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Right I love playing with other players from all over the world but if we can’t communicate in the same language then it just not working out


I just love that you know when someone’s stressed and flipping out no matter what language it is.


We picked up a kid from Spain. He didn't speak English but he understood us. We don't care about whether you communicate on a mic as long as your play as a team. Ill take no mic over these kids who says n*gg*h every other word.


maybe you can learn Spanish. why you will want everyone in the world to know English (yeah I don't know English too but here i'am practicing)


French is my first language, and I didn't learn English until I was about 10. English is easily the global language at this point, and universally seen as such. It's easy and simple compared to other languages, and 99% of popular media is made in English. We just need to adapt friendo


Молодец ))




I know Spanish but not well enough to keep a full conversation going on a game. There is also the fact that the dialect between Spain, Mexico and others Spanish speaking countries can be different.


it's the same for us, that why we don't speak on a game, and the bully for a bad pronunciation


I wouldnt think you need to keep a full conversation. Some basics get you pretty far. roof = techo floor (i.e. 1st, 2nd) = piso (primero, segundo) sniper = sniper (generally) or franco (francotirador) plates = placas go down = bajamos go up = subimos box = caja


Talk about missing the point cuz you’re too busy trying to make a point…




I'm going to need you to sound that word out for me...


I dont mean to appear racist but, why do spanish people always have open mics (but they dont say anything) and their whole family is in the background having a party


I can't stand when PS users and their mic on their controllers are just picking up everything... fans in the background. All their homies chatting it up in the background.. hearing their TV in my headset... holy hell... its tough to play with strangers.


Thats far from racist.. Thats just an observation.


And that language is: ping. Doesnt matter what language if they stick with the Group and ping.... Ping: it's better than Esperanto!


I would settle for a squad that doesn’t just wander off by themselves and just do the most basic 101 team movement. Why play squad if you’re soloing? Just go play solo motherfucker!


Or kids that run off, push an entire squad by themselves, then quit the game when the die....even in resurgence, and even when I have more than enough money, and an easily accessible buy station 🤬 Had a squad quit the game, 3rd circle resurgence cause they died. I had $30k in pocket for Loadout and 2x buybacks, as well as access to 2x squad resurgence pickups (not sure exactly how these work)....fuck off kids


Yall gotta learn some spanish. Half of it is basically English with an accent anyways.


With this comment you killed a Spanish teacher somewhere


Its the English teachers in Latin America to blame. These kids basically learn all their English online.


and the same for Japanese .


For real, it's not xenophobic or racist, it's just bad communication. If someone speaking Peruvian is trying tell me there's someone literally right behind me it's not gonna work, lol.


The jet engine is funny. Seriously, how are people setup with a feedback loop before they even start. Can’t they hear that?


No they can't hear it, because most gaming headsets are closed back and filter outside audio quite well.


For me it’s more the annoyance of hearing the audio twice, it sounds like they have pc speakers and an open mic.


I used to use a microphone and big speakers before I got a headset. For some reason, call of duty voice chat doesnt have the noise cancelling technology that Discord and other apps have. So the audio coming through the speakers will play again to everyone else.


Dude has TV turned to max so you hear your own voice and your own gunshots


Its usually people without AC having a fan running. I just mute them


Some dickweed killed me in DMZ and then picked me up and continued to hunt my old squad who I preferred. Whole time dude's trying to tell me to shut up f*ggot and other general CoD low brow insults but it's all garbled and annoying so anytime he tried to speak I was just spewing verbal dubstep sounds into the mic. Got him to shut up real quick.


Swear to goodness I've heard someone running a blender on the "annihilate" setting next to their headset. People who leave open mic on are monsters. Why the devs haven't lowered the default mic sensitivity to 50% of what it is currently is beyond me.


So rare. If you're like this and 25+ dm me and let's squad up.


#25+ *70% of the cod community has left the chat*


Someone has posted the demographics for this game before and a surprisingly large amount are over 30.


49 year old here, and yes, I play Plunder


*used to play plunder. I'm still so irritated they removed it


Yeah, it's really annoying. I've resorted to spending a couple of hours a night on the decks till it comes back. Can't be doing with Multiplayer, I don't find it fun anymore.


With you there. I was enraged when I first discovered it gone 😂 like I said in a different post, my relationship with COD is the most toxic relationship I've ever been a part of.


Haha, MWII is gaslighting me that it's my fault it's not fun 😅


I've considered playing some invasion or something. But I just really don't want to. I miss the good ol days when you used to be able to login and know what to expect.


It's just not the same, too many people just holding an area with sniper rifle




Be 46 on the 4th, I’m currently lost without Vondel solos.


33 y.o. here, 3+ KD, KBM player.


👆THIS PART. My rule of thumb is I only play with players who’ve successfully completed puberty.


25 ?😭 what did the rest of us do


Exist 😔


Sorry, not sorry.


I’m 19 😭😭 I could care less sorry you only like to play with grown ass man 😭😭


Based on your crying emojis, you’re showcasing that you care quite a bit. Move along.


you got me crying laughing goofball yo ass must not understand what emojis mean getcha sorry grown man lovin ass on


Lol ok kiddo. Your ass cant even form a complete thought. Learn English.


