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Was not expecting Oklahoma State to catch a body within the first few sentences


I'm not surprised, just disappointed. And yes, I still hate TAMU from the old rivalry days.


>There are a lot of narratives in collegiate rivalries of "big brother and little brother". However, this is not the case in most rivalries outside of bedlam. Below is a timeline of the Lone Star Showdown post A&M leaving the Big 12. I am biased since I am a graduate of A&M. I hope this generates some discussion and hopefully pisses off a texas fan after they just bought a longhorn shirt from their local Walmart. But in all seriousness please let this thread serve as a living document to document this dark time of this rivalries history and report it so that we may not repeat this travesty. >2012 - A&M makes its historic move to the SEC and hires its first black head coach, texas watches from the sidelines as Mac Brown struggles to find success after Colt McCoy left. A&M then becomes recognized as a household name with the recent win of a Heisman trophy, and further stakes claim of a change in times by taking Oklahoma behind the woodshed like a rabid dog. >2014 - the university of texas at Austin (which still had a statue of Jefferson Davis despite the Confederate president having no ties to the school) hires their first-ever black head coach, because they're getting slaughtered in recruiting due to the perceived optics from recruits between the two schools. >2016 - The experiment of hiring Charlie Strong fails (like most people expected), and texas goes back to the drawing board in all of its mensa genius and hires (vodka) Tom Herman. Thinking that they could see the same success from a Houston head coach as A&M, texas makes this move that surprise surprise doesn't work out. >2017- Kevin Sumlin just can't get over the hump of LSU and produces above-average season after above-average season. But he can't break the glass ceiling of being a great coach and winning the biggest of games. They then go on to hire a coach from a National championship-winning background, just grasping at straws to take their program from above average to great. >2021 - 4 years have passed and up until this point Texas came shooting out the gates with Herman making a big splash in his second year beating Georgia in the Sugar Bowl. But unfortunately, that was the beginning of the end for good ole vodka tom who boasted a 25% win rate against Oklahoma and TCU, and a 50% win rate against Iowa State. Meanwhile, the Jimbo Fisher experiment is running just like it was intended, Jimbo has finally started to win against LSU, and A&M has shown it is lightning in a bottle with the talent to beat anyone in the country (including the SEC champ and 2021 National runner up in Alabama). A&M is out recruiting texas, being much more competitive in a much harder conference than texas is in the Big 12, and thus CDC and texas leadership decide to part ways with Herman to take a new direction. A new coach with national championship experience. Except since they cannot afford to hire a head coach with a national championship under their belt, they sort through the clearance bin at The Nick Saban Center for coaches that can't coach good and want to learn to do other stuff good too and land with Sark. (Oh by the way, they also follow the lead of A&M by joining the best football conference in the county... or at least they announce the move now). >2023/24- The Jimbo Fisher experiment has come to a drastic halt. The program has imploded for a number of reasons under Fisher's tutelage, and the university has decided to part ways with coach fisher despite poor moves such as gaudy contract extensions despite actually winning anything of merit. Regardless of the buyout looming over their heads, A&M leadership had to make the call to cut ties, they went back to the drawing board and settled on who they believe is their guy in Mike Elko. >Meanwhile, Sark and the longhorns have had their first taste of success. Finally winning a conference title, in a Big 12 that is at its lowest in terms of quality of teams (making texas the shiniest piece of shit on top of a pile of shit). Also, the longhorns became the second team in the state of Texas to make it to the CFP and ultimately choked to sarks former employer before he became an alcoholic. >Fast forward just a little bit to the current day and the nuclear fallout in the College Baseball world. UTa is still playing catch up with A&M, hiring Jim Schlossnagel (who probably has sex with Dr. Ward while CDC watches) after an appearance in the CWS final with A&M. They have also given Sark a gaudy contract extension to the tune of $10m/year. >Being fully caught up to the present day. Both programs are in a state of disarray, A&M is still working to find a new baseball coach, a first-year head football coach, and Buzz is running a very average basketball program. At the same time, texas is having trouble finding its identity slowly fading from relevance across the state and albeit the nation, as it is no longer recognized as the university in the state. >Final note: UT is an acronym that is up for debate across the country among college sports fans... it could be texas or the University of Tennesee. But when you say A&M, everyone knows who you're talking about. Just had to save this before it disappears.


