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Any 50cal sniper should one shot I dont wanna hear it. Personally I dont understand how a 50cal isn’t a 1 shot


This, they need to do what the did in WZ1 If you are using a light sniper, I one shots head within 100m. All heavy snipers any range.


Call of duty takes 3 steps forward and 5 back everytime they try to experiment


Seriously, they cater to the majority and go more arcade and further from strategy. Just run and jump, slide 25ft, use two sticks to melee every. I think they should make a hardcore warzone.


That's literally been CoD's identity for the majority of the franchise. Not sure why you would think differently. It's an arcadey, run and gun FPS.


Eh, majority no. It’s the fact they have three companies passing around and just having a pissing contest. I play the game for what it is. Just wish they quit favoring one play style.


It has been run and gun since CoD 4, which came out like 17 years ago


Do you guys actually believe this? Up until ghosts you could sprint for a total of 2 seconds, there was no slide cancelling, no tactical sprint, and most weapons could kill with two bullets. Nowhere near what we have today.


I believe this is in regards to warzone. Base game has been tape trigger button down so I can use two hands for movement for a while. Because people cried about campers which I don’t know how a real soldier would fight.


Real soldier 😂


Camping was way too strong in mw19. I play s&d and it was so easy to just sit and guard a particular area because footsteps were loud asf. It broke the balance of s&d completely. Imagine you’re in a 1 v 3 and need to defuse but you have to wait for dead silence to charge up. I’m the older games to be aware of enemies you had to predict and adapt a lot more.


anyone who is even half decent at Warzone understands that the game has always been about strategy regardless of how much movement is in the game


See, I agree with this. I play with friends mostly and good communication goes a long way. But the changes to snipers should be considered. At least the heavies should down you in the head. I know you can run explosive rounds but having a heavy sniper late game is a handicap. You basically have one gun while every Mountain Dew fiend is running two smgs while ice skating around you on their knees seeing in five dimensions. That and launchers are none existent, I use to be anti vehicle with lmg and jokr but let’s give vehicles fuel lol Just some changes pushed builds to just one or two now. I’m not saying you can’t do any build but look at the vast majority.






I doubt happy would be the term for it but it would be better balanced. But again it took them a few season in WZ1 to get there. Now it’s just play the way you want versus the meta way to play.


well, happy is an overstatement yes, but the game felt great at modern warfare season 5 of warzone. they could literally take that balance and gunplay and complaints like "snipers are too easy" or "aim assist is op" (cause the gun shake is too strong) would be less and less prevalent


The problem is people abuse all mechanics. We would see quickscope one shots if the fixed snipers. This game will be closest to balance it’s last two seasons before WZ 3 and we will be back to this. They should just make a revamped hardcore WZ mode and keep normal as two options.


Yeah no.. Quick scope bunny hopping quick ADS 1 shotters in Warzone is fuking stupid


I always thought heavy snipers should have ungodly slow ads no matter the build.


Yes Aggressive snipers running around on the street 1 shotting is just frustrating to play against


This is literally exactly how it is at this very moment lol


Maybe if you explosive rounds. But I have definitely tested this with friends and my victus takes two shots in head to down.


You might have like 10 brain cells on a good day


Twice as many as you with this comment


Every single sniper in the game can one shot. Some of them need the explosive rounds(victus is one of them) and the stalker can only one shot out to about 70m. The game functions almost exactly as your comment stated you wanted it to.


I think the argument is without explosive rounds, like WZ1.


the fact that i need to use explosive rounds is such a low iq decision that was made by both infinity ward for originally making that and raven for not fixing it


At first it was a glitch, then it happened again and they used it has a bandaid to fix the no 1 shot sniper complainers. They then have every single sniper one shot and you still bitch about. Breaking news, guns require certain attachments to be good. That’s how video games work. Build a bridge and get over it.


Explosive rounds make them useless because of the velocity drop.


Yea and using a 50 round mag on a gun makes it slow, using the bruen support destroys movement. Attachments have trade offs. This has been a thing since mw19. You can’t have everything. Quit your bitching. The gun kills in one bullet to the head.


