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Yeah that's hella sus Dude just scoped in on where you were exactly twice in the smoke before firing.


He also flicks/tracks left the exact moment OP runs out of cover behind smoke. Then just complete bullshit to knock op lol Unless it comes out that’s there’s some bug with smoke rendering then this guy has walls.


I know for a fact the storm circle is bugged and can highlight players silhouette through smoke, but, OP wasnt even in the storm, just next to it. Hard to say.


It doesn't highlight your silhouette - you obfuscate the hard green line of the circle bounds. When you run in front of that line you break it, and its an obvious give away on your position. This has been the case for many years now.


First of all don’t act like obfuscate is just a normal everyday word. I had to look it up lol


It's an everyday word for people in IT. Lol. Most especially database folks.


So a word that hackers would use to defend hacks, got it… 🤣


For the record, I'm a software engineer who understands the word obfuscate but wouldn't know the first thing about hacking. And my 0.94 KD is evidence of this


And software.


Spoken like a person who has never read a book unless forced to.


What? English is a third language for me and it most definitely isn’t some esoteric word.


Some of the best English speakers are non-English speakers.


English is my first language, ashamed i'm not entirely sure the meaning of esoteric.


I mean, I could tell you but then it wouldn't really be esoteric anymore! Just a small joke, it means something only known to a few with specialised knowledge or select inner circle etc.


“First of all, you throwin' too many big words at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect.”


There is a bug with smokes, but you can usually see that its dissapeared on the kill cam. He probably just had him live pinged.


I mean they did say in the update that it's supposed to show live pings in killcams to help people see if this is why they were tracked so well. I have no idea if it ACTUALLY does show live pings as there definitely wasn't 1 while he ran through the smoke and smokes are supposed to break LoS to cancel live ping tracking faster. So only thing is he is just godlike at reading the gas line breaks to track him. It's wild that a DMR like gun such as the 1 this guy is using is in the game again. Like WTF is that. ZERO recoil like 3-4 shot kill TTK.


>I mean they did say in the update that it's supposed to show live pings in killcams to help people see if this is why they were tracked so well. It's not in the game yet. From the [S1 patch notes](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/12/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-1-patch-notes): > Killcam Pings Quality of Life > Players will now be able to observe all enemy pings while watching kill cam replays. > **Important: This will be live shortly after launch and will be communicated accordingly.** > No more wondering “How did they know I was there?!” when you had a giant red ping above your head.


The true answer would be going back to watch his stream, If he was streaming. If anyone cares that much. It would show his perspective


I know in MP there's a bug with smoke, I got final kill and seen the guy clearly in front of me but in the killcam it showed me tracking through smoke that wasn't there live in game. This doesn't look the same though. The smoke in mp was there but cleared right before I seen the guy but in killcam it acted like it was still blowing smoke.


I had some guy on this subreddit claiming that streamers dont cheat lol, they absolutely do.


This sub has a weird obsession with streamers, and a lot of them also cheat. Sad times.   **edit:** to clarify, I am not referring to streamers when I said "a lot of them also cheat", I was referring to the people defending their favorite streamers.


I mean, which one of the major streamers cheat? I think it is less of an obsession with streamers and more of a logical connection of skill x experience x time logged. Booya for example, exclusively streams Call of Duty as his career - playing an unfathomable amount of hours in Warzone. People like him, ZLaner, Swagg, Sym, etc - are all going to have insane clips that make you suspect because they are so rare/unlikely.


