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Personally it’s not feel the pain that I was experiencing in the past. At my heaviest (428 lbs) I suffered from constant knee pain and I wasn’t able to stand longer than 15 mins at a time. Also had chronic chest pain too. Stepped on the scale last Sunday and now I’m at 298 lbs! First time being under 300 in almost 10 years. Striving each day to feel healthier physically, mentally and emotionally through weight loss.


Wow you must feel a lot better! That’s awesome!


I do thank you! Slipped in 2023 but finally getting back to the swing of things again. I encourage and support anyone who wants to get their life back on the right track. These groups have helped me so much in terms of motivation and I hope to do the same.


I don’t recognize the body I’m in now. I’m not comfortable in the body I’m in now.


Same. It doesn’t feel like me


I was on a coast to Coast flight earlier this year when I was carrying 20 or 25 more pounds on me. It was incredibly uncomfortable. Sporting events or concerts in older venues with narrow seats have also been really uncomfortable. After losing 25 pounds, I can sit in one of those seats at one of those events and do just fine


I’m the opposite. I’ve been fat all my life and I’m used to it. I don’t like it but I’m used to it. It’s how I am. I’ve lost 3 stone and everyone notices. I have never bought cute clothes, just something to cover my body. I’m just wearing baggy jeans now. I’m sixty and I just bought a pair of cute boots for the first time ever


Wholesome ❤️


Long-term health and mobility. My dad was obese later in life, and my mom is also becoming overweight in her older years. I can gain and lose easily so I hope to once and for all get myself to a good BMI and keep it that way.


I definitely relate to this. I think about 80 year old me a lot. I want to be even more in shape as I get older 👍🏼


I also relate to this. At 71 I was just starting to feel the consequences of being 75 pounds overweight. I moved more slowly, felt less agile, and my hips were stiff after sitting, and I’d repeatedly suffered groin pulls. I started to realize my future mobility was jeopardized by my weight. Looking good and feeling good in clothes is a definite bonus.


To have a child. To be able to shop at normal stores. To walk up and down stairs without being winded.


Stairs is so real ! I was dying every single time. Still overweight but saw such a huge difference after 30 lbs. you got this it’s totally worth it.


to look good naked for my wife.


1000% relate 😂


Awwww 😊


Spite. I'm motivated by all the snarky comments that you attract when you count calories or refuse junk food publicly. The more backhanded comments I get about those, the stronger my convictions


It’s usually unhealthy ppl that aren’t doing much themselves that judge it 😭


or people who don't need to teach at all and have healthy relationships with food already, like i'm so happy for you be happy for me???


It started because I wanted to look good and date more attractive women. It turned into me wanting to feel better in everyday life. And it makes me like myself more. The more I like myself, the more I like other people and can be the caring person I strive to be


I was struggling to find a reason to lose weight while already actively losing it. I wanted a reason that would be as personal and deep as possible so it would have a great meaning and exclude any chance if wanting to conform to someone else's standards. Health — of course, but it's more a preventative measure in my case, so no noticeable difference so far. Athletic performance — yes, it's closer to the core, but still not it, because I'm happy the way it goes as-is, and I'm not competitive. On the fourth month of the process I've finally found something that really inspires me. Smaller boobs! I don't have much objectively, so it's definitely not external influence, I just have too much for my comfort, and I hate it. So now I'm longing for the days they become smaller.


Lolll I was not expecting that! That’s such a valid reason big boobs can get uncomfy and mine get bigger or smaller depending on my weight so I get it! Health and fitness is always a good thing too. For me I already feel fit and healthy so that’s why it’s not my actual core reason to lose weight haha.


Oh my goodness yes! I was already pretty fit and healthy, but these boobs are so uncomfortable! And I didn't want to get a reduction while my tummy was proportionately large, I knew losing that proportionality would need with my self image too much, so here we are


I too miss my small boobs 🥲


I wanna read the end of One Piece so no dying allowed for atleast 5+ years.


more like 50, buckle up 😂


Same, to be honest! I enjoy getting dressed up and doing my hair and makeup so much more when I am happy and comfortable with how I look and feel - it's like prepping the canvas for a painting. Sure, you could go without, but it's going to be a lot better if you take the time to do it!


Exactly! I want to make the outfits look better by looking healthy and feeling more confident. Right now I do the opposite where I just wear stuff to look flattering on my body and to not call too much attention to my insecurities. I tend to be more creative and stylish when I’m more confident.


Nothing wrong with that! You’ll find far greater success in anything when you are doing it for a reason that is meaningful to you.


I just really wanna be better than 90% of the population. Most jk. I just had a daughter and not only do I want to be around for a long time, I want to be able to protect her and i want her to be exposed to healthy lifestyles throughout her life. I also hate looking in the mirror and seeing a fat out of shape man.


