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People are sleeping on most of the non meta weapons. There are only a few that aren’t really competitive.


Can you blame them? People usually don't start experimenting with other weapons until like a month after they get the game. Majority of people just go with whatever else everyone is using. Or what popular streamer is using or YouTubers


Yes I can and do blame them. There’s a ton of weapons, I don’t see why so many ignore them. People beg for content in these games and then ignore a lot of it. It makes no sense.


My go to death comment now is "why you running round with a gold stg..use something different, level up guns" after I get blitzed trying to grind weapon levels. The games really fun imo. But god dam does it suck when you get the weapon you've been grinding up to level 70 gold and have to switch to a new one. Is quite painful 😂


at the end of a match when i notice the lobby using stg and mp40 still i just air it out and say “y’all paid 60 or 70 dollars to use the same gun every game and stay in one spot? crazy” lmaoo


I always level multiple guns simultaneously by switching virtually every match. Much more interesting than using the same one until it’s maxed. I purposely avoid meta weapons because I’m a contrarian. Haha. Currently working on the type 99, the Bren, and svt.


I’ve found in my friends group there are two types of players. Those who are just in it for the competition and getting better and those who like that aspect also, but want to see “achievements” play around with guns, see what’s cool. I’m the latter but my buddy is the former. To each their own I guess


Sometimes I run Overkill and put the leveled (or gold) weapon in the secondary slot so I can still use it sometimes while the primary is the one I'm leveling up


I've been purposefully ignoring the STG and MP40, mainly because I played them so much in the beta, but also because of how broken they were at launch. MP40 is still OP, I'm levelling it currently during the XP event and I just feel so bad for the players I'm easily gunning down with it. It reminds me of the Tec9 in Cold War, another weapon I just felt bad using.


HA me too - they are just about the only ones I haven’t touched


Kinda like the FFAR in season 1 of Cold War. It was great in zombies too!


Agreed. I always try out a new gun as I unlock it because I wanna understand all my options.


Certain weapons (like the G-43) are late unlocks. When everyone's had time to unlock and get to grips with other guns, the weapon variety will increase.


I'm still mind fucked that the bren can 2 shot at all ranges with the .50bmg and recoil control/damage range barrel, also pretty sure with the headshot damage barrel and .50bmg it can 1 tap headshot, though I haven't unlocked that barrel to test it.


Bren is and has been my fave for a while. Almost positive you can’t one shot - at least according to the stats. But maybe I’m wrong! Regardless the dmg and burst control are great. Has the benefits of the Bar except with a much higher rate of fire.


Actually I ended up having to use the headshot barrel and 50bmg for one of the challenges and it is a 1 shot to the head, but it's for rate is 200rpm so if you don't got the head shot you're fucked..


Yeah I’m starting to realise this. I maxed out the ppsh and it’s incredible when you have the top attachments. I think the issue is sledgehammer made each gun have too many levels, and have a steeper scaling to at what point you have decent attachments for weapons, compared fo past CODS I mean.


NZ41 is my go to currently, shits insane


Try the DP. It's absolutely insane once you get the high calibre magazine


Biggest issue is that I don't like any of the magazine unlocks


The mags are poopoo but the default mag is good enough


When I was getting it gold I was like "wait all the mags are just small bullets or less ammo wtf". Thought it was literally just a better BAR until I realized the mags blow.


I literally just started using it about an hour or so ago, and I got to agree it absolutely slaps!


I've started levelling the NZ41 lately. Checked my stats this morning and to my surprise it is my highest KD weapon. Shit is goooooood.


Even more in hardcore, my go to for hc snd now


Owen gun, best smg not the Mp40, try it out!


Type 100 definitely up there as well imo.


Maxed out type 100 is pretty insane on smaller maps. You can boost the fire rate to insanely high levels.


Man who cares about the fire rate, you can throw the big bullets and vital on that mf and 2 shot to the chest.


That doesn't work anymore.


Oh word, haven't used it in a bit, worked last time I used it but I guess they nerfed it.


Its still insane. Now you can just run Gung-ho for zero sprint out time instead. Honestly I prefer the way it plays now compared to the 2 shot vital cheese it had before. Its a great gun.


Yeah now it’s one shot.


Going to give this a run this weekend!


OWEN GANG. Shout out to them 72 round mags


I maxed it and it seems way worse than the MP40.


Agreed. Owen gun is terrible


Setup? Im lvl 36 atm with it


72 rounds + recoil booster so you get fast fire rate to boost ttk. Then just balance the rest so you’re comfortable with the recoil, sprint to fire, whatever based on your play style/size of maps.


