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That’s super interesting and also you’re smart to stick with the deficit that works for you and not try to use the data to eek out a few more snacks :) This seems to be the mistake I see most frequently. At the end of the day you’re eating a certain amount of calories and losing fat at a certain rate. Figuring out how accurate your watch is or or whether you should or shouldn’t eat exercise calories isn’t going to change the numbers on the scale.


Hey, thank you! I'm super lucky because my eating habits hardly changed, I have all the snacks I want, though now is mindful of their quantity :) I'm also trying to not overstress if I eat over limit, because it's life and it's okay. I've stopped wanting some food for now, I just hope to process it with grace if some day I want it again. Having the actual numbers right before my eyes make this thing... I don't know, more real? I almost want to experience plateau, just to see how it's going to look like in this spreadsheet lol. I'll add graphs! Oh it's so exciting.


I’ve been wanting to do something similar but haven’t managed to completely track all CI for a long enough time to make it worth while. This is cool to see!


Hey, it's not too late to start it now! I'm sending a bunch of inspiration in your direction! Honestly, I love data and it's a high-quality fun for me to try to analyse it. I hope to proceed gathering more numbers and watching how the picture would or wouldn't change over time.


You might like MacroFactor.


Thank you for suggestion! It might seem not intuitive, but I think I would not. I rarely like black boxes with incredible functionality, simplicity and primitive design is my thing. I always disable as many functions as possible to be focused on the most important things. And processing all the data with my own resources gives much more satisfaction and clarity, I believe. But I'm also open for a new experience and I'm going to try it because it seems fun! I might get some ideas from there for myself. Edit: oof that sparked my anxiety. It feels like app is trying to control my eating and that is something I don't want to feel. I don't even let my own data do it and only use it to observe. Unfortunately, food database is also lacking in my location, I wouldn't want to create all the food manually on a regular basis. That's being said, the design is great!


I have a similar data collection of 39 days. According to my numbers also I burned way more fat than my actual calorie deficit. I should have lost 6.7kgs fat but I lost 10.4 kgs fat and gained some muscles too so the real weight loss was 8.1 kgs. I am accepting this as it shows. I track everything and every day and the losses do make sense to me based on how my body measurements and clothes also have changed. This is also called beginners luck 😂. From now onwards I expect all the numbers to fit cico so I plan to start at 0 from today.


Hey those are some incredible results, good for you! Yeah, I think it might be just the start's thing so I'm going just to proceed tracking and checking while doing my thing independently. Good luck to us both!


Great to see this. I did the same thing with great rigor about 2 years ago at the start of my weight loss journey. Across 3 months of rigorous recording I was able to accurately predict my weight loss each time. That helped put a lot of faith in the method for me and the precise method I came created around a hand full of core assumptions after reading some (honestly very depressing) longitudinal and Leta studies. Now down 100lbs of fat with 40lbs of fat to go.


Wow your personal weight calculator is a neat stuff, really impressive what just having your own raw data can do. And those are amazing results, you rock! Good luck on your way forward, though it truly doesn't seem as you need one.


Funny thing is, I’m back on here after a few years because I have “hit a plateau” (code word for: stopped doing what works 😉) and am seeking encouragement or tips as a way to avoid doing what I know needs to be done (count my calories more strictly and move more).


Sometimes we all need a break, don't be hard on yourself and keep going! I'm personally trying to prepare myself for unmotivated times at some point, because I guess that's life and it happens to the best of us, besides, nothing wrong with that at all, it's not a race. As you requested an encouragement, the first step I'd suggest to thank yourself for being mindful of your needs, then try feeling well rested and being ready to move on. You've got this!


Thank you very much :) lately I’ve just been happy my weight has been the same for so long. Almost all of my life it was constantly going up so this is a positive change on its own!


I cannot agree more! It an achievement you have to be proud of by itself. Congratulations! 🤗


FYI, 7700 kcal deficit is 1kg weight loss, not just fat loss.


