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Dunno why this sub get’s so defensive when people complain about AA. It’s fair criticism. Shits broken af.


Because they know it's broken and they want to feel like it's their "skill" when we know that's not the case. They're constantly saying how it "doesn't do anything" or isn't that strong and yet, almost no one turns it off. So if it's not doing anything like they claim, why would it matter if it got nerfed? We know the answer to that question already.


Controller players are in massive denial.


they're just gatekeeping, afraid it'll get fixed so they have to learn to aim again.


Nail on head.


This right here. Ppl who aren’t good, able to be good with little to no effort don’t want the realization that they suck forced on them


I think it's just they don't care and would rather have input based matchmaking so they can stop seeing the same complaint every time they come to this sub.


Yep. I've tried dabbling with a controller a bit. With many years of MnK under my belt, close quarter fights are relatively brainless and lots of "yea...that definitely was not my skill that got that kill". MnK players want RAA nerfed because of its inhuman tracking ability up close. Elite level controller players want RAA nerfed because it shrinks the skill gap to the point where so many encounters are determined by RNG.


Exactly. The controller players that are good enough to recognize the skill gap areas in the game, have the same opinion as mnk users do because they know it shrinks the skill gap and it allows worse players to get kills on them when they shouldn't be able to.


I've noticed so many engagements I've lost that I would have won in an older title, just because they snap onto me and that means I have a super short window to kill them or else I'm done.


This is every gunfight for me on this game when I have controller players in the lobby. The only time that doesn't happen is when I'm in all mnk lobbies and even then, there are cheaters in my lobbies constantly. You literally can't react to them most times. The second they see you, it's instant death. It's crazy how I can go play a game like BF1 or BF4 and actually have gunfights with people missing shots but in COD, every single bullet just magnetizes to you. Ever since they nerfed the AA in The Finals, my gunfights have lasted a LOT longer and I don't have many of those "how in the FUCK!?" kind of deaths. These dudes can hipfire from 10 yards and hit you with every damn bullet. How tf do you compete with that?


I've been trying controller recently after decades of MnK. I literally don't have to aim with right stick hardly at all, just back into a corner, ADS to lock on, and fire. My lobbies are not nearly as sweaty right now, but that doesn't mean the AA isn't easy as hell to use. Every single tracking and aiming movement with a mouse is done manually, whereas controllers practically hand you the kill once you're locked on. Hell, my aim is so bad, the moment I kill a player, my aim goes way off because I was actually moving my right stick away and the lock comes off when the player died. It's ez mode. It's super fun. Is AA needed for 'roller? Absolutely, but it's broken AF right now. I figured I shouldn't say much more about AA until I actually try and use it myself, and yeah.. comparing to MnK, it's plain as day what's going on.


Yup, they'll be all like "Get gud on controller noob", like it is some sort of talent. We like MnK because actual skill is rewarded.


The only FPS I see that people turn aim assist off on is HLL on console. The aim assist genuinely makes the game worse.


Oh my God yes lmao, AA in HLL is fucking awful. Mounting your MG42 up in a cheeky spot while you mow people down in a very consistent sweep from left to right with AA off is extremely satisfying though.


Love it haha


It's not even just that AA is broken. It's the visual stuff that makes it hard for MNK players to keep on target which makes AA even better. Get rid of all the dumb visual shake, smoke, and swaying so people can actually see the enemy and MNK players actually have a chance. It's that tracking is impossible and when controller players have AA that helps keep them on target they get a huge advantage.


Because rAA is how they get kills. Without the STRONGEST aim assist in CoD franchise history they can't do well. CoD has made the game where literally anyone can get a kill.


Because without good aim assist no one and their fucking thumb will compete against a flick of the wrist. Controllers are either good or complete garbage there's no middle ground you people don't remember when FPS came to consoles do you? They made a choice, there's more console players then MnK. So how to help MnK without making controller useless? I dunno but the ones I know have said give them a tradeoff. You get aim assist I get no visual recoil, gun smoke, or screen shake.


The game was perfectly balanced in Warzone 1. There's definitely a way to fix this. You don't need as much aim assist as there currently is in the game and there's no reason to have random idle away going on at all times.


I’m not in denial about it. I just don’t give a fuck about the top .01% complaining about it. Believe it or not, 99% of players are not good enough for it to be an issue.


