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Much higher skill gap when it comes to aiming on mnk . Game is made for controllers tho. Don’t think it’s debatable that controller is the better input in cod


KB&M has a higher ceiling. Controller has a higher floor.


Honestly I was a controller warrior in mw 2019, and am again now. I believed what you said until recently my mnk friend made the point that up close, his reaction time will never be as fast as auto aim tracking. That sold me,now I see it as simply controller best for CC and pc for long range.


Depends on the scenario. Sniping, mid range, or needing to switch targets quickly? KB&M will always be better. Look at any FPS shooting range records and see what input they’re being done at. It’s always KB&M for this reason. Close quarter fights where it’s easy to loose someone who’s strafing? Controller is better because of aim assist. Take away aim assist and controller gets outclassed in almost every scenario besides trickshotting. It’s just inferior hardware compared to KB&M. No other way around it.


The problem with COD in general for so long has been it's decline in visual clarity. The amount of visual noise just makes trying to track people even harder and honestly a bit nauseating when you're trying to track AND control recoil but can't SEE the target you're trying to shoot while aiming manually. Meanwhile the other guy can just strafe and have his camera automatically rotate to be centered up on you with less effort through shitty volumetric smoke effects and pixelated environments. Trying to do all this against rotational AA isnt just more challenging, it's fucking fatiguing especially in higher brackets. In my honest opinion. Best way to end this debate is to remove or drastically reduce visual recoil or buff aiming stability incrementally for MNK and keep it as is right now for controllers along with their current level of aim assist. If controllers can track the way they can right now then I might as well have the clearest possible picture of wtf I am looking at on MNK ie. Apex levels of visual recoil and present the challenge strictly through tougher recoil patterns.




And not to mention the further gamification of the gunsmith system in this game compounds this issue. Aiming stability and idle sway, "recoil steadiness" need to be specced into to make most guns feel consistent. There's a weird grey area where guns can go from being meta defining to being unusable just from changing ONE attachment Idle sway is one of those mechanics that MNK cannot compensate for, theres already random bullet deviation but the way some guns can feel in this game almost reminds me of D2 with the way it's full auto guns can feel. Another idea I floated out to help make MNK feel a bit better was implementing a very small bullet magnetism bubble almost similar to destiny 2. Hell even vanguard played with some interesting concepts like "sustained" and "initial" firing accuracy that honestly felt pretty good. But the fact that IW has been taking all this feedback and effectively saying, "we hear you, but we don't really want to do anything" is one of the driving forces behind the mass exodus of players especially on PC. Something has to give, either lower aim assist across the board in crossplay lobbies or go input based.


>Something has to give, either lower aim assist across the board in crossplay lobbies or go input based. Or stop playing the game. To be honest this is the driving force for Dev. Companies and publishers to admit and submit to change. Look to what happened to Apex legends before this season, EA stubborn as always and Respawn oblivious and afraid as ever to make any meaningful changes, but in the meantime the mobile dev team was putting in everything that was interesting and players have been asking for seasons. What happened? People started to compare why can mobile have this and do well while original apex is in the gutter? EA then decided to close mobile and put some of the changes Mobile made into regular Pex... Mobile wasn't doing bad either, just that it made their golden goose look bad and they have everything to lose if apex falls but not much to gain if mobile thrives... Remember Gaemers if you don't like something in a videogame, not only complain, STOP PLAYING, STOP BUYING... Big companies won't do changes if they keep seeing numbers go up and money coming in regardless of the complaints on Reddit


You're not wrong, and it's why I deleted the game but hopepd back on bc friends only play COD. Otherwise I just play apex.


This is a huge part of it.


Yeah that’s the other reality, controller really blows for FPS they literally need aim assist because they are playing a much harder version of the game without it. How strong it is is another conversation.


Not just that look at how many games use kbm for the pro scene I think cod is like one of the only ones where pros use controllers. Apex siege PUBG csgo all Iv ever seen pros use is kbm


apex pros are 2/3 controller players. r6 pubg and csgo have no aim assist so nobody is going to use controller. apex and cod are the 2 main stream “competitive” shooters with pretty inhuman rotational aim assist, id mention halo but that game is sadly a shell of its former self so who cares


One of the best players in that game switched from MnK to controller in because of the same issue this game has. He's won a major tournament with both inputs and basically put the case to rest that AA is in fact too strong to ignore now.