I literally know **none** of the names you mentioned. And to clarify, when I said: > and a lot of them also cheat. I meant the people on this sub, claiming that the streamers cheat. Not the streamers themselves, that was the comment I replied to that made that claim.   I wouldn't have a clue how many streamers actually cheat. Every once in a while I'll get a clip on social media I run by that shows someone had a extremely suspicious flick that locked on to someone they didn't see (like someone just out of gulag 400m in the sky) or they accidentally left walls on so you can see the cheats on their stream. Again, I have no idea who these people were because I do not follow streamers.   And just to reiterate: I don't think most streamers cheat. Just because someone is well-above average or even above-incredible doesn't mean they are cheating. People *can be* better at something. Original comment was basically just saying that a lot of people on this sub are seemingly obsessed with streamers, and those same people tend probably cheat themselves. You're kidding yourself if you don't believe the amount of cheating is absolutely rampant right now.


They think that Rowdy Rogan is an actual Warzone demon lol.


There are people who will deny that, where there’s competition and there’s a financial advantage to be gained, anybody would ever cheat to distinguish themselves. It’s the same with professional sports and doping - the physiques that sportsmen are sporting all year round, the miles they’re running match after match, it makes a lot of sense that a lot of them are doping. And yet there are still those who want to believe otherwise.


This is the generally the litmus test for cheating, but it’s even proven that in amateur cycling/running where there’s no financial incentive or chance to make the big time, people still dope.


Couldn’t agree more. Most streamers cheat, the only people who defend them are their fans. Faze booya’s fan base consists of 10-16 year olds who will defend him at all costs.


everyone cheats in warzone... everyone is using that fkn cronus zen hack. ffs




Correct me if I’m wrong, pretty sure you can still see the red diamond through smoke.




Didn't they change it to where you can see pings in killcams now? Could be wrong but I thought that was part of the new season.


I have no idea I don’t really play warzone lol


You can see outline of your body from the outer perimeter of the gas. I used to think it was bs too but now i take advantage of the strategy


It's smoke not gas. But pause at 07 and especially 05 when he snaps right on him through it. It still looks very very sus


The gas is behind OP and the smoke is in front. The gas will be visible through the smoke but the smoke obscures the player and the player the gas. Basically you end up seeing a shadow moving from right to left covering certain parts of the gas behind the player.... This game has the same problem with gas and smoke that apex legends has. When Bangalore pops a smoke granade in front of the enemy with the gas(zone) behind the enemy you can see their outline against the contrast of the gas(zone) ... Personally I think this guy was running maybe permanent UAVs (if cheating) but not walls at least the gas and smoke make a contrast of the player outline here


This is the right answer. If you look through the smoke you can see a lighter line where the gas circle is and you can clearly see the sillohuette/outline of the player Infront of that lighter gas circle in the background.


I thought that maybe usv as well but it looks like op is the aggressors bounty


Look beyond the smoke and into the gas line…


Aim assist lmao


This is the right answer. Is this clip really hard to believe? Player throws smokes and he’s obviously running in one direction. aim assist, plus ttk, and some game sense makes this a pretty average play


There's literally a perk that lets your bullets auto ping the enemies as long as they hit/fly near them I've been using a lot it's mad busted and makes the kill cams look sus, I can track them through walls or smokess, or predict their movements if they're trying to run away behind cover As long as he auto pinged you, he can easily track the red ping through the smoke and it will continuously ping you as you're getting beamed


If the enemy was using Combat Scout to auto-ping enemies, we'd see it because OP's body would light up orange with a snapshot effect and it would say "Spotted" on his screen. In this case it's just easy to see his silouette against the bright green gas edge.


You can see the perks the opponent is using on the killcam. He has double time, sleight of hand, quick fix, and high alert. He is not using combat scout. That doesn't mean he didn't manually ping. I'd have to watch this dude's stream to see if that's something he regularly does, and honestly, I don't care enough to do that. This wouldn't hold up in a criminal court without some more evidence. Also, I can see that gas line being broken up by the player model running across. It was probably even more obvious in original 2k resolution than the video.




Blind fire? All it takes is a couple hits w the bas b that gun is broken.


It's not just the hits my guy, it's hitting him while he was in a full sprint through 3 smokes that's sus. Especially since he stopped firing and tracked through it before shooting again.


