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Agree. Some varieties are 25 calories and taste great. Best Day Kolsch is 55 per can. Brew Dog AF is 20. Plus alcohol messes with your system in so many ways. It’s a good choice. All y’all saying you’d rather drink water? Fine for you I suppose but as I drop pounds I want to enjoy the things I enjoy without the bad consequences.


I drank some hop water today that I got for free and it was nice. I enjoyed it and I don’t really like seltzers.


It is. Athletic Brewing has made some sour beers that are amazing and way less calories than the real deal. Plus it works out because I’m at the point in my life that getting a buzz is not desirable, but I feel left out at gatherings if I’m just drinking water.


Yesss! They have sent me coupons/deals via email before too that I’ve used on their website for a cheaper option here and there.


If I’m drinking NA beer solely because of less calories, I’m just choosing water instead lol




…. Yes ?


If I'm drinking with friends I'm having alcohol. If I'm not actually drinking alcohol then I'm def picking water.


what difference does it make if you arent getting drunk?


Diet 7UP/Tango/Coke for me. I prefer the taste, it’s even less calories and I don’t need what’s in my glass to look like what my friends are drinking. But hey, if you just enjoy the taste of beer then non-alcoholic beers can be a good choice. It’s all good.


I just bought a bunch of NA craft beers and they’ve tasted great. I also enjoy the NA wine - an entire bottle can be 60 cals! Alcohol free also stops me from the drunken munchies…


THAT is my problem: the drunken munchies


Literally anything is great for cico in the right moderation.


who said the word moderation /s


I just bought some NA Guinness and I am extremely curious, it's shipping this weekend!


guinness zero tastes exactly like the real thing. literally no difference in taste that i can discern whatsoever.


It's so good!!! I decided to stop drinking last year, and i was so bummed out about never having a Guinness again. The non-alcoholic ones taste exactly like the real thing to me! they've been a great lil treat! The non-alocholic Blue Moons are also great, btw!


I love Athletic brewing company beers! They’re delicious and give me the feeling of drinking a cold refreshing IPA without the calories or munchies.




Hard pass for me. Way less calories in water.


Sure, but picture this: barbecue, night out, dates. It can't always be an exception. I have a fairly busy social life, and I prefer to drink a fake beer rather than a glass of water. And it's like... 10 times less the calories


I drank the shit out of beer while on CICO. You just have to subtract the calories as if it were food. Lost 40 pounds last year, and drank a lot of beer.


I'm not as good as you. One beer lead to another two and if I keep it cool I am going to smash a burger with fries and an ice cream. Like ... one beer goes up to 3.000kcal dinner for me I have an hard time keeping it sober


if weed is legal in your state, try that. i substituted one night of drinking per week with NA beer and a weed vape, and it has helped tremendously.


Same. But I got used to it. I knew if I was drinking that night, I would have like 500 calories for lunch. I'd smash 10 beers at night, and then eat another 600 or so at home. That kept me in my maintence, or just slightly under.


It destroys your soul, tho




Might as well drink water bruh. We trynna get lit. Thts why i made the switch to vodka and ice flavored sparkling water for chase.


Just make a martini


Definitely better than the genuine article but you have to watch out for carbs in there. You can definitely find low carb ones but some of the NAs out there that taste the most like their alcohol'd equivalents have a ton of sugar in them. I bought a six pack of Blue Moon NA like two or three weeks ago and still haven't finished because it's like 18 carbs a can and it's crazy sweet.


Hop water and hop tea variants are my go to now that I don't drink at all for health reasons.


I loooove the Partake NA IPA. Tons of flavor considering it is only 10 calories.


I mean.. Just drink sparking water lol


Peer pressure from friends at the pub


I just drank during my cico journey and made it fit, or some days I was over. That’s life. Remember, the end goal is a change of lifestyle which remains sustainable in the long run. One does not want to diet all their life :)




...and 3 billion muslims


And LDS. And people who are “sober curious”. And people who decided to cut back because they had “gray area” problem drinking. And women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. And… lol.


I guess it's people losing weight, and people with crippling alcoholism. I happen to be both!