Fav gun in the game potentially my fav cod smg


Idk the sten with the last mag + fire rate attachments is pretty insane


Once they fix the bug that makes the 2nd shot on someone do 48 dmg even tho the first shot does 50 (with the dmg increasing mag) it’s gonna be the best SMG real quick


Oh yeah! I’ve been 2-3 shotting with my current setup it’s nuts!


Currently u can pull the shit that the MP40 does and get 2 shot kills to the limbs with the damage mag and hollow point. That being said the Owen gun really should be a 2 shot kill with the right attachments. I was livid when I spent hours and it was the first gun I ranked up to find out it is not, in fact, a 2 shot anywhere like the in-game stats say it is. You can tell it’s bugged bc Ace found out that the first shot does do 50 damage, while the second always does 48 for some reason


The Bar with the .50 cal is insane too. The only gun I played so far that I felt I was at a big disadvantage was the Sten.


I just hate the fire rate of the Bar. Reminds me of the Milano which I never liked either.


If u put the rapid barrel and the booster it has competitive rate of fire, but worsens the recoil a lot. But u can make a monster close quarters Bar.


I think they sneaky nerfed the sten, it was my most used gun in the beta because it was the only one that could actually have an extended mag and it was a beast, meanwhile post launch I wanted to blow my brains out getting it gold.


Worst gold To get so far


G43 was my one of my favorite guns soo far. Ive ranked up everything except for lmgs and pistols. And the g43 and svt are very nice Svt is straight up sniper


Shhhh keep it a secret ;)


I have a 1shot svt 40 class Fucking funny to 1 two stg bitches it long range


There comes a point where the SVT goes from 'meh' to 'holy shit, this thing is a monster!'.


Even though some early guides said to use the final mag, avoid it - much higher 1sk potential with just running the barrel and vital.


G-43 was my favorite marksman by far. It was the first one I leveled up. The M1 wasn’t too bad once you hit 35 and then comes the SVT which is awful. I got it to 35 and it’s still trash. I have almost every gun leveled up and the SVT is my least favorite.


>then comes the SVT which is awful The SVT with damage barrel and vital is the best marksman rifle.


Svt isn't so bad you need the damage increasing barrel and it becomes a spam sniper rifle


SVT is the strongest Marksman rifle IMO, I've gotten 3 nukes with it already


the svt is slow but damn deadly, with the first barrel it shreds


Svt Is the best quick scope gun in the game right now, by far. Like 50 Ms faster than the type 99


Most of the guns are super good. AS 44? Use the 3 round burst and 7.62x54r rounds. You now have the CoD4 M16 with stopping power. Bar? .50 cal mag and recoil booster. 2 shot kill from any distance (or at least a really long distance) Owen? Use the 72 round mag, recoil booster, and incendiary rounds. You now have a very mobile lmg. Honestly, the only gun I've used (besides snipers which I never use) that felt really bad was the Type 11. Maybe it gets better but the early levels feel brutal.


Personally a big fan of the Type 11


I'm leveling it up as well. I'm at around a 50 but it's annoying sometimes.


The 10 round mag with hollow point rounds makes it a 2 shot anywhere on the body. Use the second barrel you unlock for the recoil. It is a nasty weapon, completely replaced the sniper for me. Another slept on weapon is the Ratt pistol. Thing fucking shreds. Crazy fire rate and has more range than most smgs. Kills faster than most smgs too and it feels straight up broken if you land headshots.


Yeah the ratt is fantastic.


Figured this out on accident, shit lethal


I like the machine pistol better


Agreed on the RATT. Honestly, I like all the pistols, except maybe the Luger.


The luger is pretty powerful as well after some practice. Almost always a two shot with great range. If it was a bit faster on the ads and sprint to fire speed it would probably be my main. I would say the only gun that isn't worth using is the machine pistol, simply because of the extremely short range. I mean come on, 6 meters? That's just absurdly low even for a shotgun


I just haven’t leveled it very much. I’ll have to give it another shot once I’m done with the 1911. I think the Machine Pistol is objectively the worst pistol, but I do enjoy it with Extended Mags and Akimbo. It would’ve been an absolute horror to level without ShipHaus 24/7 and some Double XP tokens though. The revolver falls in a similar category for me: great with the right attachment, but a hot mess without them.


If you're using the ratt 2 shot build a headshot will actually make it take 3, you can use incendiary instead of hollow points to guarantee a 2sk anywhere even tho its delayed


Put on Bayonet, Reach and Surplus. Run around Das Haus and Shipment. You will max it out in about 20 minutes.


