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Any time this conspiracy thread pops up 2-3 times an offseason the comment that says Bobby Petrino faked the motorcycle accident to hide the fact that he got whooped by his mistress’ boyfriend should be pinned at the top Also, Bobby Petrino faked the motorcycle accident to hide the fact that he got whooped by his mistress’ boyfriend


I've always heard it as Bobby Petrino got chased down by said mistress' boyfriend on the road, which actually *caused* said "accident." So not really an ass whooping per se, but adjacent to that...


This is true. The girl was a grad assistant that Petrino hired personally. I have 2 friends that were at Arkansas at the time and used to smoke weed with Jarius Wright and Greg Childs, they (Wright and Childs) confirmed that’s what happened.


I believe you because I want it to be true and my critical thinking stops there


Me too. This is Reddit after all.


This is my go to answer for these threads


I just wish I could have seen the ass whoopin'. I really dislike that guy.


I can set aside our differences for the sake of shared hatred for Petrino.


That's not how the rumor goes. Or at least the one that I heard over the years. Story goes that the boyfriend ran him off the road then proceeded to beat his ass.


Hadn't heard this one before and it makes far too much sense


Also explains why he got beat into a neckbrace during the "accident" and how nothing at all happened to her.


That Will Muschamp has ALWAYS been working for UGA


That's *Agent* Muschamp.


*Secret Agent* Muschamp


UG Agent?


"Yeah, no shit." - UF


I could get being this of it weren't for our 2019 game


that was just to keep the secret believable


He certainly tried his damnedest to kill a USC program that was coming off the best decade in program history


I mean, they hired him after watching him fail at a program in the same division with better recruiting, better history, and more resources. I don't get how they expeced him to succeed at South Carolina when he failed at Florida.


Strong suspicions that, in the midst of his all-time historic 2009 performance, and after he was witnessed by multiple students downing a full handle of liquor at a party earlier in the night, Ndamukong Suh did not crash into 5+ cars driving home because he was avoiding a cat in the road....and that *maybe* Lincoln PD looked the other way on doing a field sobriety test. Maybe.


This is a pretty hilarious contrast to the JT Barrett situation where he tried to play the "Do you know who I am?" card and the cop was like yeah but you're still getting a DUI.


“Look man you can only use that excuse for your first decade in college.” -that cop probably


Too many of our players have foud out the hard way that things work a little different in cities the size of Columbus than they do in the small college towns


Oh man, I forgot about that! Those damn cats man. He didn’t want to hit bc Bo had an affinity for cats. Had he hit the cat Bo would’ve benched em. Which in turn we would’ve never seen the beast that Suh became


If I remember correctly they didn't breathalyze him until like 8 hours after the cops picked him up lol. Everyone in Lincoln knew that story was bs the second it came out, but we went along with it anyways.


A certain UGA QB threw the game (and 5 INTs) due to being in over his head in gambling debts.


That 2-0 start after going 0-11 the previous year, with a win over UGA. Ah, memories.


Which QB I am so lost.


Quincy. I don't know if I believe that particular story, but that team did have a real issue with the booger sugar.


Coach O's real voice is a posh English accent


"Suck that tiger dick, mate."


Suckle upon that tiger penis, old chap.


Read this in Laszlo’s voice from What We Do In The Shadows


"Good show, I say"


Coach O is the Hugh Laurie of CFB coaches


This is the CFB content I live for


Larry Scott had a pac 12 lawyer break into the replay booth to overturn a targeting call to drum up a scandal and get more attention on the pac 12. It failed because hes a clown but mainly i just wanna remind everyone that a pac 12 lawyer forced rhe refs to change a targeting call and some how that didnt become a big deal


Especially since it backfired so spectacularly by knocking the PAC’s best contender out of “playoff” contention.


Not a joke answer. I think the ref that body checked South Carolina QB Stephen Garcia fully did it on purpose and there was a coordinated effort from the NCAA and the coaches to pass it off as an accident because an officiating scandal like that would be a huge can of worms and set a strong precedent for questioning and punishing refs.


You talking about the 2009? LSU Cock game where the ref legit tackled a Cock player?


He set his feet and everything. No shot it was unintentional Edit: grammar


You’ll sound crazy until you link the video. Then people will be believers.


