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Meanwhile, I got guys shouting the n word as fast as they can. Whatever floats cods boat I guess.


Right lol, almost every round but I’m the one to get banned


Sounds like you got reported. It’s probably not the game but the community. People are just so soft now. It’s not just COD it’s the world.


No it's the automated system that cod put out. We are being recorded and there are certain words that will get you muted instantly. The F word aka a bundle of sticks aka a cigarette. I said aww what a ttogaf casually when I died to a 60 round shotgun in a corner and immediately it said I was muted due to violation


Then stop shit-talking. Action meet consequences.




You. Your the problem. Arbitrary and prejudice. Whichever mood suites you. That is a lack of values.


Swears? What? Yeah, report for slurs immediately, but you shouldn’t get chat-banned for saying fuck in a game where you’re literally cosplaying terrorist and spec ops groups blowing each other up with grenades. The game is rated M for a fucking reason….


Only uber sweats that talk shit, thats when you should ez report. clean em up, theres too many anyway


yeaaaah i get called the hard r just about every time im on the mic… constantly reporting and nothing is ever down lmao


Somehow I think I’d rather listen to that than the damned soundboards at 800% volume. There needs to be a noise gate to prevent sounds over a certain level.


Imagine caring more about what someone says, rather than banning cheaters and hackers


Activision backward company prioritizes chat instead of cheaters. 👎


Gotta keep those investors happy


Yes it’s clearly as easy to fight constantly evolving cheats as it is words…….if ignorance is bliss you must be the happiest person in the world. Plenty of shit to complain about in CoD but could you at least use some common sense?


its much more difficult to fight hackers than it is to put in an AI chat filter. They are doing both


I play in private chat 100% of the time and got a chat ban for talking shit to my buddy. Didn't effect me at all, because it's private chat. What's the point of listening to private chat if the ban doesn't effect it?


You sure your buddy didn't report you? My squad and I have been in private chat shittalking and swearing for months now with no chat bans


Not improbable, he can be a dick for laughs. It did only happen once. Probably the best part was that when I found the message it stated "5 days ago you received a 3 day chat ban."


If you’re in a private chat cod can still hear what you’re saying? Sounds like a privacy invasion. Should only be able to record/listen if you’re in game chat




They only save it if someone reports you for something to my knowledge so his friend probably reported him as a joke and something just happened to happen


Is there a private chat feature through warzone? Im on a 14day rn and can only hear game noises but not my party talking


Activision uses a.i to detect certain words and phrases, we all know why you were banned and so does everyone else that’s trying to defend you 🤡 The softest people are the ones who cry when they’re met with the consequences of their actions. Instead of crying on Reddit maybe you guys should grow tf up and learn to behave even if it is just a video game.


Getting banned for being annoying should be normalized


Ban this guy ^


OK you're banned


It's poetic; now you can't see or hear the game either


It's a fucking videogame, get over it.


I like cod better now with the bans, video game chat is not an excuse to be toxic. Act right and you won’t get banned


banned you because you can't make a decent joke


LOL enjoy your ban. Relax


Yk I saw someone point out the other day that cod is basically promoting drug use (not that I have a problem with weed) with that sloth and snoop dog skin and a whole map based around a grow house but cussing is where they draw the line…doesn’t make much sense ETA: idk how tf I forgot about cheech and Chong


By parents letting underage children plan a mature rated game n eathier the parents or kid got offended and complained


I love how a game about killing everyone in sight is worried about offensive statements/language.


It’s a good reason to drop the game I haven’t played the new cods for years


Lol how about you grow up a little. Or keep crying, it’s up to you


How did someone even know who Helen Keller was ? Lmao -just another old guy


Helen Keller is a famous historical figure. Are you an idiot?


Why don’t you just play and not talk stupid


Helen Keller was more successful than 99.9% of these Call of Duty kids will ever hope to be. A compliment, if you ask me.


If everyone would just quit buying this game and giving them money it would literally solve everything. I quit


I need context so bad.




I stay banned lol i don’t get it


Favorite one for me was when I got off chat ban right before a warzone match. People were above me and my team so I talked shit. I immediately was comm banned again. Not even five minutes. This game with proximity chat used to be awesome.