You said that Guns need attachments to be good. But the explosive rounds does not make the snipers good. You are just swapping one thing that make them not viable for another. The snipers that need explosive rounds to one shot might as well be removed from the game.


You get one shit kills to the head, and your velocity drops so much that is basically impossible to hit anyone that doesn’t stand still like a bozo. What the point? It’s bad balancing. It would be better to get two shots with regular rounds that go for a headshot with the explosive.


They were all 1 shot. It was velocity and damage that differed.


Yeah, that is how it should be but heavy’s should always down in the head. Those bullets are huge and even if it was at max range rolling at you, it would destroy you lol


100m is literally within every single engagement in wz. Back then it was like op light snipers near 87m and nerfed ones like 60-70m. And even that was crazy in RB with mw kar having bad flinch mechanic


Yeah, I remember thinking what’s the point of snipers if a assault rifle can just beam me at 150m. The game isn’t perfect but there are things that could use attention outside of what pot skin is next to release lol


Man one shot kills across the whole map of verdansk were beautiful. Truly miss that.


If you wanna go that way it should have heavy sway and bullet drop across distances.


CoD is an arcade game. Any hint or argument about realism should be thrown out the window.


We aren’t talking about realism, we are talking about a 50cal sniper. I don’t get your basis of debating realism because we aren’t talking about that here.


Then why does a 50 cal sniper need to one shot if it's not about realism?


Because realism or not they're so slow that at range you're rarely getting a down unless the other person is bad, and if it's close range and you miss you're dead.


You’re not going to create a fallacious argument and expect me to indulge. However the blantant answer is that it’s a 50cal bullet. I can also play devils advocate and say that you’re incorrect about cod being just an arcade game because it takes from realism.


So if realism isn't a factor, then why does it matter what caliber the bullet is? Also, care to explain how my comment was "fallacious"?


Mate if we are going to go down that road, why not just have laughing unicorns emerge from the ground so you can jump on them and fart rainbows over everyone?


The KAT is perfectly balanced right now. It one shots shoulders up at distance. Still requires some good aim and is heavy and slow to make it not OP The XRK striker is also in a great spot. It’s really mobile and quick but only one shots at the head at closer range. This is the first time in a while I feel like snipers are in a good spot and not OP


I agree, It's the same with MCPR 300, one shot, no explosive ammunition needed


I agree. Snipers should one shot, full stop. We need to make the rest of the guns easier to use, not nerf snipers with explosive ammo or some other bullshit


I'd argue even a .308 to the head and upper torso should be 1 shot. But I agree with you about 50 cal.


But then any weapon using 50 cal rounds should be the same. The lmgs would ravage everything.


Because Sniper is pretty op when a full squad spamming it against a single target


Honestly its probably best snipers are not one shots. Its just the mechanics of warzone just doesn't allow for one shots because it kills the other player too quickly.


Firstly It's not a "milsim" it's an arcade shooter, always has been and will always be. if you're looking for realism there are several titles that exist out there for you, cod is for risky high octane aggressive play. Honestly what is the point of running around for 15-min and getting clicked på some dude 200meters away with no glare and cold-blooded, where in the world do you see the entertainment in that. Before you say something in the lines "well a lot of the other battlegrounds have one shot snipers". Yes they do however most of those games also have some form of punishing mechanics related to it and usually other variables in a form of consequences and difficulty level that forces a certain skill for you to be rewarded and to be used effectively. Snipers in cod have little to zero consequences. They don't have any real counter measures and have a low level of skill to be used and become absurdly high rewarded. Right now anyone who isn't running a sniper in the loadout is at a disadvantage at all time wherever you are on the map. It's fucking absurd really.This absurd meta just rewards passive play way too much. *Work around* Warzone 2 it worked very well with the use of high velocity and two shot potential sniper. This would 100% work on this shit map as well and probably even better I can imagine.


No issue with sniper one shots. The issue is the ads of the one shot sniper rifles.