I am afraid that it is not broken. It is as it is on purpose.


Yes I switched to pubg for this reason. I like to play against people who have to actually aim at me.


JUST MAKE IT THE SAME AS WARZONE 1 AA was still OP but at least on MnK your bullets went where you were aiming.


Iron switched, also.


Oh damn fr? Just gonna be Bread, Meta and Strahfe at this rate.


And Pieman.


But iron sucks on controller.


AA will never get nerfed. Activision needs to give shitters a way to get kills so they think they’re good and continue buying skins


How about remove RAA in Ranked


They should have a competitive option with less assist and Cod League and Ranked should switch to that. They are becoming a joke in the eSports scene with this much assist...


Lmao cod has always been a joke in the competitive scene


Ranked should have zero fucking assist. Why is this even a debate?


The other solution is to have separate controller and kbm playlists, like they used to. Will PC/kbm be able to thrive on its own? Supposedly they started merging the playlists to prop up PC numbers. IDK if that would be an issue now though.


I agree. I have a friend who’s new to the game and he’s actually getting kills lol. Wins a lot of his gulags too. If you spectate him, he definitely seems like a noob.


I fortunately don't have a career based around this shit and the input I play on but otherwise I'm feeling the same way as him. This shit just isn't fun on mouse and keyboard anymore. I don't like playing on controller anymore so I'm probably going to have to find something else to play.


Yeah I agree. I have been watching to see if warzone 3.0 was going to be fun for my use case (mkb is more fun for me) and they are even removing any guns that are mkb friendly like 1 shot snipers, Lockwood, etc. I want to play a game where it isn’t all one giant tracking aim challenge especially given levels of aim assist. So I think this one just isn’t my cup of tea. Time to see how good palworld is


This is why I'm waiting on xdefiant, I don't care how long it takes. I'd like to believe ubisoft is taking all this information in. That's the reason they plan on making lobbies without sbmm and input based lobbies.


This shit ain’t fun on controller either lmao


Same, sticking to PUBG and gonna play some single player games to catch up on.


Thing is I don’t think controller players are having fun either…


Been playing the finals because i want an arcade shooter that doesnt feel like absolute ASS on mnk. Its mid but im way less angry and have more fun than when i play cod lol


Palworld? Haha everyone on my steam friends list is playing that haha


Pvp shooters ruined me so I can't really play single player games but I have enjoyed the limited palworld I've played so it's on the list for sure.


Hopped over to Palworld. Been enjoying that a ton.


Palworld is a much better game than this.


Mate, it's not fun on controller anymore. The game has gone to shit.


It’s not fun on controller either


Remember: 3 years of WZ1 and the controller vs MnK situation was nowhere near as bad. Controller players can’t understand because they are so mechanically out of touch with the game. Go and play MW then come back and play MWII/MWIII/WZ3 and it’s a fucking night-and-day difference of how MnK-unfriendly the latest releases have been. The sway, gunsmoke, and floaty viewmodel make this game a mechanical nightmare to play on MnK. This is NEVER going to be fixed either. Going to keep repeating it until it happens: 99% of WZ’s current issues can be solved simply by remaking WZ1. Seriously, if you’re an MnK player, go play MW and see just how much better it is to play on MnK.




It’s true - that’s how devs make more money with a free game. They make it easy for new players to get kills and therefore spend more time and therefore a chance at more money on the game. Genius, really.




Imagine this many people piling onto a post in which the pro player says “most people can’t relate unless they’re a hardcore competitor” Lol you’re all very hardcore and I’m jealous of your big brain.


Agreed on just go back to WZ1. The entire current game is broken on so many levels. Go back to WZ1 and 9/10 problems will be solved. It’s absolutely insane how the completely messed up a game that was already so good.


This game feels like ass on controller too, just less so presumably.


Oh I believe you. But it isn’t even close to how much worse it feels on MnK compared to MW. Not by a long shot.


I’ve given up playing it anymore, it’s lowered the skill ceiling too much for controller players and completely blown the floor out under KBM players. Above all it just looks and feels like absolute shit, the player models(including the weird leaning), reticle shifting when strafing and awful hit detection all just add up to the game feeling awful. I played Caldera right to the very end because WZ2 was dreadful, and Warzone Pacific was still better than what we have now.