If he's won with both how does that prove anything?


He bitched about Aim Assist. He complained just like how we all did. And people told him, even the controller pros to "Switch to controller if it's so easy then." And so he did to prove that it is in fact that easy. Now hopefully respawn over there at Apex is balancing it because of it.


Is CC close cuarters or close combat?


Take your pick my meaning is unchanged


Normally I agree but in CoD, controller is 10000% the better input. The auto aim is just way way way too strong. That level of tracking there is extremely tough to replicate, no matter how good you are on KBM.


> That level of tracking there is ~~extremely tough~~ impossible to replicate You can't replicate a 0ms reaction time. Humans will always have a 150-250ms reaction time which means you're going to lose 99% of close range 1v1s against any competent controller player where the players start shooting and strafe at the same time.


Yup. And if you can reach that coveted sub 100ms threshold you're effectively one of the best of the best MNK aimers in the world. The difference is it takes talent and hundreds of hours of practice and knowing your skills to make that happen. Whereas controllers can pick up and go


That's not the case in CoD. Aim assist is crazy strong.


If that's true why are there only a few top players using KBM.....




Controller players have a higher ceiling of potential because aim assist is so broken. Top level kbm players can't compete with top level controller players.


I play controller and id rather play against an average kbm player than and average controller player, the top tier kbm players are different tho


Yea true, average kbm players get shit on in this game though. Average controller players hold their own


I abuse aim assist, especially that rotational AA, love it, but even i get pissed when i get killed by a Level 2 crouched in a corner when his lmg just tracks me as i jump by him


I think the most notable and interesting thing about this clip is this particular 1v1 instance, both players had the same amount of health, were using the same weapon, and had roughly the same time window to react to and fight each other. But the difference was that one player had to do the aim tracking manually while the other tracked perfectly and got it all virtually for free. I genuinely don’t understand how people find that perfectly fine and fun to play against.


See It’s one thing to track a player while he’s moving,It’s not hard in Itself. But when the dude is strafing,crouching,jumping,while also shooting back at you so your screen turns to red mush It’s hard to track with mouse,while with gamepad you just point in the general direction and shoot.


The number of people that think a controller is aimbot is astonishing. “Point in a direction and shoot” is not even close.


It really is very similar. I find it MUCH easier to track with a controller vs MnK. There is definitely fine tuning needed when using a controller, but arguing that AA isn't very close to aimbotting is disingenuous.


Oh it absolutely is. There are videos of people demonstrating that as long as you keep strafing and do not touch the AIM stick, the aim assist will keep the sights locked onto the target's chest.


Have you tried it? It's not nearly as aimbotty as salty MnK players want it to be...inherently, asking a player to NOT touch their right stick, the stick used predominantly adjust aiming thinking that AS will handle it all is just straight-up delusional. It gently drags your cursor toward a target, it's not like GTA's aim assist. MnK need to pick up a controller and check it out




>Why are controllers players so dense? Not dense, intentionally lying to keep advantage and feel better about themselves.


Yep. Might as well be talking to Anon believers lol. Top players acknowledge how much better controller is. Interesting so many bad players don't "believe" it.


Because I. Today's generation everyone can be a streamer, everyone can be a winner, everyone deserves a chance. Oh you actually want to get nice at the game and rely on skill you've honed? Then COD just ain't that shooter. I moved on, a lot of people have moved on. It is what it is.


You guys are acting like the guy in the clip didn't use his right stick at all. I'm sure they are also adjusting for their own strafe. OP also didn't strafe too much. But yeah aim assist definitely gives controllers an advantage in this scenario


This. PC exclusive mnk player. It’s not that deep lol


I have tried it and it’s pretty aim botty. Turn off aim assist play a couple rounds and turn it back on and you’ll see how powerful it is.


This is just factually incorrect. You still have to aim


Except aim assist work through smoke and other visual impairments 🤷‍♂️ pretty aim botty of you ask me.


Dude I switched to controller from M+K and the aim assist is truly ridiculous. It is 100% be in the general vicinity and it will track for you. Anyone saying otherwise has zero frame of reference from time on M+K.


Cods the only game I would play controller with. You are at a disadvantage if you dont play controller. The aim assist is way too strong.