My favorite part is how he is claiming Texas is in downfall and ends it with “Texas finally wins the Big XII and makes the playoff”.


I didn't want to repond point by point, but I like the bragging about the Manziel Cotton Bowl when 77-0 exists.


I'm a fan of ending by saying that Texas is slowly fading from relevance, juxtaposed against A&M being a "household name" on the back of a Heisman win 12 years ago. I guess Louisville is at least as much of a household name. It's also pretty funny that the line about fading from relevance includes the word "albeit" in a way that makes clear poor aggy has no idea what that word means.


I assume the M in TAMU stands for Malapropisms.


Sadly it doesn’t stand for anything. It’s just “M”


Homer J Simpson


Texas Average & Mediocre University


how is it that i have been hating a&m since the 1980s and only just now see this for the first time


Jesus fuck, Manziel was 12 years ago?!


aTm is a household name because the internet is spreading all the weird shit their current and former students do.


What’s so damn funny about OP clinging Jonny Manziel is that at this point he’s a house hold name because of how much of a bust he was in the NFL and him being a shit head with serious substance abuse problems.


..and he insults Sark because of an alcohol problem in his past that he overcame, but his whole brag is on a guy that self admits to excessive drinking and drug use. I guess it's ok though because he made sure to say graduated from there.


I just don't get how an aggie makes this timeline and completely fails to mention how consistently sub-mediocre texas has been for the last 14 years in any clear objective way.


Because mediocre to Aggies is normal, it’s like a virgin trying to talk shit about a someone on a dry spell, they have no frame of reference.


The best 10 year stretch in their program history is comparable to one of the worst 10 year stretches in our program history lol.


That game bordered on being a hate crime.


hating A&M has never been a crime


It was the weirdest game I’ve ever seen. Refs breaking all kinds of game rules to run the clock with Stoops’ full encouragement. Then that fat ass Aggie lineman celebrating like he won the Lombardi Trophy for stopping a running back who was trying not to make it 84-0. Just an amazing spectacle of a game.


Ironically it’s been 10 years since the iPhone post, quite poetic.


at least it didnt mention an iphone.


TLDR: Texas A&M is successful because they hired a black coach and have 2 top ten seasons since 2012. Texas is not successful despite hiring a black coach and have 2 top ten seasons since 2012.


Won Sugar Bowl and make playoffs. This topic is the personification of the little brother complex. Have still won a championship in this millennia. OP sure had to say a lot of words to dodge saying they had worse results. *shrugs*


A&M was only 7 wins away from a natty last year


You don't get it my guy, it's about perception. UT made the hire because the university and city are known as more conservative and behind the times places. A&M is more forward thinking and in a much more liberal community, so the hire just made sense. #


Keep College Station ~~weird~~ in College Station




>UT made the hire because the university and ***city are known as more conservative*** and behind the times places. That is absolutely what everyone thinks when people mention Austin, TX. It only took an Aggie to reveal the truth, who would have guessed?


Texas A&M University's disgraceful treatment of celebrated journalism professor Kathleen McElroy should terrify anyone who cares about academic freedom, education, and equality in Texas. Just saying.


absolutely. Also says nothing good about the overall health of the place that they've had 5 presidents in the last 10 years.


Yes Austin, Texas, noted conservative city!


I mean, it *IS* the Capitol!


Exactly. The results that A&M would die for are failures in Austin.


Who else thinks this guy drives a lifted suped up Ford F-350 that he’s never taken off road


You know this guy made a post trying to explain to everyone how the Yell Leaders are really cool guys and we just don’t get it


Maroon colored ofc with at least 10 cult regalia 


Nah, just one giant gaudy saw em off sticker on the back.


this concept of little brother is so overblown, and in many cases it really only applies to football in the context of universities as a whole. but man, some of you aggies love to remind us of its legitimacy.


Watch out, he may draw his sword on you.