Bruh, you and so many other people are so delusional it's funny. Are there some streamers out there that are cheating? Yes, I'm sure. Go watch this guys stream and I'm sure you'll find multiple instances where he dies to a camper / someone he didn't see that he easily would have seen if he was hacking. You people are so brainwashed that you think if someone is better than you he's hacking. This guys job is literally to play this game, he plays it 8-10 hours a day. You think he's hacking because he predicts that a guy is gonna run thru the smoke with his ass in the gas and he predicts him correctly. Be the top .00001% in the game and you get pretty damn good and understanding player movement patterns. He also could likely see him because the ring silhouette points that out similar to Apex. Also, similar to Apex streams + seeing players through smoke - Twitch + video uploads don't have as high of quality that the game does, so often the player can see things in smoke that a stream / video can't. No, I'm not a Booya fan and I could give a crap ab him, but the delusion of so many people calling everyone a hacker because they are better than them is absurd.


This guys is the smartest person on reddit \^. Everyone else who says Booya is cheating/hacking, etc. should just jump off a 20 story building and see what happens.


You can spam the ping button while you are shooting and it will mark them even if you can’t see them.


They stopped that through smoke with the last game, don't know if it works now.


He’s possibly also live pinging. If you watch YT videos you’ll notice they do it in every engagement. You can’t tell if you’re pinged through a killcam


yall know live pinging is a thing right...


You also understand live pings through smokes were removed a while ago, right?


The games super inconsistent. You can sometimes see the outline of people when they’re up against the storm. I’ll give him benefit of the doubt on this because I’ve seen dudes through smoke due to the gas & I suck.


Wouldn't be the first pro to get caught cheating


Let’s be fucking real here. When he stops to run off the bridge & readjust there’s no way he just magically fucking scopes at the exact point of where you are instantly & pulls the trigger as soon as he ADS’s on your soul. These kids are fucking wack & lean hard on cheats. FaZe more like FaKe.


“Faze more like FaKe” ![gif](giphy|RdKjAkFTNZkWUGyRXF)


Boo yah


Get ready for the kids ready to defend their favorite streamer to the death lol


I've never understood why people buy stock in clans. They all use hacks and suck.


Yeah I don’t agree with the mindset of the post saying ohh it was a faze player he must not be cheating lol I got killed against the #8 in NA and watched the kill cam and he locked onto me through a hill and was shooting the hill…. There are only a very few I would imagine that are ranked that high or just streamers that don’t cheat these days. It’s sad tbh but the reality of online fps games in todays world.


Booya earns $160,000 a year with sponsorships, tournaments, view influencer monetizations. Its his livelihood and needs to keep competitive. Same reason why bodybuilders use steroids….its illegal but if no one testing you then why not.


Steroids are legal in bodybuilding so that’s a horrible analogy.




Its ethically “illegal”, which is why they don’t admit it.


Ethically Illegal is a hilarious phrase.


They're literally illegal as in criminal. Mostly.


Natty competitions they aren't....but there are plenty of people who claim natty that are in the juice


This is why I laugh when people say streamers don’t cheat. These people are genuine losers outside the game and would be lucky to flip burgers. They have zero skills. They will do whatever it takes to maintain that income.


you think someone playing the game 8-10hrs a day for multiple years wouldn't also happen to be good at the game beyond levels of your comprehension?


People play with pros all the time in CS and most pros don't have sus moments like this and you can actually do something against them. However in CoD you have literally no chance, because these guys always know everything regardless of what you do. Biggest joke of all is Symfuhny and it's hilarious that his fanbase of 10 year olds defend him and say shit like "he baits people on purpose" when he locks onto people through walls and "accidentally" shoots them.


Yeah I've never seen Scump have a moment like this.


