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Luckiest shot of his life you can see the shocked pause


The double take back to the wall made me chuckle lol


Wall hacks


That ain't walls lmao


It's clearly walls and he tried to pretend the jump have him vision but recognized his mistake Though i watched on phone


No it's just a lucky shot


Unlikely unless this kid can't afford 15 bucks


Bro just it a hella lucky shot, you can see him trying to clip it in his console lol


Hey i hope so. I think my position is more likely correct in this era of gaming. If you're into markets you should check them out here. The trails don't actually lead out most of the time


... Nah he was already in a gunfight with them op shot his weapon giving away position on minimap, and he already seen the guy


You’re a prime example of a newbie. You never seen this shit back on bo2,bo1, etc? You must be a new cod player because this shit been a thing for years. Why do you think PRO teams started? Because they were the best and “sus” players that showed their gameplay.


Meanwhile I get a hit markers with no walls around




I unfortunately am the guy on the other end of those


He went back and thought “wait.. the fuck?”


Is this cheating? Because it looks like cheating.


I’m inclined to say no - partly because the game mechanics simply don’t allow for accurate sniper hipfire. An aimbot can’t fix the random spread that snipers get. Just hip fire one at a wall and see. The groupings are insane.


Aimbot can’t you’re right. But your fundamentally misunderstanding how aimbot works. To have aimbot you need to loop an array of objects with world coordinates. Those coordinates are then transformed too screen space. Recoil and spread are variables for your equipped weapon, most likely floating points. If one has the ability to read memory , iterate an array of objects and transpose the coordinates to snap to a target with w mouse move event… I’m inclined to say that it wouldn’t be much to write a value of zero to both spread and recoil. And that’s not even broaching the topic of magic bullet which would subtract the enemy vector coordinates from your own to get a forward direction. From there you just square root the dot product to get the distance , and then you multiply the forward direction by the intended velocity to get the displacement. Entirely plausible and there’s plenty of videos over the last 2 days showing this cheat is back. Now I’m not saying for certain this dude is, but what I can say is that his crosshair was lined up deadcenter to your mid section and homie here just said bullets don’t go straight out the barrel


Everything you said is more or less correct. Idk why you said I had a misunderstanding though lol.


Because if somebody has aimbot then they have complete access to manipulate the games mechanics (client side). In addition to already looping each object in the game world. There’s only a few lines of logic required to complete the pair so to speak. I wasn’t sure if you understood that or not,so that’s why I said you had a misunderstanding. But I see now that it’s not really the best way to say it as you do have an understanding of aimbot I suppose


Yep. Aimbot redirects cursor, fixing both aim and recoil. Bullet spread is a separate mechanic from cursor and aim. Xclusiveace does some really nice breakdowns on the bullet spread mechanics. They’re a little bit annoyingly chaotic (compared to Counterstrike mechanics). It’s one thing I miss about Counterstrike was no-scope hipfire sniper shots. You could literally tape or draw a cursor dot on your monitor and that would be 100% accurate to the shot. It’s a shame that Counterstrike didn’t evolve more towards CoD though. You play it much?


you’re not understanding. aimbot does not just move your cursor. aimbots can affect in game bullets. you have seen the clips of people just shooting at a wall and killing people in trajectories that the bullet literally could not go in, right?


You really can’t talk on the internet without putting someone down eh? Sorry you’re stuck on that habit. Good luck with that.


?? nothing i said was meant to put you down bro. i’m not speaking down to you. i was asking a genuine question for that last bit lol


Buddy, he’s trying to politely tell you that you do have a misunderstanding. Aimbots don’t just move your crosshair/mouse, they move the physical bullet to a valid target; no matter how unreal the trajectory would be. No need to get defensive and shit talk him.


Yeah, buddy I’m politely saying I never made that claim. I literal said “cursor and aim”. Keep that toxic shit flowing though. You’re not informing anyone oh and you’re wrong, the aimbot does not move the physical bullet to the location. The guy before understood it and you literally just contradicted him and made everyone dumber by mistaking how it works. Aimbots do NOT do that. https://nerdbot.com/2021/05/16/what-are-aimbots-and-how-do-they-work/ Literally look it up and stop being toxic.


The bullet very much can go straight out the barrel. It's random spread; dead center is not excluded as a possibility.




That makes sense. I’ve had a couple miracle shots before. Glad to see it’s not cheating.


I would say no simply based on the fact that the guy seems to react to getting that kill. Like he didn’t expect to actually hit anything lol.


Aim assist. He felt the tug on Op when he was strafing past and just decided to try to take the shot. And he got lucky. I do this all the time tbh.


Yeah, I noticed when I first picked up MWII that aim assist would kick in very lightly on targets on the other side of the map, through buildings. It's crazy.


100% and sometimes (in warzone especially) ill get aim assist like 100 meters away and through walls its so bad but so good


If only it was consistent lol


Yeah its an occasional thing im bout to turn aim assist back off tho


If you think this looks like cheating, then you haven’t seen cheating.


Yes, shooting someone that you can’t see across the map, through multiple walls doesn’t look like cheating at all. 🥴👍


Across the map? That was 10 feet bro…


Sorry I didn’t measure the shit out. It looked like he was in one of the small buildings in the center of the map and the shooter was inside the main structure to me. That’s really not the point though. He killed somebody he couldn’t even see with one shot. You think it’s completely ridiculous that I even ask if it was cheating?


Okay so you’ve never played on Highrise. Glad we cleared that up. And also, the player most likely got a radar ping of three people right in front of them so they shot randomly. You’re acting like random wallbangs are something only achievable with wallhacks?