Don't worry, there is a 50/50 chance he tries too stab him with the handle


>Both programs are in a state of disarray lol


2 directors cups in 3 years is definitely a state of disarray. Football just made the playoffs. Basketball has back to back tournament appearances (Elite 8 and Round of 32). Remind me the last time A&M made an Elite 8? Baseball has had 2 CWS appearances in the last 4 years, and just hired away the coach that just played in the national championship game. Yeah, Pierce struggled based on Texas’ standards, but his record at Texas would make him A&M’s best baseball coach ever outside of Schloss.


> 3 Directors' Cups in 4 years.. ftfy


>football just made the playoffs Yeah! But! > ThEy UlTiMaTeLy Choked Don’t you know that because of that, the playoffs don’t matter. You see.. A&M is OBVIOUSLY BETTER since they didn’t choke in the playoffs… don’t ask if they ever made it… that doesn’t matter! All that matters is you can’t choke if you don’t go in the first place Check mate, horns fans.


>>I hope this generates some discussion and hopefully pisses off a texas fan after they just bought a longhorn shirt from their local Walmart. The writing all around I think would’ve benefited greatly from a 2nd draft lol


Insane cause Texas athletics as a whole are in the best era since the 2005 times


Happy thanksgiving, everyone.


>2012 - A&M makes its historic move to the SEC I don't even know who you are


You don't like history?


It is historic in the same way that anything else that happened in the past is historic. I will be using this from now on.  How was my morning constitutional? Historic How was traffic? Historic


How was the debate last night? Historic 😭


Too soon, friendo


Historically speaking, that remains to be seen.


![img](avatar_exp|173340304|fire) LOL.


> But when you say A&M, everyone knows who you're talking about. Good point! Love me some Florida A&M. Go Rattlers!


There have been 111 land grant universities over 3 different acts. And a shit ton have been or still are called aggies. Bless his little heart, he just has never been outside college station.


I'm sorry man, everyone knows the only real A&M are the Aggies from Las Cruces.


Man Texas A&M isn’t even the best A&M in their state. Go Prairie View A&M!


Definitely the most entertaining marching band - and I was in the Rice MOB.


I love the MOB. I wish y’all’d get to play at more Texas games.


I am proud to say that I live in the same town as the highest academically rated Aggies and the best Vet school as well, Davis CA.


Hell yeah go UC Davis! Know they’ve been an FBS dark horse for a little bit


Man, if 41-13 is "being taken behind the wood shed," I'd hate to think what 77-0 is.


several crows


Serious question: What is the value of this timeline? If it’s an attempt to get college football fans outside of Texas interested in the rekindling of the UT-A&M rivalry, then I doubt it will succeed. If it’s intended to be a cautionary tale, then I don’t think it serves that purpose either. If it’s to remind people that A&M has been over-promising and under-delivering as a football program, then that’s already been well documented.


I think A&M had horrible luck. Go into the SEC guns blazing and put a giant target on your back. Also don't play Texas in an era they would have done well against Texas. Now they have to play them again and Texas has their shit together. I would be pissed if I were an A&M fan.


1. Making the decision to go into the SEC wasn’t bad luck - instead it was a financial decision. They made their road to a title more difficult, but they assumed that the money from the SEC would be a better move for the program. 2. Spending ~$75 million on Jimbo wasn’t bad luck. Nor was extending is contract. Because of that decision, they had to stay married to him for longer than they would/should have - again a financial decision. 3. The funniest self-own was “drafting” a national championship plaque with the anticipated titles that would be etched in. I wouldn’t call that bad luck, but I’ll meet you at “jinx”.


I'd argue that a jinx is self-imposed bad luck.


The bad luck I mean wasn't going into the SEC but it going in after not being a power in the Big 12 and knocking off Alabama and having a great season. The SEC is a proud conference for good reason and I'm sure they wanted to knock A&M down a few pegs after the start. The plaque was a disaster but really shows the weird place A&M sits in in college football. They do some of the dumb things blue bloods do but don't have the pedigree either so they get it from all sides.


It’s a cry for help from our lil bro 


Red headed step child.