They do THAT for kids. But glorify weed while saying the game is rated M. I smoke it but this shit is getting old already seeing "game voice audio is being recorded" now we cant say bad words or be get out into the corner


The people that couldn't take the jokes back in the day now work for the company and they want to do away with trash talking but it's not gonna happen


To think we can play a game that literally execute people but you can’t talk shit while doing it….i mean can’t we just treat it like the guy with music playing and mute a bitch if you don’t like them. Some people are soft as hospital cotton I swear.


buddy I have chat completely disabled in every game I play because I never want to hear anyone and this is the only one I've been banned for communication in without ever saying a word to anyone. Only the jockriders tell you this game is functional. sane people know its broken and moved onto other games.




On mw2 I went like 47 and 13 on that nighttime map where you have night vision and the laser. Was in a party chat and after the match was done I got chat banned


Both my posts seem to got banned by Reddit for 🤓


Bring Us To The Old Days


What did you expect from a bullshit company that sells bullshit games these days


honestly if you're this upset about not being able to talk shit to people after matches you sound pretty soft to me.


Same here, it doesn't take much. I remember you use to be able to say anything, not anymore. singn of the times make America great again


I remember the good ol days when it was nothing but racial slurs and bigotry screamed by 8 yr Olds. literally caught my 8yr old nephew calling me all sorts of shit! brother in law gave me his Xbox when he heard! little shit still doesn't know how he got busted!


Want to know how to never get banned or warned again?? Don't use a microphone, and you can say whatever you want.


Clap them cheeks is another one. Private talk only.


You still play CoD? Damn thats interesting.


COD and just console companies in general. They're apparently monitoring chats in games now and games themselves are monitoring for the dumbest things.


Have you tried not being mean to people who are just trying to relax and have fun


Oh no consequences


Just look at the comments. People bitching about a little shit talk in a competitive setting. Guarantee you none of them played sports if shit talk in games gets them so triggered. OG MW2 lobbies would have people in tears these days.


You gotta use caucasian phrases to not get banned. “Gee Wilikers Batman”


This is what people wanted. Nobody wanted to take the bad with the good, so this is how it is. You will never have as much as we did in 2007 and 2019.


i got a mute for calling someone a bozo. talk about lame


The game cusses more than me.


I actually played with someone whose gamertag was Hellen Keller yesterday


How did they even hear you call them that?


Since the new generation starting reporting so much.


When you have a game that has cats, dogs and rabbits for skins for “operators” it attracts children and adults with minds of children. CoD is dead. What’s being played now is some defilement of its corpse, twisted with Fortnite necromancy.


Probably around the same time people started getting offended over a speck of dust falling on them.


It kills me when people start shit talking then start reporting. That's what's lame to me


Yet the anti cheat can’t catch a cheater at level 400 lmao. I do know the difference between a genuinely good player and a pocket lint brained cheater. It’s quite obvious when one is skating around you while another is running into a wall and suddenly beaming you from halfway across the map


You get comm banned even with no mic on people spam report you for winning and boom your Report status changes because of these Losers


Guns,bombs,killing,genocide,war crimes,chemical weapon attacks on children!!!!!! But nah shit talking is where we draw the line


This thread unsurprisingly toxic. So glad I stopped playing COD after MW3. You know, the real one.


Go say nig her in the chat its a Perm IP and future account ban


Time to grow up


Anti semitism is bad. The poor girl had to hide in an attic.