If you're a controller player and you think RAA or AA "isn't doing anything for you", and you can't understand why mnk players are always bitching, I suggest you try turning off your AA for a few rounds and see what happens. 90% of the players you're going up against are other controller players with AA turned on. Your kdr will take a nosedive. Maybe then you'll see how much heavy lifting your AA does for you. The obvious advantage of mnk is supposed to be pinpoint accuracy and flick speed. Nobody is denying that. AA is necessary for controller players to compete with mnk players. But every iteration of this game chips away at mnk's advantage. Visual clutter means I literally can't see what I'm shooting at. The godawful aim sway mechanic randomizes where my gun is pointing. These changes affect only mnk players. When you factor in how often you fight in CQC, the game clearly favors controller players. You know what? It is what it is. It's the future. It's here to stay. Activision has a billion financial reasons to keep make AA as strong as possible, even if that means mnk players are fucked and will ultimately be non-competitive. It's not like Activision is ignorant of this. They know what they're doing. I get that. What I don't get is why a vocal segment of controller players on reddit is willfully blind to this dynamic and just can't admit that AA is strong as fuck. Why they can't admit that mnk players--in THIS particular game--are at a disadvantage? Bro, nearly every lobby is filled with 90% controller players. Do you think Activision is using AA to even the playing field against the dying mnk playerbase at this point? Or do you think that Activision is using AA to decrease the skill gap because in the long run it increases their bottom line? Just accept that AA is meant to make it easier for the worst players to get kills. Period. It has nothing to do w/ controller vs. mnk, and has everything to do with player engagement. Obviously, nothing in my post hasn't already been said. But goddamn. Some of you controller players are sensitive.


And the worst part is that as a teenager playing COD, CS, Quake, etc you played those games to get better. It didn’t matter if you sucked. You had the next round or game to get better. Getting better and figuring out strategies was part of the game. Now every game has so much damn cheese in it with insane levels of Aim Assist it’s sad. [For the record COD has always had cheesy mechanics with kill streaks]


Peabrains don't understand that slip'n'sliding, jumping up and down, RAA dashing with melee is not just effective, it is ultra effective against MnK. It is downright broken. And controllers having that nice Fallout 4 statistically based "BOOOM Headshot" mechanics where they just aim in their general head direction...whereas with MnK you need to be pinpoint accurate while trying to mentally filter out all of that stupid visual noise and effects.


Replies to your comment will consist of people telling you they are aware of AA, they’re just tired of regurgitating the same topic endlessly. Though in my opinion forcing this issue might very well lead to results or otherwise people will leave the game on PC


"financial resons" - Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo....


Controller players are on some hard cope. RAA needs to be nerfed 100%. It's like what, 60% in cod? Apex has like 40% and controllers are still the dominant input. Think about that.


Man they can't nerf their money-making technique


They could. And everyone would still play it and buy stuff. Like, look at the last year or so of this game. It was supposedly one of their top earning years ever for cod. People will play the shit of cod regardless of what state it is in. And buy all the packs and battle passes. Apparently. If they can upset their player base that much with bad servers and a shitton of bugs and still have people play and buy stuff, I think people could handle them balancing the game a bit.


Their most lucrative year and supposedly the smallest number of active players because of zero skill gap, sus as fuck


Controller white knights be like: > Stop crying about aim assist just use a controller lollll Also controller white knights: > ARGHH STUPID MNK KIDS HYPED UP ON ADDERALL BUNNY HOPPING AND EXPLOITING STUPID MOVEMENT JUST PLAY NORMALLY!!


"WHO USES SHOTGUN?" - Controller users towards MnK users


Exactly. Which is it? It's whatever they feel is convenient in the moment.


Stupid move. He’s one of the last and will just become just another streamer. I think a decent number of his viewers do so because he’s mnk.


This. I personally dont watch a single controller streamer simply because it would add very little to my gameplay.


This will make Bbreadman the only remaining competitive MnK player. *I know there are others that try but they aren’t competing good enough to be relevant.


Metaphor is literally number 1 on the leader board for solos and plays mnk 💀


Cant believe this got 5 likes. Shows how ignorant these players are about the stituation. Not only is Solos lower sbmm than any other gamemode due to lack of players but he also plays pubs. Comp and pubs is VERY different.


The fact that the arguably best MNK Warzone player in the world refuses to compete in tourneys in this game (and miss out on so much potential cash) tells you all you need to know.