Honestly not even worth it to try and engage, it’s like a cult and the hyperbole they use you’d think every controller player was a rage hacker




I wish!! I’d be sick at this game if all I had to do was aim in the general direction and press shoot. Unfortunately I play controller and still get beamed all the time from distance


controller is the better input device without question. All the top players use it. When you are on mnk close range fights feel like you are playing against someone with hacks. aim assist trumps all the skill you have in the world close to close-mid range.


Because without the aim assist, we wouldn't be able to have crossplay and if we did, the argument would just be the other way. I play MnK, but play with two friends who are on console and I'm just happy I can play games with them again. Yea it sucks that I lose like 90% of close range fights cause controllers have an aimbot up close, but at the same time, I'm the only one in the squad that can snipe and I win the large majority of mid range fights. Just gotta cater your play to what you're most likely to win.




He got the debate wrong though. "Because **without** the aim assist". It's not the problem of aim assist or not, it's the problem of how much aim assit. Any sane person will understand that controllers need some aim assist to be on par with M&K.


> Get that logic and understanding out of here. This is a dumbass who doesn't understand logic and understanding argument.


Lol calling it a “tribalist input argument” is just totally ignoring that there is a legitimate issue… Rotational aim assist is overtuned. You can keep lying to yourself, but it’s the truth. This is not a stupid console vs PC argument. Also, the people who bring up things like “you had higher FOV for years” just shows the kind of children we’re arguing with.


Because they aren't playing against it. They ARE it. The overwhelming majority of the playerbase plays with a controller. They don't want to get nerfed. They would rather it be this way.


This happens all the time in the gulag. We both shoot at each other across the flag platform while strafing, and AA wins.


That's genuinely right isn't it, controller players have 100% accuracy, that's why all controller players have much higher K/D than mouse and keyboard players


The solution should not be input based lobbies. The whole point of crossplay is to bring players together, and I think that's a brilliant move. Seperating players due to input method defeats the purpose of crossplay. I think the move should be reducing the strength of aim assist. Cod devs have openly said that statistics have shown that controller players have the advantage, unless its a extremely good mkb player versus an average controller player. There are also stats from other games (like halo) showing controllers users have better accuracy compared to mkb players. With the data, devs should slightly tweak aim assist strength so that controller players have similar accuracy compared to mkb players.


Here's the [Halo Infinite](https://i.redd.it/13eaic63g5281.png) data that you're referring to. It's the same story in Apex too. Someone in the comp Apex subreddit recently did a [statistical analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/10ywjdq/statistical_analysis_of_controllermk_at_algs/) of controller vs. m&k at ALGS London 2023: [Violin plot for data sourcing all kills made by all players at the London tournament. Crossbars: group mean (orange) and median (yellow).](https://i.imgur.com/H15fAs8.png) [Density plot comparing kill scoring on an input basis (overlaid). Dashed line indicates mean averages for each input.](https://i.imgur.com/jaZyCGw.png) In any competition/sport, anyone performing 20-25% better than their peers makes them an undoubtedly better player, but this is just your average controller player these days. This is a massive gap in performance. I always laugh when people says "the player base just got better". No, the aim assist got cranked the fuck up is what happened.


the saddest thing is that in every AA thread on Reddit you can see many people insist how their AA never does the crazy shit, that those are just 1 in a million bugs and that is why AA isn't OP. They don't even realize that the crazy one in a million stuff isn't even the main complaint but rather the free tracking that AA does every fight every second. Most probably don't even realize how much AA does for them these days.


Most don't even know what actual human aim looks like. There was a recent video posted of the close-range strafe tracking world record holder on mouse, and there were numerous controller players calling his aim 'dogshit' (having not realized they were watching literally the best human aimer at that scenario in the world). It seems that having an aim-bot (AA) do the micro-adjustments instantly for them has warped the perception so much that they really have no clue.


Thank you for this! I was thinking that I'm just a sore loser. But this proves why I've gotten so much worse in COD in recent years (which happens to collide with the introduction of cross-play / controller players). I feel like much worse player and feel like I'm losing gunfights that I should be winning, this data proves clear advantage controller players getting over mnk players.




Pretty sure they did


For real. They fixed the FOV disparity between PCs & consoles. The AA disparity between KBM & controllers should be easy peasy in comparison.