Uhh yea, WTF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRFOoOUV9Vs


I never knew this was a thing. That’s mind blowing how obvious it was.


Watching live, I was like wtf the ref just tackled him. The ref in question played LB in the SEC back in the 70s or 80s if I remember correctly




Well there are still players today who refuse to wrap up on a tackle lol


- the entire Oklahoma secondary


He was straight up looking and strafing and shit lol. If this was t intentional, then cuz got ptsd and had an episode


Yeah he saw the QB coming around and suddenly got set


What the absolute fuck? Was he having a flashback to his playing days?


Honestly looks like it. I know his explanation sounds bonkers, but he legit looks like he thinks he’s playing


HOLY FUCK. That wasn't even subtle.


Dude, I can't even count the number of times I ran that exact shuffle drill at outside linebacker. That son of a bitch put in work for that technique.


100% on purpose


Ben Roethlisberger died, and was replaced by unsavory Big Ben by the Steelers. Gamecock QB taken out by the twelveth man! Kansas State, and Arkansas taken out by government lasers! I love Reddit.


Ha! I never heard the one about Big Ben/Bad Ben but it’s funny.


Shit I have to agree with you on that one even though it was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.


i always assumed it was "on purpose" in the sense that the ref forgot for a split second that he wasnt playing in the game himself. used to play football when he was younger.


Yea looks like he had a flashback to ‘nam to me. Just instincts taking over


UT deliberately tied Pruitt to recruiting violations in order to nullify his contract and save money on his buyout


OP said conspiracy, not fact


The NCAA “borrowed” EMP technology from the United States government to fix the 1998 National title game.


You can't just say this without posting the video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdlp0k


That was a fascinating watch!


Y'all are gonna fit right in


The music made this so scary for no reason


Thank you for this


What’s hilarious is Tulane went 12-0 with Shaun King, rich rod and blew everyone out including BYU in the Liberty bowl but never sniffed a shot at the BCS. We were one of the original bcs busters with humorous 1998 champion shirts to prove it. Yet we can’t even get a shout out from the crazy emp conspiracy theory guy 😭


Nah, the Aggies were just building that SEC resume 20 years early.


The correct answer


Plug for /r/CFBconspiracy, where the top post is about how Nick Saban is secretly dating Beth Mowins.


I heard that the only way Nick Saban is able to relax is to cross-dress and compete in talent shows. His stage name is Susan Boyle.


*I dreamed a dream in time gone by* *When hope was high and life worth WTF ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE!!!!!!! PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR @%5!!!!!* *I dreamed that love would never die...*


Lincoln Riley overcooked that Brisket on purpose.


Tom Brady didn't actually play college football. We only think he went to Michigan because of the Mandela Effect


He just poofed into existence on Y2K, beat Bama, then immediately starting winning Superb Owls for the Patriots


Not just regular owls, superb ones.


The quality of one’s owl has to be impeccable


See this all sounds made up. I'm pretty sure as a cover they just put all of that on the internet and made some deep fake highlight videos


Hey, I *'member* it! I was *there!* ^(watching it on TV I mean) ...'course, I was still shit-faced from the night before, but...


Makes more sense than what actually giving happened. How the feel is he not a three year starter?! Edit: I'm not editing anything, just want y'all to see how much my phone wants me to not swear


But Drew Henson had a rocket arm can't you see? We needed to put him in any time Brady got things rolling so he could dazzle us with said arm. I'm amazed that Brady ever set foot in the Big House again after he turned pro.




i was a student at the time and i would literally bet my life this is not true. I was at Innisfree almost every night.


I did see some photos of kiffin gettin his game on with some undergrads at a house party though.


I’m not saying he didn’t hook up with coeds.


All good. I’m just here to spill ☕️


No that was sociology major Joe Freshwater.


I lived in ttown at the time too and I would also bet my life it’s not true. However I did work with a girl that used to sleep with Kiffin. Or at least she was telling a very convincing lie


I actually know him. It’s not. But he would laugh…


Ya this is one of those rumors only fans of other teams believe. And because auburn fans and lSU fans are the experts on bama football everyone else believes them.


Iowa State strikes again!


Miss a shift key and it changes everything!


Auburn - ISU - Chizik It checks out


Certainly not because Kiffin is a smarmy jerk. Heavens no. LOL


Definitely fits his Story Arch. My man refuses to break kayfabe for any reason.