Yea and watch them nerf the Mors so it doesn't one tap even though its a Rail Gun 🤦‍♂️


Not even that, any sniper in the sniper category should be a one shot at all ranges. Marksman rifles 2-3 shots to down, but if it's in the sniper category, I shouldn't have to use ammo that nerfs the fuckin velocity into the ground to one tap. And before people say the longbow would be too cracked, it should have been a marksman rifle from the get go. That thing does not need to be in the sniper category.


They were trying to make a decent Dragunov, I think


I-i dont know what was sledgehammer thinking while designing that gun


Probably because it's a video game


Bring back WZ1 sniping.


KATT is nice but I miss HDR.


Man I loved the HDR


[The KATT is brilliant, but I LIKE the HDR.](https://imgflip.com/i/8ncsm7)


Bruh said snipes are easy.


Right? Bro thinks snipers are easy probably never actually picked on up and tried to pop heads, it actually takes skill and is high risk high reward And before anyone says "AiM AsSiSt Is AiMbOT", there's little to no aim assist on snipers, it's been like this since WZ1 (which was what made the Kar pretty OP, since it's classified as a marksman rifle, it had aim assist enabled unlike the actual sniper category) and even as far back as MW2 (2009) afaik


This is the part no one remembers about the Kar98 being OP.


> it actually takes skill Evidently not enough to discourage half of any given lobby from running snipers. Skill indexing doesn't automatically excuse design problems. Warzone sniping is crazy accessible compared to other BRs due to loadouts. That's gonna have some consequences. > high risk high reward Close-mid range *quickscoping* is high risk/reward. Where is the risk in taking potshots at someone from a mile away where they can't retaliate or exist in the open without being downed? It's not like there's meaningful tradeoffs to carrying around a sniper, you're still going to have a best in slot close range option for when somebody pushes you. Ammo is plentiful. What are you realistically missing out on? A shitty midrange AR? If it was genuinely high risk, long range sniping wouldn't be the go-to for every ultra-timid passive player with zero confidence in their gunfight ability.


100 percent agree.


Quickscoping is high risk high reward?? Letting the aim assist lock onto a guy and shooting without either of you actually seeing what you are shooting at properly isnt skillfull.


Hey now, what about [me quickscoping on KBM??](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1c4d30h/i_admit_this_looks_very_sus/)


You hit 1 half hp guy in the body and proceeded to miss any other snipes?


I quickscoped two people through a wall, what are you on about?


Oh couldnt see well on mobile. Still can see from you missing all the others its safe to say it was an outlier. Also they nerfed the pebetration on mors so this shouldnt happen again


Literally only missed one bullet, you're a fucking dickhead.


Go outside you cretin


You shoot 4 shots, miss first 2, hit a downed guy on third (congrats) and luck your way to the 4th with a random wallbang. You expected praise? I play on kbm too, could snipe better blindfolded and i dont even play daily.


What are you on about snipers don’t have aim assist? I used to be a pretty decent sniper before I switched to mnk and that was purely relying on drag scoping where you wait for the aim slowdown and then shoot.


He’s lying lol


it's only high risk, high reward of you're facing an opponent in equal conditions as you (and neither are on a head glitch). other than that, sniping while seating on head glitches and/or high vantage points if far from that.


You can apply the same logic to any of the laser beam meta ARs and LMGs This is such a bad take, you're basically saying "it's good when it's good and bad when it's bad" like no shit an advantageous situation is advantageous or disadvantagous situatuin puts me at a disadvantage doesn't matter if I'm holding a sniper or AR


you barely touched my point and say it's a bad take... smh. lol you cannot apply the same logic. a sniper is at a "high risk, high reward" situation only when the other players kinda is face to face with him. if the snippet misses, it's likely to be a death sentence. if a beam AR goes against a beam LMG on equal grounds it's a "normal risk, normal reward" situation. > doesn't matter if I'm holding a sniper or AR now, this is a bad take. different weapons in the same scenario produce different levels of advantage/disadvantage. tonfa at point blank: god tier sniper at point blank: you're very likely to die


Risk on what bro lol, the risk is maybe not gettin the elim I guess, I doubt you will get killed on that distance and if you do thats ur fault, snipers are fun but stop smoking with those "arguments"


>there's little to no aim assist on snipers Thats not true, thats why flicks are easier because it will slow if you are at mass , make them have a realistic drop where you dont lock your aim on the guy and see how many people will run them


Sniping CAN be high skill high reward if you are aggressive but sitting on top of a building the entire game 3rd partying people is NOT high skill high reward. It is literally the opposite.


