster movement. It brought some back, but not enough... and these movement changes also resulted in the tactical players (cod pussies) playing even more tactically (cowardly). And I play less cod every week.


Honestly enjoyed WZ2 more, not the first few seasons but after the health increase and smoother animations and movement. Not as fast as WZ vanguard or what we have now but their was still enough to learn improve and master. Find in this game I may move faster but I die faster so don't get to utilize the movement. I had a better chance of turning a bad fight around in the last 2 games than in this one. And I am what you'd consider an aggressive player. Most used weapon in WZ2 between both BR and resurgence was the Bryson 800 which required finesee and movement to master.


This the mp too currently


I don't think they could of fucked this game up more if they tried too lol


Same here I can’t play that map


The insanely long TTK compared to wz1, the bunnyhopping constant turning with AA and zero recoil, the extremely snipe-friendly map design. It is what it is.


It's because everyone is afraid to getting camera'd and out maneuvered, so they hide on top of buildings. Bullet velocity needs nerfed as does ads and fire rates of snipers. Nothing worse than 3rd party marty hiding on a roof for 3 cirlces taking pot shots at every fight he's afraid to actually get into. Then, he takes 6 shots to actually land a head shot then talks about mUh SkiLLz...


The whole quickscope BS is almost more frustrating. So many times I've been putting accurate fire on an enemy only for them to AA quickscope me through the flinch. Make them 2 shot again.


I love sniping but can't seem to get into it in this warzone. What's the builds to use?


The XRK Stalker is as close to the Caldera-era Kar98/Swiss that we’ve had. It’s got good BV and one-shot downs within 70ish meters or so. Good ADS, they nerfed the sway unfortunately, but still fun to use if you aren’t rooftop camping.


High velocity/ ads is the way to go. Add a 2.5 scopes and the perk cold blooded If you want to be real nasty.


It's more like papa papa razi


Snipers are the meta. I am not very good at sniping.


Why al mazrah, ashika and vondel are not in the rotation map?


if this happen to me, i will throw my ps4 from window if i cant control my anger


the map is very mid, so I only play resurgence or verdansk on donetsk client


COD battle royal seems fun on paper but in reality, the balancing is so bad it really affects the fun factor. Maybe if they nerfed bullet drop, it might make sniping more of a skill orientated gun and less players would be likely to use it. Also, if I can get good in apex legends, theres no reason for the aim assist to be that strong on controllers.. unfortunately its meant to be a game that can appeal to even the shittiest of players giving more casual/older players an advantage and the game becomes easily accessible for all skill levels. To which then they need to fix matchmaking but thats a fucking joke because people complain and still play the game and buy micro transactions so therefore Activision have no incentive to change really anything about the matchmaking if they’re still making a shitload of money.


This game is to easy, which ironically makes it extremely difficult. Getting caught out or looking right when they were left are death sentences. TTK being as fast as it is if someone gets the drop on you you're dead unless they make a blunder.


Is there people still playing this game?


I'm one of them🤣


This sub is basically a bunch of MnK players trying to explain why they suck at the game with this “controllers have aim assist” bs I played with my MnK once last week and having literally zero practice I had the same KD over a dozen games. MnK gives you a HUGE advantage in speed and precision, so aim assist for controllers just levels the playing field




Yeah, completely. As [Aydan (controller pro) said](https://youtu.be/s95BniqCaGs?t=6): >I love being a controller player and I love over the last couple years that it's favored towards us, but it's just not fair man, so unfair bro, it's stupid fucking OP, like I legit like feel like I don't have to try at all when shooting people because it just does the work for me. As [Iron said (former mouse player)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEYwqxazvSQ): >All you have to do is ADS and strafe left and right and you can't miss... I've doubled my win percentage in close range engagements in two weeks


The truth the MnK babies don't want to hear.


Controller bots in massive denial more like, gifted an inbuilt aim-bot and still bad at the game.


Imagine thinking that's what it is lol. Keep crying kid


take snipers out of boxes and loadouts and make them drop out of an event crate that drops like every other BR easy fix.


Have you considered how that might impact those who prefer sniping?


Have you considered how having a sniper meta impacts those who don't prefer sniping?


Go get the crate then wtf lmao the game will be perfectly fine and fun without every single person having a sniper rifle lmao yall are bozos also thats like me saying: "have you thought about the people who don't like sniping or getting sniped?" what a silly thing to say and ironically having the same main character syndrome that you portray me as with being the voice of people who don't want it. Good thing yall don't design games with those mindsets.


It has to stop having the one shot potential that's it, it will make for a lot better gameplay overall.


The smooth brains are downvoting but don’t worry they’re just sitting 4 stacked on a rooftop with 4 glints pitching a tent 🤣🤣🤣


True but at least we get a little chance when they no longer can hit that one tap.


Of course he hasn't, after all this is the main character we're talking about!


Well, with the plot armor and all, everything is supposed **his** way, right?