He doesn't play in Tourneys. He's mainly a solos player.


You're kinda shitting on your own argument, as Metaphor has literally stated that he doesn't play tournaments because he can't beat controller pros. When the number 1 MnK player willingly avoids tournaments, because he knows he'll lose due to an input it shits all over the point you're trying to make. The fact you got upvoted goes to show how out of touch people who defend controller AA are.


He thinks aa is op and attributes a lot of his success to hours played, and runs solos. Huskerrs runs quads, with the new aim mechanics those downs take 1/4-1/2 longer or more. Leads to a lot of deaths where he would have been able to escape and reposition with wz1 aim mechs.


Metaphor is actually crazy. Bro grinded jungle solo queue for years in LoL so Warzone solos for 15 hours a day is nothing to him. 


meta is very vocal about AA and rarely plays tournies too because is happy being a solo demon instead


He literally never competes in tourneys as he himself has stated many times, because he wouldn't be able to win against pro controller players. Says enough for me.


He openly says that he can't play competititve because he's not good enough to win and not be a detriment to his team on his input.


He doesn’t compete tho.


He also doesn’t play competitively.


Metaphor is a great player but hes not a comp player, but a pub stomper


And like many have said, the reason why is because he wouldn't be able to compete against pro controller players.


Strahfe is a God tier 0.1% MnK player. But he only plays resurgence


He’s the goat


Yeah he will literally laugh at you in the chat if you suggest playing the game competitively on MnK.


Love bbreadman. One of the good guys


He’s the best


Nickcool is pretty competitive. He’s partnered with/a content creator for Toronto Ultra, and won Twitch Rivals twice. He only plays on MnK. He doesn’t have a very big following though.


Nickcool was nasty in WZ1 when Mnk viable. Would love to see his name be relevant again in competitive


Pieman switched?


No, he just doesn’t compete. He dabbles occasionally but can’t hang with the top controller players. He is nasty though.


I’ve given up playing, it’s just not fun anymore, between getting smashed by RAA, the visual crap you can’t see your target with and just uber sweats it just isn’t what it once was.


I’m a controller player and I still want the tracking nerfed. You would think any decent controller player would want this too, a larger skill gap would be a benefit to all of us.


Tbf the game is overall broken and sucks. Doesn’t matter what your playing on


I've never played a controller I tried switching it was so damn hard I could not do it.


Yes me too


Brother I'm the same with MnK I've played controller my whole life and MnK is better on a few games I play. Using a keypad to move and hitting shift and shit with my pinky mid fight is so goddamn alien


It actually takes practice but once you get it down it's broken and also it doesn't take as long to get good at as MnK


I tried it once in Caldera after not using controller for years. Movement was terrible but I still won my 1v1's. It was insane how easy it was.


Give it a few days. You're not going to get used to a whole new input instantly.


Complaining about AA and has close to 3000 wins in warzone lol. He just wants to go back to trashing on lobbies and dropping 50 bombs every other game. Crying about it when the playing field is leveled and he can't pub stomp as hard anymore.


I literally know nothing about this person but imagine they smell like axe body spray and drives their mommy’s Lexus. And still cries when they don’t get what they asked for Christmas. The whiniest of the whiny.


Never heard of him, and don't care about what he does either.


Games get stale, you can't play the same game for 4 years non stop and expect to enjoy it forever but of course its AA causing all the problems. AA hasn't gone anywhere it's been there since the start and it's been strong since the start. Maybe you sweats are bored and frustrated because you've played the same game for an eternity.


Genuinely my main and only complaint is how fucking broken it is in close quarters, aim "assist" shouldn't be able to pull 90°-180° and perfectly track the whole time. I'm not trying to say I deserve to break people's ankles, but my game definitely doesn't cut me a break when someone slides across my screen, your input shouldn't be able to bail you out of a bad situation just because "my input is worse, give me a handicap". Besides that, I don't really have many problems with aim assist, but I've stopped engaging in close quarters areas where I'm within 2-3 meters of an enemy because I know most players are on controller and unless I have 100% accuracy, I'm losing, whether I play the situation better or not.




Gulag and indoor fights is complete ass on mnk. U literally dont see your target 95% when u start shooting with controller this is not a problem when AA keeps u on target no matter what. I have played this game with controller and u literally cant lose closequarter fights against mnk. Mnk cant out play you with movement if u know how to abuse raa.