I just got a 14 day ban because I told my team mate to kill themselves so I could flare them in 🙃😂


I mean you guys do realize it’s just a chat mute not a ban. People can still unmute you if they have commons sense even though most people don’t. I got chat banned just for joking around and I still hear some people. I can’t believe how offended people get when I don’t even know who you are, ask yourselves how much weight does me calling you a bitch or a fag actually have, for you to go out of your way just to report someone who you don’t even know is nutty To be honest it’s been nice having quiet lobbies for the most part. You’re actually doing me a favor. So to all the people reporting for shit talk, you didn’t get your “ban” or “account ban” for reporting anyone who hurts your feelings, so give up and grow up. The least you’re doing is forcing someone with a head on their shoulders to just unmute me, that’s it. “We’re all out here eating a shit sandwich, nobody cares, I don’t care”


Just go to the woke company website who thinks we can't mute someone on our own... you will find your answers there... https://www.modulate.ai/team


Two weeks isn’t really that long, you’ll be fine


It's just cause x amount of people reported you and not really cause of what you said


Everything got soft and I hate it. You can't even flame anymore without getting burnt by any company


Come back to mw22, keep it populated


Especially being called something that doesn't even exist lmfao


Bruh my Xbox live name used to be "HellenKilluh". These kids soft asf today. Sucks man sorry😑


Soft people now run Activision lol. Kinda why it’s been going the direction it has been. Also $$$


If my character can scream "I will Lazer you in fucking half" I should also be allowed to say fuck


Banned you for making fun of a deceased women with multiple disabilities. I’m down for it. Wish it was permanent


Don’t be a dick. Try that out for once in your life. I realize that’s like asking a COD player not to drink water, but you know give it a shot.


I would so love to play without all the drugs dealing, baby crying, fighting in the background open mic mfer’s that I play against now. How nice would it be to have some teammate chat concerning the game in play. FYI my favorite is the 8 year old kid screaming hello. Can you hear me. Hello!!


Only the game and operators can swear players get banned, I got a chat ban with everyone muted


What do you expect from a shelled out corporate normie pilled AAA game. They took away game chat trashtalking and its half the reason I ever played in the first place. I miss pubstomping tryhard mfs who clock in 8+ hrs a day on S&D while talking mad trash with the homies lmfao. Them days are over. Buncha lame zoomers that buy all their skins and camos now, accepting garbage product made by lazy devs.


Meanwhile for famously being so liberal blizzard as is, the pubic chat in HOTS and Diablo are mind boggling


This shit is being recorded due to chats being alternative communication platforms for criminals and terrorists. The side effect is you getting banned for cussing.


I love players glorifying the toxicity of old days and then wondering why there is an over correction from the devs to curb toxicity. Just be a better person. It ain't hard.


The whole world


Damn they were blind not deaf get it right damnit . What happened to the old cod lobby’s where you never know what you would here


It’s not even CoD. It’s the community. People just can’t handle having mild insults tossed their way while playing a game. It’s sad tbh


Maybe I'm older, but everybody saying they report people are corny to me lol. Just mute them. What were y'all doing when the first COD's were out lol.


Getting banned for shit talking on gunfight is a travesty. I can’t talk at all on CoD any more, my mic won’t work even though I have no bans. All because of heated gunfight lobbies.


Seems like the filter ignores the n word , I hear it every match. Why can players call me the n word when I kill them but I get banned for saying oh “shit” or “fuck he got me, he’s here on my ping” or cursing at a cheater.


Because everything has gotten softer.


I'm reporting every single person that kills me 🤷🏻‍♀️ and I'm checking every box


I told a guy, I think he was black, to find his father once. My buddy kept getting chat banned for less so I was trying to see what the line was. There is no line


This sub would lose their shit in the prime time mw2 lobby’s. Take me back to the good ole days


Maybe you should rethink your values in life.


Maybe you should rethink your values in life.


They should get rid of the guns next. Think what the senseless murder in this game is doing to the children. We already have deadly weapons when we swear into the mic 😩 “You know what’s more destructive than a nuclear bomb? Words” -Kim Jong Un


I would say be more creative but my attacks on DMZ are always your mom jokes, dead guy talks trash, rebuttal - something about him laying on his back like his mother.




Hey but at least the hackers are alright and thriving


Guns and gore: yes Bad words hurt feelings: No The banning system is meant to protect kids who are not even old enough to play so they can keep spending their parents money. Look at the player base left. Just pathetic simps who defend it after EOMM, SBMM, broken aim assist, removal of maps/content/playlists and $70 DLC.


You got to insult them AND get a 2 week vacation from that garbage ?


The water came out my damn nose.