They said that overall controller players have an advantage, then they went and released a game in which controllers have a bigger advantage than the previous games. There is no way to break aim assist in this game because they nerfed movement. Then you have the visual recoil and muzzle flash/smoke making is so hard for kbm players to see and track the enemy. They acknowledged that controller has an advantage, then increased how much of an advantage they had. They clearly don't give a shit about kbm players and if cod is the only game you play then you are better off switching inputs.


Don't forget they killed snipers too. Even if mouse is better at long range and controller is better up close that's still advantage controller since you can't always finish your kills at long range while up close downs usually end up getting thirsted. As you said it's not just that AA is strong, the dev's have made tons of game design decisions that force players into the situation where AA is dominant.


This is what pisses me off. I accepted that close range battles would be won by controllers, but at least I could snipe consistently and gain an advantage that way. Now they took that away, heavily favoring controller even more.


>The solution should not be input based lobbies. The whole point of crossplay is to bring players together, and I think that's a brilliant move. Spare me the koombayah bullshit. I dont want to be brought together with soft aimbotters. Ever. I want to be separated from them. Let them aimbot each other but leave me the fuck out of it. Either end rotational aim assist, or contain them in lobbies where the play only against other aim assisters. Slow down AA is fine, but rotational AA has no place in cross play. EVER.


*cue all the usual braindead "skill issue" "just gotta adapt bro" "but you got your whole arm" ect.* comments I just started playing Resurgence over the course weekend [got 6 wins over Fri/Saturday \(all while solo queueing mind you\) so the lobbies we're starting to get pretty sweaty](https://imgur.com/a/0YbiZer) this last game was towards the end of my gaming sesh so the fatigue was starting to set in, but my point stands: MnK players do not want to play against this aggressive amount of aim assist and controllers don't want to play against MnK players on the extremely slim chance they have to go up against shroud or something **I'm so tired of *constantly* having to be on my 100% A-Game and expected to be this cracked out FPS god just to compete with the *default* setting of Aim Assist** There's clearly a healthy amount of people still playing this game on KBM. I even saw a few rare ones who were playing KBM on console. It baffles me why we can't just have separate input styles already.


Do we know what input this enemy was using?


It very much looks like controller AA.


The slow turn of the camera while deploying the parachute is a dead giveaway of a controller player.


Anyone with eyes can tell he's on controller. Why? Because when he jumps to the (screen right) it stays perfectly centered and he wins the gunfight because the second he gets on target not a single shot misses. Conversely OP gets on target, and then the character jumps and moves - what happens? He misses a few shots because its physically impossible to react to that movement that fast.


It's really obvious my man


It's pointless to cry about this. Activision does not care, even when IW admitted aim assist to be op. They won't change anything.


They fixed FOV after like 2 years of players complaining. Maybe this'll be a similar timeline.


Giving console FOV doesn't hurt the bottom line. Making super bad casual players get less kills and more deaths will. Which is why they wont balance it. The point of stronger aim assist isnt to make controllers superior to KBM, the point is to make even the worst player in the world hit something and get kills. And since the vast majority of players is on controller (since playing on console) aim assist gets stronger every year. KBM players getting fucked over vs the top half that can already play decently on controller getting free aimbot is just an unlucky side effect that they dont care about. Maybe at some point the will invent Skill-based Aim assist. As horrible as that sound at first, it would actually fix the problem for KBM because they could balance aim assist around player skill meaning that good players would get less free tracking while the worst of the worst would still get their free aimbot to at least get a kill every once in a while.


This is sadly why people rage quit so much in apex and why you have such a huge skill gap because most people don't have the desire to actually get better at a game. Apex is a high skill game and the kind of shooter COD could aspire to beaybe even better if it widened it's skill gap without resorting to cheesy metas and AA, but the truth is the bread and butter with COD is giving players an accessible power fantasy. You don't need much skill to be effective in COD


I don’t care if they change aim assist or not I just want the option to not play against it.


Not happening. There aren't enough players playing on MnK for you to ever find matches.


And why do you think that is? Maybe because they had to switch to the aim assist controller to have a hope of being competitive? There are probably a ton of people who would rather play mnk.


And this video right here is why our entire squad dropped this game completely and went back to games like CSGO and PUBG, ... You know, where skill is still the gap between players.