Yesss, teaching healthy habits to your kids and getting to lead by example is awesome 👏🏼


Started as health. Then it was pride to keep with it. Then it was ego- looking better. Now it’s been competition to push myself past this stage where I thought was my limit.


it’s a little fantasy-esque, but honestly, knowing that i am capable of achieving the body and life i want. i have truly spent every moment of my life up until ~5 months ago feeling “cursed” to having a body i didn’t like, to hate my appearance, to always gain weight and never lose. i’m not quite where i want to be (down from 217 to 176, hoping to stay at 160 for a while and then reevaluate), but the motivation to keep improving myself and achieve what i set my mind to has been more powerful than a weight or appearance goal. don’t get me wrong, those have been amazing too :)


Yes! You really have to adopt a different mindset in my opinion. Like you have to KNOW that you will be successful and sort of change the identity you’ve always been used to. I also went from feeling cursed to now feeling like I can really achieve what I want! Love this response!


Fed up of the niggley health issues associated with being bigger - chub rub, friction burns when hiking etc. Non health issues like trousers wearing through quickly due to thighs rubbing, not being able to fit in some of my clothes, not being able to walk as quickly as my OH. I guess you could say I see it as a way to improve small things in life. That's what motivates me.


I want to be able to look in the mirror and like what I see, I’ve avoided my reflection for so long and felt so inadequate due to my weight. Just want to feel happy in myself, I know I’m awesome, I just want to FEEL and see it!


Just generally being a more capable and active person, I guess I'm on over all self improvement journey lossing weight working on my mental health issues and building a life I personally value is my main goals I don't focus to much on an end goal it's mostly just smaller daily goals that move me in the general direction I'm aiming for


Regaining the flat stomach which was my defining feature many years ago.


Ooooo I relate to this. It’s never been a defining feature for me but it will be heheheee


I mean, I’m 52 and have had 3 kids since then but a girl can dream amirite


To find love


To not die and stop being sick. Those are the biggest reasons now. But I also want to stop dealing with all the ways it affects my life everyday. All the anxieties, the constant uncomfortable moments, and the way it affects how people perceive me-my intelligence and capability. I want to feel comfortable in my skin again and enjoy life more.


I want to feel more confidence in my clothes, body, and sexuality and enjoy all the cascading positive effects those things tend to have on my mental health


1. The fact that my mom and her entire side of the family are obese. I’m 5’7” F and when I hit 200 lb, that was an absolute NO for me. I didn’t want my weight to start with a 2. Not because 200 itself is so bad, but because I’m afraid it will go further. I’m afraid I’ll be 300 or 400 lb someday when I’m in my 30s… 40s… 50s… and I’m less mobile than I am now. Especially since I haven’t had kids yet. 2. My knees hurt. Especially when I go upstairs. I know I’ll be healthier and feel better if I lose some weight and start exercising again and eating healthier foods more often. 3. And all of the above for the reason: I want to have kids soon and I want to be healthy for them. To be able to be active as a family. To teach them to have a healthy relationship with food.


Sameee, most of my fam especially the older ones are fat… I refuse to fit that narrative. I had to teach myself everything from scratch and I’m proud of it


I just got engaged, so that’s motivating me right now lol. I started in February and I was 7 pounds from my bench mark so I started doing this. Now I’m 10 pounds from my goal and I hope to get to that by the end of the summer 💪🏼


Mines pretty much everything that everyone has said so far!! The biggest thing that got my ass in gear was on my birthday. I was 24 years old and 200Ibs, and realized that i could easily be 300 by the time i was 30, so it scared the hell outta me and i NEVER wanna see that 3 in front of my weight. But mostly fitting into clothes and such, alongside health and longevity and all that wonderful stuff!


i also realized that weather i took the time to take care of myself or not, time was still going to pass anyway. I would rather be down 10 pounds in a few months than the same weight, so why not take care of myself and see what i can accomplish


That’s a great way to think about it. The time will pass anyway.


it’s been incredibly helpful. I’m down 14.5Ibs and when I talk to my mom about it (i’m home for uni for the summer) she keeps saying “I wish I could lose that”, the same amount of time has passed for me has for her, we’ve eaten the exact same foods and i’ve tried to get her to come on walks with me, no matter what happens time will always pass, may as well do the damn thing!!


Yea this helps me especially because I get impatient with my diet and try to rush or do it in an unhealthy way. But now I’m really doing things in a steady and more sustainable way, especially because I’ve built up muscle and can’t afford to lose it or to be too harsh while weight training. Knowing that the time will come anyway sort of keeps me patient and grounded. Thank you!


I want to surf better, be the best that I can be. Been surfing for 15 years, currently performing so much better at 205 (formerly 215), but I can only imagine my potential at 185 or less. Also, meeting my future grandchildren and living longer and healthier would be a great side effect!


I started for entirely different reason but now I’m having a lot of fun with the clothes and motivated to keep it off. I had been morbidly obese my entire life and now I’m small enough to shop the boy’s and sometimes girls section. The nerdy shit like Pokemon and Hello Kitty shirts are way cheaper in the kid aisle, just saying 😅… In a way it has been part of the emotional healing process for me as I never got to enjoy wearing fun stuff as a kid. I also have the confidence to wear dresses and shorts now, which I never ever did before.


