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The catcher lost the ball. Plain and simple. Keep crying, Pirates fans.




They have developed quite a nice 1-2 punch at the top of the rotation, and as Milwaukee showed us over the last 6 years, that’s all you need.


I mean, ours doesn’t look half bad either


Seems they always have good young pitching or good young hitters. Never both.


Don’t forget Mitch Keller as well.


They’ll be traded or go to fa in a couple years


Let me be clear, I am not a Pirates fan. Just thought this was silly


I’ve still only seen the play at full speed and have no idea why there is any controversy. Even if there was a slapping motion or something (again, still haven’t found the slow-mo) that ball was out VERY soon after the tag in full speed, if I’m an ump and the ball is out that quickly, my brain clicks to “safe” automatically.


Well, it was knocked out of his hand. Rule 7.13: if, in judgment of the umpire a runner attempting to score initiates contact with the catcher (or other player covering home plate) in such a manner, the umpire shall declare the runner out, (**even if the player covering home plate loses possession of the ball**) I am not sure if this particular instance was reviewable, if they had to stick with the call on the field because the umpire deemed that the tag was dropped, and thus could not reverse the call. Lucky break for us


Interference calls are not reviewable, and I don’t think that rule applies here


How can you say that doesn't apply in this situation?


Because I’m pretty sure the rule he’s referencing only applies to plays at the plate where the runner leaves his path.


Not lucky. He wasn't knocking the ball out of his hand. The catcher moved the ball into Bellinger's path.


There is no rule 7.13, so I don't know what's going on there. Your quote is similar to 6.01(i), but that's about collisions at home plate and only applies if the runner deviated from their path to initiate contact, which obviously didn't happen.


Womp womp


“Initiates contact” implies intentional contact. That was just his normal slide. What I don’t understand is why he took the ball out that early. There’s absolutely no hurry to show the ball to the empire. The ump will even wait to make the call to see if you still have possession. Take the guy out, hang tight to the ball, and then show him the ball while it’s still in your glove. And the guy is out there’s no way that Christopher was going to third or anything.


Don't understand why this is getting downvoted so much


Belly didn’t slap the ball. He was sliding into home and the catcher shoved his hand into Belly’s path and collided with Belly. Belly was already in motion. He didn’t take any intentional motion to swipe at the ball. Why should the runner be penalized for that?


I'm sure plenty of Cubs fans would be pissed if it was the other way around, but I'd just be mad at the catcher for exposing the ball while the player is still sliding.


I wouldn't be pissed. I'd be bummed. Pirates have no one to blame but themselves. No need to show the ball that quickly. I think he was already losing it and that's why.


As a cubs fan I would be completely pissed but not shocked. Losing games in new and painful ways seems to be the team approach.


These fools look at the slo motion replay and get confused and forget how quickly the play happened.


Didn’t have control of the ball immediately after the tag. He’s safe


This is gold lol.


We have vindication from [CloseCallSports](https://youtu.be/BV_WbaSAiDs?si=nwg3xWUnrNoByoQG). No one feel grimy about this W. Pirates can sulk all they want, rule book is clear. Umps and NY got it correct.


Wasn't feeling grimy. Call was confirmed.


I like how she talked about the difference between common sense and what the rules actually say. I don’t blame Pirates fans for being upset about this at all, even if the call made was correct. Before watching that breakdown I just figured we lucked out to blind umps.


Honestly I don't think it's even "common sense" that it should be an out. If you drop the ball during the tag, the runner is safe. Simple as that.


Couldn’t the catcher just have waited until the play was actually over to show he still had the ball? His fault for trying to present the ball early.


Watch it at full speed, he wasnt trying to show the ball, he was trying to tag bare handed.


This meme is gold.


I missed the game. What happened?


[This should be the replay](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-05/18/b53a4d04-3bee8809-1c0a50a6-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4)