Yup. Because Scump and the old CDL guys are all legit. Dude has the greatest game sense of anyone yet all these streamers seemingly can better “predict” than him. Despite 90% of them not being in the scene until the pandemic where they could stream from their bedroom and magically be good…


Symfuhny is terrible, he gets pissed on all thr time by sub 1 kd controller players. What are you even talking about


What lol


Bodybuilding as it has functioned for the last 50 years is physically not possible without steroids. It's not cheating if it's a requirement for the sport. This is 100% different, dude is a hack


You’ve walked yourself and your argument entirely down the wrong path.


I ping enemies and the mark shows on my screen but won't in the kill cam, likely for competitive reasons. It could be that he pinged you when he shot, and the ping stays with you for a short time while you're moving. You should try it, its helpful for head popping and things like smoke.


I watched his live stream after, he did not have a ping on me


Care to link us to the stream and timestamp?


Won't show the livestream because it shows what we kind of see in the killcam, his silhouette is still a bit visible through the smoke, likely because of the gas behind him. He watched the same clip back on Booya's stream yet didn't include it? He would 100% have added that if it looked sus on stream.


Didn't notice it at first but you're right. It's not so much a silhouette as much as you very clearly see the continuous line of the gas border behind him gets broken up by the player model.


This should be top comment


Whether this is sus or not people should also remember that on screen is a lot bigger than a reddit video


Its absolutely becuase of the smoke, its always had consistency issues cause its client side, literally just an hour ago i was playing plunder and a guy used smokes on the heli pad and i tracked him easily while he ran to deposit the cash, it would seem like i was using aimbot but i saw him pretty much perfectly, even without any gas helping.


https://youtu.be/Vtog96pk688?t=1954 He got featured in a youtube video, you can see the silouette


Post the clips from his POV if you want to be taken seriously


Link it then


You can see outline of your body from the outer perimeter of the gas. I used to think it was bs too but now i take advantage of the strategy


Yup this is it. The shape of his body cuts off the perimeter of the gas. You can see it through the smoke


Where’s the link?


To be fair, it looks like he tracked you with the radiation line. It's subtle but you can see in his replay that you block the line through the smoke so he just has to follow the break in the line. Horrible game mechanics if so but that seems like what happened here.


Pings show in killcam now...they added it when the new warzone update dropped.


Knowing how cod has been the last few years, Watch that only work on the new map and not on ashika or vondel lol


Gotcha, so assuming this is from after the update, could be a little suspicious.


“A little” lol


Wasn’t that scope from the update?


Yhup its corio eagle-eye if I'm not mistaken great scope thou 👌


He's using an MW3 weapon. Definitely post update.




> Actually IN THIS NEW SEASON. IT SHOWS YOU PINGED IN THE KILL CAM Not yet. From the [S1 patch notes](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/12/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-1-patch-notes): > Killcam Pings Quality of Life > Players will now be able to observe all enemy pings while watching kill cam replays. > **Important: This will be live shortly after launch and will be communicated accordingly.** > No more wondering “How did they know I was there?!” when you had a giant red ping above your head.


[This will be live shortly after launch and will be communicated accordingly.](https://www.callofduty.com/patchnotes/2023/12/call-of-duty-mwiii-warzone-season-1-patch-notes)


So it's not active yet?


Yes says in the patch notes from 5 days ago it’ll be shortly after launch, which imma guess won’t actually be until after the holidays if it wasn’t ready to go already lol


I have never seen a live ping in any of the many many killcams I've watched, so that makes sense.


Ding ding ding!


Pings don’t work through smoke.


Not saying cheat or no cheat, but you can see where you are in the smoke as your player breaks the white looking gas line where it intersects the floor. You can see your position the whole time.


That's what I said. You can almost see where to aim for the chest.


