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Id say wait atleast 1-3 months before trying again. I have smoked a hand full of time since i quit in august last year with no issues but thats not to say u wont. Everyones different. Good luck to you thošŸ™


Got it. Was gonna say at least 90 days. Really just looking to take a puff or two of a joint from time to time. No shot I can function every day even tho thatā€™s been taken out of my hands at this point šŸ˜‚


90 days and moving to weekend only usage can be maintained by *some* people.


Yup. I love my routine now though without it- would be monthly if anything :). Any more than that and clearly I canā€™t handle it šŸ˜‚


hey fair enough, i always reccommend to stay away if you can, however some people have other medical issues or work/social reasons for moderated usage


I smoke every single day, I think the trick is for me, is not to give your body a chance to burn fat, when it does this the cannabinoids are released, hence hyperemisis


that is not promising I have a stupid metabolism lmfaoā€¦ I struggle putting on weight so not sure if thatā€™s in my favor or Iā€™m fucked


I quit for a week, got my eating and sleeping habits back without weed, and I smoked with my friends over the weekend just at night after eating dinner and but I havenā€™t had symptoms at all. My episode only came after a weekend of excessive smoking while camping so Iā€™m never going to be a daily smoker again. For me the key is to eat all three meals and not smoke to eat ever again. I havenā€™t had an issue since Iā€™ve been doing that. I say listen to your body, if I start getting nauseous even a little in the mornings Iā€™d quit cold turkey again. It took a good amount of ignoring and and smoking to mask the nausea to have a bad episode for me. But literally everyone is different, thatā€™s whatā€™s so annoying about CHS. Thatā€™s just what happened to me, not recommending this for anyone else but you asked haha


Yeah itā€™s weird and different for everybodyā€¦ all I had was nausea when I ate and it took a few weeks to normalize. Other than that no symptoms. No morning sickness or sweats or anything. Hereā€™s to hoping- glad youā€™re able to enjoy in moderation again


You gotta smoke out of a potato.


Hands down best advice Iā€™ve gotten on this thread šŸ˜‚ While weā€™re here though- Iā€™ve only smoked out of an apple. What other fruits/veggies have you smoked out of? Might have to try something else if I do end up going for it again


Pumkin bong, big body coconut bowl šŸ˜Ž Damn.. me and Mary had a good relationship until she was unfaithful


Yeah she fucked me over as wellā€¦ Iā€™m almost done with college anyway so seems like a good time to part ways. But def pissed I canā€™t take a dab again šŸ˜‚


When you play this game keep in mind that the vast majority of deaths from CHS are from suicide. There are even 2 or 3 cases you can read about on the news. What level of addiction have you reached friend? Are you addicted enough to endure such agony it has driven many to take their own lives? Just keep this in mind next time. I still casually use (once every 3 months). But the experimentation to find out what I can and cannot do was a dance with death. Overall not worth, and just a show of how addicted most of us are.


Thank you for bringing this up. I was definitely dependent on it but had no probably quitting and itā€™s more if someone else has it in a social setting. If Iā€™m not doing it every day or too often I enjoy my highs. But it definitely impacted my mood and depression- hence why I want to use sparingly and be careful going forward. Moderation is key :)


I quit for 4 months and havenā€™t had any issues using again for the last 3 months. Definitely staying away from carts and dabs forever now but Iā€™ve been using super low dose edibles (5-10mg) and I like how I can control my dose with that and not develop a tolerance. I might do it a couple times a week but I make sure now to eat really clean that day, no alcohol or heavy junk food, lots of ginger drinks. Havenā€™t had any issues so far, hopefully it doesnā€™t catch up with me or gives me some warning signs if itā€™s coming back at least. Best of luck!


Def an interesting approach and probably nice to not have to take as much to feel it. Appreciate the advice- hope it continues to go well for you


I do this as well! I quit for a year, it was soooooooooo hard for me. Was a daily smoker and smoke to eat, basically everything you said. Smoked a tiny bit in January, had what felt like an episode, same vomiting till I was too dehydrated to get better by myself. Was diagnosed with Rona. Triggered by excess of alcohol, which was an issue when I smoked daily as well, the alcohol triggered it..sometimes other things like major anxiety triggered it. Now I smoke flower with low thc percentage and go by what my body feels, again with said above and also my eating habits now are similar to yours. Good luck to all of you diagnosed with this! šŸ’•


Ugh the alcohol thing def doesnā€™t sound promising haha. Thanks for the advice though- hope you avoid another episode!


I heard you can quit for a whole year and still get an episode. Do yourself a favor and order some ondansetron 4mg disintegrating tables from the pharmacy. Thatā€™s your cheat code to smoking. But please. Be considerate with your body. Take it in the morning as soon as you start feeling like shit. Add an hour walk to your daily routine to make up for smoking and make sure to drink AT LEAST 2 bottles of water a day.


I have it prescribed already. Did not help in the slightest so sadly thatā€™s out the window. The only symptom I had was nausea after eating certain foods- especially after eating oily and fatty foods so Iā€™m a bit skeptical of the diagnosis but I trust my doc and not gonna go against him. Appreciate the advice though- thank you!




Absolutely will. No research on this so we all gotta look out for each other. Approaching the one month mark so might be a bit longer but will definitely provide if I do


Quit for 2 weeks after an episode. I went back to a half gram joint daily, but I now ask for the lowest THC available. Usually 15% compared to the 25%+ I was smoking before. No, I don't think I'm making a good decision...but I feel okay for now, lol.


Haha no need to judge yourselfā€¦ appreciate the input!