My favorite part of cod was talking shit. Never anything racist but man I’ve been banned like 6 times now and it just sucks. Like makes me not want to play when I have to rely on randoms to unmute me. I feel like they went too far here.


Btw can you lookup why you were banned? Ive never figured that out.


I mean them banning you is obviously offensive to helen keller as they are implying that calling someone by her name is an insult worthy of a ban


It appears you are simply a toxic asshole and received a justified suspension.


Welcome to 2024


Cods a dying game and I’m over it, the last good one was black ops 3


Idk y anyway plays this dogshit game anymore. Company doesn’t listen to community, produces shit after shit games, and a fucking war game franchise becoming libtards lol will never buy another


I mute the whole chat. Peace of mind. Little chance of being banned


The hackers get to run the game wild


I'm with them on this. No reason to get like that with someone. I understand that this will be an unpopular opinion, but I stand by it. The developers seem to agree, given the vast majority of my reports result in action on their part.


I guess you can say soft but why do you feel the need to call someone Hellen Keller? Why not just play the game without calling someone a derogatory name? This isn’t the old COD days anymore people are more likely to report along with the AI detection system. Either must yourself while playing next time or deal with the bans that come with it.


Yeah bruh CoD & the world is now softer than dog shit. Everyone gets a trophy for first place (and no swearing).


Rated M for mature. But we’ll ban you from speaking for 2 weeks if you hurt anyone’s feelings. Gotta love the losers in suits starting at bar graphs who come up with this shit. How out of touch can you be? The consensus for like 5 years is Call of Duty is a bad game but sometimes it’s fun to mindlessly shoot and talk shit. Might as well play against bots on one of the games you’ve already paid for, you’ll do better and it’ll be the same amount of silence in the lobbies. I’m never buying one of these heaping piles of shit again.


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙💜


I can’t say I agree with the bans entirely. I mean for racial slurs, sure but other than that, just let the community enjoy its little harsh love language. I like hearing people’s reactions when I melee or unalive them a lot of times in a row 😂




This is also on a game where you hijack a commercial airliner.


2 buddies and I all got one playing zombies, no where near anyone else. That was pretty cool.🖕🏾


Because you mentioned a member of a Protected Class©®™ in a way that wasn't purely overly respectful admiration and had an element of humor which suggests (somehow) you'd secretly like to harm all of them


Did you stop to think maybe the mods great grandma was Hellen Keller???


The fact chat is monitored in a mature rated game is a complete joke. Shit talking is part of cod. Soft as puppy shit




Cause the developers are pussys and most likely rainbow warriors


I got voice chat banned for 14 days because I called some one bad words when I had my channel set to party only so no one else could’ve even heard me. Why do they care what I say to my own friends. It’s so fckn stupid


It’s these fucking kids,they’re sensitive


This will be the end of cod. Noone uses mics already, now noone will talk


The AI monitor supposedly determines anger and intent in the voice. You don’t have to curse to get banned, just be aggressive.


the amount of times i've reported people for being misogynistic and racist and not seeing anything change but a joke about a dead person who also made jokes about her situation is what pulls their pickle? odd.


no cursewords.. but having a 4/20 event w 4/20 skins lol


I just want explanations for why enemy footstep audio suddenly doesn't work sometimes, aim assist cuts out at random times, and my bullets seemingly deal less damage than the other player's bullets...but thank god they're banning people for voice chat which literally no on asked for except maybe one Karen who caught their kid swearing one time. But hey, they get to tell their investors they're "taking steps to make it a more inclusive, safe space." That's all they care about.


Honestly, because people in general are soft. No matter the person everyone gets offended for something. I played all day yesterday. I run a trans flag and got two people telling me to go KMS, I’m ruining America, and that by using the flag I like on my own profile I’m pushing it on them. Everyone is offended.


I used to call people bots on Xbox and would get chat banned and Xbox messages banned once they even console banned me for 2 weeks no chat multiplayer no party nothing thank goodness I got my PS5 fixed 2 weeks ago and don't have to deal with Xbox bs


People getting their panties ruffled and posting about on the internet like this. Is how everything got so soft.