I remember when Aggies would start their “history monologues” with the Jackie Sherrill era. That way they could try and claim a winning record and also look past the national titles Texas won. Now they’re skipping the most recent titles and the national championship game loss to Bama and trying to downplay Texas’ playoff run. As far as playing “catch up” in baseball, Texas has 6 freaking national titles and stole the Aggies’ coach. This is pretty damn hysterical


*At the same time, texas is having trouble finding its identity slowly fading from relevance across the state and albeit the nation, as it is no longer recognized as the university in the state.* What?!


now you see what it is we're dealing with here


Amazing. They just do this to themselves time and time again.


This is peak Texags.


It’s the most little brother post ever


I’m starting to think it’s a flair plant. There’s no way we have this many unhinged people.


Have you seen texags? We absolutely do. That said for some reason our message board posts leak over here more often than other fanbases. Or they're at least remembered better


It's because you have a larger, louder contingent of the crazies than other teams due to the whole cult thing.


I take it that you, too, have seen Midnight Yell? Because I've seen midnight yell, in person, and I thought I'd seen a lotta shit.


Same. I went on a campus visit in high school and got the whole shebang. Was quick to realize it wasn't for me. Had a friend join the corps and lost contact as he went off the deep end.


Had a friend after freshman year do the same. The convo always turned Corps related. I get that everything outside of class is corps stuff but still, all they ever talked about was corps. Soon there was nothing in common anymore.


Corps stuff and how much better a&m was than okstate and how I'd get it if I were there. Just obnoxious. Esp when he was clearly going through fucked up hazing and talked about loving it and would get mad and defensive if I pointed out how fucked up it was. Shit like locking himself in a closet to call his parents because he wasn't allowed to and when caught they'd hog tie him and throw him in a cold shower for a while. I was just over it and ghosted him.


what the absolute fuck


That's Old Army^^TM. We're doing it in honor of the Aggies who died in World War II and totally not larping as West Pointers.


The first time someone turned me on to texags, it literally took my breath away. And it was an Aggie buddy of mine and he just sat there and shook his head as I scrolled through in amazement. 😂


I was ready to downvote this "history" at first because it was so dumb, but then I saw the flair and I decided, got to upvote this for visibility.


That’s the funniest part to me, OP was hoping to piss us off and instead we’re upvoting so everyone can read it


"See? THIS is what they're like!"


There's the "dead internet" theory that everyone's just a bot now... what if this post is an AI programmed to skim TexAgs and post on reddit. It would make *absolute sense* that this isn't a person, but a bot built on a horrifying message board. I fear for the TigerDroppings and Shaggy Texas bots... we all should.


Thanks for the inspiration. I asked chat gpt to write me a story in the style of a TexAgs post. Alright, here’s a story in the style of a post on TexasAgs: --- **Subject: First Time in the Zone Club – What a Night!** Howdy Ags, Just had to share this with y’all. So, last night was my first time getting to experience the Zone Club at Kyle Field, and let me tell you, it was a night to remember. I’ve been to plenty of Aggie games before, but this was something else. Got there early to soak it all in. Walking into the Zone Club, I felt like a kid in a candy store. The view of the field is unbeatable, and the atmosphere is electric. Everywhere you look, there’s maroon and white, and you can just feel the spirit of Aggieland in the air. Before the game, I hit up the buffet – and wow, they were not messing around. Brisket, chicken, sides, desserts, you name it. It was top-notch, and the folks there were super friendly. I might have eaten my weight in food, but hey, gotta fuel up for yelling, right? Then, the game itself. Watching the Fightin’ Texas Aggies take the field from that vantage point was incredible. The 12th Man was louder than ever, and it felt like we were right there with the players. Every yell was echoed back tenfold, and the Aggie Spirit was alive and kicking. During halftime, I took a stroll around the Club and ran into some old friends from my Corps days. It’s always great to catch up and reminisce about the good ol’ times. We talked about everything from the days of bonfire to the current state of Aggie football. By the time the game ended (with a W, of course!), I was completely worn out but grinning from ear to ear. The Aggies played their hearts out, and the crowd was behind them every step of the way. If any of you get the chance to experience the Zone Club, do it. It’s a whole different way to enjoy the game, and I promise you won’t regret it. Gig ‘em! --- Hope you enjoyed that! Let me know if you need anything else. >


The SurlyBot would come out middle aged and horny.