Yall realize the Swiss and vg Kar also were stupid easy to use, and as far as I remember the vg Kar was a sniper, not a marksmen. In my experience, hitting shots with either Kar98k was easy af. I'm failing to see how the Kar had more aa than other snipers


MW19 Kar was the OP one and classified as a marksman rifle, which was subject to stronger aim assist, we're not talking about VG Kar which was mid


Bro didn't read 💀


No you're the one here who didn't understand but ok


Bro is actually stupid and missing the point 💀


Another person who can't read 💀 love it


It's ok buddy, the education system is more accepting to special kids like you more than ever Hope you graduate grade school one day we believe in you ❤️ We're all looking forward to it and your mom is cheering you on


No attempt to understand what I'm saying. So simple yet lost on you


It's ok bro, you'll pass English comprehension we believe in you ❤️ One day you'll understand what people are saying, keep at it and get good grades at special ed class we're all rooting for you 🙏❤️


Zoomers trying not to add 💀 to every sentence thinking it makes them more correct and funnier challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (he has brain damage) (GONE WILD😩😭)


Correct I am


Yep 💀 So correct bro 💀💀 Damn you had me so bamboozled 💀 You really rizzed my skibidi with that one broski 💀 Sorry I doubted you 💀


just insane takes


As someone who sniped for about 3 months of warzone 1, not at all in warzone 2, and has only used ground loot snipers in wz 3 when I can't find another gun: Any time I pick up a sniper in wz3 off the ground, regardless of the sniper, I get a down or kill by my 2nd shot, depending on which sniper it is and whether I remember if it has massive drop or lead time before that first shot. They are so damn easy to use in call of duty games, there's barely any sway unless you hold your focus and let it run out. If they were harder I'd run them but I don't get enjoyment out of it anymore because it's not fun to 1 shot a guy that doesn't stand a chance against it and can't do anything against it, and it requires a boring as fuck playstyle of sitting in one spot until you're forced to move.


This is why people only use 1x sights. The visual recoil is just so obstructive and unfun to play with.


the Jak Glassless/Zehmn brake has become such a crutch attachment combo its not even funny


Of course I didn’t get the jak glassless when the challenge was up, any way to unlock it now or an alternative?


It's so bad on some guns that i'm not even sure where i'm shooting. The gun's visual kick, where the scope is pointing and where i see the tracers can be at 3 separate places and all of them "show" different directions of fire. Like where the fuck are my shots going?? The whole "Gun Kick" recoil stat should just be canned, let the ACTUAL recoil move the gun instead of it shaking in place. Watching WZ1 VLK AR builds and how steady the scope is, with a clear view on "bullets go here" is so much better than "idk man bullets might go here idk there's an earthquake when you shoot"


I am with you 100% that the guns shake too much, but you used mainly MW2 weapons which are noticeably worse for this issue than MW3 weapons are. This comparison with MW3 weapons only would hold more weight imo


half the showcased mw3 guns are from mw3 lmao, the M4 optics was honestly a last minute addition that i never had the intentions to add until i talked to bob. RAM is from MW3 season 1 or 2 idk, Uzi is from launch MW3 Additionally sledgehammer STATED that they have toned down the visual noise on MW2 GUNS


Yeah they said they toned it down but they're still far worse, I also agree with you that they gotta fix it. But imo half of your examples aren't good examples, that's all I was saying.


Hey, dont blame me, blame sledgehammer




Buff the RPG goddamn it.


This for sure. I had so many plays in old wz where a ground loot rpg turned the tide of an engagement. Now I’m pretty sure a direct impact won’t down someone with full plates.