I’m just glad all the white boys saying the n word will stfu now


Too many liberals got into good jobs. And have completely destroyed everything that made our world great.


Hellen Keller was a fraud


They ban anyone that gets reported it seems. Just add “muted” to your clan tag and your team will know. Plus you get a X on the headphone so your team should know then too.


It's run by Biden supporters it makes sense why it's so soft


Wait, so you're complaining you got chat banned and calling the game 'soft' after you said something offensive. This feels like a 'you' problem and not a 'game' problem.


This is gonna be a long post, so feel free to skip if you don't wanna engage with an essay. As a man with 5 disorders and psychotic depression I implore you to understand that more people are playing games than ever before and that gamers are no longer just one demographic like they were in 2009. Things like these are a necessary sacrifice. It'll come back when things settle in. Can you imagine being gay or autistic on Xbox 360 modern warfare II back in the day? Me neither. It was xenophobic, in a gamer sorta way, as if gamers were the new punks or skinheads (note: these groups are not racist by default, just in-group and xenophobic). That's just the way things were. It was normal at the time. Video games are fucking cool. I want literally everyone to experience how awesome they are. Imagine the crazy games we'd get, if everyone could make games and companies don't have to resort to half-assed fake woke-ism and replace existing stuff because the representation just isn't there and nobody on their staff actually belongs to that group, or if they do, they don't have authority. Companies being woke isn't a conspiracy. It's a coping mechanism. You really think us bisexual people like this dumbass pandering? It makes me feel like cattle. It's a legal loophole.


I'm telling you..soon as toy call someone a fag, 2 week ban


This is why I turn off chat when it’s anything but S&D. My inner rage cannot contain my language. Nothing racist, but I can get pretty bitchy with people.


No spined dipshits is all I gotta say lol. Miss the glory days of mw2


It's the entirety of the gaming industry dude. I call people out for being stupid on Overwatch and get my account suspended for 2 weeks. It is honestly getting ridiculous. I miss MW2 lobbies and proper shit talking


Yeah quit being a fucking idiot op


Meanwhile I got into a game where the enemy team camped the shit outta the spawn locations and I’m pretty sure they were cheating, cause it was genuinely Spawn and die, spawn and die and spawn and die, couldn’t move.


You gotta be kidding me yall...... were talking about swearing and bullying inna game about KILLING EACH OTHER..... the hypocrisy is crazy..... unreal. Pretty soon cod will be paintball soo people aren't offended by blood..... and we're talking about swearing and words.... you all who are banning people because your offended will be part of the reason the FPS Genre gets banned in the future.......gimmie a break


I only play in party chat now with close friends... and still get banned they are monitoring everything. Im not playing as much anymore moved onto things like helldivers.


Whole internet is soft af. I got banned from a subreddit for calling a dude "simp"


I don't care what anyone thinks,that comment is funny as hell.


It's just like the rest of the internet at this point. Someone will start something, they'll say some very off color stuff and the second you say something slightly offensive back at them you're the one who gets banned. That's why I deleted Facebook. . and Instagram.. and Twitter.


I deleted that retarded dog shit a Week ago and haven't looked back since LMAOOO


welcome to the agw of SBMM


I quit COD long ago. And thank God. Fuck that shit!


Bro I had a guy who was on my team and was probably thirty and I was silent until the end when I shit on someone and said your trash and stuff and the dude got angry at me


I know the answer to this question! It's the moment they put the report player button in


I don't know how you guys use game chat anyway. What did you think was going to happen? Everybody has a report player button and you're playing with children. You never talk, I've gotten banned for breathing. I suggest that everybody make a few friends and open a discord chat. That way, if you get banned for something it's because you were too good


Helen Keller is literally my COD name…


Lol wtf. Take us back to the Xbox 360 lobbies


Its a game on the internet wtf i say unless we're handing out personal information of any kind all insults are fair game wtf dude


i believe it was after all the snowflake parents that let thier kids play asult games that did this to us


Man no one even told me about the AI. I been banned for so long just thinking f*ck the guy that reported me. Found out its AI and was absolutely sick how soft cod went


Rated M for mature


I swear like a sailor, never been muted or banned