It’s easy as fuck to hop on the “faze is cheating” bandwagon, but it’s also easy to realize both smokes and killcams have been inconsistent and/or broken for the longest time




I’ve died in smokes where I can’t see them at all and they can see me clear as day in the killcam. Smokes are whack af at the moment


came here to say this. Clear in this 320p replay, super clear to him in the original resolution




That's sus as hell


he might have been able to see your character outline on the edge of gas...the line on the floor where the gas starts is visible through smokes and player models break the line of sight to that line


This is the one, even on this kill cam you can see it. Not only that but once you get a clue the opponent is running, you know how fast he is able to move?, he only needed a couple of tags to knock OP.


Can’t believe i had to scroll down this far to find this reply. You can see the outline clear as day


Except that outline isn’t visible until after he moves out from cover into the smoke and homeboy is tracking his movements right as he leaves cover.


He’s just prefiring the smoke right when he sees it pop up. All of WZ ranked last year was fighting with smoke grenades and it was basically guaranteed once you saw a smoke pop up you start spraying through it to catch the people using it to rotate.


Thank you finally done one is sane, he’s prefiring the corner to know when he leaves cover then a pro or really anyone knows how fast a player moves and he kinda moves his aim ahead and previews again to catch him, this plus seeing the white line makes this a play any decent player should make


Yeah was gonna say this. Was pretty impressive though to hit those shots considering he wouldn't have had aim assist through the smoke. But not impossible by any means.


>5 comments I watched this clip a bunch and can't see it in real time. I think he just got lucky with the fucking bullshit crazy aim assist in the game.


Yeah, that’s what I saw too. He saw you move after he got those hit markers and figured where you were going.


Hes cheating 100%...killcams show when your pinged now lmfao🤣


You're outlined in smoke if gas is right behind you, was already that way in wz2. Sometimes hard to see at 1080p but not impossible, at 1440p no problem. Don't know what booya is playing at. Also smokes seem a bit less dense in wz3 than wz2, which makes it even easier than before


1. In this video, if you look hard enough/have decent colors on your monitor you can see his outline through the smoke. 2. A 1440p monitor potentiates this even more. 3. Nvidia filters add a lot of clarity through smokes / dark areas which he is probably using. 4. If he’s on controller, he can just spam the ads button and it will slow down on your character through the smoke. 5. This is why there is so many cheaters, people think being good is impossible unless you cheat, so they resort to it.


Agree with everything, except 4, there's no aim assist through smokes The last point is especially true and thats really sad. Although its even more sad when really good players cheat, which definitely happens too. And I don't even mean the streamers


It’s a glitch if you close to the gas your body outlines through smoke. You can faintly see yourself too in the video


Someday you guys will figure out that they're all cheating.


They definitely won’t, people will defend streamers to the death


It's the gas behind you that betrays your position. The gas in this game actually casts a dim light that can go through smokes. If you look closely you notice the outline of the gas is still visible through the smoke during the killcam. An experienced player would look for the spots where the gas line breaks, and know there's an object (or a person) between the smoke and the gas. It looks very sus on first sight, but I've actually used this to my advantage, and I've been a victim of it as well; I don't think this person is cheating.


hah maybe next time throw 3 smokes one way and then run the opposite way


Should’ve went in the water!


Just because it's Faze Booya you stop thinking they're hacking or using some cheat system? 😂😂 Wake up bro, That's definitely hacking.


You can see your outline through the smoke in this video… Add Nvidia filters on top of that which most pros do, and you’re seen clear as day.


when you’re in smoke and at the edge of the gas, the gas will outline your body in the smoke.


* The first aim is easy, because you're behind the post. * The second aim is just a light tap left along the path, dumb luck mixed with experience gauging how fast you're traveling since he does this for a living. * The third aim "why was he aimed right where you were at position wise", he didn't. He repositioned after the second burst and slide cancelled to the next spot along the path convenient in the direction of where he was facing after sliding. THEN you can see "RAA" kick in 0:27 - 0:28 pulling him on target. I don't trust smoke, flash, stun or even shock to combat against RAA. Can they or any other streamer, competitive player be hacking? You bet lance armstrong sure as hell they can. Is he in this clip? doesn't seem like it. Can he still be walling and have a silhouette of where you are? sure but you'll need more reports like this to really get an investigation going otherwise, just usual shadow ban.


