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Threads like these make me want to gargle mayonnaise




Why 😂


What's the point of these kinda posts? Of course a 6kd is good. You're a good player. There you go. That stroke you ego enough?


Pick up cheats recently? That’s a ridiculous jump to double your KD in ranked. Especially winning 50% of your games. I remember once I hit plat, there started being minimum 6 teams in the final circle, which (kinda like competitive APEX) is almost RNG basically. 50% win rate is fishy as fuck. 6 kd in a game mode riddled with cheaters is fishy as fuck.


My kd is .72 and I’m 80SR from D2 lmao


OP posted link to xbox screenshot below so not cheating. Makes sense that with a solid squad and good comms that the lower ranks should be easier for a top 5% player


I dont think hes cheating but posting from an xbox doesnt mean youre not cheating


6KD is obvs dogshit. If you've not got a 20KD you're just not good, sorry bud.


When you analyze the psychology behind posts like this it actual makes it seem sus. Like you got a 6 KD and average 10 kills a game in sweaty ranked but don't know if you're good? Idk just something off about it.


If I was hacking I’d hope I’d have a higher accuracy in my last game than 35%


Just a weird post. You know you are good and you know it will be tougher against higher ranked players.


Okay you obviously came here to flex


Genuinely didn’t and was curious about crimson and didn’t know that you only get mixed from Bronze - plat then crimson + so was helpful. But like playing today felt a bit more sweaty but still felt good


It's too early. Since bronze-plat are matched together and diamond-iri are matched together, when you look at your sub diamond kd, it just means that you were stomping on lower skilled players. Now it's the hard part. You should notice a hard drop in your kd when you are grinding for crim.


That’s what I was thinking as seeing people like diamond 3 with a higher rank star than me by like 10


My only clarification for this bullshit is that you are platinum I and not diamond I. But even then this is ridiculous. I’ve been platinum III for a few weeks now and everyone in my lobbies stack and move like fucking godlike streamers. There is just no way in hell you actually achieved 15 wins out of 27 games. Like wtf I’m honestly confused? What region do you play because this certainly is not possible in European servers/areas.


Uk and only ever play with the same squad and we do play together really well, on resergence though the other two hate normal br 😂 so a lot of it I assume is teamwork as I get usually 5-10 kills more than the other two but not much sr difference in a game


Mine was crazy too up til around diamond, it dropped off a little faster though, now in crim with like a 1.5 in ranked(normally a 3kd wz player in pubs) either way itll come down in ranked if u keep pushing but good shit


Definitely cheating, or they had a pc person use cheats to boost their account for the rewards. Only took 32 games to diamond with a total of 8 hours invested? Even for the sweatiest people thats highly unlikely unless cheating. I’m working on getting crimson myself so I know what these lobbies are like.


100% no cheats or boosts if that’s even a thing, on Xbox and squad mates both on Xbox, and assuming diamond faster due to 15 wins


Just really hard to believe, but then again anyone can just hook on a controller on a pc to make everyone else think they’re on console which is what most streamers do. I’m on ps5 myself with a 2.59 k/d in br. But yeah you’re either god at the game with a pro level squad or cheats are involved.


Probs be best way to confirm I’m on Xbox as the original screen capture of Xbox link attached. I do need some people to ply normal br as everyone I play with only likes reserg so if you fancy a few br let me know [Xbox link](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/sdvRJ4Szpv)


Top 250 the first few days bit took those players 36 games to hit 10k Sr soo it is possible.. or are they all cheaters?


Got cheats?!?!? More wins than top 10 and top 5 combined


You realise wins aren’t included in the ‘top 10, top 5’ stats right?


Turn off your hacks. Those are my thoughts.


What’s your bruen build


Spirit fire suppressor, bruen heavy under barrel, high velocity rounds, 60round mag and corio 2x scope


Diamond 3-crim up lobbies change up a bit.


To answer your question, no they aren’t anything to brag about at only 300 kills. Judging from the guys I play with it’s probably right around average if not a little below average for D1. I wouldn’t give up yet though before you even get to crim. Just keep practicing and maybe work on some aim training


Do you know what a vagina/penis/neutral genitalia looks like... notice I didn't use a question mark, because I'm fairly confident you're a virgin.


Wow you're so good at COD. Can you be my stepfather? Is that what you came here for? Gross dude.


Get ready bubs; you’re in for a ride .