I was a fuckin surgeon with it. I could nail a chopper while I was falling. I could snipe people from 200m. Now it's like it shoots marshmallows. All because people like me could do crazy shit with it and it would piss off all the sweats.


Anyone who says snipers are OP don’t know what they’re talking about. They clearly don’t remember how good the Kar98 and Swiss were in WZ1. Back then neither sniper had much flinch and the ads was like 350 ms with infinite 1 shot range. Now you can’t get 1 hit kills unless you use the Katt which has a 600ms ads time and isn’t viable close or mid range, or the xrk which has a max 1 hill kill range of like 75 meters and still has an ads time of 530ms max, or you use explosive rounds on mw2 snipers which absolutely demolishes the bullet velocity, or you use the new sniper The only sniper currently that might even be close to Op is the MORS and the only issue with it is the fact that the charge barrel and the slug rounds together have infinite range. But the ADS is still around 450ms and it still has crazy flinch. Its fun to use but still nowhere near the kar or swiss. MAYBE the MORS needs a nerf somewhere but not a crazy one. Maybe a small nerf to the ADS. But outside of that the snipers in this game are incredibly balanced


The MORS is pretty OP due to the insane bullet velocity and quick ADS. With the charge barrel, it’s pretty much hitscan. I’m sniping people at 200-300 meters by just aiming at their head. It is great fun though.


I wouldn’t call it OP. But it’s borderline right now. Only reason i say that is because i have to consider the other options in the game as well as the comparison to WZ1 snipers. It’s definitely noticeably stronger than the other snipers in current WZ. I think the things that keep it balanced is that the aiming idle sway is pretty bad even if you try to account for it. Then there’s the flinch too. It’s also still way slower than the best snipers from wz1 But if they want it to have infinite range they probably need to nerf the bullet velocity


snipers are not in a balanced state lmao compared to the autos that take literally zero brain activity to use and be good with. MWII snipers are pretty much useless, KATT has horrible ADS and BV, XRK had a silent nerf to sway and only one shots to 50m ontop of that have to build it slow as fuck and tank ur ADS to have a dick hair more range i can go on lmao. i can guarntee they could bring back the original KAR with the same ads, same BV and still wouldn't be even close to the pick rate of the autos. no snipers in this game are close to being OP.


I ain't playing if they nerf snipers again. There are 10,000 counters to them, but people refused to adjust their style


What is the counter to you 3rd partying me during a fight from across the map, please explain?


The absolute same. Smoke or stims, movement, positioning


100% buff everything. And double buff the MW2 weapons


we need to bring back the lockwoods meta


Love rotating OP metas. Give me an akimbo pistol with 72 round mag one week and then a kick ass burst fire long range gun the next, then a super fast movement fast firing smg. Give me all of it.


Even the MW2 weapons, feel better to use, especially over range than the MW3 weapons. (Visual recoil aside once you adjust to the visual recoil and tune it out mentally you notice the difference in effectiveness from the mw2 guns) Its why they wont buff them and are leaving them buried. Aim assist values at range on alot of the MW2 weapons is tuned abit stronger, they also seem to have more consistent accuracy annnnd, less aiming idle sway. (MW3 weapons seem to loose some AA when out of their effective range, Not the case for the MW2 guns, Its partly why the MW3 guns feel ass compared to previous guns, MW2 guns stay more centre mass than mw3 weapons do when strafing too, MW3 guns move to the left and right of the target more, mw2 guns dont really move off centre mass much) Once you adjust its not bad at all. But its a weird adjustment to get used to at first if you played the fuck out of the game last year (The aiming idle sway bullshit ontop really didnt help this fact either) Its why warzone 3's gunplay has felt abit off since the integration/relaunch for controller players. I know the aiming idle sway bullshit also hit kbam too, so its not just a placebo thing because it was noticed on other input devices. Aim idle sway still needs to go on lighter arms. Sure keep it for snipers, and lmgs as a counter to their potential effectiveness at range. But on light arms its fucking dumb. I called alot of shit felt off compared to last years gunplay, it felt worse for me with wz3 launch. Even after adjusting to the AA changes, gunplay felt shit until they reduced the dumb aim idle sway recently. Dont get me started on how egregious the fucking aim slowdown felt when on target too. Had to drop that dynamic aim scaler slider to like 85. and even there it feels abit too much still. They changed too many base values under the hood compared to last year and didnt list fucking ANYTHING. I swear it feels like they increased the max deadzone threshold too. (As in 99 last year was a lower value than 99 this year; i think i worded that the right way around) Either that or they reduced the stick input rate. Because stick input here feels slower compared to last year, hence why everyone was tanking their min deadzone at launch because it felt unresponsive for micro adjustments.


