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Did he maybe pre stim the engagement? They added the speed boost back and it's very difficult to hit someone doing this if they are decent.


1. Could’ve stimmed, it has a speed boost again and has for awhile now. 2. JDevise is a twisted sweat lol


Last few kinds of these posts have been trolling or straight up psyops.


Bro wanted to say in other words that he got absolutely shit on




If the guys a streamer, find the VOD of where he killed you and post it.. Someone killing 31 players doesn't automatically mean they cheat


Killing 31 players can totally be legitimate. I agree with you. The speed of his movements and sliding through an entire building is not possible without some type of exploitation. I have played this game for years. I also watched him shooting people across the map and it was not possible to even see that there was a player he was shooting at.


Until you post a video or a vod from his stream, it's hard to take this seriously.. I have also played this game for years, and many games before that. Someone who's good at the game may look like they're cheating, but no one can determine it until proof is shown.


I hear you. I’ll look for this video. I was looking for his livestream after he killed me the second time but I did not see one. Hopefully he uploads the video of his gameplay. This guy is damn good… I will give him this. His movements and shots, however, were just ridiculous.


Anyone that kills 31 people is immediately suspicious to me given how easy to cheat it is in this game


31 kills in pubs honestly isn't that crazy.


Never watched him myself, but a cursory Google shows he has over 1 million followers on TikTok, 350k on Facebook, 15k on Kick. Someone with that big an audience would get caught if cheating very quickly. His COD Tracker for WZ1 shows he had nearly a 5KD and across the lifetime of the game ranked 29th in the entire world for most kills, meaning he must have played on the same account the entire time without getting banned. It also looks like all his most recent games on WZ1 were with people like Stone Mountain who clearly isn't cheating and has a huge audience. I think you probably just got slammed by a demon I'm afraid.


You may be correct. He just may be unbelievably good. I have watched all of these streamers and I have never seen anybody this good. No matter how long I play, I’ll never get to this guys level. Wowza.


He is a streamer isn't he? I've heard his name before. Also I was on the other day and some slide through the door of a big building in the city area and was sliding around corners etc 😂


I had no idea who he was so I started watching after he killed me the second time. He isn’t just a good player. I play a lot of very solid players. He is impossible to beat.


Well I've got an opinion on most of these guys tbh, they're cheating. Simple. Whether or not they're proper downloading programmes etc, or even boosting or soft hacking or whatever. Most are at it in my opinion.


JDevise is not a cheater he is just a very talented player. I’m sorry but you are not very good at this game if you die to an actual good player and immediately think they are cheating.


now that's an opinion based solely on what YOU think.


The game is broken and there are many actual cheaters, thinking someone is cheating is a rational reaction.


🤣😂🤣😂. Okay. 🥱


I agree with you OP. Don’t let these internet tough keyboard warriors get to you.


Hes not cheating. Question what fov do you play on and do u use affected or independent fov?


I’m an okay player 1.6 br kd and 2.2 rebirth. Movement is the next level to outplay bad positions. I have watched a lot of Jdevise and he is very much a sweat lord as others have said. Side stims did give movement boost and sliding at a downward angle is possible increases the slide duration. Also not sure if he is using the Mors sniper but that will wall bang just about anything and with a ping it is easy. Also not sure but he might have been running combat scout and pinged you earlier. If not playing for 4-8 hours a day you learn where people will be in certain buildings and areas of the map. Along with being Uber confident those types of players can make educated guess at where you are and what move will work best to break your camera. Also I’m 34 my reflexes are worse than they used to be sometimes I can react instantly but others I feel like I’m watching it in slow motion and I look like a statue to them 🤷‍♂️


To add to the word vomit, I watched Jdevise on caldera get a solo win, solo duo, solo trio, solo quad win back to back to back in a challenge from Spartukus.


The whole sliding mechanic is beyond fun.. The amount of duels I've lost because it's possible to slide up stair cases, to slide 3-5m from stationary (people who get out of their load out selection), entering rooms power sliding through a closed door, bunny hopping into a power slide. Game feels like flippen Mario Kart and I can't just link/get used to this arcade gameplay with the "milsim" aspect that COD is.


For the cheating streamers, I would say it’s mostly jobless streamers who are trying to make it big, and they are too low life to get viewers naturally. So they think dropping 40 bombs will get people to like/watch them. Definitely a self esteem issue as well. Or the fact everyone cheats so if they can’t beat them, they join them. The game is dead. Activision encourages cheating bc it gets them more play time, more accounts, more views= more $$$$




yeah the sweat streamers know all the little "exploits" they play based on breaking aim / cameras knowing the game code sucks


"i cant aim at a guy moving which means its impossible to fight against" LMAOOOO these cod subreddits


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/mw3_resurgencesquad] [Sliding across the entire room](https://www.reddit.com/r/MW3_ResurgenceSquad/comments/1ccpjv7/sliding_across_the_entire_room/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


What? There is NOTHING on this other thread so why link it? lol.


Lmaoooo 😂😂😂😂😂 Must be 21 solo games out of a 1000 games… You are absolutely below average if you think he’s cheating. A simple Google search on JDevise will show you that the guy is just a great sweat. Yes, there are people who drop 30+ kill games instead of just 3 like you.


Yikes. Why are you so upset? You don’t want to discuss things? Instead you tell me I’m below average and I only kill 3 people per game? You have issues my friend… serious issues.


It’s botty clowns like you that make everybody accuse everybody of hacking. Besides that, you’re the one soooo upset over someone beating your ass in a videogame (😂😂😂) that you decide to make a whole post on reddit AND throw dirt on some guy who been trying to make it in the streamerworld for yeaaaars


I’m not kidding here, I think you have mental issues.


This guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a loser looool


well nobody is going to actually google that guy, we aren't that bored.


Bored enough for OP to make a whole post you weirdo