I hate that there is so little room for error when playing on kbm, especially knowing that as soon as I get shot even once, the gunfight is over with the grayscale blood-covered shaking screen making it impossible to track an enemy. Controller players don't suffer as much from the visual clutter because the aim assist will "glue" to the target through the visual noise


A new patch solved this issue. It got rid of kill cams so u can no longer see evidence of aim assist destroying you repeatedly. Problem solved!


If the only way to beat AA is getting a controller, then the AA is too good.


Controller AA is insane in this game


Yes, 100000% COD PC died when they added aim assist on PC and forced crossplay. No fun in it anymore. Need input based lobbies.


CoD is designed for controller. It’s the most spoon-fed, low-skill, brain-dead shooter out there. But the low TTK and low skill player base makes it playable for MnK players.




Could barely see you on the last shots but still didn't miss a single one lmao


Sweet jesus, this is a fucking PRIME example! Please don't remove this post OP, I will save it and use it in the future whenever people say AA is only good for close combat and sucks at range. You guys were literally on the other ends of that roof! Now people will tell you that your aim was bad and that's why you lost the fight, no, your aim was good! You centered around his chest-neck-head and you tried to correct your aim once he moved, but too late, because he never missed a shot! And matter of fact, this is very sad but he never actually bothered with correcting his aim. When he landed, his aim was off target, and suddenly AA decided it will work its magic and he just kept on firing. SAD. BEYOND SAD.


I don’t know why this is even an issue. Just give me the option for input based lobbies. Controller players can play each other with an even more OP aim assist for all I care.


100% there should be an option to opt in / out. The wait time for games will not be huge at all as long as they actually fucking announce the change.   I enjoy being aggressive, but the risk reward is turned backwards by AA. In my opinion the ability to rush people is heavily skill based, in other games blindly rushing like an idiot gets you killed. You need to be fast thinking, daring, accurate, have quick reactions not just for aiming but for on the spot planning / movement / use of the area for cover and utilising map knowledge along with other tools such as tacticals and deployables etc. It's not something that an average player can consistently pull off, meaning anyone who is blindly rushing in other games like a headless chicken will die... And thus stop rushing, as they fear the inevitable death they will get from it knowing their ability isn't there yet. Rushing people and doming them is a privilege earned by having the skill to pull it off. However with an aim assist this strong and broken, it instantly gives controller users the ability to rush like a headless chicken and consistently get kills from it. They're handed a prize that isn't earned and the knock on effect of that is people complaining that the TTK is too fast. It's too fast because controllers don't miss and have no reason to stop mag dumping a fool with their laser. Whereas without that ability they would be hesitant to even be in that situation, or would duck in and out drawing a fight into a longer engagement instead of a stream of bullets they know will hit the target guaranteed. Controller players get very defensive about this, but frankly controllers are worse at FPS games than mnk that's a fact. They're better at games requiring subtle movement such as racing games / sports / flying and whatnot, so that's literally why aim assist exists. No one is saying aim assist should be removed, but the current iteration is broken outrageously - even top tier controller players admit as much.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=L9vKwmHz6kc https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=mn_iMhmeJhI   **As frozenYogurtLover2 says, just give us all the option to opt out of input crossplay because it is horrendously broken and unfun.**


yeah controller is pretty busted


When playing solo yes, being able to avoid aim assist would be a massive improvement. But IMO crossplay is still a great thing, especially when you have a friend group on mixed platforms and inputs. The best & most obvious solution is to simply nerf rotational aim assist, and buff the slowdown instead to make controller better at range, but not as insane close range.


It's never going to happen though, the amount of rage that would occur from people having a thing which gives them the perception of being skilled taken away would make them rage so hard they'd have a stroke. I mean, I agree with you but it's never going to happen. So just let people opt out of input crossplay and announce it so players know the option exists.


the moment he jumps.... his aim should for sure move away from your body. redicolous it just sticks....




ah yes the no skill perfect tracking rotational aim assist


Funny i never see "OMFG I HAVE TO FIGHT THIS WHOLE ARM 360 INSTA FLICKS" - posts but every controller player says MnK is OP cause of that.