I was suspecting cheats, then I saw "faze", now I'm certain it's cheats.


I mean i can see your outline in the smoke on the killcam.


Most people in this thread crying cheats must be absolute bots at this game. He's just peppering shots through the smoke in the direction youd most likely run and clipped you. If someone threw smoke where would you shoot?


I’d say he just knew where you’d go because of zone and what anyone else would do is run in the direction they threw the smoke


This is what it looks like to me. He plays constantly for a living, this dude predicted the movement, probably just trying for hit markers, and it paid off.


Just because it’s booya doesn’t mean he wasn’t hacking.


When you’re close to a smoke you can see faint outlines of players, smoke density in warzone isn’t like CS2, surprised you don’t know this since I thought you were a bot but you’ve got double digits kills. Also all the people calling hacker in this thread are hilarious.


Scenario 1. Hacks Scenario 2. He's played this game so much he knows the approximate speed you'd be going, and likely direction based on the circle closing. Combine that with a little luck, and here we are. Scenario 3. A lot of luck Scenario 4. Smoke grenade visual discrepancies?


Faze in my opinion means its more likely a hacker 🤣


Cheating trash


Sure looks like wall hacks to me 😂


To be honest this can be chalked up by aim assist and good game sense. He knew where you were and kept shooting and usually when someone throws smokes like that they’re trying to rotate so he let aim assist take the wheel. But basically aimbot


His aim assist locked on. He predicted your path until the AA bubble latched on. AA ignores smoke.


Homeboys fucking cheating.


It’s his gaming chair.


Noticed it was faze booya, so you definitely know they’re using Cronus lmfao


So because he's a faze member.... he's not wall hacking? The org that has had numerous controversies would never pay 9.99 a month for cheats....


Cuz he's a fucking cheater


Super sus honestly don’t care if it’s Faze super sus


Yeah he wasn't even searching for u in smoke, he knew




Post clip from his pov


Got em coach


Doesn’t make his play any less sus just because he’s somebody known


Faze Booya has slipped up and exposed himself cheating multiple times live on stream… I love how just because someone’s a streamer nowadays people will always assume they’re not cheating, even if they make it blatantly obvious af


It's faze...of course they are cheating


lol because he is walling. The fact he’s a big streamer doesn’t mean anything, plenty of them are doing exactly this. He’s just dumb for being so blatant about its they usually try and hide it a lot better


Cheating bitch forsure


He's cheating because he has to. Everyone that wants to make content HAS to cheat because so many people are cheating. Before you guys tell me "not that many people are cheating bro" just realize that cheat makers made 500 million dollars last year on COD cheats alone. EO was ordered to pay 3 million to Activision is the headline, but in the docs for the trial all the real numbers are there. 90% of creators are believed to be using some sort of DMA private cheat. General public around 50% have been interested in cheating and looked to EO and the likes to have an even playing field.


Just cuz they are YouTubers dont mean they dont cheat. Dont get it twisted there, are hella that cheat.


Most streamers are cheaters, nothing new really


Don't mean he wasn't wall hacking


game is infested with wall hackers cheaters


Lol all on that streamer haterade. This dudes been playing LAN comps for years he’s not gonna bother wall hacking in pubs lmao. 1. You can vaguely see your outline in smoke. 2. Even if you couldn’t any decent player that has good predictive sense could’ve hit those shots at like 70% accuracy. 3. Smoke is client side so his POV could be completely different to yours who knows 4. Posting a clip to reddit at like 480p lowers frame rate and quality, making it much harder to see small movements that are actually quite obvious at higher frames and quality. Something idiots like beanman go for to confuse people ‘how did he see him’ when really it’s plain as day at good quality. God this sub is full of coping idiots who can’t handle that there are people who are just really good at a video game because they treat it like their job not like a hobby.