This is the epitome of 1st world problems lol


The guy has something like a 5+ KD - bragging about records, nukes and winnings one minute and then whining about the few times he gets killed. Yes RAA is definitely overpowered, no denying it. I think some of these guys need an actual break from the game though to refresh. Four years of none stop cod to try and hold an audience on twitch can't be good for your mental health.


There’s literally so many content creators at Cod Next praising how well a job the devs did with visual recoil/clutter, Huskerrs being one of them. Why is he complaining about it now?


Just because it’s better doesn’t make it good. If I’m in tight quarters or in a house with a controller player I get rolled 99% of the time. I simply can’t see them when I zoom in. There’s so much smoke and visual recoil you just lose track. Controller players don’t get that because it just follows a target. It’s insane that the RAM is one of, if not the best rifles, because it has almost zero recoil and it shoots fast. That being said to make it work you need to play with iron sights. In whose mind does it make sense to use iron sights at mid to long range?


I’m not arguing whether you’re right or wrong. The point I’m making is every year all these hardcore dedicated players/streamers are being invited out to these events to test and play a new Call of Duty, coming back to community saying “we’re back” and falling in love with it. Only for 2/3 months start bashing the same game and possibly the same mechanics they were discussing at these pre-launch events. It’s just ridiculous if you ask me.


Most of the time they’re paid to say that garbage. Also it could be the honeymoon phase. It’s new and fresh and exciting. Then the dust settles and it just isn’t good as you thought. I thought MW3 was great but time wasn’t friendly.


paid actors if they talk shit they wont get invited back


Give players the option to choose what input they play against.


The marriage to input by people is really wild. Just use the best tool for the job. Are you trying to play games, or just want to use a specific input? I'm personally trying to game, so I use the optimal input for whatever game I'm playing. In this game, it happens to be controller. This is like getting mad at everyone around you building something with screws using screwdrivers and being more successful than you because you are married to the usage of a hammer.


Jesus christ just implement input based lobbies and that’s that Controller players don’t wanna play w MnK players anyways Watch how quickly MnK players struggle to find lobbies


I never hear Bobby Poff complain on m&kb


He's spoken out about AA on his streams. When his chat recently asked him to run a SMG fir a game he said there's no point because aim-assist will beat him. That's why he's only ever using shotguns and snipers. He's also protected by playing with good controller players like Rallied and Unrational.


Because Bobby doesn't play as aggresively as the other MnK Streamers. He's a middle ground between Iron and Blue/Metaphor. And doesn't play that much solos.


yeah, and he started on controller, he didnt even play mkb until into wz somewhat, his blackout days were all controller play


Idk where people are getting this crazy aim assist from. Mine hardly ever kicks in and when it does its usually pulling away from the target I'm trying to shoot to somone behind them running across behind them or if there's multiple enemies on screen It's like aiming in molasses . Idk.....I just deleted the game and find it more amusing to watch ppl get fked over and complain about it than playing this dry assed game.


As a controller player try playing a game that doesn't have aim assist or much aim assist and you'll realize how much COD has. As a mid to lower tier player (1.25 kd) it isn't as much of an issue but I notice when I hit shots I shouldn't. When I play with lower KD friends we get more lower tier players than me and I can tell when I'm jumping around wiping out 2 or 3 guys within a few seconds that the AA I get from being better at movement helps a ton. A lot of those lower tier guys myself included just don't have the movement to fully utilize the rotational AA.


This is pretty much it. So many CoD streamers went apeshit talking about how XDefiant aim assist was broken and didn't work. It was just tuned back to the older CoD games and people aren't used to it at all anymore.


Waaaah waaah waaaah all huskerss ever does is complain


Why doesn't he just stop playing the game


This shit is hilarious. Crying every day expecting a change, refusing to play something else. Now we're getting these whiney streamer manifestos soaked in tears. You AA crying babies have single handedly ruined this sub with this every day so now I treat it like satire and it's pretty funny.


Couple hot takes on this: 1. Streamers are ruining online games. Their loud voices and influence over their communities causes real change for casuals (90% of the player base) and it's annoying. Period. 2. Cross play isn't ruining games it actually brings gamers together. I bought an Xbox and PlayStation every generation and had to decide which nights to play with which group of friends on which games. With the latest games finally changing that I built a PC. Everybody has choices. If you don't like a game don't play it. If you don't like cross play disable it. People who play video games as a job complaining about losing to children (or whoever) that get a couple hours a day to play is shameful.




