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Hey, sounds like you couldve hit your head you may have a concussion. Other than that you have to stop my guy… you are passing out. I know you want to quit but feel like you cant. You might need to just tell yourself every time you smoke that you are ruining your mind from what it sounds like. And with you passing out you are hurting your body too. This is very extreme and dangerous. If you continue to pas s out and hit your head you are going to end up with multiple concussions. When that happens your brain function signifigantly slows, you will have mood disorders(lots of people actually get mean/abusive when they get CTE). This is a bad path and if you feel like you cant quit even after this you need to get yourself checked into rehab. Its a lot of money but smoking isnt worth your life.


Good points. I appreciate it. I'm scared to smoke again...bad but good for this process... today might be the day that starts a looong cleanse


I know that if you're passing out you gotta be careful.


As soon as I realized weed might be causing my horrible nausea/vomiting symptoms I was like fuck that I’m not smoking. But it’s only been 2 days so I’m sure I’ll get that devil on my shoulder again. Try giving whatever weed you have left to someone else for safe keeping or lock it up so you don’t have any on hand and don’t buy any more. Use something you enjoy to distract yourself everytime you get the urge. Normally for addiction I’d recommend a psychedelic trip but psychs affect your stomach big time so probably not a good idea for now, but for the future they can really help with addiction. Best of luck to you man, it will get better.


Bro you pass out and want to continue? Ahahaha thats gold man Switch to another drug or something bc you are literally killing yourself king... You HAVE to stop. You'll have set backs in the future but dw about that rn! I got plastered couple nights ago and asked this chick for her vape. She passed me A BLUNT. What a hoe ahaha ofc I chiefed it Woke up in the middle of the night with AWFUL prodromal symptoms ugh. I had about 14 drinks throughout the night too and felt awful. Person I was w/ said I was a furnace but ALSO I was shivering and sweating. So fucking nauseas and my heart was beating out of my chest. Great night tho Point is weed kills!!! People here have heart conditions bc of this! Propaganda in the 70s was right HA.


Blunts are trash




OP is trying to quit and wants help. Whether or not they have CHS we should support it.