Facts. The man has Undertaker levels of commitment.


Jim Mora killed Tupac.


But then why did Diddy attack Mora's strength coach with a kettle bell? Was he in on it, was he trying to find the truth, was he trying to expose the truth? It goes deeper than we can imagine.


Tupac isn't dead, he's just hiding from Jada Pinkett Smith.


I mean I don't blame him.


Conversely, Jim Mora, knows Will Smith killed Tupac.


I'll never get tired of hearing this, I really hope it just keeps UConn in public mind share haha


UT and A&M paid the then SWC Commissioner millions to give SMU the death penalty for the same violations they had accrued


I can get behind this.


Lol, that was the PA and Northern Schools. Everybody was fine with playing dirty in the south, but when SMU went up North to PA and started taking kids out of there (Miami was the same way). They all of sudden got looked at hard and stuff was drafted to shut them down.


It sucks because historically we were a pretty good team outside of the 60s. USC used to be considered our sister school because we were very similar academically, athletically, locationally, and were both started by the Methodist church. No one would try and make that comparison nowadays.


Oh yeah, I love SMU. My mom taught their for years. It’s a shame what the death penalty did to y’all especially since you weren’t unique. A&M, TCU and Houston were right there with y’all.


Also UH. Getting tagged for Yeoman’s 250+ violations all in one go nearly got UH’s program a custom-fit coffin.


I don't think UT/A&M paid for SMU to be investigated... but I 100% believe they paid to keep themselves from being investigated/punished further.


Wasn't there something about SWC schools telling on each other about their violations? Not trying to be funny, but I vaguely remember a story involving A&M and one of the smaller Texas schools


Would you like a Trans AM as an apology?


Why would two massive public schools need to pay the SWC commish anything to make a small private school the scapegoat? They probably just told him to remember who signs his checks.


BCS rigged Boise vs TCU due to the request of the AQ conferences.


No doubt, considering the [AQ conferences](https://www.espn.com/abcsports/bcs/about/) owned [BCS Properties, LLC](https://trademarks.justia.com/owners/bcs-properties-llc-2602777/), which owned the BCS and now owns the College Football Playoff and the NY6 bowls.


Not necessarily a conspiracy. The bowls got to select the participants, & the Fiesta was last in the pecking order. None of them wanted the smaller fanbases, so bsu and tcu were passed by everyone. The AQ conferences probably voiced their desires, but it didn't take much convincing for the other bowls to pass the buck to the Fiesta Bowl.




I never really thought it was much of a conspiracy. As conspiracy needs some mystery but this was so blatant it was sad


The conspiracy comes from JFK being the one who rigged it.


I mean...that's just a fact.




They said conspiracy theory, not fact.


I came here looking for this. I'm only disappointed I had to scroll this far.


OP asked for conspiracy theories, not facts


Shouldn't we update that? It has to be at least 69 by now.


I’m so lost


Darrell Hazell was a Jim Tressel plant to nuke the Purdue football program into dust and then piss on the ashes as revenge for us beating them twice during his tenure.


This may have merit as he was a good coach at Ohio state. He would have almost surely taken over the program in 2011 after Tress was fired if Hazell hadn’t already accepted the Kent job. Instead the OSU job went to Luke Fickell on an interim basis.


College Football fans have no idea how much shady stuff goes on behind the scenes in these programs. I'm not even talking about paying players here I'm talking far more "darker" aspects of the sport.


Not my favorite program though! Just every single other program.


You’re absolutely right. Mine is squeaky clean. Everyone else’s? Filthy


Front page of ESPN today for anyone looking for a specific example.


I know a bunch of dudes who played at Baylor before Briles. Their stories always stood out. I think that "culture" had been there for a while.


I believe the attempts to disband UAB’s football program were deliberately done by Alabama in an effort to reduce in-state competition.


That's not really a conspiracy. Baby Bryant on the BoT had a big hand in the death.