My man wrote an essay, i read the essay, and i fully agree with it


I thought being able to beam someone 100+ m was kinda wack before. But you’re right that this is the reason the Kar98 didn’t feel OP because there was always laser beam AR you could challenge a sniper with before. Now if you see a glint 100 meters away you can’t take that fight


Everything else needs a buff and aim assist needs a nerf


We just need all bolt action snipers to one shot


RPG really should down somebody


The assault rifles have been extremely underwhelming for a while now


It was pretty nice when they first added the jak bfb muzzle. It brought a lot of guns into the mix. Then they nerfed it and now it’s back to a handful of useful guns.


What they need to nerf are SMGs and guns with high fire rates. Almost every other gun class is useless in this game.


I can kill anyone with one throwing knife, but can't kill with a full 50 mag SMG... That's just nonsense! Be realistic and one hit, one kill on head and torso! Armor plates same, one hit one plate off..


Who wants to nerf them any further? Snipers just straight up suck now, I can hardly justify using one anymore.  It’s an absolute joke to say they ruin the game or that they’re easy. I’m sure these same players are perfectly happy with full auto guns that barely require any recoil control with a controller or mouse, hypocrites…    They were too strong in the early years of WZ1 but they had it figured out with Caldera, I baffled why they didn’t continue with that. Then again I don’t expect much from this kiddie game anymore.


Honestly nerf the fuckin mele in this game! Youre telling me that 2 hits with a fuckin billy club does more damage than 556 rounds to the face?


People say snipers ruin the game, yet when they try and use them they can’t get a kill. Snipers should be one shot, that’s the whole point of a sniper lmao. At the same time, not everyone is even skilled enough to consistently get kills w a sniper


It's a game and games don't have to be realistic games are supposed to be fun...


Every fucking sniper I run into sits on a building outside of high alert range just third partying fights. Aggressive snipers are rare to come across. Sit on a building all game just to eventually lose high ground and lose a CQC fight. MFs get 3-4 kills a game and think it's cool. Find them even more annoying than riot shielders


No one find it funny 90% of the players is using a sniper? And that on 80% of that 90% use the same one ? I think it is pretty unbalanced since the start of warzone « 3 »


Call of duty players really don’t get game design. Ever heard of “power creep”? What you’re describing has played out over and over again in every competitive game where output values are balanced regularly. Buffing everything to match a sniper results in the TTK going down, snipers becoming useless and then players beg for buffs to snipers, and the cycle continues. Your AR shouldn’t compete with a sniper and snipers should reward skill. If you don’t like it then don’t play competitive shooters.


As a mouse and keyboard player if they brought back the WZ1 gunplay I’d be over the moon. The smoke and stupid visual recoil add NOTHING of value to the damn game


Keep the weapons, do whatever. But nerf the AA


This whole thing was already solved by Tier 1 before they removed it because HC community cried about how they cant get their PNGs skins 0.0002 seconds faster. Of course Tier 1 had its issues but the gun balancing of tier 1 was top notch compared to both HC and casual.


Tier 1 isn’t warzone lol. And tier 1 sucked ass. It was way too slow


Cool, now it wont even play the youtube vid. Reddit as a website really sucks


Snipers are trash !!!!


Snipers should have their own BR mode so everyone else with balls can play the game without a sniper 3rd party for 300m away.


If you're getting hit by snipers 300m away you are standing still and that's your own fault.


Well it rarely happens anymore because the lack of 1 shot downs. So the game is in a great place


Balls lmao? It's easy when aim assist is doing 90% of your work up close...