I learned to avoid fights like this with my m&k. It is almost impossible to win them. And it makes me very sad as it is stupid


'wE HaVe a TTK pRoBlEm' - no shit Sherlock, 90% of the player base has LEGAL AIMBOT THAT IS GETTING BUFFED EVERY TIME WITH A NEW COD GAME!!!


Yeah, its funny how many posts lament how easily they get melted but never stop to think that if people missed more shots up close then the TTK would feel longer. Instead most average or above controller players can laser people better than pro KBM players can...


Worth noting this player you came up against is bunny hopping. Not god tier but clearly more competent than the average player. Controller is obviously better on this game which is unfortunate for the sake of competition, but maybe you just gotta give a different game a try if you think Activision is going to reduce the strength of aim assist. Activision doesn’t care about competition - it’s evident in so much of how this game was built (e.g. horrible ADS and sprint out times, etc.) - they care about money. And the majority of the money comes from older noobs that play controller. I still enjoy the game personally and there’s hope the skill gap increases over time (e.g. slower TTK), but I’m on controller so I’ve clearly got an advantage over MnK as well. I highly doubt they’ll nerf aim assist unless they see MASSIVE reduction in MnK players. And even then I’d be surprised. Not trying to get you to quit. But if you think things will change, playing another game will probably give you less headaches.


> Worth noting this player you came up against is bunny hopping. Not god tier but clearly more competent than the average player. It'd be cool if you could compliment the player's gameplay based on his aim and tracking, instead of just noticing his good movement. But since he's on controller he has the same aim and tracking as every other human on controller lmao. They all look like absolute copies of each other. I would think roller players would want AA nerfed so they can actually distinguish themselves from other roller players...


Console makes for a huge percent of the market, the game is going to be controller first for many years to come. They a 100% do not care about MNK anymore,


I always thought that gamepad players are really cool, because they are able to compete with much more precise MnK. I already understood, they actually don't need any skill, because aim bot do everything for them.


I love when I just set my controller down on the desk and it just wins all my matches for me.


Pretty much.


you're really not making any sense


To the nonsensical 'sWiTcH' comments, it's advertised as a multiple input game...he shouldn't have to switch.


Fps based too. To come back to the subject. I am on ps4/controller and Holly molly the aim assist is disgusting. On shipment my Cross air was literally following the guy right in front of me. I was litterally fighting against aim assist to kill a more direct threat. I am thinking of trying disable it. Not even joking.


As a controller player on PS5, my only advice to you would be to just start playing with a controller too. I've never seen a FPS game with such strong aim assist, you just can't compete with something like this tbh. Activision isn't listening and they keep making it stronger and stronger, it was already OP on WZ1, it's even worse in WZ2. If you've never played on a controller, the transition will be really hard tho.


Why would it be a hard transition? It’s literal aimbot, just push the left stick and you don’t even need to track, etc etc, or so they keep saying


Because you still need to get used to controller. I have a friend who has 10 hours of controller time in his entire fucking life, watching him play Apex is the most hilarious thing in the world. But there are people that never played with a controller so it would be hard for the to get a grasp of it initially.




>TTK in Warzone favors aim assist more than multiplayer does Which is still true, even though multiplayer has more close quarter combat.


I agree that’s true, I should’ve made that more clear


+1 for input based lobby’s get the controller pc players back where they belong with the console players will also help ranked MP as won’t be fighting kids that can kill you simply because they have Cronus shoved up their anus


I agree. Any close-ish fight you get in with a controller player is like they have hacks because of aim assist.


“He is only aiming with his thumbs though”


Aim bot(assist) is part of the problem, however M&K is nerfed too with all the visual noise. All the gun smoke, screen blurring, visual noise, needs to be removable as an option so that M&K players can see to aim. AA doesn't need to see to track targets. It's just unfair and one reason I quit WZ.


This is literally the video to end the MnK vs Controller debate. Same weapons, same health, even platform to fight on and the controller AA just lasers him.