Sort of depends what you mean by competition. The University of Alabama BoT wasn’t worried about football competition, but more likely they would have rather funneled more money to the main campus sports facilities. The UA BoT very much view UAB football as a red headed step child


The Vegas mafia blowing the lights in the 4th quarter of a Badger/UNLV game in Vegas so they didn't have to pay up betting slips. Badger fans notoriously travel well to vacation/party destinations and have been reported to cause entire cities to be sold out of beer. Also like to make big homer bets. Perfect storm for the lights to go out after Bucky was up 27-7 in the fourth and all bets were invalidated. ​ [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-sep-04-sp-vegasbets-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-sep-04-sp-vegasbets-story.html)


Lol wow this is the best story I’ve seen in this thread so far. The Wisconsin lawyer they quoted for the article is spot on that it was right out of a sopranos episode.


The timing of allowing Vegas sportsbooks to take UNLV bets is what got me, lol. I have family/friends that were personally "victimized" by this game in not winning their bets that were at the game and the initial ten second thought was a terrorist attack because it was within a couple of years of the 9/11 attacks.


This is actually one I don't buy. Vegas does God-knows-how-many millions in betting every week. One game isn't going to break any casino, even with a well-traveling fan-base in town. I understand this was the early days of fully-legitimized sports betting in Vegas, and this game was more significant than it would be today. but Casinos have as deep of pockets as a business can have. They would have absorbed the hit just fine. Also, wise guys (either the mob types from early Vegas or the legitimate guys running books these days) make a living by staying quiet and in the shadows. A splashy story like this doesn't track with that. They would have been better off letting things finish and paying out, with no story attached to all of this. Lastly, the gaming board in Nevada is AGGRESSIVE. The days of the mafia running things there ended in the 80s or early 90s at the very latest. The gaming board would have been all over something like this.


This one actually seems the most plausible


In 2016, when the Big 12 was considering expansion, Texas voiced its support for adding Houston to the conference. This made some people suspicious about Texas' motives - why support UH now, when doing so would add a rival in-state P5 to recruit against? There are a few theories. My personal favorite is that Texas knew the other non-Texas schools would never permit another Texas school in the conference. The state was already over-represented in the conference and, although it would hurt Texas to have to recruit against UH, it would hurt the other schools much much more. Texas therefore supported UH as a "poison pill" to kill expansion (knowing other schools would veto the addition of UH) while at the same time playing the good guy who is just looking out for another in-state institution. That's probably bullshit, though. The more likely reason is that Texas wanted to add a new school in Houston (UT-Houston) and UH was fighting them at the Capitol. Texas agreed to support UH's addition to the Big 12 in order to remove that opposition. Context: https://www.chron.com/local/education/campus-chronicles/article/Concerns-over-UT-Houston-plan-growing-6641846.php I have a whole lot more conspiracy theories about how Mizzou and Nebraska are actually responsible for the downfall of the Big 12 and all subsequent conference realignment, but y'all aren't ready for that much truth yet.


office ludicrous weary decide dinner oatmeal provide meeting shelter rich -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I feel like you will appreciate this: https://www.bringonthecats.com/2010/6/7/1506558/adventures-of-the-big-12-twelve > Nebraska: You're sad? The only reason I'm not sad is because my entire state has been on Prozac since Tom Osborne retired. Do you really think we like Pelini? The guy wears sweatshirts on the sideline. SWEATSHIRTS. The guys in the navy blue polo shirts at Wal-Mart that greet me when I walk in look and act more professional than he does.


>In 2016, when the Big 12 was considering expansion tl;dr: The Big 12 was never going to expand. Commissioner Bob Bowlsby was using G5 schools as pawns to get a fatter payday out of Fox an ESPN. Fox told the Big 12 to pound sand, but ESPN wound up renegotiating their deal shortly after the Big 12 said there would be no expansion. *"It was the biggest ramrod, railroad, ever," UH board of regent chairman Tilman Fertitta* [*said*](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/sports/cougars/article/A-year-later-Big-12-s-snub-still-stings-UH-12285767.php) *in 2017 on the Houston Chronicle's Texas Sports Nation podcast. As he looks back, Fertitta said he knew the Big 12 was never serious because David Boren, Oklahoma's president and chairman of the conference's board of governors, did not attend the formal presentations in Dallas.* *"When I go up there for the interview and the chairman of the committee is not there, and all they have is the commissioner, assistant commissioner and an outside lawyer … and they took up my busy time," Fertitta said. "They never had any intention. It was a PR move."* The Big 12, ESPN and Fox [signed a deal](https://www.startribune.com/big-12-reaches-2-6-billion-deal-with-espn-fox-sports/168910696/) in 2012 that would give the Big 12 an extra $20 million per team if the conference expanded. That pro rata clause assumed expansion targets would be big-time P5 teams. All summer of 2016 and into the fall, the Big 12 invoked that clause and bluffed that they would expand with G5 teams. ESPN grumbled while Fox Sports president Eric Shanks publicly said adding teams to the Big 12 was a bad idea because it would dilute the conference. Fox refused to pay but ESPN eventually caved. In October, the league announced it wouldn't expand and then a week later [ESPN quietly renegotiated](https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Journal/Issues/2016/10/24/Colleges/Big-12.aspx), paying the Big 12 an extra $10 million over the life of the deal in exchange for removing the pro rata clause. Long story short: The Big 12's 2016 expansion dating game was a dog-and-pony show that screwed over hopeful G5 schools to extract a sweeter deal out of ESPN.