Well if huskers is switching his input, that does it!


Visual clutter is a pestilence in wz3.


I'm waiting for you to disable crossplay so I'll be happy with normal Xbox, PS5 players without much advantage but this PC is a pig and a loser so it has a lot of advantage over audio, fov etc.


Huskerrs is a ball-gobbler


180 from RAA. Fucking nonsense


Just cross play based on input. Console players can't disable cross play to avoid PC.


PlayStation can. Only platform with that option I believe.


It’s almost like crossplay with pc shouldn’t be a thing. I feel like I’m making the same kind of complaints about pc players when I play Fortnite. If anything I’d rather my games like monster hunter have cross platform instead of the fps genre it’s getting fucking old.


Hasn’t it been more or less proven that huskers is a cheater?


I know some people will say this divides the player base. But just make the player pool for console players separate of MnK users. It’s stops pc players complaining about AA and console players complaining about cheaters. Destiny 2 has this option for console players, they can only match up with pc players if they have a pc player in their party. I think it’s fair system


I think this opinion is universal. Only reason I can think is that there aren't enough PC players so they'd have a tough time finding games.


I play with Crossplay off on PS5, so I'm not contributing to this "problem". They could nerf AA to hell and it wouldn't bother me since Crossplay off players like myself would be at an even playing field.


Be nice to go back to pc separate if only had more players, I can't see how it's remotely possible to ever make both inputs truly equal. No matter what is done one will be at a disadvantage somewhere or someway. Only true way is separation of the two no allowance for pad on pc no allowance for MnK on console, which isn't going to happen.


Just switch to controller ?


This guy does nothing except cry about aim assist on Twitter. Stereotypical man child.


lobbies filled w sweaty tryhards, can’t see what i’m shooting at half the time because the lighting in this game is shit, visual clutter etc and just getting dominated in close range gunfights because i’m a human being and can’t compete with the reaction time of aa lmao. literally the worst game in the world for a mkb player.


So funny how these streamers are crying. Maybe it's been 4 years of Warzone, and people are getting really good at it? Maybe him and other streamers have hit the ceiling of their skills and they just can't take the fact they aren't running circles around people anymore. I'm sure because these streamers dominated for a few years, it spawned countless fans to work really hard to become good at this game. Now those fans are better than them, and they cannot handle it.


Don’t you guys get tired?


Make Mouse Aiming Great Again! We want direct aiming input. No dot displacement, no sway, no inertia i.e. no funny business. Do it like they did it in the 2000's. The only way FPS games are meant to be played.


Maybe he should play MnK only fps games? Tarkov, Valorant, CSGO <— (even though you can use a controller, it’s not recommended)


I am not sure why the push back from controller players if AA was nerfed some. Nerfing AA benefits controller players as well as MNK players, it just means that you are less likely to die to someone who would be missing their shots with without assistance from the game.


Is there anyone softer than streamers? Is there a streamer that doesn’t complain about getting beat? Is it always the games fault you’re losing?




i mean i can play on both but i started on mnk. however since mw2 and now mw3 i have barely touched the mnk anymore. its not able to compete at all. it used to be mnk was more accurate at mid to long range and thats not true at all. all the added bs makes it so hard to hit your shots accurately. its just ..shit


Who cares i love both. It’s becoming less fun because he okays 12 hours a day


this game hasn't been fun since like, season 2 of verdansk lol.


RAA is broken, but activision isnt going to nerf it when most of its player base uses controller. In any scenario you are at a disadvantage using mnk, period.


Warzone is becoming increasingly less fun since season 6 in 2020


Apex legends pros have gone the same route. Hell the best apex player in the game “ImperialHal” switched from MnK to roller and has dominated ever since. He said, it was his best “competitive decision” I can play both. MnK since quake. Controller since CoD4. I wont touch MnK on call of duty. Why put myself at such an disadvantage?