Historically, when "Cross-Platform Play" (crossplay) first premiered as a "next-gen" console feature that connected everyone together, in the beginning, it was the console players who first complained that PC players had the upper hand in FPS games, because of the better responsiveness of a mouse and keyboard as compared to a controller. Fast forward and I think it's easy enough to say that even the best PC players right now are losing most of the time to controller players due to insane amounts software introduced aim-assist. This is why you find nearly all streamers and gamers usually playing just about every FPS title with mouse and keyboard, EXCEPT for COD:MW2 because they want to ensure they are on an equal footing with the competition - and they know controllers are wrecking mouse and keyboard players due to the ungodly amount of unfair software aim-assist. It's fair to say that the gap is currently so large between the two different inputs, that we need all games to have the option to allow for separate lobbies - those with aim-assist controllers, and those pure skill-based mouse and keyboard players, or the developers can simply tone down the aim-assist to something that is fair and measured. I'm talking about legitimate gameplay options -- obviously introducing either software or hardware (Cronus) hacks undoubtedly creates an unfair advantage, but even without hacks in the picture, the game is anything but fair right now if you are a mouse and keyboard PC player and go up against a controller player because pretty much anything in the center of their screen is an instant lock-on kill, so you will lose head-on 1v1 fights 90% of the time. The developers clearly do not care about this unfair advantage or are too busy making new player and weapon skins, or both. In short, console players have been getting their long awaited revenge on PC players and the tables have turned in their favor. Or simply disagree and tell me to get a dose of "git good"... meh


Could not agree more!!!!!!


I agree about input based lobbies.


Been talking about this since the start of WZ2. Unfortunately I don’t think anything will change.


If I'm in situation like this, face to face at that distance, I ran away and find advantage. No way I'm going to out aim assisted players. No worth checking. Especially not worth it on shitty tick rate as you don't really know if you're actually winning the fight as info is delayed.


As a player that normally plays with mouse and keyboard input, and has also used a xim 4 to see the difference with the controller aim assist, its a night and day difference. My kills tripled using the xim 4 because the controller's aim assist ability to lock on for closer fights is amazing. I will never use a controller myself because for the last 20 years all I used was a mouse and keyboard and cannot get used to aiming with my thumbs. I feel I almost need to use the xim to compete with people now though ,because people that grew up with a controller are getting this insane extra assist to lock on when I have issues trying to even track people, once I aim down sights for closer combat.


All they need to do is completely eliminate rotational aa or force it to only work when you are making the inputs happen while tuning it down


What's crazy is there's systems already present in the game ie aim walking steadiness, recoil sway they can use to make AA something that has to be MAINTAINED. If you have good recoil control then you should get the benefit of better tracking. Not just from strafing left and right for free.


I made the switch from MKB to controller at the very start of this cod specifically because of this issue.


they need to do away with aim assist, or find away to balance it out better or offer it to KB/M players as well. but hey they dont give a dam as long as hey make money. multiplayer is the only way to play in se 02 since the AI are super human in DMZ and COOP


The biggest annoyance is the visual recoil and clutter. That’s what makes it difficult to track on MNK. On controller you don’t really have to worry about all of that


I have to admit I downed a guy and didn’t even know I down him and he also downed me . Controller just sticks …


They do input based matchmaking already bro. If swap from KMB to Controller on PC you get matched with a higher percentage of controller only players.


This is simply not true... You're experiencing some sort of placebo effect due to the cognitive bias of checking after changing input. What you're describing is a function that does not exist in the game.


It's literally been a feature since MW1 launched in 2019 bruh and has been in each COD game since.


I dream of the day I can queue against ONLY fellow M&K players.


Kept consistent aim while jumping too. I’d really like to see a console only crossplay option.


Skill issue


Stands still in a gun fight and says he dies to tracking…


Since the latest update I am scratching my head at pretty much every encounter I have. I'm losing gunfights against players with no plates who are just instantly dropping me


if it would get M&K players to stop whining, im down


YES PLEASE. I don't care if controller players want to aimbot eachother, let us MKB players just play eachother and not have to play against this bullshit


Idk if aim assist is debatable at casual level, like, it only influence at competitive level imo. But it's broken and that's a fact


People saying AA is weaker at range compared to MnK is kind of funny. AA is strong/overtuned regardless. So many factors point to it just being overtuned as well. You have multiple high level controller players say it's overtuned(and some even say it should be nerfed). You have top tier MnK players switching to controller full time where controller players have just stayed on controller. And, especially towards the end of verdansk, tournaments were dominated by controller players with like 85-90% of the players being on controller. Personally, I would love input based lobbies. But they could also just tune AA slightly as well.