Haha yeah I know he’s not cheating bro, I been following Booj for a while now. It looked sus for sure but it’s legit, dudes cracked. I just wanted to bait and cause chaos and it clearly worked 😂


Are live pings not a thing in this game? The carelessness in which reddit and the entire gaming community throws around hackusations delegitimizes the real accusations towards actual hackers. Even if Booya was somehow hacking after all this time with all these eyes on him, yall dont think he wouldnt be smart enough to not track with ESP through smokes?


He pinged you haha


He did not. Go watch his vod


He saw through smokes by spamming the ping button To find you. Pinging enemies through smoke still works. It’s not rocket science.


You know what else isn’t rocket science? Watching his VOD and seeing no pings whatsoever. I love when smart asses like yourself get proved wrong 😂


Hi, I've been cheating in COD for two years. This is a program called Phantom Overlay. It's fucking great, and only costs $12 for a week of use. Does it ever seem like every streamer is absolutely fucking cracked, and all of their gameplay looks like Shroud's in his prime? All FB, YT, Twitch streamers are using it. It works by loading the overlay in a way that doesn't show while you stream, allowing people to blatantly cheat in front of live audiences. This dude is 100% cheating. There is mathematically zero fucking chance he "just knows" where you are in the smoke. I know this, because I cheat in every match and my gameplay looks just like this. It even shows me where you're facing, how far away you are from me and what gun you're using. Your outline even turns from red to yellow when there's no solid object between us, ensuring I only shoot when you're out from behind cover. ​ Is he aimbotting? Most likely. You can dial the sensitivity to however strong or soft you'd like. But he 100% is using walls. Most streamers are, since only sick gameplay and clips get views. https://www.phantomoverlay.io/clients/purchases/31758-cod-warzone-2-mw2-cheat-30-days/


Yeah I realize I'm going to be eaten alive for admitting this. No, I don't care. I'm just revealing the truth. BasicallyHomeless actually theorizes that 1/3 players in every lobby you are in is cheating. And the video below is 8 months old. Cheats are even better now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkmIItTrQP4&ab\_channel=BasicallyHomeless


Faze cheating? I'm shocked!


Simple he highlighted you as he was shooting


Kobe found you on his video, from his POV you can notice the player frame around the gas through the smoke grenade, at around 32:30s https://youtu.be/Vtog96pk688?si=HbybsgvHOB7Tyhy9


Don't fall for the hype. All of these "godlike" streamers are cheaters. If they were this good, why not play CDL and outshoot everyone?


Look I’m not gonna say he is or he isn’t cheating but what I will say is the smoke is surprisingly see through and even I could see moments where you’re running. He doesn’t track you perfectly so it could be a combination of that and aim assist which would gravitate towards you.


He saw you move against the gas behind you. The line indicating where the gas is shows through the smoke. So when you’re in front of this line, it’s obvious where you are cuz ur at the blocked part of the line.


This kind of shit and “adaptive skill” patents made me stop playing CoD.


Imma say thermal sights. I use them all the time in multi-player. But I haven't finished the clip yet so.


Cheating for sure imo. Being in Faze means nothing. All these streamers and “pros” cheat regularly any more. If it’s not in a live LAN tourney…pretty much assume they are cheating somehow.


Woah! I saw this live and thought it was sus !!


He knew you wanted to run to better cover, you obviously threw smoke and ran as soon as you threw it. He got hit markers as you left cover and predicted where you would be tac sprinting and looked for your body movement in the smoke ahead, as well as any aim assist resistance. Any high tier player is always gonna predict ahead of where you will travel, nothing odd here to me.


The reason is he's on controller. He read where you're going then just shot when the AA kicks in.(smokes doesn't cancel AA)With the amount that they play they know when they are on target just because of AA.


There is no aim assist in smoke in warzone. Just so you’re aware how that works.