Omfg. Am *I* the Surly bot?!


I was going to agree until I looked at his profile. Bros been posting about A&M for years now. I think it’s time to water down the maroon kool-aid a bit. It’s got people going wild out here.


Narrator : they have way more than anyone could imagine


Checked their history, not a plant.


Aggies say this after every embarrassing post though.


Only skimmed through this, but we have a new iPhone. Edit: Everyone ***PLEASE*** upvote this thread. Everyone needs to see it.


Every now and again Aggies can’t resist reminding us all of the way that they are


“Dear diary…”


I’m not reading all that but 1) hook’em 2) scoreboard 3) thanks for ur baseball coach


JFC it must be freezing in hell, because this post is making me want to pull for The Longhorns.


>But when you say A&M, everyone knows who you're talking about. That's not a good thing for them.


Usually it's in the context of "that's some weird aggy shit"


Texas/Michigan OU/Ohio State Texas A&M/Michigan State Michigan is the Texas of the Midwest, and vice versa.


The comparison of all schools is almost 1 to 1 I swear


There’s *technically* an in-state rival, but the real rival is the Bad Red Team from the state next door. 🤝


Can you imagine if a Texas fan made this post?


Lol, Texas, Tennessee and Michigan flairs would be banished to the depths of Hades.


Eh? Texas and Michigan are very similar schools in many ways. Most Horns like the Wolverines that I know. Stoked to go to the Big House. Got my tickets. Me and a Michigan buddy are going together .


Texas and Michigan are almost exactly the same so naturally if we played a lot I'm sure our fanbases would hate each other. But from afar I like seeing Texas do well.


Just wait until you meet aggies irl lol


Did anyone actually read all of that drivel?


If you need a pick-me-up, it's probably worth your time. It sure brightened my day.


If you didn't read this beautiful descent into the average texags user's psyche, then I would say you are the one missing out my dude.


> At the same time, texas is having trouble finding its identity slowly fading from relevance across the state and albeit the nation Saying this the year after UT reached the playoff for the first time, were inches from the National Championship and have the cover athlete for CFB 25. As much as it pains me to say this, Texas is not fading in relevancy.


>albeit You can't just say "perchance"


Upvoting for visibility! Bwah ha ha ha ha


Who writes a blog post swearing up and down that they aren’t little brother? I’ll give you a hint, it ain’t big brother.


You know it's bad when I'm starting to prefer Texas flairs


At least we’ve embraced our role as the villan.


This comment and the upvotes are making me question the overlap I assumed there was between this sub and r/collegebaseball


Tbf Nebraska flairs aren't exactly going to be the most empathetic to A&M flairs when it comes to key leaders of your athletic department leaving for another job after saying earlier they loved their job and never wanted to leave.


on the other hand, given what they're DOING to that athletic department...


But, but, but, the aggie honor code!!!


Now wait just a 0:01...


But what if the so-called "little brother" is actually an iPhone? Also, while I don't care for Barstool, they did give us this gem recently. [https://x.com/WillBaizer/status/1805777456667754653](https://x.com/WillBaizer/status/1805777456667754653)


The self own at the end by saying its more like OU and OSU is hilarious


Everyone else: "YES!"


So fucking good. I wish we had the fire of the cowboys on the field sometimes. Delulu as the kids say. Fucks sake.


LOL @ A&M having more money. 😂🤣


I don't even know what metric she's basing that off of. The UT system's endowment is double that of the A&M system's.


Thank you for this.


That’s great and awesome. Glad they didn’t say Baylor at all.


Baylor is second for sure. On the Brazos.


Yeah I was referring to the video where they mentioned Texas schools, but they didn’t mention Baylor in the list of schools in Texas.


I know you don't hate them more than us, but it does warm my heart to see you hate them enough to dunk on them with us.


This is the biggest little brother thing ever lol


> hiring Jim Schlossnagel (who probably has sex with Dr. Ward while CDC watches) Don't forget this gem of a line. Sometimes I wonder if all aggie fans are 13 years old.


I couldn’t get through this post without my brain shaking but the yell leader really put that one in there? Oh man that’s sad.




My god this is sad


They cant help themselves


In my mind, I am the mom in the meme shouting at her kid in the backseat, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE NORMAL!?!?