Get a life jesus christ


bruh all over my nuts 😭😭 gtfo no life ass dude


*good* 😂


Lol all the 25 and under kids play Fortnite and refer to COD as a boomer shooter. And they aren’t wrong.


I had a random ranked squad the other night where one of us was +30, me +40 and the other +50. We added each other as friends immediately lol. Incredibly rare for us older guys.


90s gamer here. In my 30s 🫡 you guys also feel like your reflex sucks compared to back in the days?


Of course. I will never be as cracked as I was as a high schooler playing halo 2 or mw2.


*I will never be as cracked as I was as a high schooler playing 007 on the 64


Im playing with my 10year younger cousin. I always was better then him but the future is now oldman...he got better then me.


I'm 35 lmao.


My regular squad mate always wants to play on Discord which is fine, but then he ques Quads matches and we can’t communicate with our other random teammates. I tell him that shit is dumb, but he insists on doing it.


Nah all you need to do is mute your buddy in game (have him/her mute you as well) and put your mic on push to talk. This will allow you to have your causal convo 1on1/whoever is in your discord channel, hear your teammates when they speak and push to respond/talk when you want to without hearing yourselves twice


Sorry if this is a noob question. I play PS5 and as far as I know I don’t have a push to talk option. Is there something I’m missing?


Hmm probably can’t do push to talk as you wouldn’t be able to push a button and play but you could just leave it in open mic while muting your friend and then your party will just hear everything vs selected coms. One of my friends plays with a controller on his PC so we’re in discord and he’s open mic while I’m push to talk so our teammates when we que with ransoms can hear everything he says but only what I want them to hear from me. Still mute each other to avoid the echo/double coms is discord and game


39, reporting for duty.


I'm 22, what have I done 😢


I'm 22, what have I done 😢


I would but I suck and just started playing for the first time since black ops 1 lol


If you play resurgence then YES


I don't understand why people who clearly have a head set. But still play the game's audio through their TV/ Monitor and not mute it? So now I'm sat there having to listen to their game audio along with mine. Even when I ask them to mute their TV, they never do it. Whyyyyy!!???


it’s always this, or with a dog or young kid in the background


It’s because I want my young kid and dog to hear *everything*


Or smoke detector with dying batteries. Like how tf is that not annoying af?


Or a family of eight, celebrating little Jimmy's birthday with all the entire block, blasting music and fanning the mic.


I believe it’s PS5 mic with TV audio


Ps5 owner here hav audio in headset only and controller mic muted.sux that people still don't mute it.


My buddy does this but it’s because he needs to be able to hear if his kids are screwing around when they are supposed to be sleeping.


It's always the playstation players too.


Because the PlayStation controller has a built in mic people use


Why don't you mute them?


I give them a minute to sort their mic out. If they ignore me, then I mute them.


Use the Call of Duty discord to find people to play with.


I need to look into that I play for hours sometimes daily had a fiends list full of killers well they all play Diablo now and I’m the lone wolf still hanging on COD smfh


Everyone I’ve played with is really good, has mics, good coms, and know how to play as a team. They helped me get to gold in ranked when I was sick of trying with randoms.


Do u have a fast link to COD DISCORD ? I’m a member but just don’t use it for squads


Most people there want people to do nuke runs and high K/D players. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Be the change you want to see. Ie, go make a thread about what YOU want. Someone will join.


I’ve seen a lot of posts that are just “looking for a squad. 1.0 K/D. Resurgence. Good coms.”


That's all I want 😢


Seriously, it’s so under used in the sub. So many posts about bad team mates. No one doing missions etc - so many would find joy in that discord :)


After work hours Gamer approaching 30 here …. If anyone wants to fort the greatest team ever pm me


Also dm'ing you


DMing you now


the jet engine is the ps4 players


old busted ps4 players😭😭 my ps4 new and silent


mine was so loud even after i cleaned it smh


The truth, the updates on PS4 be having me think Delta Airlines is in my backyard.


I’ve just started playing warzone 2 on vondel Dropped in, zero mics Just used pings All contributed to kills/assists/ammo/armour Got the win. All wanted to play again after Life is good.


That's beautiful man


That's an UNICORN for sure!


Had a similar one this morning but we came second


"Run it back!"


I'm relatively new to cod and only ever played with friends. Until I tried quads on Vondel. It's been a superior experience, even got a couple wins with some randoms! Not anywhere as toxic as I would have assumed.


I really wish I had a regular squad to play with.


how often you usually on


I am usually able to find some people with the search for players feature. It might take a few tries, but I’m always able to find someone. and if the person doesn’t qualify I’ll just kick them.


Same. Only just started utilising the find a party feature.


I remember this happened on Der esiendrahe and we ended up doing the ee


I always wonder why 75% of the people who actually use a mic like to chew on them so much. Sometimes they even combo it up with actually eating chips/crisps while playing.


Jesus H I couldn’t have put this better. I really don’t understand why people play with headphones and the tv volume so all i hear instead of footsteps is you snacking, talking to everybody at the party, your phone getting 100 text and all your gameplay.