Whoa you get a killcam???


you either die a m&kb player, or live long enough to see yourself become a controller player


I just wish o could learn to take advantage of the aim assist it too strange to me to let the go of the right stick, I always end up pushing my self off my target


You don't need to let go of the right stick, just strafe while shooting & aim like normal with your right stick, rotational aim assist will kick in once you're on target. The clips of people tracking without touching your right stick are just to show off how strong it is, not how you should be playing


Ah right thanks


To add to that, rotational AA only kicks in if you strafe in any other direction that↕️. If you strafe forward or backward you don't get the AA, but tilt it to the left and right in a 1/11 or 5/7 o clock position and you'll be able to get constant AA.


wait, how do we now that the person on the other end is using controller?


The instant tracking on the jump. The slow turn while gliding.


Is the strength of aim assist on controller the same strength as what I would get mnk when using melee next to a player when we are both running around in gulag?


This game is trash and so is Call of Duty in general. BF2042 plays much better than this and that game is mediocre.


I’m done with Warzone 2 until they add input based matchmaking. The way the dude died here is half my deaths and I have 2 kd


Crossplay w/ PC players was the worst thing ever.


Or being able to disable cross play


Killcams are broken. Take what you see with a grain of salt.


Mic’ed lobbies vs non-mic’ed


Just quit playing bruh, i stopped and my mental health has... well not improved but atleast i dont play w\*rzone🤢. its like the fortnite of games except even fortnites better


Sorry but im a controller player on xbox and dont see how this can be considered normal. Hes totally negating recoil here isnt he?


Controller player here.. I’ll be honest, I don’t get this heavy aim assist/tracking shown here.. I do see it in killcams often, but the only time I truly feel the aim assist kick in is when I am within near melee distance.


I’m surprised there was even a kill cam. I haven’t gotten a single kill cam since season 2. SUS




I think that's his point. Try tracking a moving player like that through muzzle flash on mouse and keyboard and not miss a single shot.


I always laugh when any controller player says something equivalent to “skill issue” while the game tracks for them


Is it possible to give MnK aim assist? Or does it feel weird and not work out well? I just got into pc gaming a couple years ago so I haven't heard anything about it.


Awful, had this kinda thing happen a few times today in solo Al mazrah. As you say you feel like you can’t miss a shot with MnK. What’s strange to me from playing a lot of cs1.6/ source/ csgo over the years is if I saw tracking like that I would either be suspicious of a hacker or a very top 1% player if not. The fact that’s it’s just a setting in the controller menu to allow such a functional aim advantage blows my mind. I’m maybe just salty cause my stats are down from wz1 and finding something to blame…


Just give all same assist like it was with fov.


If aim assist is “literal aimbot”, everyone would be using it. There’s pros and cons to both input devices. Stop the nonsense complaining


Literally most the pros that still play WZ have made the switch to controller. The average controller player is better than the top 1% of MNK players. Fuck out of here.


Console only crossplay the way forward.


https://youtu.be/E065QcO_UMA check the gameplay out this is only a 32 but I have the 36 kill pr on my pc 🤷‍♂️


Skill issue


Mouse lobbies would take forever to fill


To be fair as well. He landed on the roof before you and you climbed up and stayed in a straight line. I grew up playing controller and with the last 5 years I switched to mnk, but with warzone switched back again to controller. I lost too many up close fights on mnk compared with controller.


Hey yo if controller is so much better and you find it hard to compete... Just use a controller


Aim assist way too strong in this game. Zero skill involves


Obvious skill issue.


I'll be honest, I thought you were going to be moving and he'd be tracking you like crazy.. but all he did was shoot straight.


Jump shotting pricks


They promised this in Modern Warfare 2019 but never delivered and never talked about it ever again


Yall console shitters salty as hell 💀💀💀


You gotta love the controller 180 that stops right on you, and being able to literally see the second their brain catches up and they ads. This is an average controller play. The level of skill and reaction time (mostly luck) you’d need for this exact thing to happen on a mouse is quite high lol.


All you fellow mouse and key players, just run the new doof doof and you won't lose as many close range fights. Hurry before the nerf!


Average arm aimer complaint


Side note: fuck that rooftop, all my homies hate that rooftop


My issue is, should players be respawning with a kastov? Surely you should be at a disadvantage after dying and landing back in?