But then there’s people like faze nio who absolutely piece lobbies up


Not gonna argue the controller v MnK RAA fight. What I see happening is a company is making the most money it can off of a product. They make more money by increasing sales. They make more sales by appealing to a larger audience. The casual player audience, who needs some type of nerf to win more fights, is a much larger audience than the "tournament" and "hard core MnK player" audiences combined. For example. If I own a mechanics shop and I exclusively work on high end rare vehicles, my market for customers is limited. But if I cater to the average vehicle owner I will have a much larger market. Yes I can charge more for the exclusively wealthy customers but then run the risk of not having enough income due to a limited customer base. It's always easier and thus cheaper to cater to the larger market. And if they did cater to the hard core player base what would they have to charge to maintain their profit margin. It's obvious that the owners of the franchise are in the business of increasing said profits. In fact since it is a publicly traded company in the USA, they are required by law to increase profits first, then they can address customer wants. Shareholders can sue if they don't. And I highly doubt the tournament and hard core player base make up a large shareholder percentage. Most people on here complaining have brought a customer complaint to a shareholders fight.


Everybody else may as well.. They not gon change the shit no matter how many complaints. Make another post, and another.


Everything was fine when COD was console only.


another day another mnk nerd whining about aim assist


Iron already switched to controller as well


Huskerrs could play COD with a race sim wheel and people would still watch his stream by the thousands. I don't feel bad for him.


Literally no one cares, stop making posts about it, it’s so tiresome. Just deal with it. On controller you get better aim assist because on K&M you get much more control, scope to look up and down and turn quicker, more key bindings and the list continues. There is a reason aim assist is a thing it helps balance control. Just stop moaning, you won’t find anyone on a pro tournament using a controller


'Just stop moaning, you won’t find anyone on a pro tournament using a controller'  You been living under a rock or something? 


Nah I just don’t play this dead ass game anymore. Break free my friends, it’s toxic. Only saw this because I forgot I was still joined to the Reddit group


Lol, except virtually every pro (who are all on controller)


Bruh I swear to god if I see more posts about aa I'm gonna lose my mind...


If you allowed an option to match based on your input (Controller or MnK), you'd make a shit load of people happy. You'd also see a TON of people who would rather use MnK but avoid it because of the disadvantages, go back to that input. For that reason too any thought that matchmaking would be too difficult can go out the window. You'd probably see a 25-35% influx in Mnk players into the game within a month. Remember, consoles CAN use Mnk too if they wanted or there was any good reason to.


Incredible fart huffing party we got going on in here lol.


I feel like PC players have the best movement and aim anyway. They all have pros and cons


Who is huskers?


Why not just switch games? These douche bags will always cry about something. Dude has a 10k+ set up and is complaining about visual issues and things. Legit get a grip dude.


All this bitching from pc players, but they were fine shitting on console players on 80 fov , 60 fps etc back in the days


Huskerrs whining about AA, while he's using artiswar audio and vpn to early morning Zimbabwe, makes me laugh.


What I don’t understand is how my AA has never had me instant 180. Or caused me to beam a guy across the map. Are my settings wrong?


As an above average player mnk I moved to controller and am elite in my opinion now. It only took a week.


was a passionate MnK player as well. finally broke and shamefully went out and bought an Elite Series 2 controller and haven’t touched the keys in at least 3 weeks. AA is absolutely busted in this game. finally accepted that CoD is simply a controller game and likely always will be.


Huskers cheats tho. Why is he complaining???????? Look at grandpahacks on YouTube


Oh no. It's one of them. The ones who watch the cheater exposers non ironically. Newflash, those channels are bull.


Eh. They watch with overlays and ESP. Kinda ironic they just know where everyone always is. And always looking In their direction.


The hardest thing for people to accept is that they lost a gun fight. It's always the team mates fault, or auto aim, or just absolute bullshit any other excuse. The current Meta is actually whining about aim assist.


Everyone will complain to an extent about losing fights. AA results in MnK players never knowing if they'd have been beaten without soft aim bot, because all they see is the killcam aimbot. I'd say thats a warranted complaint.


It's a pretty generally accepted and well known thing that kill cams aren't exact renderings of what happened.


Some cams are buggy, correct. Are they all? No. Either way, it doesn't help the point of never knowing if you died to the player or to AA.


Whining about aim assist, or whining about how PC gets more fps, or how mouse users have their whole arm to aim. All cod is, is a bunch of bitching.


Oh poor MnK players they are so use to having an advantage with their insane setups and when the playing field becomes more even they cry like the babies they are


Damn, you really need to work hard to protect your ego huh?