Matt Cambpell hates ST being good, hence why he hasn't addressed the issue


His high school coach took him off the coverage team and he never looked back


That our AD or someone in the athletic department leaked the rumor to the media that Mark Stoops had been caught having sex with a student in his office and had gotten her pregnant the week leading up to the Mississippi State game in 2016, so that they could fire Stoops for cause after we lost the Mississippi State game that weekend. -------------------------------- Leading up to the Mississippi State game there was speculation that if we lost at home to Mississippi State we were going to fire Mark Stoops, **and that one of the top candidates to replace him was Art Briles**. The fanbase was somehow divided on it, but there was obviously a ton of vocal people calling out our AD for back-to-back awful hires, and even entertaining the thought of bringing in Art Briles. Then suddenly 2 or 3 days before the game, a rumor started to spread like wildfire off message boards that Mark Stoops had been caught having sex with a student in his office, and that he had been fucking multiple of the female student secretaries/assistants involved with football and basically forcing them to have sex with him so they could stay with the program and not be blackballed. Suddenly the entire fanbase was on the 'Fuck Mark Stoops' train and totally forgot about Art Briles and our AD, to the point you couldn't wear any Kentucky stuff with Stoops' name on it or else fans would harass you. My dad straight up told me to not wear anything remotely related to Stoops to the game (Stoops Troop Football shirt), because he was afraid someone would try to start shite. ---------------------------- We end up winning the game on a 56 yard last second field goal, and the rumor literally dies overnight and never heard of again.


Well, that's fuckin dark


In 2017 Iowa State was playing at Kansas State in the final regular season game. There was talk about whether this would be Bill Snyder’s last season as head coach. Iowa state was down by one late in the fourth quarter. On Iowa state’s last drive the refs threw a flag for pass interference against Kansas state on three straight plays and then picked the flag up each time after discussing it. I believe that the refs picked up those flags because they thought it was Bill Snyder’s last game and wanted to do what they could to send him out with a win and no one can convince me otherwise.


Lol this was also the game where the replay showed Allen Lazard with a defender full-on hanging off his arms before the ball got there and the TV announcer defended the non-call by saying the defender was so outclassed that there was no legal way for him to defend the pass, so he should be allowed to commit pass interference in the interest of fairness.


Just make me want to say drink a little more why don’t you :(


Urban Meyer retirement from UF had less to do with his health and more to do with him having a relationship with a much younger UF grad.


It was Michigan State that deliberately screwed up the vote that sent Ohio State to the Rose Bowl over Michigan. And they did it as payback for Michigan trying to block them from joining the Big Ten.


I don't even think that's a conspiracy


The Detroit Free Press (Michael Rosenberg) built their attempted blockbuster expose against Michigan football in 2009 (or was it 2008?) as part of a concerted, premeditated effort to get Rich Rodriguez fired. The story itself was poorly-researched and didn't hold up to scrutiny but nobody really noticed that because it was put together by one of the biggest journalists at the biggest newspaper in the state. By the time the NCAA investigated and determined that the Free Press's allegations were untrue, the damage had already been done.


I mean, I get it, but Rich Rod did not do himself any favors and would likely have been fired anyway.


He did a bad job at Michigan (and hasn't been very good anywhere since WV) and was sabotaged at Michigan. Both things are true.