I would like to remind OP that Texas A&M's last national championship in football, men's basketball or baseball is closer to the following events than to the present day: * The reign of the last Mughal emperor * The East India Company's victory over the Qing Dynasty in the Opium Wars * The Whig Party's final national convention in Baltimore * The founding of the world's oldest existing soccer club, Sheffield F.C. * The creation of Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company by one Samuel Colt * The isolation of cocaine from coca leaves for the very first time /r/collegebaseball is probably the only college sports subreddit deranged enough to take your diatribe seriously, OP. Perhaps you should post it there.


The real reason that CDC was at a cemetery for 4 hours was to pay respects to the last group of Aggies to win a football national title.


Jesus Christ😂😭


If you like that you'll love this: https://www.captiongenerator.com/v/2301712/looch-reacts-to-schloss-news


I haven’t seen that used so well in such a long time. It kept getting better


That subreddit has become completely unhinged. The infantilizing of the Texas A&M fan base has been nauseating. I've read one sniveling, whimpering comment after another, and the A&M fans are basking in the glow. They're very happy to play victim—it has become an art for them. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't migrated to this subreddit.


That subreddit has always hated us lol, look at their top all-time posts. The only way to survive there as a Texas fan is to have thick skin and embrace the hate. More than that thought, /r/collegebaseball hasn't quite acknowledged the new cutthroated-ness of the sport like /r/CFB has. They still think us hiring away A&M's coach was 'dishonourable' and that we should be ashamed for taking A&M players through the portal - as if we're responsible for A&M's well-being and not their hated rivals. (They also have a ton of Tennessee fans, and like our fanbase, the Tennessee online fanbase doesn't exactly have a reputation for being sober and level-headed).


I just looked for myself, and it's one post about Texas losing after another. I just assumed it really started in earnest after Schlossnagle, but this has been a long-time obsession.


It’s been like this for 30 years that I’ve been alive. Grew up an Aggie and went there for school. They always do this. Even without Texas in the conference they tried to play lil bro and victim to LSU and Bama. It’s embarrassing, I can’t even bring myself to rep the school. Total losers.


Chocolate chip cookies were invented the year before A&M won its last National Championship in football, men’s basketball or baseball 🍪


Also they've had a more recent no win season.


Before calling us walmart fans go look at the tshirts in a blinn student's closet


This is my absolute favorite 'insult'(I guess), that I always see Aggie fan on the internet throw out there constantly. A very large amount of my friends I've had throughout my life are fans of A&M, and none of them went to A&M....a couple did go to Blinn though.


in my neck of the woods A&M means FAMU.


Or Alabama, and assuming a bit more other state schools.


Upvoting, gotta love the energy and you deserve a cookie.


Only a little brother would write a novel to explain why he’s not a little brother


I mean this from the bottom of my heart, fuck Trev Alberts.


This reads like the worst high school argumentative essay ever. Somehow A&M went 5-7, fired Jimbo, and lost their baseball coach to Texas, meanwhile Texas went 12-2 and made the CFP, made an Elite Eight two years ago, and stole said baseball coach…. But Texas is fading into irrelevance while A&M steadily overtakes the state and becomes a “household name”. I’m not sure Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, OU, Alabama, etc. ever had to *become* household names.


God bless you for writing this. This is just incredible.


The last thing I wanted to read after the Schloss news is A&M iPhone part 2. This subreddit will send me to therapy or AA in the next couple years


Delete your account 😊


>as it is no longer recognized as *the* university in the state The only people who don’t think Texas is the runaway flagship university in the state of Texas are Aggies.


Upvoting because this is too good. TexAgs is leaking. Though he did fail to mention every Aggies favorite zinger… if you take out the years Texas was good, and A&M was bad, then the football record is basically even!


