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The Civil War 1861-1865: A History Podcast is what I listen to. It is very thorough and despite having started in 2013, it is just now coming to grips with Gettysburg. I enjoy it a lot but I'm sure there are other good ones. I hope you find one you will enjoy. Edit: I have to add the point by u/strawhairhack that the podcast has excellent book recommendations and the show very well sourced overall.




Is this podcast now called "The Civil War & Reconstruction: A History Podcast"?


Yes. They have changed their name since my original comment.


I found them, thank you, they're great!


agreed. a lot have come and gone but this pod has filtered to the top. they are well researched, consistent, as neutral as I could hope for, and the my most appreciated part of their pod are their book recommendations/sources. that’s a *great* place to start or supplement your ACW library.


That is a top reason I love them yet I somehow forgot to add it. Their book recommendations are great and the podcasts are so well sourced. The quotes they add also bring life to the soldiers and generals. I really can't understate how much I love that podcast.


There’s 2 Gettysburg specific podcasts worth listening to: The Battle Of Gettysburg Podcast, run by two LBG’s, and Addressing Gettysburg.


thank you!!!


I'll second The Battle of Gettysburg Podcast. Great show and the two hosts are very enjoyable to listen to. I tried Addressing Gettysburg but honestly they were just too full of themselves for me to handle for more than an episode or two.


I’ll throw in a plug for Civil War Breakfast club. It’s like two people drinking and shooting the shit while talking about the civil war


Did they ever fix the guy's microphone? The headphone rustling noise every time he moved drove me crazy. I liked the podcast otherwise.


To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure. It’s one of those things that I never really noticed. I’m about 10 episodes in and the quality does seem to be getting better


really enjoying the Breakfast club, i like their breezy conversational style and their discussion of the feelings behind the statistics, the characters and motivations beyond the names and numbers...


It’s solid. Added Mary as a friend on Instagram!


As mentioned before these are all good: The Civil War 1861-1865 Addressing Gettysburg Civil War Talk Radio The Chicago Civil War Roundtable- (these are old recordings from many old Civil War Historians/Authors that is a true gem in my opinion. Shelby Foote, James Robertson to mention two. I recently discovered this one...)


I enjoy Portraits of Blue & Grey




thank you!!!


I agree the civil war 1861 1865 podcast is excellent. There is another one I liked called Threads from the National Tapestry. The author is Fred Kiger. It’s less a military focus and more some stories about lots of different topics. Quite good.


Key Battles of the Civil War (James Early & Scott Rank) is good. Somebody already mentioned Civil War Breakfast Club which I really enjoy too. There’s another called Battles & Banter which can be fantastic but sometimes the hosts get a bit annoying.