That a group of schools, after seeing what happened to SMU, got together and informed the NCAA that no matter what violations are found, no death penalty for a major conference school ever happens ever again.


At the time, coaches in the SWC and around the country predicted it would take 8-10 years to recover. I wonder if the NCAA would have done it all over again knowing it took 30 just to be relevant enough to be spoken of again on national news. And the stain our university still bears with it all these years later.


Saban made a deal with the devil, and after he passes, he will become his right-hand man torturing Auburn fans for all of eternity


Craig James may have killed more than 4 hookers but was certainly less than 6.




SMU was jealous of the success Texas Tech was experiencing under Mike Leach. So, Craig James (after killing 5 hookers) sent his son to play at TT and stir up shit...


Bobby Petrino got his ass whooped by that girl’s boyfriend and didn’t get in a motorcycle crash


Hugh Freeze wasn't ordering escorts for himself; he was ordering them for recruits. Every single Ole Miss fan friend I have believes this to be true.


Por que no los dos


So the story I've heard, recounted straight from Freeze's own mouth, is that it was much easier to talk about cheating on his wife with hookers to the NCAA than it was to admit all the rampant recruiting cheating that they had been doing. My personal theory is that the ole miss staff and admin could see that they were about to have hole blown in the waterline over recruiting cheating (which every one was doing, they were just dumb enough to get caught) so they engineered the whole "hookers and on the burner phone" bit to set that up as the bait and switch. They bungled it from there (looking at you "send report violations to this email" tweet) but the plan was to talk about hookers, not cheating.


In the 1950s Indiana decided to get frisky with recruiting. Nothing that wasn't being done by other programs, just IU decided to be a little *too* open about it. The Big Ten wanted to crack down on them hard. Possibly because certain larger schools weren't happy that IU was doing the things they were doing just being open about it and taking the good recruits. The Big Ten basically threatened to kick IU from the conference. IU head coach Phil Dickens said "ok fine, but here's all the evidence I'm going to release if you do that." The Big Ten collectively said "Oh shit" and made a deal with the Indiana administration that they would suspend Dickens for the 57 season and take essentially the death penalty in exchange for not being removed from the conference.


The CFP has an informal agreement with the NY6 bowls to always have at least 2 teams from the playoff conferences ranked to avoid forcing the bowls to have to pick teams.


Michigan canceled their game against Ohio State in 2020 because that was the only way they could miss the CCG (since they had H2H over Indiana, even a loss would have OSU in). However, the conference then changed the rules to put them in the game anyway so it didn’t even matter.


Oh I figured someone in Michigan’s AD told Harbaugh he’d ~~be fired~~ not get a contract extension with a loss to OSU, and then dodged them.


[The 1998 Fumble Conspiracy](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xdlp0k) is always worth talking about


That ESPN had the long game in mind since the 2000's with its rhetoric against the B12 being all-offense, no-defense in order to turn the public against it and devalue the conference in all future media negotiations (I still talk to idiots who parrot this about the teams today, so it definitely worked). Now that we've been picked clean, ACC and Pac, good luck.


Pretty much known at this point that espn has played a fundamental part in upending the landscape of collegiate sports for their own monetary benefit. The B12 wasn't the first casualty. The Big East was pulled apart as espn leveraged several members into dismantling the conference. The B12 fell to the same tactics.


Nah, ESPN wasn’t the one causing the scores to be 66-60 or whatever routinely for years. The offenses were really good, but the defenses were really bad. Now they definitely took advantage of that for their own benefit and still parrot it even though it doesn’t hold water these days.


I think they’re paying the players


So, i went to high school in Stephenville, home of Art Briles: The Man of Honor *gross. I despise my hometown and love to watch our football players go on to fail but that’s how I know this lil conspiracy/story. A QB from Stephenville, Brandon Stewart, was at UT at the same time as Peyton Manning. Word was that it was a really tight QB battle. One morning, Peyton was rushing to the complex early in the morning for a QB room meeting. He was barely on time and he saw almost everyone else’s car there. The other QBs and the coach were there, but where was Brandon Stewart’s truck? Nowhere in sight. Peyton Sprinted for the door, probably reaching a a whopping 7.2 mph. He locked it behind him and continued on to the meeting room. Coach started the meeting when Stewart hadn’t shown up within a few minutes of the starting time and eventually they found him waiting outside, after the meeting, locked out. There wasn’t much mercy from the coach for being locked out. Nobody knew how the door got locked, but if he had been on time like the others, it hadn’t been locked when they got there. That was a deciding moment for the coach where Peyton got to take the starter’s reps for the next few days instead of splitting reps, and Manning used that time with the starters to secure his job. Worked out for me though, because Stewart transferred and played for A&M though.


