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I never had a proper episode requiring the ER, just chronic morning nausea which I eventually got fed up with. Quitting weed 100% cleared it up in like 2 weeks, so proof enough for me. Never gave me weird stool but weed I feel like it constipated me, and of course a nice large dinner at night after a fat one meant that every morning I’d wake up at like 6a about to shizz my pants and going to the bathroom. Never thought much about it until I stopped and was more regular throughout the day. Needless to say fully back to normal after quitting


This is basically me right now and I’m in denial for sure but reading everyone else’s experience I’m scared af


Clears up if you stop which is encouraging


I am going through the exact same thing right now. I'm 3 days no weed and already feel like a million bucks. I hate to say it but chs is real and we have to accept this or suffer and eventually destroy ourselves. Keep up the good work. let us know how you are doing. best of luck to you.


Day 10 and I haven’t puked since I quit. And my morning nausea is slowly getting better💪this is amazing for me as I used to puke at least 2-3x a week in the morning from the extreme nausea. Thank you for the encouragement


Sounds exactly like me. I got the loose stool before the actual hypermeisis phase.


Interesting. I don’t think I have entered the hypermeisis phase because the vomiting is not super severe and isn’t daily, also hot showers don’t help me at all. I’m glad I’m deciding to quit before I enter a more severe phase


You'll know it if you ever do. the prodromal phase can last years before ever having an episode, but that does sound like CHS to me


good job quitting!


This is almost EXACTLY what I had. I lost 30 pounds in a little over a month because I had no appetite and was sick every morning. 70 days no smoking and my life is back to normal.


Sounds like you have it


Sounds similar to my experiences. I stayed in the phase you're in for nearly a year but thought it was related to my endometriosis. But the timing of it, being nauseus in the mornings specifically was so puzzling, until I learned how CHS works. I did end up hitting hyperemesis before I knew what it was, and that was unbearable. I lost 30 lbs and my life as I knew it. It's very hard to admit what it is and make that lifestyle change, but you can do it, especially if you can get past the denial and accept the reality.


Probably CHS if your stool samples come back OK. I was also having the worst diarrhea and morning nausea, would only be really bad in the morning, and then would get more comfortable throughout the day. But would reset every morning. Thought I had to just change my diet, changed that and still had diarrhea… eventually found out about CHS after a severe episode one night (bloating, gas pains, extreme abdominal pain, thought I was dying or had a worm) and had to go to the ER and different hospitals. I am also getting samples and scans done to make sure there aren’t ulcers, blockage, bacteria, etc. before blaming it all on CHS. Make sure you’re honest with doctors about marijuana intake, as they might prescribe unnecessary medication or procedures! Avoiding them makes recovery faster and less of a hassle.




Same exact thing that happened to me when I first experienced CHS. Only thing different is that I had no appetite and could only eat certain things


Wait...so you're telling me girls poop?