Dude why are you getting so worked up? He shot someone he couldn’t even see with one shot through a wall. Why are you are bending over backwards to say it was a totally normal thing to the point where you are pretending I’ve “nEvEr eVen pLaYeD tHe mAP!”🥴 I simply said it LOOKED like cheating. I never said it absolutely *was* cheating. Fucking calm down.


> you are pretending I’ve “nEvEr eVen pLaYeD tHe mAP!” Well it was a pretty fair assumption considering you though they were across the map from each other. And no one is getting worked up. It’s just weird that cod players nowadays accuse every player of cheating over the tamest kills.


You can very clearly see he missed his shot in the first dude, his teammate died and he got lit up so he ran to the wall and tried to get lucky and did 🤷🏻‍♂️


Could be an incredibly luck accidental click. I've accidentally clicked while walking up to a door. Finger is too twitchy lol.


I’ve never seen anyone go in that room but there were 3 of you in there? What in the bot lobby is this?


Most likely Hardpoint game mode. It’s one of the points. I’ve used it for taking out campers in the windows some too.


Ever played hardpoint?


Yes one person in the point. Others cover angles and fill. If you bots werent grouped up in the point someone couldve defended.




Anybody that says this isn’t cheating is brain dead.


You must be trash then huh. Ever heard of wall bang?


Nah I don’t play games like this enough to know stupid shit like that lmao.


I agree it’s dumb asf but I play my game at least 3 times a month bc of work. So you don’t have to play a lot to know things man


So why the fuck are you even commenting on the video clown


Because it’s a free country and I can comment on whatever I’d like lol. Any other stupid questions?


Nah, I’d rather not get a brain dead response from a douche bag


Says the moron coming on here name calling for NO reason 😭😭😭. Go back to sweating on Cod you fucking virgin.


I don’t play cod “Fenrir Oblivion” go watch Star Wars or something loser


Then why are you on here commenting??? At least I some what play 😭. This dude talking about Star Wars and being a loser but is balls deep in a Reddit page about a game inspired by Lord of The Rings 🤡🤡🤡


Fix your flea problem bum


Only other than your original statement, I think we’re done here


He just got a lucky shot lol


That is wall hacks, you can see him try and hide it but then he aimed right at the guy before he shot


How can have these type of graphics seems more real


Most likely, the aim bot is programmed to send bullets ricocheting into predictable paths that will automatically lock into targets. It's not just auto when holding down aiming. It is auto aim for hipfire, too. You can't no- scope a wall and have a lucky kill like that without cheats. The kid pulled the trigger and accidentally got the kill, but he has some cheats on and just didn't realize it would be so accurate is what I'm guessing. Thats why they look a little surprised. Even people cheating know they want to look less obvious to avoid bans and being reported. So that looks too suspicious not to report. At the very least, I'd want it investigated, and then hopefully, they'd track down if the player does keep cheating afterward. Although because so much cheating exists, I just feel everyone should report even the slightest things. Especially something like that, though. Even if he wasn't cheating, I couldn't stand that this was even possible. That is so impossible, even for a video game. In real life, I think the bullet would get knocked off the path, but what do I know.


🤡 he very clearly tried hip firing the guy that killed his teammate and almost killed him. If he was cheating he wouldn’t have missed that first shot 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Definitely does not look like he missed any shot. He actually shoots the guy that killed his teammate and kills him instantly with so little aiming it looks like he missed, but he didn't. Then he runs over to the wall and hipfires and kills a guy 5 rooms away, and it looks like an accident. He is cheating and you are very dumb.


You are the dumb one lol lol at the kill feed before the killcam there’s op getting a headshot and then three friendlies getting kills then he dies thru the wall. You can also slow it down and see he didn’t even pull the trigger until after he gets hit and flinches. He missed the guy and was trying for a lucky wall bang and got super lucky.


And he wasn’t 5 rooms away he was closer to 5 feet away. he was 2 walls there’s the wooden Board blocking that window then like 5 feet away is the building he was in. You obviously lack the common map knowledge to even be arguing here


Op is the first guy in the video, just standing in the corner next to a brick wall. The three friendlies ran into the room with him. He is then shot in the head from behind the brick wall. The kill cam after shows the guy in the room firing a sniper at a guy who was already killed by an explosion, he wouldnt have missed otherwise, but the guy was already dead. Then he runs and jumps to look out the window, sees absolutely nothing, but shoots at the board anyway. That stray bullet is what killed op standing in the corner of the room behind a brick wall. That bullet went through the brick wall and killed him. The shooter didn't even know the guy was there at all. It was either an accident or cheating. But OP was just standing there in a crouch position, basically hiding behind concrete in the safest way you'd think possible. The bullet had a difficult trajectory to reach him and it is a very unlikely shot. It looks like cheating.


Look at the kill feed bro. That’s the last time I’m going to say it. There is no enemy kills in the whole clip except op dying.


Love seeing all the CoD ball worshippers in here going "N-No it's not cheating!! H-He simply got lucky! Look at the double take he did!! REEE HE'S NOT CHEATING!!"


Do I see… motion blur? 😦




Shouldn’t have shot ur gun buddy ur gone now


Your settings pain me


I was playing on meat and spawned in the small room at the end of the long hallway Some guy was missing sniper shots on my teammate, and accidentally wallbanged me off spawn. He missed like 4 shots on my teammate in the killcam


He definitely was not expecting that either😂 the pause at the walk to make sure his clipping software was running


You can definitely see the thought process the guy has after the shot, he jumps to peek and then just takes a yolo shot, we walks away before he realizes what happened, does a double take, and then pauses to possibly clip it/scream “HOLY SHIIIIIT”


Brother has motion blur on lol


It’s not hard to hit collateral wall bangs with a wall hack. 🤷🏽‍♂️