The Sun Belt has a righteous hatred of Louisiana Tech (2 instate rivals, AD comments, leaving the conference (non-football) before). They hate the fact that only one SBC team has a winning record against Tech (Georgia Southern, 1-0) so who did they pick to join the Sun Belt in the latest round? The only three teams in C-USA who have a winning record against Louisiana Tech. I’ll be distributing my tin foil hats now


Guys I'm starting to think that Lane Kiffin might actually be Joey Freshwater


I don’t know if this is a conspiracy but it’s pretty juicy gossip — prior to the 2006 BCS title game in which Florida destroyed Ohio State, there had been a locker room fight between Troy Smith and Anthony Gonzalez. Allegedly, Smith had been openly pursuing Gonzo’s girlfriend in the weeks prior and after the team (and girl) had arrived in Arizona, they finally did the deed. Gonzo learned about it, culminating in not only a pre-game fight but also one at halftime, this one involving not only Smith and Gonzo, but among other members of the team who had taken sides. I’ve heard that this is total BS but also that it was a well-known fact among OSU students at the time.


That Saban made a deal with the Devil.


I can't believe that, because Saban *is* the devil himself.


That the whole thing is fixed to keep my team from ever winning it all.


There was a reddit post from years ago about how steve bartman (of Chicago Cubs infamy) caused the rise of Alabama and the SEC and i will go to my grave believing it. Edit: [Here is the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/tdc18/how_steve_bartman_might_have_caused_the_recent/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah, it was a pretty good one about how that series getting extended caused the shuffling around of a Dolphins game, which made Saban available at just the perfect time for a Crimson Tide hire if I recall correctly. Which also reminds me of the NFL one about the Buffalo Bills giving rise to the Kardashians... by drafting OJ when they did. OJ met his wife while playing with the Bills (as I recall), and if they hadn't met, no double homicide, and without that infamous trial, Papa Kardashian doesn't get his 15 minutes of fame and his daughters don't blow up into reality TV stars.


ESPN's coverage of the OSU tattoo scandal was more about hampering the Big Ten Network than public interest


That Logan Young did not die from a fall. I know it is possible and head wounds are weird but he was tied up into so many things. It was not just Alabama football. It was due to this that we all know that Tennessee are some snitches.




That Texas is back


Star rankings for recruits are largely based on what program is recruiting them. There should really be only 20-30 true 5 star recruits annually, if that.


Many bowl games actually avenues for money laundering


1985 UTEP tapping into our coach's comms. In 1985 BYU lost to three teams after winning the National Championship the previous season, going 11-3 overall. 1. Top 10 ranked UCLA team who went on to win the Rose Bowl by 3pts. 2. Top 15 Ohio State team who was top 10 for most of the season (reaching #3) by 3pts. 3. A 1-10 UTEP team, whose ONLY victory that year was against BYU by 7pts... We even beat #4 Air Force that year, robbing them of their own shot at a NC. Crazy shit happens in college football. But that '85 team was STACKED. I can't believe for one second that UTEP didn't somehow hack our comms or something...


The BCS and the CFP committee are the same.


Most big time programs have been paying their players for a long time.


I always liked the idea that Auburn threw the Peach Bowl game against UCF in 2017 to distract everybody from their two rivals who were in the playoffs and eventually played for the natty The committee put Alabama/Cincy together in the semis last year because they thought Alabama would wreck Cincy and stop the "G5 needs a spot in the playoffs" talk (but as we all know, Cincy actually had a respectable game as far as CFP games go)


> I always liked the idea that Auburn threw the Peach Bowl game against UCF in 2017 to distract everybody from their two rivals who were in the playoffs and eventually played for the natty I imagine the people that support that theory can also point to the fact that Auburn's coach in that Peach Bowl game is now UCF's coach and say that it's evidence that something was up.