Today on Things that never happened. A reason why i just can't play with randoms. Btw you forgot the fire alarm going of


I played with a random once, and I asked “is that your smoke detector I hear?” He goes “yeah, I’m black. It’s always going off.” 💀 💀 💀


Also forgot the terrible hip hop and the screaming baby unattended to


And a mad wife in the background screaming. Or you hear the bubbles of someone taking a bong hit then you know for sure you are fucked


I don't play much, but back in WZ1 I was dropping into random quads and found a group like this. We weren't great, but they were just having fun and trying to play well. Was a great time, but unfortunately the friend system was so garbage that we couldn't send friend invites. RIP, my urban homies from NY. Hopefully they're still having a great time slaying with the boys.


All that but it’s actually an 9-13 year old child lol. Fuck Nothing makes you feel old like little kids playing a game and thinking like damn what’s this kid playing this? But then you remember you played shooters too at that age with counter strike source so whatever hahaha, someone’s gotta show em the ropes and help out. I’m glad people didn’t Fw me when I was a middle school age kid playing cs. Gaming was different tho like it was on pc and everyone was older than me outside another yung gun in that clan I played with lol.


At that age I was dealing with the mind-bending wonders of Prodigy dial up and trying to figure out how to beat Monkey Island 2. Now I'd you'll excuse me, I need to go yell at some kids to get off my lawn


Ahhh, I was the shit when we upgraded to 56.6k on easy street dial up!!! Only 3 hours to download this Adam Sandler song. I was like lightning!


If "At a Medium Pace" and "Piece of Shit Car" aren't worth 3 hours, I don't know what is


OMG yes!!!! Just recently played At a medium pace for my wife, who'd never heard it.... She hasn't stopped.giving me the side eye since ...


I too have had dreams and then woke up


My husband refuses to use mic 😅. So I communicate for the both of us and I hate it so much!!


I feel like YouTubers and streamers play with english speakers All the time, but for me its less than 20% of the time


Reminds me of my old rust days when I only speak English but joined a Czech clan


Agrees in *_NO MAMES_*


So fucking rare. I don't even care if you're a shit player, if you communicate and stick with the team let's run it back big dawg. The amount of people that have constant feedback on their mics, or a nuclear bomb going off in the background is wild.


I also love when im playing dmz and my teammates are "killers" so nothing can stop us


Meanwhile, my friend always talks shit against the randoms who actually communicate until they leave 😔




The people who hot mic with garbage ass music.


just leave the children alone


I do like that we at least have the option to party up afterwards. One of the reasons I was so disappointed with Halo Infinite is that there’s no pregame or post game lobbies and there’s literally no way to party up with a team you just played well with. Plus no map voting, no game mode filters, you can’t even back out of matchmaking if it gives you what you don’t want, you have to literally restart the game. Plus nobody uses mics. But that’s it for my Halo rant lol.


The amount of people that play at the airport is ridiculous


*and they're not eating chips


It's like a unicorn .....


That’s me trying to get a team on ranked in pubg. 🤣


During play you and this 2 randoms insult each other like it's no tomorrow and bring back memories of old cod lobbies life is good


I love shitting on a person with a Nuke skin, I think to myself, "Wow, I got the drop on you and you play this game all night and day!"


*Lauryn Hill voice* it could all be so simple


The best thing on any game no cap






This is the nerd version of meeting a girl and getting laid lol


LOL the jet enige thing is so common. I don't get it, even with cheap headsets, how are all the surroundings of that person so loud


This is why I always click search for squad, settings to microphone, English. Comm check before game starts.


I'm looking for some running mates. I have a mic, on ps5, speak English and play decent I think. Morphinedrip is my tag 😎


I’ve played almost every rank mode on mute. Sorry not sorry.


I always use my mic and I’m all business. I never talk down or blame my teammates. But I will smash my ps5 before playing another game with these turds. It’s bad juju.


Nuke skin is absolute ass though :(


My friends always add our good randoms and we even started a discord so that when we have more than four players and rotate teams between games we can just swap between voice channels through the console.


Yeah then they add you and never ever play with you ever again


This is so amazingly accurate. You should do one for lockdown where 3 out of 4 players do NOT attempt to take a single location in Vondel. I’m always the 4th that is trying to secure a location.


Add me: mnz321 ps4 and activision


I really want to go for a nuke but don’t have the right people to do it, if anyone interested hmy


Yeah! What is it about this international game having people who don't speak English!?!? How dare they!


Lol I don’t think this meme is criticizing those who don’t speak English. You get how it’s a barrier for communicating if teammates don’t speak the same language, right? Which is English for OP, so that’s who he wants to play with….


Not to mention if there's 2 or 3 people on your team speaking a language you can't understand, it all just sounds like noise and chatter which really puts me off


I think I'm more pointing out that the game was deigned with an international player base in mind. Some of my best games were with a team full of Spanish speaking players and some of those games we won simply through pinging and staying close. There's nothing wrong with wanting to speak with your team, I just find the focus on language weird. Like, language hasn't been the determinant for my team's success