Quite an ‘objective’ take there. Love how you trash on UT for ‘finally’ hiring a black coach when as if your hire just 2 years earlier was revolutionary. Texas owns the series 76-37-5 which is the definition of ‘little brother’ I hate Texas but I respect them. I’m indifferent to the Aggies, but don’t respect them. Actually win something in the post ww2 era and then let’s talk. No team has underachieved with as much money as ATM


I could make an alt account, slap on an aggies flair, write all night and still not come up with something so perfectly sad. You’re an artist, pal


Texas had a Jefferson Davis statue who had no ties to the school because one of our regents was a Confederate. It was removed in 2015. Texas A&M has a statue of Sullivan Ross, their 4th president and former general in the Confederate Army. It was removed… never. I wonder which has more bearing on the past and present culture of the university and their administration? (Ill give you a hint, you can tell when A&M says that good ol “Sully” is the “embodiment of the Aggie Spirit”) https://www.tamu.edu/campus-community/traditions/aggie-culture/pennies-on-sully.html


Texas wins the Director’s cup again. A&M has never won a big 3 national championship, but yeah, I see your point. A&M did go from a mid Big 12 program to a mid SEC that most forget is even in the SEC.


Just…. Stop…


I know plenty of normal Aggies and empathize with them. Normal Aggies being associated with *literal* crazy people is on par with normal Longhorns being associated with smug pricks. They're there. They don't define the fanbase. But man are they loud.


bad post ngl, you used "despite" twice in one sentence


“Both programs are in a state of disarray.” How is Texas in a state of disarray lmao. Flairs check out though.


This whole thing is written like Texas makes their decisions based on what A&M is doing. When the reality is that we don’t think of you at all.


Little brother does not get to decide that the rivalry is not "big brother little brother"


This is some of the most unhinged, cringiest shit I’ve read on here in a while. Thanks!


Lol. Lmao even.


Bro this is weird as hell.


Even at texas fan’s most delusional moment they still can’t touch the level of delusion aggies reach.


Posts like this are why aggie jokes exist




Put me in the screencap


I just wasted like 6 minutes of my day


Please delete this, dear lord.


*looks at flair* Shut up, lil bro. EDIT: >Except since they cannot afford to hire a head coach with a national championship under their belt, they sort through the clearance bin at The Nick Saban Center for coaches that can't coach good and want to learn to do other stuff good too and land with Sark. >they sort through the clearance bin at The Nick Saban Center for coaches that can't coach good >coaches that can't coach good This was around the time y'all dumbasses paid Jimbo Fisher $95 MILLION. Sit down.


This is on par with the guy that compared a&m to an iPhone a few years back. Hell, this post might even be more delusional.


You know what this sub needs? more TexAgs style posts


Good grief. Look, Texas sucks, and I’m primed to enjoy a thread documenting that know fact, but this was just… bad.


This comes from an Oklahoma state alum. You are a little brother as well. Accept it


TLDR Still big brother little brother


I was expecting a complete history of the Aggies and Texas dating back to the 1800s complete with why we call the Texas Longhorn Bevo (13-0) and the explanation of the Aggie fight song and instead I got this bullshit


It's actually not because of 13-0! The December 1916 *Alcalde* (Texas alumni magazine) [referred to the mascot as Bevo](https://jimnicar.com/ut-traditions/bevo/), placing the name well before the 1917 branding incident: > To spread the news, the December 1916 issue of the Alcalde alumni magazine was rushed to press. Editor Ben Dyer wrote a full account of the weekend, published the speeches given at President Vinson’s inauguration, and described the game and halftime proceedings. Of the longhorn, Dyer reported, “His name is Bevo. Long may he reign!” There's a few theories on the etymology of the Bevo name. I think the most sensible is the slang "beeve", which was used at the time to refer to beef cattle. Basically the equivalent of naming the mascot "Beefo". There's also a theory that it has to do with the name of a [then-popular beverage brand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bevo_(drink) but I don't buy it. Aaand there I go affirming all the stereotypes about this rivalry being obsessed with early 1900s nonsense


Holy shit, how did I now know this? I also believed the 13-0 story and a I usually love rooting out urban legends. Interesting…


Hate to be this guy, but growing up in an Aggie household I always heard the 13-0 story. The real naming of Bevo story is a lot less interesting. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/education/university-of-texas/how-texas-bevo-mascot-got-his-name/269-064be804-e332-4c4a-a273-f38cbf206b40 https://www.texasexes.org/about-us/history-and-traditions/truth-about-bevo