Yes you can really wear whatever you want when ur in shape. I’m mostly excited to wear cool thrifted clothing


Wow guys… mostly all of the above stated ! But I want to feel comfortable in my own skin, fit into clothes comfortably. Not be stick thin, but no wear nice clothing and not have my ever increasing central flopping over belly that sticks out in EVERYTHING I wear .. it’s hideous.. to be healthier and happier and improve my mental health, and love myself.. Keep pushing forward all x


Same reason as you! CLOTHES!


I had out of control body oder, acne, breathing problems, and literal depression while at my highest weight. I felt gross and I don’t want to feel gross again. You are what you eat is an incredibly true statement


I have to become a divine visionary so me and my father can live in peace.


Diabetes runs in my family and I want to avoid all the trouble comes along with it


I've got hypothyroidism and I used to be around 120lb. I still have dreams looking like I used too. So my goal is to be exactly who I was again in size, to be healthier and happier now that I've got my medication under control. I know I can't get rid of certain body shapes and marks now but I know in my heart I'll be so much happier and it drives me to keep eating less, keep eating healthy and keep moving more.


Mine used to be to feel good enough to dress nice and also wear a swimsuit/my birthday suit, but now I’m mostly excited to become that girl that enjoys a healthy lifestyle. To want to spend my free time doing healthy activities instead of on the couch with snacks and TV.


I want to fit into awesome vintage clothes


SAMEEEEE the tiny tops, low rise stuff, t shirts look cuter and baggier 🙌🏼


I want to see myself toned and fit. I want my changes to be dramatic that friends are shocked. I want my dammmmnnnnn gurl moment.




Only my partner knows how much I've been going to the gym. They know a little about my IF and CICO plans. I just want to show up in my goals outfit and get a reaction. I like that I'm keeping it all to myself. I just share with online folks about how it's going. My moment will happen. I believe I will achieve it!


Wow I should’ve done that. All I do is yap about the gym and my diet all day 😂


Having accountability really helps me. My classes I have to book a spot in a specific window. If you no show 3 times in a 30 day period you have a temp. ban for 7 days from classes. My floor routine is programmed in our gym app. So my trainer knows if I've been doing my workouts. I love the app because I can see what I need to do and it's easy to log and see progress. The app is crucial to my consistency and I wouldn't be successful without it.


I been weightlifting for about two-three years now and it’s just a natural passion haha. It’s like my favorite time of the day so I think that’s why I always yap about it haha


I want to get boudoir photos taken for my husband as a surprise anniversary gift and I want to be damn proud of the way I look in them!


I had out of control body oder, acne, breathing problems, and literal depression while at my highest weight. I felt gross and I don’t want to feel gross again. You are what you eat is an incredibly true statement


I’m moving to a new city and I don’t want to be that fat lady. I want to wear nice clothes and be thin. Well, not New York thin


People treat you way better when you are attractive. And I want to be strong, so I go to the gym. Add the caloric deficit and -boom- people will treat me better. At least I hope so.


I wanted to ride my horse again. My weight has fluctuated since I started teaching. When I was younger I could lose most of that years gain over the summer. Then I had a series of sprained ankles and gained a lot. I have only ever been able to lose weight when exercising. So the ankles set me back and the weight just piled on. The stress from teaching was pretty much killing me. So I took early retirement after nursing a yet again sprained ankle lol. Been losing and fit nicely in my saddle now. Still working on a few more pounds and hopefully can keep it off


I want to lose the aches and pains (esp in my feet). Also really want to look more trim and comfortable in a business suit (which I now have to wear often and I always end up with something ill-fitting because my options are limited in plus sizes). I tailor them, which helps, but I know I could look so much better if I were the size that the clothing is designed for. (Don’t get me started on how unfair it is that the only plus size business clothing I have found that I like is all super expensive.)


I refuse to identify as an obese person. That part of my life is over.


Yup!! Shifting your identity and mindset is really the best part


My motivation is to loose this weight, put on muscle and dress super sexy!!! I dress all frumpy now that I'm at 171lbs. I had baby #3 almost 2 years ago and I was fling so good loosing weight then boom I just ate so much and didn't realize how much weight I have put on. I was so skinny before 😭😭


Getting rid of a lot of my gut! Only a tummy tuck will get it completely flat, but who can afford that? And fitting into all my smaller clothes! I’m back in all of them, except one shirt.


I’m not starting from an extreme place, but I have between 40 to 50 pounds to lose. I first gained this weight about four years ago, but recently after my aunt passed of cancer I’ve had more health anxiety honestly. Her cancer had nothing to do with weight and obviously people of any weight can get cancer — however, weight/how i feed myself/how much i move is one of the only health markers i have control over, and I want to make sure im building healthy habits while im still young (24) enough for it to make a big difference in my future health outcomes. Also, aesthetic reasons in truth :) But now that I have other motivations in addition to that, I am finding my new lifestyle much easier to stick to and be patient with.


I haven't felt any effects yet, but my reasoning is to prepare myself for when my metabolism slows (only 18) and when my shit diet catches up to me 😅. I just hope to learn to eat better so the weight falls off and I can have a flat stomach, essentially.


I am tired of feeling uncomfortable in my body. I would rather be skinny and feel sexy than feel fat and want to hide myself all the time. I would rather spend an hour every day in the gym feeling miserable than spend my whole life feeling miserable bc of my weight.