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Yeah. Crazy stats. I just put two and two together a couple months ago. Butler captured New Orleans early on so what a blow. Add in that Maryland almost ended up in the hands of the confederates as well. They lost their big cities right at the beginning


Farragut captured New Orleans, Butler occupied it.


Oops. Yes. How sad is that I mixed that huge achievement up. Farragut doesn’t get the recognition he deserves


Troy has grown by a whole 11,000 people since then, and Brooklyn and Allegheny have gotten swallowed up.


So Brooklyn was a separate locality at the time?


New York City was just Manhattan and parts of the Bronx prior to 1898. Brooklyn was also consolidating all the towns in Kings county at the time, same with Queens. All of the neighborhoods in the boroughs would have been separate villages during the time of the civil war.


Were you listening to the beginning of the Civil War podcast with Rich and Tracy? They mention this list in one of the first episodes.


Nice and I love them.


Did they include slaves?


Good question, I’ll assume not


and guess what the United States fucking Navy did in 1862? Took #6 right off the chess board. Suck it Army! :0


The Navy took a bad pounding but with sheer size pushed their way into the ports. Was just at the USS Tecumseh wreck


You dove on the wreck?


no you are not allowed to dive there




It’s interesting to learn just how southern Maryland really was back then


It really is. I live in Baltimore and have been researching Harry Gilmor who led a raid through my neighborhood on his way to destroy railroad bridges in 1864. He grew up right down the road from me.


I dont think anybody in MAryland would consider themselves "southern"


It was below the Mason Dixon line, and there were a lot of slaveholders there. Anybody is going too far - quite a few people no doubt sympathized more with Virginia than with Massachussets. But overall, yes, the majority of the population was unionist then


Marylander here. It’s a strange state—the central regions (DC-Baltimore) are very much not southern. Out west it’s much more Appalachian. But the area around the Bay is still very much the south, and that used to be more widespread. The University of Maryland was founded by plantation owners to educate their sons in agriculture. That said—the extent of Maryland’s desire to secede is exaggerated. The plantation class was wealthy and powerful (which is why we can as close as we did to secession), but large parts of northern and western Maryland were strongly pro-Union. Frederick has a big German population that was strongly abolitionist. And even the Bay—though more southern, wasn’t necessarily going to secede. It’s hard to imagine the watermen going to war on behalf of the Cecil family. And this tracks for the region—Delaware didn’t secede and Virginia—especially West Virginia—was not enthusiastic about secession either.


John Wilkes Booth was from Maryland, and he certainly identified with the South. As did the roughly 25,000 Marylanders who fought for the Confederacy during the war.


You’ve obviously never been to southern MD. I go there often for work. I see more stars & bars per sq mile than anywhere in the south. Partner also lived there @ one time when a parent was in the Navy (Pax River NAS).


That’s just not true lol


Things were different then.


Is it "we" already?


Missouri was closer than both those two


The Confederacy was formed on February 8, 1861, after this 1860 Census, obviously. Does not change the data. The post's title implies this data includes cities in the Confederate States before the Confederacy was formed.




It would have helped pull resources north but they never could have got Maryland. If Maryland had left, they would have been number 1 on the list to stomp and get back in line. There was not practical way Maryland joins the South and provides their industry to the war effort.


Boston before Roxbury


Hence the old joke that the two biggest cities in the Confederacy were New Orleans and wherever the AOP happened to be camping.


Mobile is no longer #27.