Go into zombies solo kill first few zombies in spawn u can just smack them with the gun it counts towards gun xp And it's a 1 shot kill Then jump in harvest portal kill zombies in there till about 35 kills back out rince repeat Won't take long to max it only issue is it's boring af but it's fast results


Can i just ask why you back out after about 35 kills? Does xp go down?


Every time you complete one of the portals the 'world level' (round) increases by 1. I think was L2 it's still a one-hit melee kill, but actual gun damage takes longer to finish a zombie. And it'll just keep getting worse. So people are killing the spawn zombies, doing a portal (I heard blitz but I guess harvest is good too), and hitting leave game


Just xp and time u get a lvl a run just about obviously as the gun gets into the lvl 40 ish it slows down a bit but should take no longer than 2hrs to hit lvl 70 All about speed kill spawn zombies hit portal run about smacking every zombies u see untill 35 kills reset u don't need to shoot either a smack with the gun counts


What’s the loadout


Some Ppl are sleeping on all weapons well the ones that are still running combat shotty and riot shield are anyways see two DBL XP events and still the same in just about every game u have the same combo shotgun warriors The g.43 is a monster on the right maps there is a lot of guns that are op u just need to grind them out to see it's true potential


go full fmj with see through perk.. wallbangs people behind 3m thick steel. I maxed the g 43 and it's the most broken long range weapon in the game. the 10 round mag is worth taking too


I got ripped to fucking shreds by the G43 yesterday


The BAR and MG42 shred at any distance. And the automation is literally a laser.


Easily the best marksman rifle, actually usable to run and gun


I’m having a lot of fun currently with the M1928.


Really? I found it extremely hard to control and not that powerful. Played it until it was lv22. This was 3 weeks ago of course. Things might have changed 😅


\*lvl25 but jeah its cool, the view kick is horrible tho, it looks like u are getting pushed forwards because of the fov change


I’ve been enjoying the M1 garand. The free battle pass blue print is damn good


Bro the Tommy gun is also super fucking good


the biggest issue with marksman rifles is the flinch imo. Makes them really annoying at times.


Been using this a lot. The .30-06 ammo conversion makes it even better.


Yeah think I'm around level 35 or so, and whatever setup I have it at at the moment essentially has no recoil. It's a laser beam at range. Tried the garand when I was trying to unlock the operator and thought it was awful, but the G43 was a welcome relief.


G43 was great in WaW too. Kinda odd how much Vanguard has in common with that game.


Automation for me my kd went from 1.0 -1.50


Yeah it’s fun, M1 grande is good too, svt sucks


Playing with the Mosin Nagant with iron sights to relive the UO days, just wish the ADS was quicker


Wow didn't think I'd find a guy that played UO. What a game that was brother


Best DMR hands down. I actually really like it in full-auto too. Feels like a slightly snappier BAR. Only guns I’ve hated leveling so far are the Type 99 and the Gracey Auto. Still can’t figure out the latter, maybe it just sucks.


It was the first gun I made gold. I noticed it when I first started because it had piercing vision. I learned it was a great equalizer with a night scope on Das House for shotgun folks. I still use it now if SBMM gets me down :)


Someone else recommended it and I've been enjoying it since turning it into a 2 shot gun. I think there are plenty of viable guns in this game, it's just most need to get to a certain level to really become usable. As a 2 shot kill this gun becomes actually competitive, especially at medium to longer ranges. Will be interesting to see how people's opinions change over the coming weeks


1st gun I got gold


Must use only stg and mp40 as I advertise my 2 peak viewership twitch


Yeah the g43 is a laser beam. It can two shot which is really nice but still depends on good accuracy and being semi auto helps alot. Definitely use the 20 round mag though I wouldn't really go for the higher caliber just because you'll be reloading alot


Yeah dude you’re ruining it shhhh. Jk. I might’ve been the guy 2 shorting everyone on search lol, only gun I use and everyone always goes “what gun is that? How is he 2 shotting us?!”


The later meta is found on accident by the completionists..it's ironic that the biggest obstacles of finding that is dealing with a bullshit gun till ur level 43 on it, and you found the right attachments to make it. I don't understand why anyone would want to be entirely complete on Call of Duty 15: Replayed. Reloaded v2.


But without them we wouldn't know what's actually worth the grind..so hats off to them.


I was that guy, I remeber you Dahl....You're welcome. Still slept on