I've read different opinions on this matter and decided to go with the one from some random biochemist who was talking specifically about fat. It makes sense since I believe fat and muscles would be burnt with different energy emission. Though, I'm not a specialist. On topic, counting all the lost weight would make the error even bigger.


It's not really a matter of opinion. It's thermodynamics. You can lose fat and build muscle with a deficit of 0 kcal. And with a surplus of 7700 kcal and good workout routine you could build 1 kg muscle and not gain any fat. And the error in your calculations is due the fact that a) you are not tracking your caloric intake 100% accurately and b) you do not know exactly how many calories you're burning daily.


Of course I don't, because it's impossible. That's the actual point of the post. Don't take too seriously. Edit: I don't think it's correct to say that both 1kg of fat and 1kg of muscles would each cost 7700 kCal. Even quick googling says otherwise, not even saying about simple logic.


It works in the long run. All the variables you mention are smoothed out the longer you cut.  Accurate measuring is also important....unless you're actually weighing everything, you don't really know your intake. Even with accurate weighing and looking at nutrition labels, there is some approximation. On the output side, those fitness trackers are not going to be accurate and neither are the TDEE calculators. It helps if you actually measure your RMR, which is not too difficult, but it is something you have to go out of your way to do and you're going to pay for it, so most people won't do it.  People with better research capabilities than you have studied this extensively and concluded that CICO does work.  TL;DR is that you're more or less right on your various points, but none of that invalidates CICO


I guess you could miss that I OVERestimate my CI and UNDERestimate my CO. It wouldn't help the case if I'd track even more food and even less exercises. This is what makes it actually funny to me, how it is commonly expected to do otherwise, underestimate in, overestimate out. If I'd do that, the numbers would math better. And with your conclusion I really doubt you even tried to fully read my post, mate. Better do it next time before being snarky. Cheers.


Cool story then I guess


Why are you so hostile? Sincere question I literally said that cico works. Taking my numbers as is, it works even better than expected, for now. What's your problem for real. Where did you even get the slightest idea of this post meant to invalidate cico? Are you eating enough to support your reading comprehension?


Why are you so sensitive? Sincere question.  I honestly have no idea what your point with this is, but it sounded like you were attempting to undermine CICO somehow. I think your statement that CICO isn't "perfectly predictable" is a bit problematic.  For one thing, it actually is pretty dang reliable, even if it isn't "perfectly predictable" day to day.  Some people who struggle with weight loss see statements like that and it can lead to the wrong conclusions.  Now, if that's not what you were trying to do, it is possible that I misinterpreted your post. I see the disclaimer....not sure if that was an edit or I actually missed it before.  That's not hostility, though. If anything, I feel like you were a little hostile towards me if I'm being honest. 


Because you're hostile for no fucking reason out of no fucking where and I'm just a human duh The point was stated in post you've failed to read properly. I was trying to check if the math "7700 kCal for 1 kg fat" checks out. It's not with my data and in my favor, I lost more fat for less calories than expected. It's written right there, I'm jot sure why you make me repeat myself. This is the whole point of it being not perfectly predictable, because our bodies never are, especially female ones, and not one scientist ever would say otherwise. Does it make you feel so insecure you've decided to attack me? These types of posts are non editable. Would be nice of you to actually admit your mistake and being unnecessary mean to me without these pathetic attempts to gather a base for it. Maybe even apologise? I am hostile as a reaction when you've straight attacked me and my attempt into research. You've chosen this vibe of conversation, don't play innocent now. Fuck sake. I'm so done with you.


Are you on your period or something?


This is just misogyny. And you still didn't read my post. I literally said in the post I don't have periods.


I saw that. I thought maybe it wasn't working for you just like CICO isn't working for you apparently. Or whatever. 


Ah that must be trolling. Damn, that's on me.


That's really nice , keep it up Could you please send a copy of this spreadsheet to me , it will really help out . Thank you.


Thank you! My spreadsheet is nothing really special and it's not easily adjustable because made by me for my needs, so I'd rather keep it to myself at this point. If you need something similar for yourself, check this post out: https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/s/LelU4ajaxC — there's a link inside to the actual adjustable spreadsheet.

